12-04-1961 HUCM57. A T'j'E"--'. J, � 1,1 J e IS ]- 0 0 . W. Dai 1, Seere. tar -,,;, REGULAR X!E1'ET'A--"""(' Dec(,r,.--,1h(--- 4, 1961 T j,LE t C',j s 1 4- 4 F , ,1 Cf)t ' S S C, 1 1 C f lilt/ A 1,y 01 11111-C inson rr.,et at t11--e office o D r p 1) a rd . P r es i d e. n t on L) e c e n I ber 41 106-1 All Y,-,err,,bers of the Clarfu-iil.ssi cn we.re -r�,re;sent Comirission(>r Thompscn-, made a -rn-tion to allow a ;P'25-00, net., V/1", Christrr-tas bonus to Orville Duik.en and Ivan Lai -Son. ComirlLssicner Kurth seconded the fore r,o -ng motion and, I)pon roll call, all mer-hers of the Cormn.ission voted in favor il:-I" c. VV e, re a o w, e" Northern tte< upu1v n c 3z'0 2 4 O E', c-, r n er i r s t i -- i e S I n c - 154.3 103.80 P i r s S I I e -1L 1 3t a, t- i o n 8e0 15 05 c s o.- e e, ph ire Ca. 921 27.30 t a I :A' Pr n'- i rif", Co. 903 5 8 7, (j 4a 913 10 00 Ruth T. a k e 361, BRO 39.:.,5 R (" c k te, uilc, Inc, 3 R 11 2.00 N a r r s P r Fj 0 �!� 11 0 I M 39 .3c) B-Lirmat: -'Willn.a.r- Co. 15 x_.? 3) 7 9 4 :tiilie e r. C o Yortj-aern SIQ-L' 'es L,upply,, Inc, %300 22.42 Elmer Bepwal(A S a 125.65 T., 'meapol-Al.s Cc. 15.4 .1 542 .�50 Rlit"n -,:--Iak.- .1 244, 245, 903 545.69 1 -w ,: - C - Ker'locc. 376 106.7- Yueller Co. 154.3 23*89 Elmer T E-,.,4VC -j P , _ � 1, lalary �j - 13-5 -3k,) Plowmar Motors 680 31-96 Be'L"Y--(-.r- Construction Co. 37C- 43.50 Nort"'-err; Mates Power Co. 154.1 581-00 Hutcl, "ins on Leader 913 42 .00 Ther o ;;el r., no furth.e• business, the vv,9- s aJ lourned A T'j'E"--'. J, � 1,1 J e IS ]- 0 0 . W. Dai 1, Seere. tar -,,;, REGULAR X!E1'ET'A--"""(' Dec(,r,.--,1h(--- 4, 1961 T j,LE t C',j s 1 4- 4 F , ,1 Cf)t ' S S C, 1 1 C f lilt/ A 1,y 01 11111-C inson rr.,et at t11--e office o D r p 1) a rd . P r es i d e. n t on L) e c e n I ber 41 106-1 All Y,-,err,,bers of the Clarfu-iil.ssi cn we.re -r�,re;sent Comirission(>r Thompscn-, made a -rn-tion to allow a ;P'25-00, net., V/1", Christrr-tas bonus to Orville Duik.en and Ivan Lai -Son. ComirlLssicner Kurth seconded the fore r,o -ng motion and, I)pon roll call, all mer-hers of the Cormn.ission voted in favor 58. thereof; whereupon Chairr,ian Sheppard dee lsred the motion duly adopted. The following bills were allowed; Geo . Clark he Son 880 4.81 Sears Rcebuc k =: Co. 385 85.91 Elmer Rerwald Salary 107.70 Ruth Hake1 880 34.74 VVylie Tex,-,.co Serv- ce 8 0 3.25 Orville: Kuiken 871 92.75 HiAchinson Iron_ & tiet.al Co. 880 4.00 Rockite ilc, Inc. 381 4.80 T, rutchinson Telephone Co. 921 37. "l0 StarLdard Printing Co. 903, 913 99.85 S irnons en "Lumber 880 32.88 Franzen':. hardware 880 1.97 1111ut c hi. nson Leader 913 32.64 Frank x: Rol fe 376 5.00 Han:r:_e;^ 'ar(JAtivare 880 8.18 arold A. Gram's AEency 165 50.69 R , t 11 F? a ke J.. 244, 245, 903, 931 327.r -53 G . A . . rt; zke ,?. Son, Inc . 080 2.10 7 i.la. Hardware 880 7.30 2 ort :,err, •te.t es :iupply Co. P810 21.52 M11)elI cr C, o. 154.3, 880 110.95 Stearnswcod, Inc. 880 11.47 Hutcrlinson Oil Co. 080 3.8` 5urraarl — 'Tvli11mmar C o • 154.3 37-21 Pvueller Co. 154.3 43.57 A. J. N1a.suen Co. E180 24.73 There beinL no further business, the nacet.inE was adjourned. Dahl, Secretary TT ES T K; R. I. Sile -paid, Pr ,si.dert