December 16, 2009 — 12:00 p.m.
Members Present: Steve Bauer, Marlin Togerson, Deb Roepke, Lyle Mullins, Virgil Voigt, Judy
Simons, Roger Stearns
Members Absent: Diane Gordon, Mark Lewandowski, Mary Inglis, Mark Cormier and Walt Clay
Others Present: Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Melissa Starke, Recorder
The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m.
City Attorney Marc Sebora explained that state statute requires that the Charter Commission
convene at a minimum of one time each year and that an annual report be submitted.
New members of the Charter Commission were introduced. They are: Steve Bauer, Lyle Mullins
and Marlin Togerson.
Attorney Sebora reviewed the term lengths of each Commission member. Attorney Sebora also
mentioned that a chair person will need to be selected.
Motion by Stearns, second by Simons, to elect Deb Roepke as the Chair of the Charter
Commission. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Sebora reviewed changes made to the Charter in 2008. The main revisions included
removing all language pertaining to HAHC, which became a non - profit private organization.
Attorney Sebora inquired as to whether the Commission has any proposed revisions to be
considered. Torgerson noted he may have proposed changes to discuss in the future. Voigt
offered to assist Torgerson with the reviewing of any proposed changes.
The meeting times and days of the week for future meetings was discussed.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 p.m.