June 14, 2010, 5:30 p.m.
Members Present: Chair Deb Roepke, Walt Clay, Lyle Mullins, Judy Simons, Mary
Inglis, Steve Bauer, Marlin Torgerson, Mark Lewandowski and Virgil Voigt.
Members Absent: Roger Stearns, Diane Gordon and Mark Cormier
Others Present: Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Melissa Starke, Recorder
Chair Roepke called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
1. Discussion of Extending Mayor's Term to Four Years
Deb Roepke noted that the City Council has requested that the Charter Commission
consider extending the mayor's term from two years to four years. Marlin
Torgerson, former mayor, provided his comments on two -year terms for the mayor's
seat. Mr. Torgerson expressed that he feels a two -year term is more than adequate.
Ms. Roepke noted that 162 participants took part in a Hutchinson Leader poll: 7.4%
were in favor of mayor's term, 10.5% were in favor of expanding Council; 18%
were in favor of both ideas; 53% were opposed to both ideas; 10.5% did not have an
Walt Clay noted that he recalled a time when a mayor was in seat whom the
residents did not want in office. He felt that if the mayor's term would have been
four years, real trouble would have been had. Mr. Clay was opposed to a four -year
Mayor Cook, through Marc Sebora, wrote comments to the Charter Commission.
Mayor Cook researched other cities whom all had longer terms than two years other
than Bemidji. Mayor Cook feels that a four -year term makes sense because the
mayor's seat is just like the other Council seats (which have a term of four years).
He expressed that he did not think any change should take place until 2012 or 2014.
Mark Lewandowski noted that the feedback he has received is to leave the Mayor's
term as is. He noted there is no additional cost to having the mayor serve a two -year
Judy Simons expressed that a two -year term seems adequate. There is no added
expense, the candidate seeking the mayor's seat should know the job before taking
office, and if there are issues with the mayor's performance, he /she does not fill that
seat for as long a term.
Mary Inglis noted that there is a learning curve for any position, no matter the length
of term.
Marc Sebora spoke about the ways a City Charter can be amended. These ways
include voting at an election or a recommendation from the Charter Commission to
the City Council to make an ordinance change.
Motion by Voigt, second by Clay, to leave the City Charter as written and not
change the mayor's term limit. Motion carried unanimously.
2. Discussion of Expanding City Council to Seven Members
Marc Sebora noted that the Council Members are paid monthly, as well as a per
diem amount.
Mayor Cook commented via written communication that he does not feel the
number of Council Members is a critical issue at this time, but other cities do have
more than five Council Members. However, other cities have ward representation,
which the City of Hutchinson does not. Marc Sebora spoke about the City Council
seat designation. The mayor's communication also noted that with the number of
boards and commissions the City has, perhaps with more Council Members, the
work load could be spread more evenly. He also noted that other cities our size
have between 6 -9 members.
Marlin Torgerson spoke that he feels all City Council Members serve for the
betterment of the entire community. He did not feel that there is an issue about
representation. Mr. Torgerson expressed that he does not feel the work load needs
to be thinned out for the Council Members. Mr. Torgerson noted that he completed
research as well, and he felt it was really a toss up on the number of Council
Members amongst comparable cities.
Mark Lewandowski expressed that increasing the membership of the Council will
be an added expense, and more members may mean lengthier meetings. The
boards /commissions meetings could be at the discretion of the Council Members
whom serve on them as to whether or not they will attend.
Walt Clay expressed concern with the increased expense of additional Council
Judy Simons noted that Hutchinson's population has increased approximately
10,000 in the time she has lived here. Ms. Simons noted that the only time she
noticed a burden was when Kay Peterson was out for an extended period of time due
to an illness. Ms. Simons expressed that perhaps the Charter could be amended to
address this type of issue. Marc Sebora noted that Section 2.09 does address it
General discussion was held regarding proposed language to address the issue if
someone is unable to perform their duties on the Council for an extended period of
time. Virgil Voigt and Walt Clay expressed that the language in Section 2.09 is
adequate and the elected officials in current office should enforce the City Charter
as written.
Motion by Simons, second by Lewandowski, to leave the Charter as written and not
expand the membership. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Items From the Floor
Marlin Torgerson commented on the seat designation process. Mr. Torgerson
believes that an at -large system with the top vote getters winning office is
Judy Simons asked about the reasoning for seat designation. She does not feel it
makes the most sense.
General discussion was held on the former system of top vote - getters versus the
current system of designated seats.
Walt Clay suggested that Marc Sebora research whether or not other cities have
their Council seats designated such as Hutchinson, without ward representation. Mr.
Clay also suggested that two Council Members attend the next Charter Commission
meeting to discuss seat designation. Clay suggested inviting Steve Cook and Jim
Haugen to the next Charter Commission meeting to discuss seat designation.
June 28th at 5:30 p.m. will be the next meeting date.
It was determined that the research previously requested from Marc Sebora, City
Attorney, would not be necessary.
4. Adj ourn
Motion by Torgerson, second by Simons to adjourn at 6:55 p.m.