06-24-1960 HUCMS { J� SPEC EOTING June 24, 1960 The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, held a special meeting at the office of the President, Dr. R. I. Sheppard, on June 24, 1960, with all members present. Commissioner Thompson introduced the following 1. resolution and moved its adoption; Resolution 89 As per resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 Numbering resolutions from 1936 - 2006 For search purposes only R E S O L U T I O N BE IT RESOLVED by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the specifications and contract documents for the Municipal Natural Gas System for the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, datAd "April 15, 1960, prepared by Barnard and Burk, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Buell and Winter Engineering Company, Sioux City-, Iowa, be arid' the same are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and speci- fications for the construction of a Gas Utility System for the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commission shall, meet at its office in the City of Hutchinson on Thursday, the 28th day of July, 1960, at 1;30 o'clock P.M., Central Daylight Savings Time, to consider sealed bids for the construction of said Gas Utility System. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Commission shall cause an advertisement for bids in substantially the form set out in said specifications and contract documents, to be published at least once, not less than 30 days prior to said date, for advertisement of bids in the official newspaper and in Construction P, 2. Bulletin, a trade paper published in Minneapolis, Minnesota. SYSTEM—RIDS CLOSE JULY 28 Hutchinson, Minn. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS — Sealed proposals will be received by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission Of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota at its office in the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota until 1:30 o'clock p.m., Cen- tral Daylight Savings Time, July 23, 1360 for the construction of the fol- lowing projects: Project No. 1 — Municipal Natural Gas System Project No. 2 — Gas Service Meters and Regulators. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bid received after closing time will be returned unopened. Copies of Plans, 'Specifications and other proposed Contract Documents are on file at the Utilities Commission of- fice, Hutchinson, Minnesota, and in the office of Buell and Winter Engi- neering Co., Consulting Engineers, In- surance Exchange Building, Sioux City, Iowa, and are open for public inspec- tion. A set of such documents may be obtained from Buell and Winter Engi- neering Co. by qualified contractors No bid may be withdrawn for at least thirty (30) days after the sched- uled closing time for the receipt of the bids. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive informalities. Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minn. ROSS I, SHEPPARD Attest: President R. W. DAHL Secretary (This notice first appeared June 30') Construction Bulletin 1022 Upper Midwest Building Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It is closely read every week, by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2 A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date of L._ Commissioner Dahl seconded the foregoing motion and, upon roll call, all members of the Commission voted unanimously in favor of said resolution, where- upon the President, Dr. R. I. Sheppard, declared said resolution to be duly adopted. Commissioner Thompson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption-. R E S O L U T I O N BE IT RESOLVED by Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the Pres- ident and Secretary of said Commission be and they hereby are authorized to execute on behalf' of said Commission three certain contracts with Northern Natural Gas Company, Omaha, Nebraska, relating to demand charges for gas for the ,years of 1960, 61 and 62 and which said contracts are respectively dated June 24, 1960• Said motion,was duly seconded by Commissioner Dahl and, upon roll call, all members of the Com- mission voted unanimously in favor cf the resolution, whereupon the President, Dr. R. I. Sheppard, de- Glared said resolution to be duly adopted. Commissioner Thompson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption; R E S O L U T I O N BE IT RESOLVED that Hutchinson Utilities Com- mission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, pay to Buell and Winter Engineering Company the sum of $16,850.00 according to a statement submitted by said Company and the Commission's check shall be issued to said engineering company in said amount. Said motion was duly seconded by Commissioner 3. -n Z D 70 0 Cn W Cr CD o rn 0CD n (D o 3000 �m "o -0 0 0 0 E 0 U 0Cnnoo o � o a 3 0 �CD 0 C 0) i N N 0(0 a°) o rn -nZD;p 0 cn CD CD 0 CD oscc o� o 0 CO c CD 0 o (n o o �osv 3 Q- 0 -0 co 0 WQ rn I N O N cI rn00 4. Dahl and, upon roll call, all members of the Com- mission voted unanimously in favor of the resolution, whereupon the President, Dr. R. I. Sheppard, declared said resolution to be duly adopted. I, R. W. Dahl, do hereby certify that I am the acting Secretary of Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, and further certify that the resolutions hereto attached are true, correct, and complete copies of the originals thereof as unan- imously adopted by said Commission at a special meeting held in the office of the President, Dr. R. I. Sheppard, on June 24, 1960. R. W. Dahl, Secretary There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. I F1 2 R. W. Dahl, Secretary ATTESTED:(;?, R. I. Rh�eppard.. resident 1 1