01-17-1963 HUCM71. January 7, 1963. Monthly Meeting. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson met at the office of R. I. Sheppard, President, on January 7, 1963• All members of the Commission were present. The following bills were allowed; Municipal Electric Plant 244 245 902 903 316.52 Wylie Texaco Service 880 26.70 Frank Motor Company 880 28.59 Ben Jerabek 376 381 895 56.00 Nelson +s "66» Station 880 7.95 Northern States Supply Inc 880 17.02 Hutchinson Leader, Inc 813 84.40 Natural Gas Division 235 431 20.75 McLeod Coop. Power Ass +n. 880 3.25 Coast to Coast Store 880 19.29 Fisher Governor Company 880 10.26 The Hutchinson Telephone Co. 880 22.75 Natural Gas Division 880 41.60 Municipal Electric Plant 903 160.00 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. �L W ;Oqj =o Wo Da Secre tary. ATTESTS f, R. I• eppard, rest ent. January 17, 1963, Special Meeting. A Special Meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on January 17, 1963at the office of R. I. Sheppard, President. All members of the Commission were present* Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Quade to sign and return Contract to Northern Natural Gas Company. (Re: demand charge.) (Copy on file in office.) Motion was unani- mously carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. CC.e,� 6 "'t R. W. Dahl, Secretary. ATTESTS (5;P/, R. Sheppard., Pres de .