10-03-2005 CHCMCharter Commission Minutes October 3, 2005 Members Present: Chair Mike Cannon, Roger Petersen, Deb Roepke, Chuck Carlson, Ron McGraw, Linda Remucal, Mark Cormier, Roger Stearns, Judy Simons and John Miller Members Absent: Virgil Voight and Walt Clay Others Present: City Attorney, Marc Sebora; Phil Graves, Hutchinson Area Health Care; Steve Snapp, Hospital Privatization Task Force; Steve Cook, Mayor; Coleen Mix, Petition Committee; and Melissa Starke, Recorder Mike Cannon called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Mike Cannon explained that a petition had been received in reference to a Charter amendment regarding the sale of Hutchinson Area Health Care. Marc Sebora, City Attorney, explained that Coleen Mix had contacted him earlier this year regarding the process to start a petition. Mr. Sebora explained that Coleen Mix, Petition Circulation Committee, has submitted a petition to make this Charter amendment. Coleen Mix stated that she feels the citizens of Hutchinson should have the right to vote on the ownership of Hutchinson Area Health Care since it is currently a publicy -owned hospital. It was noted that the Petition Committee received 353 petitioner signatures with a required number of 347 petitioner signatures. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, will then verify the number of signatures to confirm that they are sufficient. If they are not, Ms. Mix will have 10 days to acquire more signatures. If the additional signatures are sufficient, this amendment will go to a vote of the citizens of Hutchinson. If they are not sufficient, this particular petition will be null and void. Mr. Sebora explained that the meeting of the Charter Commission is a requirement of the law when a petition has been received by the city. The Charter Commission must formally accept the petition. Roger Stearns asked if the City Council could vote on this Charter language amendment. Mr. Sebora answered that the City Council cannot, it must go to a public vote. Phil Graves, HAHC President, explained the work that the Hospital Privatization Task Force has completed over the last year. After much study and research, the Task Force is recommending that the organization be operated as a private, non - profit organization. The details of the model (lease, transfer, etc.) are yet to be configured. An idea of the Task Force is to have the assets of the hospital transferred to a private, non - profit organization. This will allow the hospital to remain competitive in the market place. Roger Petersen noted that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, under current City Charter, may not be sold unless it is voted on by the public. Mark Cormier asked what would happen if this amendment went to a vote of the people and the people voted it down. Mr. Sebora explained that the Charter would remain as is, which would allow the City Council the authority to make such decision on the ownership of Hutchinson Area Health Care. Phil Graves explained how a private, non - profit organization would be operated, basically overseen by the Attorney General. There was discussion regarding integration with the physicians of Hutchinson Medical Center. Motion by Petersen, second by Stearns, to accept the petition and submit it to the City Council. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Cook stated that he is not "afraid" of a public vote on this issue as he feels people have been well informed regarding this issue. He feels that the people will vote in favor of it because of this. With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.