11-05-1962 HUCM1 November 5, 1962. Monthly Meetin7. The Hutchinson Utilities Commissi.nn of the City of Hutchinson met at the office of R. T. Sheppard, President, on November 5, 1962. All members of the Commission were present. The following bills were allowed: Hutchinson Telephone Company Nelson's 1166" Station Standard Printins7 Company Northern States SupTpIv Tnc Sears, Roebuck ', Company A. L. Hepner George A. Clark €, Son Franzen's Hardware Stearnswwod Tnc H. C. Kerkow Strand Radiator Service McLeod Co -op. Power Association Burman Willmar Company Burkhardt- Larsen Company Hiitch-inson Leader Earl Hansen Citizens Bank American i "Teter Company 921 880 903 880 880 381 880 889 880 380 8 R0 880 151.3 R95 913 880 or 154.1 •.m, 931 There be_i_n7 no further b- siness, the meeting was ad, r;urned. / R. W. Dahl, Secretary. R. I. Sheppard, President. 38.09 53.95 23.80 8.00 51.47 6.32 3. 73 8.18 7.85 47.25 lo. 65 3.25 96.62 7.89 25.74 7.50 10.03 500.00 69.