December 19, 2011 — 5:30 p.m.
Members Present: Chair Deb Roepke, Mark Cormier, Roger Stearns, Lyle Mullins, Marlin
Members Absent: Mark Lewandowski and Mary Inglis
Others Present: Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Melissa Starke, Recorder
Chair Roepke called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Commission members spoke of potential candidates to be appointed to the Charter Commission.
These individuals included Jim Haugen, Pat Bestick, Phil Graves, Dave Heidebrink, Don Walser,
Dan Honsey, Chris Kleiman and Anthony Hanson. Attorney Sebora noted he will draft a letter to
these individuals to see if they may be interested in serving.
It was mentioned that the annual meeting will be held in September in 2012.
Motion by Roepke, second by Stearns, to adjourn at 5:50 p.m.