04-03-1961 HUCMREGULAR MEETIKG IApril 3, 1961 The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutch- inson met at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard, President., on April 3, 1961. All members of the Commission were present. The following bills were allowed: Eutch.inson Telephone Co. 19.20 Standard Printin,-, Co. 903 9.25 Northern States 3iApply Inc. 874 31-92 Plowman P,'-'otors 671 253-25 Furman -V-1illmar Co. 360 329-43 'Wylie Texaco Service 871 18-24 Burman-V'v'illnar Co. 107 56-33 Ruth hakel 880 36-47 American Meter Company 107 247.50 Orville Kuiken 920 10.40 Weyerhaeuser Company 107 2.82 Wigen Chevrolet Co. 671 2.50 W. S. Darley Co. 8715 22-20 Burman - Willmar Co. 304 11.18 There being no further business the meeting was ad j ourned . GWv R. Dahl, Secretary ATTESTED:_6� /gt6a.-� 3 1-,.e- p- a rd President 11 47.