June 24, 2013, 5:30 p.m.
Members Present: Chair Deb Roepke, Marlin Torgerson, Don Walser, Chris Kleiman, Lyle
Mullins, Roger Stearns, Steve Bauer and Mary Inglis
Members Absent: Mark Lewandowski
Others Present: Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Steve Cook, Mayor
Chair Roepke called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Review City Charter Amendments Recommendation as Decided at Last Charter Commission
Chair Roepke explained that at the last meeting, the Charter Commission had voted on
recommending two Charter changes. One was to amend the percentage required for petitions from
20% to 5 %. The second change was to amend the section related to surety bonds requiring that
the City cover the required employees.
Chair Roepke explained the methods available for having these amendments adopted.
Mayor Cook had requested to meet with the Charter Commission again to review the Charter
Commission's recommendation on the petition requirement change. Mayor Cook distributed
information on Greater Minnesota cities' requirements for initiatives and referendums. Mayor
Cook also distributed materials on sample election returns. Mayor Cook explained that he felt
10% of the total number of votes is a more significant requirement for petition signatures and is
more in line with what other cities' requirements are. Chris Kleiman noted that the percentage
requirement is to only put an amendment on the ballot and voters still have to vote an amendment
in. Mayor Cook also suggested that the percentage requirement be of registered voters and not
just of those who voted for mayor.
Marlin Torgerson noted that he would be in favor of increasing the petition requirements to 10%
from the 5% that was voted on at the last Charter Commission meeting.
Roger Stearns noted he was in favor of a 10% petition requirement.
Discussion was held regarding when elections are held and the types of elections.
Chris Kleiman stated he would be in favor of the 10% requirement due to the cost of elections.
Motion by Torgerson, second by Walser to rescind the original action of the last Charter
Commission and recommend that Section 5.02 of the City Charter be amended to require 10% of
total votes of last regular election for petition requirements. Discussion was held regarding
changing to total of registered voters. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Cook also mentioned that Hutchinson Utilities Commission requires that members of the
Commission be city residents. HUC is beginning to serve outside city limits, therefore Mayor
Cook suggested considering allowing one member to serve on board that resides outside of city
limits but that is in HUC's service territory or is a customer of HUC.
Don Walser noted that the Charter Commission should keep in mind that most decisions of the
HUC directly relate to city residents that wouldn't necessarily affect someone who resides outside
of city limits.
Motion by Torgerson, second by Kleiman, to adjourn at 6:00 p.m.