02-06-1961 HUCM1 C� 43 . REGULAR MEETING February 6, 1961 The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutch- inson met at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard, President, on February 6, 1961• All members of the Commission were present. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting were read and approved. Motion was made by Commiss ioner Thompson to increase the salary of both Orville Kuiken and Ivan Larson x"25.00 per month, effective Feb. 1, 1961• Old New Orville Kuiken 550.00 575.,00 Ivan Larson 475.00 500.00 Commissioner Kurth seconded the foregoing motion and, upon roll call, all members of the Commission voted in favor thereof; whereupon Chairman Sheppard declared the motion duly adopted. The following bids were received for the repair of the GMC Truck; Klitzke Auto Body Myron Wigen Chevrolet Co. Plowman Motors 329.88 264.35 248.75 Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson to accept the low bid of Plowma n Motors . Commissioner Kurth seconded the foregoing motion and, upon roll call, all members of the Commission voted in favor thereof; whereupon Chairman Sheppard declared the motion duly adopted. Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson to issue a check in the amount of $33,948.32 to the L. R. young Construction Com- pany, representing the final payment, less telemetering equipment. Comrdsssioner Kurth seconded the foregoing motion and, upon roll call., all members of the Commission voted in favor thereof; whereupon Chairman Sheppard declared the motion duly adopted. The following bills were allowed; K D U Z Jim Hoel Mueller Company Hutchinson Leader Zila. Hardware American Meter Coo Fisher- Governor Co. #913 50.75 391 64.00 394 42.90 913 74.40 107 31.92 107 1,584.74 107 12.61 44 . American Gas Company #107 2.50 Ruth Hakel 131 25.00 Town & Country Hardware 107 6.79 Hutchinson Telephone Co. 930 33.20 Frank's Mobil Service 871 2.60 Hoffman Plumbing, & Htg. 107 100.99 394 181.98 Harold A. Grams Agcy 165 57.60 Kemske Paper Co. 391 16.92 Burman - Willmar Co. 107 23.97 Standard Printing Co. 903 70.45 Northern Natural Gas Co. 807 12,211.45 Geo. A. Clark & Son 107 27.56 Erickson Oil Products 871 34.89 Wallace Crandall 107 19.80 L•R.Young Construction Co. 107 33,948.32 American Meter Co. 107 523.86 Harvey Popp 394 17.56 Hutchinson Telephone Co. 930 10.65 Northern States Supply- 394 276.59 There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Sec e ary ATTESTEll, -A--.,, L R. I. S keppard, Presi en