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Council Workshop —City Administrator Review — 4:00 p. m. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2014 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — Hunter's Ridge Community Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 14, 2014 Action — Motion to approve as presented 5 min. 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have been delegated to the City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 14235 - RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING NO PARKING RESTRICTIONS (JEFFERSON STREET SE — OAKLAND TO CENTURY) 2. RESOLUTION NO. 14236 - RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING NO PARKING RESTRICTIONS (WASHINGTON TO CLINTON) (b) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO AMEND THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO ALLOW DRIVEWAY SETBACK TO BE ZERO FEET FROM THE SIDE PROPERTY LINE ON LOTS 2, 3, 4 AND 5 IN FAIRWAY ESTATES THIRD ADDITION WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 14234) (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE 2014 CITY OF HUTCHINSON PAY EQUITY REPORT (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SNOW REMOVAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HASSAN VALLEY TOWNSHIP (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF MOVE MINNESOTA CAMPAIGN SUPPORT FORM (fl CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO VERIZON WIRELESS FRANCHISE AND LEASE AGREEMENT CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 28, 2014 (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSES - MCLEOD COUNTY PHEASANTS FOREVER ON MARCH 22, 2014 - MINNESOTA DEER HUNTERS ASSOCIATION ON APRIL 5, 2014 (h) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER A (i) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER B Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE 9. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Always looking toward the future, not monitoring past) 10 min. (a) UPDATE ON MCLEOD COUNTY'S PROGRESS TOWARDS TRANSITIONING TO SINGLE SORT RECYCLING No action. 15 min. (b) FACILITIES COMMITTEE UPDATE No action. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 15 min. (a) REVIEW OF CHICKEN ORDINANCE (FIRST READING, SET PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR FEBRUARY 11, 2014) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 10 min. (b) REVIEW OF ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.04 OF HUTCHINSON CITY CHARTER — FORM OF GOVERNMENT — ELECTIVE OFFICERS (FIRST READING, SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 11. NEW BUSINESS 10 min. (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION (SCHOOL ROAD SW MULTI -USE PATHWAY) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy that guides the organization and Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items) (a) CITY SNOW REMOVAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 2013 (b) SIDEWALK SNOW REMOVAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2013 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 28, 2014 (c) PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 12, 2013 (d) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 3, 2013 (e) HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 17, 2013 13. MISCELLANEOUS 14. ADJOURN MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2014 1. CALL TO OR — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Steve oo called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Bill Arndt, Gary Forcier and Chad Czmowski. Others present were Jeremy Carter, City Administrator and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. INVOCATION — Pastor Howard Anderson, Hunter's Ridge Community Church, delivered the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS. DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Glen Sladek, 15575 130th Street, presented before the Council. Mr. Sladek asked that the Council consider term limits when they speak of the mayor's term length. City Attorney Marc Sebora explained that the Supreme Court has ruled that term limits for Charter cities is unconstitutional. 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 10, 2013 Motion by Christensen, second by Arndt, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have been delegated to the City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 14229 -DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES OF CITY FUNDS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS AND INSTITUTIONS 2. RESOLUTION NO. 14230 - APPROVING SECURITIES FOR COLLATERAL FROM CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO. OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA AND WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 14231 -RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS TO 2013 CONSTRUCTION FUND AND GENERAL FUND 4. RESOLUTION NO. 14232 - APPOINTING JEREMY CARTER AS CITY ADMINISTRATOR FOR 2014 5. RESOLUTION NO. 14233 -DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER AS HUTCHINSON LEADER 6. RESOLUTION NO. 14228 - RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (OVERNIGHT PARKING AREA ON ARCH STREET NE) (b) SELECTION OF COUNCIL'S VICE PRESIDENT — Bill Arndt CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 14, 2014 (c) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS: 1. AIRPORT COMMISSION — Steve Cook 2. CREEKSIDE ADVISORY BOARD — Gary Forcier 3. HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. BOARD (EDA) — Chad Czmowski and Mary Christensen 4. HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (HRA) — Gary Forcier 5. JOINT PLANNING BOARD — Bill Arndt 6. LIBRARY BOARD — Mary Christensen 7. MID - MINNESOTA COMMISSION — Bill Arndt 8. PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD — Mary Christensen 9. PLANNING COMMISSION — Bill Arndt 10. PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION— Mary Christensen 11. TREE BOARD — Steve Cook (d) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO OTHER COMMITTEES: 1. HUTCHINSON DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION — Chad Czmowski 2. FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION — Fire Chief TBD, City Administrator Jeremy Carter, Mayor Steve Cook 3. RESOURCE ALLOCATION COMMITTEE — Gary Forcier and Steve Cook 4. WAGE COMMITTEE — Chad Czmowski and Gary Forcier 5. CITY - SCHOOL DISTRICT JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE — Chad Czmowski and Steve Cook 6. RADIO BOARD — Steve Cook 7. SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE — Bill Arndt (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2014 CITY CALENDAR 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 14, 2014 (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ROAD CLOSURE ON JANUARY 16, 2014, FOR EVENT OCCURRING AT HUTCHINSON EVENT CENTER (g) BOARD /COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS /REAPPOINTMENTS (h) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER A (i) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER B Items 7(a)6, 7(d)7, and 7(i) were pulled for separate action. Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to approve consent agenda with the exception of the items noted above. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(a)6 had further discussion. Mayor Cook noted that this item was discussed at the last Council meeting. John Olson, Public Works Manager, noted that he inadvertently did not include this area the last time it was considered. Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to approve Item 7(a)6. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(d)7 had further discussion. Mayor Cook noted that City Administrator Jeremy Carter will be appointed as well to the Solid Waste Committee. Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to approve Item 7(d)7 including the appointment of Jeremy Carter. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(i) had further discussion. Council Member Forcier noted that he will be abstaining from voting on this item. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, with Forcier abstaining, to approve Item 7(i). Motion carried unanimously. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE 9. COMMUNICATIONS REOUESTS AND PETfT19NS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to craft wise po7icy. Always looking toward the future, not monitoring past) (a) UPDATE ON SNOW REMOVAL PROCEDURES Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, noted that as the snow season has come upon us, this would be a good opportunity for staff to review with Council and citizens the snow removal procedures. . John Olson, Public Works Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Olson reviewed the City's snow removal and ice control operations. The areas the City covers are the street system (alleys, parking lots, airport, etc.), public facilities (schools, parks, buildings, etc.) and trails /sidewalks. The City has no "bare pavement" policy and there are different levels of service based on traffic and needs. For most streets and public facilities, operations continue until they are plowed curb -to -curb and the intersections have been treated with sand/salt as necessary. Olson updated the Council on the salt use for this season, which has been of high use. The salt suppliers will not be able to provide any salt beyond what has been contracted for due to the major freezing rain events in the southern states this winter. The County and City combined will not be able to purchase more than 400 -600 tons of salt for the rest of the winter. Because of this, no more than 80% sand/20% salt mixtures will be applied until it is determined if additional salt will be made available. Olson reviewed some of the alternative chemicals used to suppress the freezing point of snow and ice. Olson explained that the purpose of the City's snow /ice policy is to facilitate traffic. Some revisions to the current policy will be recommended later this year. Olson explained that up to 28 operators can be used for snow removal operations. 10 of the employees are full -time in the operations and maintenance department with one seasonal employee; five Parks Dept. employees; one Creekside employee; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 14, 2014 one engineering employee; two water /wastewater employees and up to eight contractors. Olson also explained the overtime usage. Olson reviewed the equipment used for snow removal operations, which includes six wheel loaders and eight snowplow trucks. Seven of the snowplow trucks are equipped with sand/salt distributors. Other equipment includes three light trucks with snowplows, up to eight contracted dump trucks for snow hauling, four bobcats with snowplows and blowers, four tractors, and one loader - mounted snow blower. Olson explained that weather monitoring is done by MnDOT Roadway Weather Information System, MnDOT Aeronautics weather information, miscellaneous web sites, as well as television, radio and other media. Olson explained how operations are initiated and the factors used to determine what needs to be done. Olson explained sidewalk snow removal, which includes the adjacent property owner being responsible. Olson noted that there is a priority listing of the sidewalks /trails that the City plows. Olson noted that snow is dumped north of the National Guard Armory, the Bass Pond site and at the Fairgrounds. Olson explained the snow emergency procedures, which includes no parking during designated times and in designated places and how citizens can be notified when a snow emergency is put in place. Olson reviewed snow removal related to private property, contractors, damage to private property and services to private property. Olson spoke about snow removal and parking issues on streets. Council Member Christensen asked if there is a set amount of snow that needs to fall in order for the plows to be called out. Olson explained that it really depends on the overall conditions. Generally a couple of inches or less of snowfall does not call out the plows, but wind and ice conditions are factors, so it is a judgment call on the overall conditions. Mayor Cook clarified that Mn/DOT takes care of Hwy 15 and Hwy 7 and McLeod County takes care of Adams/Bluff and South Grade Road south of School Road. Jeremy Carter explained that he has been asked questions of citizens on what the City's priority is when it comes to snow removal. Carter explained that the main priority is safe roadways for travelers. However, the City budgets for a normal year for snow removal. When there is more snow removal operations required Than budgeted for, the City does not hold back on its operations due to budget issues. Other areas may be adjusted to account for snow removal operations if needed. Mayor Cook also asked that Carter clarify the amount of funds being used for public art. It has been mentioned in the public that hundreds of thousands of dollars are being spent, when in reality $15,000 was allocated for the sculpture stroll. Council Member Arndt discussed salt versus sand use and how the two compare use -wise and cost -wise. Council Member Arndt also discussed use of motor graders versus other equipment. Dan Hatten, Police Chief, presented before the Council. Chief Hatten explained what happens when a snow emergency is called. Chief Hatten explained that the public is notified via various methods. The police department then notifies the tow companies to prepare, at midnight officers patrol every public street for violators, violators are issued a citation and tow companies are notified of the location, if the vehicle is still parked on the street it is towed to tow lot, violators can pay citation or request court date, registered owner claims vehicle after paying towing and storage fees. If a vehicle is in a city parking lot, violators are issued a citation and towed. There are parking permits for overnight parking that are available. The permits are free. The police department uses the contact information of the owner to have them move the vehicle, if the permit cannot be located or owner cannot be reached, a citation is issued and the vehicle is towed. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF CHICKEN ORDINANCE Mayor Cook noted that last year the Council discussed the possibility of adopting an ordinance allowing the harboring of chickens. The Council directed staff to begin work on crafting such an ordinance. Since that time, various information has come forth indicating some cities are having issues with the allowance of chickens within city limits. Because of this, Council is revisiting whether or not this ordinance should move forward. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 14, 2014 Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, noted that staff has been working on an ordinance to regulate the harboring of keeping chickens. In addition, staff has met with interested parties. The City Attorney has a rough draft of an ordinance completed. However, Carter wanted to ensure that the Council wishes to proceed with the ordinance. If so, staff will meet with interested parties on the rough draft and then the draft will be brought forth to the Council. Mayor Cook mentioned that some of the issues he had heard in other cities with harboring chickens was that it was more work than chicken owners expected, so then residents wanted to know how to rid of them. Other common themes were the number of chickens to allow, coop regulations, nuisance causes and responses to them. The Council discussed a time frame that could potentially be followed to adopt an ordinance allowing chickens. Council Member Arndt expressed that he did not feel a chicken license needed to be approved by the Planning Commission prior to coming to the Council. The Council expressed that a main issue that they wish covered in the ordinance is to have neighbors' approval. The Council expressed that the ordinance creation should proceed. Some items to include in the ordinance would be no roosters, neighbors' approval, and small maximum number among gther things. Staff will meet with interested part ies before bringing it forth to the Council on January 28 . (b) DISCUSSION OF MAYORAL TERMS Mayor Steve Cook noted that this topic was brought up briefly late last year. Mayor Cook asked if the Council saw it beneficial for the Mayor's term to be a four -year term as opposed to two years as it is currently. Other council members' terms are four years, governor is four years, president is four years and the majority of other cities similar in size to Hutchinson are four year terms. Council Member Arndt noted that state and national representatives' terms are two years however. Mayor Cook stated that he would like the voters to vote on this topic at the 2014 election and not make it effective until 2016. Council Members Christensen, Czmowski and Forcier noted that they would be in favor of having the citizens vote on this item. Attorney Sebora explained the process to be used to have the proposed Charter amendment on the 2014 election ballot. The process includes the Council adopting an ordinance and forwarding it to the Charter Commission for their consideration. The Charter Commission would then have between 60 -150 days to review the proposed change and then send a recommendation to the Council to accept, reject or revise. The Council would then submit to the voters the original proposal or a revised proposal received by the Charter Commission. The Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance for the Council to consider to forward to the Charter Commission. 11. NEW BUSINESS 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy thatguides the organization and Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items) (a) AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 21, 2013 (b) CREEKSIDE ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 16, 2013 (c) LIQUOR HUTCH QUARTERLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER — DECEMBER 2013 (d) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 27, 2013, AND DECEMBER 18, 2013 (e) PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 25, 2013 (f) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 15, 2013 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 14, 2014 (g) HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 19, 2013 (h) PLANNING, ZONING, BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2013 (i) PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 14, 2013 13. MISCELLANEOUS Mary Christensen — Council Member Christensen expressed that she has heard from different parties that they wish to see Library Square more decorated for the holiday season. Council Member Christensen suggested that a group get together to begin discussing new options. Perhaps service organizations could be involved. Bill Arndt — Council Member Arndt encouraged senior citizens to utilize the senior center for the events held there, especially card playing. Gary Forcier — Council Member Forcier mentioned that several deer are in the areas of 2nd Avenue SW and 5th Avenue SW. He suggested that perhaps a deer crossing sign be posted to aware motorists. Mayor Cook — Mayor Cook mentioned that a meeting had been held with other county and city representatives on various ways for the entities to work together and perhaps form some partnerships. Mayor Cook spoke to some of the initiatives moving forward. 14. ADJOURN Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to adjourn at 7:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. I HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL 09-f Request for Board Action 104a� 7AL Agenda Item: Resolution Establishing No Parking Restrictions — Jefferson Street SE Department: PW /Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/28/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Per MnDOT's Municipal State Aid rule requirement, the attached Resolution must be executed to implement the proposed roadway geometrics (restricting parking along the east side of the street) within the upcoming Jefferson Street SE Reconstruction Phase 2 project (Oakland to Century). BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolution. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: RESOLUTION NO. 14235 RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTIONS S.P. 133 - 103 -002 FROM STATION 26 +69 TO STATION 52 +45 (Jefferson St SE) IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA WHEREAS, this resolution was passed this 11th day of February, 2014 by the City of Hutchinson in McLeod County, Minnesota. The Municipal Corporation shall hereinafter be called the "City ". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the "City ", has planned the improvement of Jefferson Street SE, State Aid Route No. 103 from Century Ave SE to Oakland Ave SE in the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the "City" will be expending Municipal State Aid Funds on the improvements of this street; and WHEREAS, this improvement does not provide adequate width for parking on both sides of the street; and approval of the proposed construction as a Municipal State Aid Street project must therefore be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the "City" shall ban the parking of motor vehicles on the east side of Jefferson Street SE (STATION 26 +69 TO STATION 52 +45) at all times. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 11th day of February, 2014. Steven W. Cook, Mayor Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL 09-f Request for Board Action 104a� 7AL Agenda Item: Resolution Establishing No Parking Restrictions — Lynn Road SW Department: PW /Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/28/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Per MnDOT's Municipal State Aid rule requirement, the attached Resolution must be executed to implement the proposed roadway geometrics (restricting parking along the west side of the street) within the upcoming Lynn Road SW Improvements project (Washington to Clinton). BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolution. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: RESOLUTION NO. 14236 RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTIONS S.P. 133 - 101 -003 FROM STATION 6 +79 TO STATION 51 +30 (Lynn Rd SW) IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA WHEREAS, this resolution was passed this 11th day of February, 2014 by the City of Hutchinson in McLeod County, Minnesota. The Municipal Corporation shall hereinafter be called the "City ". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the "City ", has planned the improvement of Lynn Road SW, State Aid Route No. 101 from Clinton Ave SW to Washington Avenue West in the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the "City" will be expending Municipal State Aid Funds on the improvements of this street; and WHEREAS, this improvement does not provide adequate width for parking on both sides of the street; and approval of the proposed construction as a Municipal State Aid Street project must therefore be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the "City" shall ban the parking of motor vehicles on the west side of Lynn Road SW (STATION 6 +79 TO STATION 51 +30) at all times. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 11th day of February, 2014. Steven W. Cook, Mayor Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator RESOLUTION NO. 14236 RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTIONS S.P. 133 - 101 -003 FROM STATION 6 +79 TO STATION 51 +30 (Lynn Rd SW) IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA WHEREAS, this resolution was passed this 11th day of February, 2014 by the City of Hutchinson in McLeod County, Minnesota. The Municipal Corporation shall hereinafter be called the "City ". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the "City ", has planned the improvement of Lynn Road SW, State Aid Route No. 101 from Clinton Ave SW to Washington Avenue West in the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the "City" will be expending Municipal State Aid Funds on the improvements of this street; and WHEREAS, this improvement does not provide adequate width for parking on both sides of the street; and approval of the proposed construction as a Municipal State Aid Street project must therefore be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the "City" shall ban the parking of motor vehicles on the east side of Lynn Road SW (STATION 6 +79 TO STATION 51 +30) at all times. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 11th day of February, 2014. Steven W. Cook, Mayor Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci =W-f 0"'N Request for Board Action 79 Agenda Item: Planning Commission Items - Conditional Use Permit - Fairway Estates 3rd. Department: Planning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/28/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum, AICP Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Mr. Wurdell is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to amend the planned development district to allow driveway setback to be zero feet from the side property line on lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Fairway Estates Third Addition. Staff recommends approval of the request with the following conditions: 1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The 5 foot driveway setback for the areas between lots 3 and 4 or more specifically, the easterly side of lot 3 and the westerly side of lot 4 remain 5 feet. 3. The 5 foot setback between lots 1 and 2 or more specifically the south side of lot 2 should remain 5 feet. 4. The 5 foot setback between lots 5 and 6 or more specifically the easterly side of lot 5 should remain 5 feet. 5. Zero feet driveway setbacks in the areas between lots 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 will be allowed as shown in Figure 1 which is attached to the Staff Report. 6. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R -1 PD district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. 7. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of CUP with Staff Recommendations. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: MEMORANDUM DATE: January 21, 2014, for the January 28, 2014, City Council meeting TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Dan Jochum, Planning Director SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO AMEND THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO ALLOW DRIVEWAY SETBACK TO BE ZERO FEET FROM THE SIDE PROPERTY LINE ON LOTS 2, 3, 4 AND 5 IN FAIRWAY ESTATES THIRD ADDITION. Background: Mr. Wurdell is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to amend the planned development district to allow driveway setback to be zero feet from the side property line on lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Fairway Estates Third Addition. Planning Commission Meeting: The Planning Commission considered the request at their January 21, 2014 meeting. Mr. Jochum explained the request is to amend the planning development district to allow for zero foot driveway setbacks for lots 2,3,4, and 5. Mr. Jochum explained there is a storm sewer pope between lots 3 and 4 and the setback needs to remain 5 feet between those lots. In addition, he noted staff recommended the setbacks could be zero feet for the areas between lots 2 and 3 and between lots 4 and 5. Staff recommends all the other driveway setbacks remain 5 feet. Mr. Gus Wurdell, property owner, reported that the proposed driveways would be very narrow without amending this driveway setbacks. It was also noted Mr. Wurdell did not originally develop these lots, he acquired them after they were developed. Nobody from the public attended the meeting. Recommendation: The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit with the findings and conditions in the attached resolution. DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, Planning Director Date: January 10, 2014, for January 21, 2014, Planning Commission Meeting Application: Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit Applicant: Gustav Wurdell, property owner CONDTIONAL USE PERMIT Mr. Wurdell is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to amend the planned development district to allow driveway setback to be zero feet from the side property line on lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Fairway Estates Third Addition. Conditional Use Permit Heritage Ave Planning Commission — 01/21/14 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R -1 PD (Single Family Planned Development District) Property Location: Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 Fairway Estates Third Addition Lot Size: .28 to .95 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: R -1 PD (Single Family Planned Development District) Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Low Density Residential Neighborhood (2 to 4 units per acre) Zoning History: Property was rezoned from R -1 to R -1 PD in February 1999. The 3rd addition was platted in October 2006. Applicable Regulations: Section 154.070 Analysis: These lots were originally platted as Outlot A in 1999 at the same time the property was rezoned from R -1 to R -1 PD. The R -1 PD allowed for dimensional standards for lots to be set on a lot by lot basis and "to encourage a more creative approach in the utilization of land which may be characterized by special features of the geography, topography, size or shape of a particular property; and to provide a compatible and stable environment in harmony with that of the surrounding area Five foot setbacks were specified in the Planned Development District plan. Conformance to the site plan is required otherwise changes are processed through an amendment to the PDD" (Section 154.070, Hutchinson Zoning Ordinance). In 2006 Outlot A was platted into Fairway Estates 3rd Addition and included 8 lots. The applicant is requesting to have the driveways on lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 to have zero setback from the side property line. The reason for this request is that when the lots were originally platted they were very narrow at end of the driveway by the street. The applicant would like to amend the PDD to have a zero setback from the property line so there is more space for vehicles to safely back onto the street. The Zoning Ordinance states that all driveways should be five feet from side and rear property lines. There is a storm sewer line that passes between lots 3 and 4 that cannot be covered in concrete or any other type of driveway material. This is the only utility within the drainage and utility easements within the lots of this request. Staff recommends the 5 foot driveway setback for the areas between lots 3 and 4 or more specifically, the easterly side of lot 3 and the westerly side of Conditional Use Permit Heritage Ave Planning Commission — 01/21/14 Page 3 lot 4 remain 5 feet. In addition, the 5 foot setback between lots 1 and 2 or more specifically the south side of lot 2 should remain 5 feet. Lastly, the 5 foot setback between lots 5 and 6 or more specifically the easterly side of lot 5 should remain 5 feet. It appears that the 5 foot setback can be met in all of the above areas without impacting the driveway width at the street. Staff believes that a zero setback in the area between lots 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 will not cause any significant issues and will allow the driveways to be built in a manner consistent with how other properties are arranged in the community. Conditional Use Permit: The Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is needed to amend the Planned Development District to allow zero setback from the side property line. The following are standards for granting a conditional use permit: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the request with the following conditions: 1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The 5 foot driveway setback for the areas between lots 3 and 4 or more specifically, the easterly side of lot 3 and the westerly side of lot 4 remain 5 feet. 3. The 5 foot setback between lots 1 and 2 or more specifically the south side of lot 2 should remain 5 feet. 4. The 5 foot setback between lots 5 and 6 or more specifically the easterly side of lot 5 should remain 5 feet. 5. Zero feet driveway setbacks in the areas between lots 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 will be allowed as shown in Figure 1 which is attached to the Staff Report. 6. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R -1 PD district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. 7. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. �r V 7 lift 1J J J a � 0 4 _*y 70 co 7C) C14 f O • •. Q ,• r U_ r _ v �" M r CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 14234 RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO AMEND THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO ALLOW DRIVEWAY SETBACK TO BE ZERO FEET FROM THE SIDE PROPERTY LINE ON LOTS 2, 3, 4 AND 5 IN FAIRWAY ESTATES THIRD ADDITION FACTS Gustav Wurdell, is the owner of the land located at lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 Fairway Estates Third Addition, Hutchinson Minnesota; and, 2. The subject property is legally described as: Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Fairway Estates Third Addition 3. Gustav Wurdell, has applied to the City for a conditional use permit to amend the planned development district to allow driveway setback to be zero feet from the side property line on lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Fairway Estates Third Addition. 4. The Planning Commission met on January 21, 2014, and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request subject to the following findings and conditions: a. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. b. The 5 foot driveway setback for the areas between lots 3 and 4 or more specifically, the easterly side of lot 3 and the westerly side of lot 4 remain 5 feet. c. The 5 foot setback between lots 1 and 2 or more specifically the south side of lot 2 should remain 5 feet. d. The 5 foot setback between lots 5 and 6 or more specifically the easterly side of lot 5 should remain 5 feet. e. Zero feet driveway setbacks in the areas between lots 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 will be allowed as shown in Figure 1 which is attached to the Staff Report. f. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R -1 PD district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. g. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. 5. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson reviewed the requested conditional use permit at its meeting on January 28, 2014, and has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the conditional use permit, subject to the following findings and conditions: a. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. Findings of Fact — Resolution # 14234 Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 Fairway Estates Third Addition Conditional Use Permit Page 2 b. The 5 foot driveway setback for the areas between lots 3 and 4 or more specifically, the easterly side of lot 3 and the westerly side of lot 4 remain 5 feet. c. The 5 foot setback between lots 1 and 2 or more specifically the south side of lot 2 should remain 5 feet. d. The 5 foot setback between lots 5 and 6 or more specifically the easterly side of lot 5 should remain 5 feet. e. Zero feet driveway setbacks in the areas between lots 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 will be allowed as shown in Figure 1 which is attached to the Staff Report. f. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R -1 PD district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. g. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. APPLICABLE LAW 6. The conditional use permit request meets the following standards as required in Section 154.056 of the City of Hutchinson Municipal Code: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. CONCLUSIONS OF THE LAW 7. The requested conditional use permit is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 8. The proposed use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare. 9. The proposed use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the application to issue a conditional use permit to amend the planned development district to allow driveway setback to be zero feet from the side property line per conditions a -g above on lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Fairway Estates Third Addition, Hutchinson MN is approved. Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of January, 2014. ATTEST: Findings of Fact — Resolution # 14234 Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 Fairway Estates Third Addition Conditional Use Permit Page 3 Jeremy J. Carter Steven W. Cook City Administrator Mayor HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL 09-f 104a� Request for Board Action 7AL Agenda Item: Consideration of the 2014 City of Hutchinson Pay Equity Report Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/28/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The required Pay Equity Report for 2014 (2013 data) has been prepared for submission to the Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) Department. The attached report must be approved by the City Council and submitted to MMB by January 31, 2014. The information to be submitted indicates that the City continues to be in compliance in regards to the pay equity requirements. The underpayment ratio value of 92.00 included in Section II of the Compliance Report is above the minimum ratio of 80 required to be in compliance. It is requested that the Council approve the enclosed report to be included on the consent agenda at your meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, 2011. The report will be sent to MMB before the deadline of January 31, 2014, however, we generally do not receive confirmation from MMB that we are compliant until later in the year. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the 2014 City of Hutchinson Pay Equity Report Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Compliance Report Jurisdiction: Hutchinson Report Year: 2014 111 Hassan Street S. E. Case: 1 - 2013 data (Private (Jur Only)) Hutchinson MN 55350 Contact: Brenda Ewing Phone: (320) 234 -4213 E -Mail: bewing @ci.hutchinson.mn.us The statistical analysis, salary range and exceptional service pay test results are shown below. Part I is general information from your pay equity report data. Parts II, III and IV give you the test results. For more detail on each test, refer to the Guide to Pay Equity Compliance and Computer Reports. I. GENERAL JOB CLASS INFORMATION Male Female Balanced All Job Classes Classes Classes Classes # Job Classes 50 28 5 83 # Employees 74 35 25 134 Avg. Max Monthly 6,386.46 5,184.86 5,615.84 Pay per employee II. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS TEST A. Underpayment Ratio = 92.00 " Male Female Classes Classes a. # At or above Predicted Pay 27 14 b. # Below Predicted Pay 23 14 c. TOTAL 50 28 d. % Below Predicted Pay 46.00 50.00 (b divided by c = d) *(Result is % of male classes below predicted pay divided by % of female classes below predicted pay.) B. T -hest Results i I Degrees of Freedom (DF) = 107 Value of T = 2.031 I III a. Avg. dill. in pay from predicted pay for male jobs = $53 111 b. Avg. dill. in pay from predicted pay for female jobs = ($134) 111. SALARY RANGE TEST = 0.00 (Result is A divided by B) A. Avg. # of years to max salary for male jobs = 0.00 B. Avg. # of years to max salary for female jobs = 0.00 IV. EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE PAY TEST= 0.00 (Result is B divided by A) A. % of male classes receiving ESP 0.00 B. % of female classes receiving ESP 0.00 *(If 20% or less, test result will be 0.00) Job Class Nbr 76 79 80 81 82 74 75 78 73 72 77 71 68 70 66 60 63 64 65 83 67 59 58 62 57 69 61 56 55 50 51 53 52 54 44 45 24 43 47 42 41 48 49 40 46 37 34 33 36 32 31 25 26 27 28 29 38 30 Title Job Class Data Entry Verification List Case: 2013 data Nbr Nbr Class Jobs Males Females TVDe Points Min Mo Salary Hutchinson LGID 504 Max Mo Yrs to Max Salary EDA Intern 1 0 179 $1,907.00 $1,907.00 Arena Attendant 0 1 179 $1,386.00 $1,802.00 Park Maintenance Season 0 1 179 $1,386.00 $1,802.00 Park Maintenance Season 1 0 179 $1,560.00 $2,028.00 Seasonal Street Maintenar 1 0 179 $2,080.00 $2,704.00 Part Time Event Center RE 1 202 $1,584.00 $2,275.00 Part Time Custodian 202 $2,227.00 $3,201.00 Part Time Compost Scale 202 $1,584.00 $2,275.00 Tournament Coordinator 220 $3,380.00 $3,380.00 Part Time Liquor Sales CIE 224 $1,688.00 $2,426.00 Part Time Licensing Clerk 226 $2,822.00 $4,057.00 PT Park Sr. Office Speciali 228 $2,822.00 $4,057.00 Permit Technician 244 $2,822.00 $4,057.00 Part Time Wastewater Offs 244 $2,822.00 $4,057.00 Part Time HR Admin Tech 247 $2,822.00 $4,057.00 Parks Maintenance Equipr 254 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 General Maintenance Wor 254 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Plant Equipment Mechanic 254 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Public Works Admin. Secr( 254 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Water Maintenance Techn 254 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Utility Billing Specialist 258 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Compost Maint. Equip. Op 260 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 General Maintenance Wor 262 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Wastewater Services Oper 262 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Sr. Accounting Specialist 268 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Heavy Equipment Operato 268 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Engineering Admin Secret, 278 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Planning Coordinator 290 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Sr. Liquor Sales Clerk 294 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Full Time Security Guard 304 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Part Time Security Guard 304 $3,094.00 $4,447.00 Police Supplemental Servi 304 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Police Records Specialist 310 $4,035.00 $5,388.00 Water Plant Operator 319 $4,307.00 $5,780.00 Full Time Emergency Disp 320 $4,307.00 $5,780.00 Part Time Emergency DisK 320 $3,366.00 $4,839.00 Lead Compost Equip. Ope 322 $4,307.00 $5,780.00 Accountant 323 $4,307.00 $5,780.00 Lab TechnicianNVastewatE 323 $4,307.00 $5,780.00 Police Investigations Spec 326 $4,307.00 $5,780.00 Engineering Specialist 332 $4,307.00 $5,780.00 Plant Equipment Mechanic 336 $4,307.00 $5,780.00 Compost Operations Spec 336 $4,307.00 $5,780.00 Payroll /Benefits Specialist 347 $4,307.00 $5,780.00 Sr. Public Works Maint. Sp 350 $4,307.00 $5.780.00 Equipment Mechanic 351 $4,307.00 $5,780.00 Sales & Marketing Special 382 $4,575.00 $6,165.00 Executive Assistant /Parale 386 $4,575.00 $6,165.00 Parks Maintenance Specie 386 $4,575.00 $6,165.00 Natural Resources Special 387 $4,575.00 $6,165.00 Event Center Coordinator 388 $4,575.00 $6,165.00 Senior Engineering Specia 392 $4,575.00 $6,165.00 Police - Investigations 392 $4,775.00 $6,365.00 Full Time Police Officer 8 392 $4,575.00 $6,165.00 Part Time Police Officer 1 0 392 $3,634.00 $5,224.00 Information Technology Sr 0 1 398 $4,575.00 $6,165.00 Maintenance Lead Operate 1 0 422 $4,575.00 $6,165.00 GIS Specialist 1 0 424 $4,575.00 $6,165.00 0 1 1 0 9 0 0 D D D 2 3 1 D 1 0 4 1 1 0 3 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 a a 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 a 0 1 a 1 1 1 a 1 a 2 0 4 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 a 1 1 a 0 1 0 2 1 M F F M M F M M F B F F F F F B u F M F M M M F M F F B M F M F M F B M F M F M M M F M M F F M M F M B M M F M M Salary 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0 -00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yrs of Service 1.00 2.ao 1.00 2,00 2.00 5.00 3.00 14.00 6.00 13.00 13.00 33.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 35.00 1.00 16.00 1.00 2.00 14.O0 9.00 14.06 5.00 14.00 36.00 11.00 13.00 1.00 1.00 15.00 11.00 11.00 9.00 3.00 9.00 24.60 9.00 23.00 9.00 6.00 9.00 39.00 36.60 34.00 15.00 12.00 12.60 7.00 10.00 23.00 23.O0 23.00 2.00 12.00 23.00 14.O0 Exceptional Service Pav Hutchinson Job Class Data Entry Verification List LGID 504 Case: 2013 data Job Class Nbr Nbr Class Jobs Min Mo Max Mo Yrs to Max Yrs of Exceptional Nbr Title Males Females TVDe Points Salary Salary Salary Service Service Pay 39 Server /Network Techniciar 1 0 M 424 $4,575.00 $6,165.00 0.00 1.00 23 Recreation Services Coorc 1 0 M 442 $4,849.00 $6,559.00 0.00 32.00 35 Environmental Specialist 1 0 M 460 $4,849.00 $6,559.00 0.00 7.00 22 Motor Vehicle Deputy Reg 0 1 F 506 $5,391.00 $7,337.00 0.00 21.00 20 Building Official 1 0 M 510 $5,391.00 $7,337.00 0.00 13.00 21 Police Sergeant 5 0 M 522 $5,391.00 $7,337.00 0.00 23.00 19 Recreation Facilities /Oper 1 0 M 544 $5,391.00 $7,337.00 0.00 33.00 18 Parks Supervisor 0 1 F 556 $5,391.00 $7,337.00 0.00 12.00 17 Water Superintendent 1 0 M 629 $5,933.00 $8,117.00 0.00 39.00 15 Wastewater Superintendei 1 0 M 641 $5,933.00 $8,117.00 0.00 7.00 14 Police Lieutenant 1 0 M 651 $5,933.00 $8,117.00 0.00 16.00 16 Controller 1 0 M 696 $6,203.00 $8,506.00 0.00 2.00 12 Compost Manager 1 0 M 708 $6,203.00 $8,506.00 0.00 12.00 13 Public Works Manager 1 0 M 708 $6,203.00 $8,506.00 0.00 16.00 9 Economic Development Di 1 0 M 740 $6,477.00 $8,899.00 0.00 1.00 8 Liquor Sales Manager 0 1 F 744 $6,477.00 $8,899.00 0.00 11.00 10 Human Resources Directo 0 1 F 758 $6,477.00 $8,899.00 0.00 19.00 11 IT Director 1 0 M 762 $6,477.00 $8,899.00 0.00 19.00 7 Fire Chief 1 0 M 766 $6,477.00 $8,899.00 0.00 15.00 6 Planning Director 1 0 M 774 $6,477.00 $8,899.00 0.00 3.00 5 PRCE Director 1 0 M 827 $7,019.00 $9,678.00 0.00 24.00 4 Police Chief /Emergency M 1 0 M 854 $7,019.00 $9,678.00 0.00 9.00 3 Public Works DirectorlCity 1 0 M 950 $7,560.00 $10,456.00 0.00 9.00 2 City Attorney 1 0 M 951 $7,560.00 $10,456.00 0.00 11.00 1 City Administrator 1 0 M 1,126 $8,373.00 $11,625.00 0.00 7.00 Job Number Count: 83 12000 10000 8000 6000 rn 4000 2000 0 Predicted Pay Report for Hutchinson Case : 2013 data 1/21/2014 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Points Male Jobs Female Jobs Balanced Jobs — Predicted Pay - -- Line Continuation (Min) ---Line Continuation (Max) Page 1 of 4 Page 2 of 4 Predicted Pay Report for Hutchinson 112112014 Case : 2013 data Job Job Title Nbr Nbr Total Job Job Max Mo Predicted Pay Nbr Males Females Nbr Type Points Salary Pay Difference 76 EDA Intern 1 0 1 Male 179 $1,907.00 $3,194.10 ($1,287.10) 79 Arena Attendant 0 1 1 Female 179 $1,802.00 $3,194.10 ($1,392.10) 80 Park Maintenance Seasonal Oper 0 1 1 Female 179 $1,802.00 $3,194.10 ($1,392.10) 81 Park Maintenance Seasonal Lead 1 0 1 Male 179 $2,028.00 $3,194.10 ($1,166.10) 82 Seasonal Street Maintenance 1 0 1 Male 179 $2,704.00 $3,194.10 ($490.10) 74 Part Time Event Center Recepti 0 1 1 Female 202 $2,275.00 $3,631.58 ($1,356.58) 75 Part Time Custodian 1 0 1 Male 202 $3,201.00 $3,631.58 ($430.58) 78 Part Time Compost Scale Operat 1 0 1 Male 202 $2,275.00 $3,631.58 ($1,356.58) 73 Tournament Coordinator 0 1 1 Female 220 $3,380.00 $3,974.34 ($594.34) 72 Part Time Liquor Sales Clerk 9 4 13 Balanced 224 $2,426.00 $4,051.01 ($1,625.01) 77 Part Time Licensing Clerk 0 4 4 Female 226 $4,057.00 $4,088.90 ($31.90) 71 PT Park Sr. Office Specialist 0 1 1 Female 228 $4,057.00 $4,126.78 ($69.78) 68 Permit Technician 0 1 1 Female 244 $4,057.00 $4,431.66 ($374.66) 70 Part Time Wastewater Office Sp 0 1 1 Female 244 $4,057.00 $4,431.66 ($374.66) 66 Part Time HR Admin Technician 0 1 1 Female 247 $4,057.00 $4,489.39 ($432.39) 60 Parks Maintenance Equipment Op 2 1 3 Balanced 254 $5,388.00 $4,621.98 $766.02 63 General Maintenance Worker 3 0 3 Male 254 $5,388.00 $4,621.98 $766.02 64 Plant Equipment Mechanic 1 1 0 1 Male 254 $5,388.00 $4,621.98 $766.02 65 Public Works Admin. Secretary 0 1 1 Female 254 $5,388.00 $4,621.98 $766.02 83 Water Maintenance Technician 1 0 1 Male 254 $5,388.00 $4,621.98 $766.02 67 Utility Billing Specialist 0 1 1 Female 258 $5,388.00 $4,698.66 $689.35 59 Compost Maint. Equip. Operator 4 0 4 Male 260 $5,388.00 $4,736.54 $651.46 58 General Maintenance Worker -Str 1 0 1 Male 262 $5,388.00 $4,774.42 $613.58 62 Wastewater Services Operator 1 0 1 Male 262 $5,388.00 $4,774.42 $613.58 57 Sr. Accounting Specialist 0 1 1 Female 268 $5,388.00 $4,888.98 $499.02 69 Heavy Equipment Operator 3 0 3 Male 268 $5,388.00 $4,888.98 $499.02 61 Engineering Admin Secretary 0 1 1 Female 278 $5,388.00 $5,232.20 $155.80 56 Planning Coordinator 0 1 1 Female 290 $5,388.00 $5,385.04 $2.96 55 Sr. Liquor Sales Clerk 1 1 2 Balanced 294 $5,388.00 $5,406.34 ($18.34) 50 Full Time Security Guard 3 0 3 Male 304 $5,388.00 $5,600.04 ($212.04) 51 Part Time Security Guard 0 1 1 Female 304 $4,447.00 $5,600.04 ($1,153.04) 53 Police Supplemental Services S 1 0 1 Male 304 $5,388.00 $5,600.04 ($212.04) 52 Police Records Specialist 0 2 2 Female 310 $5,388.00 $5,632.95 ($244.95) 54 Water Plant Operator 1 0 1 Male 319 $5,780.00 $5,682.19 $97.81 44 Full Time Emergency Dispatcher 0 4 4 Female 320 $5,780.00 $5,687.64 $92.36 Page 2 of 4 Page 3 of 4 Predicted Pay Report for Hutchinson 1/21/2014 Case : 2013 data Job Job Title Nbr Nbr Total Job Job Max Mo Predicted Pay Nbr Males Females Nbr Type Points Salary Pay Difference 45 Part Time Emergency Dispatcher 1 2 3 Balanced 320 $4,839.00 $5,687.64 ($848.64) 24 Lead Compost Equip. Operator 2 0 2 Male 322 $5,780.00 $5,698.78 $81.22 43 Accountant 0 1 1 Female 323 $5,780.00 $5,704.22 $75.78 47 Lab Technician/Wastewater Oper 1 0 1 Male 323 $5,780.00 $5,704.22 $75.78 42 Police Investigations Speciali 0 1 1 Female 326 $5,780.00 $5,720.55 $59.45 41 Engineering Specialist 1 0 1 Male 332 $5,780.00 $5,747.58 $32.42 48 Plant Equipment Mechanic II 1 0 1 Male 336 $5,780.00 $5,768.72 $11.28 49 Compost Operations Specialist 1 0 1 Male 336 $5,780.00 $5,768.72 $11.28 40 Payroll /Benefits Specialist 0 1 1 Female 347 $5,780.00 $5,827.35 ($47.35) 46 Sr. Public Works Maint. Specia 2 0 2 Male 350 $5,780.00 $5,844.14 ($64.14) 37 Equipment Mechanic 1 0 1 Male 351 $5,780.00 $5,849.79 ($69.79) 34 Sales & Marketing Specialist 0 1 1 Female 382 $6,165.00 $6,027.59 $137.41 33 Executive Assistant/Paralegal 0 1 1 Female 386 $6,165.00 $6,05118 $111.82 36 Parks Maintenance Specialist 1 0 1 Male 386 $6,165.00 $6,053.18 $111.82 32 Natural Resources Specialist 1 0 1 Male 387 $6,165.00 $6,059.58 $105.42 31 Event Center Coordinator 0 1 1 Female 388 $6,165.00 $6,065.97 $99.03 25 Senior Engineering Specialist 2 0 2 Male 392 $6,165.00 $6,091.87 $73.13 26 Police - Investigations 2 2 4 Balanced 392 $6,365.00 $6,091.87 $273.13 27 Full Time Police Officer 8 1 9 Male 392 $6,165.00 $6,091.87 $73.13 28 Part Time Police Officer 1 0 1 Male 392 $5,224.00 $6,091.87 ($867.87) 29 Information Technology Special 0 1 1 Female 398 $6,165.00 $6,130.56 $34.44 38 Maintenance Lead Operator /Supv 1 0 1 Male 422 $6,165.00 $6,338.90 ($173.90) 30 GIS Specialist 1 0 1 Male 424 $6,165.00 $6,354.52 ($189.52) 39 Server /Network Technician 1 0 1 Male 424 $6,165.00 $6,354.52 ($189.52) 23 Recreation Services Coordinato 1 0 1 Male 442 $6,559.00 $6,554.36 $4.64 35 Environmental Specialist 1 0 1 Male 460 $6,559.00 $6,706.91 ($147.91) 22 Motor Vehicle Deputy Registrar 0 1 1 Female 506 $7,337.00 $7,090.48 $246.52 20 Building Official 1 0 1 Male 510 $7,337.00 $7,103.63 $233.37 21 Police Sergeant 5 0 5 Male 522 $7,337.00 $7,206.12 $130.88 19 Recreation Facilities /Oper Mgr 1 0 1 Male 544 $7,337.00 $7,391.18 ($54.18) 18 Parks Supervisor 0 1 1 Female 556 $7,337.00 $7,473.47 ($136.47) 17 Water Superintendent 1 0 1 Male 629 $8,117.00 $8,035.97 $81.03 15 Wastewater Superintendent 1 0 1 Male 641 $8,117.00 $8,109.03 $7.97 14 Police Lieutenant 1 0 1 Male 651 $8,117.00 $8,173.96 ($56.96) 16 Controller 1 0 1 Male 696 $8,506.00 $8,485.07 $20.93 Page 3 of 4 Page 4 of 4 Predicted Pay Report for Hutchinson 1/21/2014 Case : 2013 data Job Job Title Nbr Nbr Total Job Job Max Mo Predicted Pay Nbr Males Females Nbr Type Points Salary Pay Difference 12 Compost Manager 1 0 1 Male 708 $8,506.00 $8,573.38 ($67.38) 13 Public Works Manager 1 0 1 Male 708 $8,506.00 $8,573.38 ($67.38) 9 Economic Development Director 1 0 1 Male 740 $8,899.00 $8,811.55 $87.45 8 Liquor Sales Manager 0 1 1 Female 744 $8,899.00 $8,841.39 $57.61 10 Human Resources Director 0 1 1 Female 758 $8,899.00 $8,945.33 ($46.33) 11 IT Director 1 0 1 Male 762 $8,899.00 $8,974.83 ($75.83) 7 Fire Chief 1 0 1 Male 766 $8,899.00 $9,004.68 ($105.68) 6 Planning Director 1 0 1 Male 774 $8,899.00 $9,063.12 ($164.12) 5 PRCE Director 1 0 1 Male 827 $9,678.00 $9,479.05 $198.95 4 Police Chief /Emergency Managem 1 0 1 Male 854 $9,678.00 $9,694.88 ($16.88) 3 Public Works Director /City Eng 1 0 1 Male 950 $10,456.00 $10,390.05 $65.95 2 City Attorney 1 0 1 Male 951 $10,456.00 $10,397.96 $58.04 1 City Administrator 1 0 1 Male 1,126 $11,625.00 $11,726.55 ($101.55) Job Number Count: 83 Page 4 of 4 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL 09f 104a� Request for Board Action 7AL Agenda Item: Snow Removal Services - Hassan Valley Township Department: PW /Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/28/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: John Olson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Olson Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: After the Hwy 15 /Co Rd 115 roundabout was done, Hassan Valley Township contacted the Clty of Hutchinson regarding snow removal services for the service road. The price for providing service was set at $200 per time. This section of roadway would be classified in the City's priority system as a dead -end street, which receives service after all other higher priority routes are completed. The City's priority system consists of: 1) Priority routes and central business districts, where no boulevard exists 2) Other business districts, truck routes and the airport 3) Through streets and specifically identified public properties 4) Cul -de -sacs, dead end streets, and alleys 5) Specifically identified sidewalks & trails 6) Other public property and subsequent maintenance activities Att: 1) Snow Removal Services Contract Hassan Valley Township 2) Snow Removal Services Contract Hassan Valley Township Exhibit A 3) Hassan Valley Agreement Map BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Removal Services Contract Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Snow Removal Services Agreement by and between Hassan Valley Township (Township) and the City of Hutchinson (City) Snow Removal Services Agreement (Hassan Valley Township and City of Hutchinson) Customer Service Provider Item Date of Agreement Business address Contact information Description of Services Known obstructions Special conditions Hassan Valley Township Hassan Valley Township 15161 Page Ave Hutchinson, MN 55350 Steve Reiner, Chair Hassan Valley Township 15161 Page Ave Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587 -9550 home (320) 583 -8470 mobile reinerfm @hutchtel.net City of Hutchinson City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 John Olson, Public Works Manager City of Hutchinson 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 234 -4219 office (320) 583 -8145 mobile Tolson @ci.hutchinson.mn.us Provide snow removal services for the frontage road at SE corner of intersection of MN TH 15 and McLeod Co Rd 115, as described in Exhibit A attached and made a part hereof. No known or unmarked obstructions. Sand /salt will be applied only at the intersection of the frontage road, at the discretion of the City's snowplow operator. IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises and agreements contained in this Agreement, Hassan Valley Township (Township) hires the City of Hutchinson (City), and the City agrees to provide services to the Township in accordance with the following terms and conditions. 1. Provision of Snow Removal Services a. The City agrees to provide the Township with snow removal services set out in Exhibit A attached hereto and made part of this Agreement. b. The City agrees to provide services on an as- needed basis during the months of November through April, inclusive. c. The City agrees to perform services within 24 hours after the end of a snowfall, with the understanding that ongoing snowstorms may require more than one visit to remove snow and each date services are performed being identified and invoiced separately. d. If snowfall exceeds six (6) inches of snow in a single snowfall, the City's ability to keep up with snow removal services may be exceeded or impeded until snowfall has stopped. In such cases, snow removal efforts will be completed as soon as possible after snow has stopped falling. e. Services will generally be performed only after snowfall of at least two (2) inches. Services will be provided only when snow removal or ice control is being done within the City of Hutchinson. The City of Hutchinson reserves the right to establish priority levels of service based on storm conditions will perform snow removal /ice - control services on a priority basis. The aforementioned section of roadway would be classified in the City's priority system as a dead -end street, which receives service after all other higher priority routes are completed. The City's priority system consists of: 1) Priority routes and central business districts, where no boulevard exists 2) Other business districts, truck routes and the airport 3) Through streets and specifically identified public properties 4) Cul -de -sacs, dead end streets, and alleys 5) Specifically identified sidewalks & trails 6) Other public property and subsequent maintenance activities f. Snowplowing will be done only on the street surfaces identified in Exhibit A. No services will be provided to other areas. g. All work will be performed diligently and in a safe, timely, professional and workmanlike manner according to standard City procedures and using City materials, equipment and sufficiently trained personnel. Term . The term of this Agreement is seasonal, commencing and ending upon the first day of November and expiring on the last day of April and shall remain in effect for a period of one season. Additional one - season terms may be initiated upon receipt of a request from the Township to the City and shall be subject to changes in fees that may take place from time to time. 3. Liability. Both parties shall submit claims for injuries, damage and /or negligence to their own insurance companies. 4. Damage to Property The City is not responsible for vegetation damage caused by plowing or application of chemicals or abrasives. The City is not responsible for damage to the roadway surface, or any utility structures placed therein, that is caused by plowing or application of chemicals or abrasives. Only allowable and properly installed personal properties located within the right -of -way that are damaged by actual, physical contact with City equipment will be considered for repair at City expense. Personal property in the right -of -way damaged by snow being deposited from an accumulation on the blade of a snowplow will not be considered for compensation. The City Council may set reasonable maximum compensation limits for specific types of personal property placed in the right -of -way. Only the Township may file a claim or restitution if they believe property was damaged through negligence of an equipment operator. Individual property owners must file claims with the Township. 5. Invoicing and payment. a. The Township agrees to pay the City in accordance with the rates set out in Exhibit A, to be paid upon receipt. b. Invoices will be submitted monthly by the City for payment by the Township, said invoices shall include an account of the dates when services were performed in that month. Invoices may be mailed, hand - delivered, or emailed. c. Payment is due upon receipt. Invoices unpaid for more than 60 calendar days after receipt will be marked past due and will bear and interest rate of 1.5% per month from the date due until paid. d. Overdue payments will be applied firstly to accrued interest and secondly to the unpaid principal balance. e. If the Township disputes any portion of the invoice, the Township must contact the City in writing within 10 calendar days of receiving the invoice. If no notice is given, the invoice will be deemed satisfactory. Any portion of the invoice that is not disputed shall be paid in accordance with this section. The Township shall be responsible for payment of attorneys' fees, court costs, or other costs incurred by the City in collection of delinquent accounts. g. The City reserves the right to suspend provision of services if there is a failure to pay invoices as provided herein. Snow Removal Services Agreement by and between Hassan Valley Township (Township) and the City of Hutchinson (City) Exhibit A Provide snow removal services for the frontage road at SE corner of intersection of MN TH 15 and McLeod Co Rd 115, as described in the attached drawings. Snow removal services will be performed when, and at the time of, services being provided to other City of Hutchinson streets. The City will not respond to call -outs from anyone other than the Township contact listed in the agreement. The City will not return to plow areas that were not initially plowed due to vehicles parked on the roadway, unless dispatched by the Township contact, which shall be subject to the standard fee. Snow will be plowed generally in the direction of travel to the edges of the roadway, without regard for driveways or other access points, which shall be the property owner's responsibility to clean. Cul -de -sacs will not be cleaned each time it snows. There may be some accumulation that occurs on cul- de -sacs. At the discretion of the City, the cul -de -sacs may be cleaned out and such snow will be stacked as determined by the City equipment operator. Sand and /or salt will be placed only at the entrance to Highway 15 South and upon the discretion of the City equipment operator. The City is not responsible for damages to unmarked or undisclosed obstacles. Because there is no curb and gutter, the City is not responsible for damages to sod resulting from snow removal services. The fee for service shall be $200 for each day the City dispatches an equipment operator to perform snow removal services on the frontage road. This fee shall include periodic application of sand and /or salt and cleaning of cul -de -sacs performed at the City equipment operator's discretion. I ti HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT UNDOT I \\\\\N \wL\\ vN, N\ SCALE IN FEET so i0o -0 -%R F F 10 -5UR s sloo 51 03 -j FRONTAGE Et dml lz ......... 4. t;g ;&m Al SHEET 100 0 lo FOR PIPE TABULATIONS. LEGEND STRUCTURE NUMBER • PROPOSED CATCH BASIN PROPOSED STORM SEVER ------ 4' DIA. PERF. TP PIPE 0 PROPOSED APRON � SURFACE FLOW DIRECTION a) CONNECT 4- PERF. TP PIPE TO STORM SEWER STRUCTURE PF RUA.F.T INFILTRATION AREA ca DRAINAGE PLAN STATE PROJ N0.4304 -90 (T.H. 15) SHEET NO. 96 OF 152 SHEETS --13v.— `-C HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT SCALE IN FEET co �� D sa IOa � U Y SEE SHEET 76 FOR CM R AND DIMENSIONS. Y SEE 00 FO R DAi DT INTERSECTION WtRDIx G DETAILS, w s66ioo II' CWIOTt7E TRAIL I 7 }ss6lw c f - }666100 + Tx 15 SB WETLAQ MIX _ { +CONCRETE DEOILN 1 y 1 [WIDTH vJR:E51 T % CONCRETE MEDIAN lWID7X YAH1E51 /� Y' YNDOT WOf I CCI15ifi1CT ION LIYIiS 6ry������ : � BIKE RAMP M° TD• CD16y 611IE �M cEC IOLITSIDE '- ±•q:a . _ Fla —������� � Clil! ElHaii�.� � �G - _ - - - -_14 t� rM N b m T. tiN 10' SNLO t - m _ r7 7 �• i = ' Y17 iFpER i1' LAW., NE )IE N !t' LA } --r 12' t.►7ff� f 1 1 e 7 12 LANE III V ILT 7'R" _rte Ji. T� �•-.ti CONSTRUCTION LIMITS / -- --- -8� k,�K I _ - ID[• �. ����....�� 7H 1i ��� �'•����.._..�� ���. -L f 7H 1'I II{f BIKE AAMA B' CON -r-aa 1dd.'_tipl i- aal� wr r 4v c. mrt,a -aso �' . . \• DT — I !E� ' r` t � t- --- oL CONIC. II 1laV�' W A.cx^ a. as � �flli'n {,OX y � a � •_ � lIIED]ANGL LT �� '�F 111" RAMP OUTSIDE CURBS) ` 03 MNDOT tD1 `1 Pf 04 ` • MNOOT ROW PERM. ESY7. g '—$ [ % .err�r a m E ;4 ¢O o E3CL g m W 3 3 CONTROL X _ % Y �• Ii I GENERAL NOTES: NOTES: ti t 77(1 5669 7.!)1F] O k I. ALL O7NENSINIS ARE i0 FiCE OF CONSTgUCT CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN an L 1 O CR EOCE Oi BIT WAd55 ti W ti i6 jA F OTxERfISE NOTED. CURB RAMP W/ TRUNCATED DOMES 3 j a , D G SI DEfRL 51 sTAEEI'S I6•CONCRETE WALK) j( n EN ft♦NCEC� i0 wi x (pxEfSS]NC EL VA710N W]OTN WC TEP[AL TYpE ® D jVEWAY PAVEMENT SECTIONET G. i' F' W 1# gOAD NTAER$E L1FmOR EIRE/ ® CONSTRUCT MEDIAN NOSE DESIGN 7109 �06 FS' iX1T. _ 'OETLII,Si FOR IO fCE T�Id4�0E1 WALK Q CONSTRUCT ENTRANCE NOSE DESIGN TITS NtESC {• COfCRET fiLR SPEC }i 7 ;1 ® MAILBOX SUPPORT CONSTRUCTION PLAN ossta eve LJP STATE PROJ NO. 4304 -90 (T.H. 15) SHEET NO. 71 OF 152 SHEETS HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL 09-f 104a� Request for Board Action 7AL Agenda Item: Consideration for Approval of Move MN Campaign Support Form Department: PW /Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/28/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The Minnesota Transportation Alliance is currently leading an effort, Move MN Campaign, to generate support for transportation funding during the upcoming State Legislature session. Please see the attached letter from the Move MN Steering Committee for additional details. Also attached is the support form that this group is asking interested agencies, organizations and /or individuals to submit and a Resolution of Support. City staff will be available to answer any questions that you may have. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the submittal of the Move MN Campaign Support Form and Resolution. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Dear Friend, As you heard today, there is a diverse and surprising group of stakeholders that recognize the state's significant transportation funding problem and have alreadyjoined forces to help secure a better future. But the louder and stronger we can be, the better positioned we are to be successful in our efforts. We need your voice. Now more than ever, there are even greater gains to be realized from investments in transportation. It's about investing not only in roads, bridges, and public transit, but in jobs, economic competitiveness and quality of live for all Minnesotans. We have a bold vision and path forward to a balanced transportation funding package that keeps Minnesota's economy growing. We believe that the 2014 legislative session provides the best opportunity to pass a dedicated and sustainable transportation package that supports new investments in all modes of transportation, and between greater Minnesota and the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. However, there is also a consensus that we must all share the political will to continue this effort beyond 2014 if necessary to get the job done. We all have a stake in moving transportation in Minnesota forward. Let's leverage our collective best to achieve something truly transformational for our state's infrastructure. We sincerely hope that you will join in the effort to help solve the state's transportation budget crisis. Sincerely, The Move MN Steering Committee Alliance for Metropolitan Stability, American Council of Engineering Companies, Associated General Contractors of Minnesota, Association of Minnesota Counties, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Minnesota Community Foundation, Minnesota Transportation Alliance, Summit Academy, and Transit for Livable Communities. Move MN Campaign Support Form Goal: To address the urgent need for a comprehensive transportation funding package that begins to erase Minnesota's $50 billion transportation deficit and creates new funding that will enable the state to properly maintain and improve transportation assets that expand access and opportunity for all and create living wage jobs. Campaign Guiding Principles: To be effective, members of the coalition agree that a transportation funding package must be: Comprehensive. Any transportation funding package must include funding for roads and highways, transit, bike and pedestrian systems throughout Minnesota for both the state and local systems. In addition, the state must work to continually improve the efficiency of transportation construction and operations. Balanced. Any transportation funding package must be balanced across transportation modes and between Greater Minnesota and the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. We Support developing a transportation system that serves all Minnesotans equitably. Sustainable /Gimmick -Free. Transportation funding solutions must be long -term and sustainable, and must grow with the economy to meet the state's growing transportation needs. Bonding or borrowing is not a suitable substitute to sustainable revenue for transportation. Bonding should only supplement additional revenue. Dedicated. New funding must be dedicated to transportation. Join the Campaign: The Move MN campaign is carried out by the many organizations and individuals which have committed resources, time and expertise to advance the mission of the campaign. By joining the campaign and signing on as an official campaign supporter your organization agrees to: • Make the campaign policy agenda a top legislative priority for your organization; • Help in carrying out the tactical elements of the campaign; • Be a public voice for the campaign; and • Engage your constituent groups in the campaign through communications, events, calls to action and other relevant strategies. Additional activities we may encourage your organization to participate in include: • Agree to publically support the campaign agenda. • Testify at the legislature. • Write a letter to the editor. • Make a statement to the media. • Take part in a presentation to key stakeholder groups. Please indicate your commitment of support by completing and signing this form. Your participation will help ensure our greatest level of success. Organization Name: Phone: Email: Signature: Please return signed form to: Kris Jensen, Deputy Campaign Manager 952 - 851 -7240 1 kjensen @tunheim.com Organization Member: RESOLUTION NO. 14237 RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR THE MOVE MN CAMPAIGN WHEREAS, the Move MN Campaign is committed to addressing Minnesota's urgent transportation needs — roads, bridges, transit, bicycle and pedestrian connections; and WHEREAS, the campaign consists of growing diverse coalition of private and public sector interests, non - profits and educational organizations dedicated to eliminating the states' transportation infrastructure deficits and creating new funding that will enable Minnesota to properly maintain and improve its transportation assets; and WHEREAS, The City of Hutchinson recognizes that transportation investments provide benefits beyond new infrastructure, including creating jobs, building economic competitiveness, and improving the quality of life for all Minnesotans by enabling the state to properly maintain and improve transportation assets that expand access and opportunity for all; and WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson affirms that in order to greater transportation system efficiencies and effectiveness, the new state -wide transportation funding package must be: - Balanced across transportation modes and between Greater Minnesota and MSP Metropolitan Area, serving all Minnesotans equitably. - Sustainable, including providing long -term solutions that will enable the economy and the people of our state to prosper. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the City of Hutchinson hereby supports the goals of the Move MN Campaign. Approved by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota this 28th day of January, 2014. Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator Steven W. Cook, Mayor HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL 09-f 104a� Request for Board Action WZ 7AL =- Agenda Item: Consideration of Changes to Verizon Wireless Franchise and Lease Agreement Department: PW/Water LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/28/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner /John Paulson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Paulson Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The City of Hutchinson executed a Franchise and Amendment No. 2 to a Site Lease Agreement with Verizon Wireless in August 2013. The approved amendment was to allow Verizon to expand it's leased area for the purpose of installing a backup power generator adjacent to their existing equipment storage building located on the South Park Water Tower property owned by the City. Verizon Wireless is requesting two changes to the amendment. The first is to increase their insured coverage limits and the second is to propose a new agreement commencement date of March 1, 2014. The generator site work did not commence during the fall of 2013 and they now anticipate the work to begin in March 2014. City staff will be available to answer any questions that you may have. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the changes to Franchise and Amendment No. 2 to site lease agreement between the City of Hutchinson and Verizon Wireless. D Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: MN07 Hutchinson #252632 Generator KHG112.18.12 FRANCHISE AND AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO SITE LEASE AGREEMENT This Amendment No. 2 to Site Lease Agreement (this "Amendment ") is made this 28th day of January , 20 14 , by and between THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, with an address of 111 Hassan Street S, Hutchinson, MN 55350, hereinafter "Landlord ", and MIDWEST WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, dlbla Verizon Wireless, with its principal offices located at One Verizon Way, Mail Stop 4AW100, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920, hereinafter "Tenant ". Landlord and Tenant are at times collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Parties" or individually as the "Party ". WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant entered into a Site Lease Agreement dated November 22, 2010, as amended by that certain Amendment No. 1 to Site Lease Agreement dated June 27, 2012 (the "Agreement "), whereby Tenant leased from Landlord certain space at 200 2 d Avenue Southwest, Hutchinson, Minnesota, as described in that certain Agreement; WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant desire to amend the Agreement in order to allow Tenant to increase its lease area for the placement of a generator; NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereto agree to be legally bound to this Amendment as follows: Exhibit B (Page 2 of 2) of the Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced and superseded by and with Exhibit B -2, attached hereto and incorporated herein. As indicated in Exhibit B -2, Tenant shall hereby lease an additional 275 square feet for the placement of a generator. The total ground space leased by Tenant is depicted as a 25' x 33' lease area which includes the existing shelter and the proposed generator shown together on Exhibit B -2. 2. Section 1 Leased Premises of the Agreement is hereby amended to reflect Tenant's total lease area of 825 square feet. 3. Landlord and Tenant each hereby warrant to the other that the person (or persons) executing this Amendment on behalf of the warranting Party has the full right, power and authority to enter into and execute this Amendment on that Party's behalf and that no consent from any other person or entity is necessary as a condition precedent to the legal effect of this Amendment. 4. Commencing on March 1, 2014, the annual rent payable by Tenant to Landlord shall be increased by $1,800.00 per year. The annual rent increase Prepared by: KHG Prepared on: 4.4.13 MN07 Hutchinson #252632 Generator KHG112.18.12 shall be prorated for any partial year and shall escalate in accordance with the Agreement. 5. A. The Landlord, in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, hereby grants to Tenant, a franchise to place and maintain a generator building as shown in Exhibit B -2, for the purpose of providing power to its antennae facilities on certain property owned by the City of Hutchinson at 200 2"d Avenue Southwest, Hutchinson. B. The franchise is granted for the same time period as the lease agreement and any amendments thereto. The franchise fee is included in the amount paid as rent. C. Landlord reserves the right to enforce all city and other reasonable regulations concerning construction, operation and maintenance of the generator building facilities located along, over and under the public premises before mentioned and the placement of such facilities. D. Tenant shall indemnify and defend the Landlord, its boards, commissions, officers, agents and employees, in any and all other public agencies, and their members, officers, agents and employees, against any and all liabilities for injury to or death of any person or any damage to any property caused by Tenant, its officers, agents or employees in the construction, operation or maintenance of its property, or arising out of the exercise of any right or privilege under the franchise. E. At all times during the term of the franchise, Tenant will, at its own expense, maintain in force general comprehensive liability insurance, with an insurance company approved by the Landlord, and with $2M combined single limits approved by the policies being for the protection of Landlord and its officers, agents and employees, against liability for loss or damage for bodily injury, death or property damage occasioned by the activities of the Grantee under the franchise. F. Tenant shall not have the right to assign the franchise otherwise transfer it in any manner whatsoever or sell, lease, license, mortgage, or permit others to use transfer in any manner whatsoever any interest in all or any part of its facilities that are installed or operated under this grant, except on prior written approval by ordinance of the City Council of the City of Hutchinson. G. In the event that Tenant should cease to exist or should fail to use the franchise for one calendar year, this franchise shall be deemed null and void and shall revert to the Landlord without any action on the part of the Landlord whatsoever. Prepared by: KHG 2 Prepared on: 4.4.13 MN07 Hutchinson #252632 Generator KHG112.18.12 6. All remaining provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as to all other terms and conditions, and shall remain binding on the Parties hereto. 7. The Agreement and Amendment contain all agreements, promises or understandings between Landlord and Tenant and no verbal or oral agreements, promises or understandings shall be binding upon either the Landlord or Tenant in any dispute, controversy or proceeding at law, and any addition, variation or modification to the Agreement and Amendment shall be void and ineffective unless made in writing and signed by the Parties. In the event any provision of the Agreement and Amendment is found to be invalid or unenforceable, such a finding shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement and Amendment. (SIGNATURES TO FOLLOW) Prepared by: KHG 3 Prepared on: 4.4.13 MN07 Hutchinson #252632 Generator KHG/12.18.12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have set forth their hand and seal as of the date indicated above. Witness Prepared by: KHG 4 Prepared on: 4.4.13 LANDLORD: THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON By: Name: Steven W. Cook Title: Mayor Date: 01/28/2014 Attest: By: Name: Jeremy J. Carter Title: City Administrator Date: 01/28/2014 TENANT: MIDWEST WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS L.L.C. d /b /a Verizon Wireless By: Alltel Communications, L.L.C., Its Sole Member By: Name: Linn Ramsev Title: Area Vice President Network Date: ISM I i -W Prepared by: KHG Prepared on: 4.4.13 MN07 Hutchinson #252632 Generator KHG112.18.12 tti LLS T9° ].rtw. awe N M a4 ae .fM•F�.1Ct -1Di4 eew M ii %�!1 °" M N ar taw�r \ \ _ \ \ ey . Y ✓ �_ [) A 0111' Til l AI r -L] ^ R!ldlr 0I nu ML I V I 1 I V Y Y L_ 1 1 .. tu..•......ri tr. n..m.. m�im.n . rwrr. uu. m.�- "°.� "' " -"- aw v_ -JA \:_ `�r f n_���� � � i�,.. / / ice. d — — � � �..� \ ?� � _ \ \ a �.' . �.• 1 / / i � _ _ \ \ 'V\ \ -� �R �i 1 �.. 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"I 11L u _' i r� VI'Q'N/rY MAP + .a.�.�«.....r.�::9.r.... `�'� �- -+Gw_ ` .` _ � � _ � \ � ` •a�Or -� -� % / / • t d o ertpaM DT "',re a'a as Y mcpt soe..rml sa G r Ar ae.a ua. zou aera Man mt! �•"V.w — .ra\ `. `� :'�,/ / � � I � .re �t ! / sunc u]o uc•wc uc. BENCH MARKS (BM) Y \\ (DATUM MAYO 86) ! ro[ x) Em "0008a.0 I..i L5O rk1Kn /�Bxa9 s14TVee MUtWH5Cr4 7171E C.�IWi1Q1T HUTC T emro% rruiii'iilvsonr j � G nn] Nrutp{ n »� t rh• n. a4 pn- M.s. -b14 rW M .4 f01] .m �Mr ff SUNDE —== . ?, ;� rti .w - • �-• •• ceT.aam4] °r tweet e.tv.°t.. n ".s e K .AO e! as re�a. cm.rr+. c[r°'- "x']19 MN07 HUTQY/NS�lhl s91.aw. a E*9]v6mc�:�,� ums rmarnvo w.. � ti 1 4....a."� s� w �cw.Mm�e,,,� uc � o+�..�+�[+n �w�r La».ee . N 4.96'YJ..• LmptW[ . • 92.19't]..• IQ -0 A M ]]MrW o.Gt } McLEOD COUNTY tt SC.IIE ml]o�o..e.r .wn9�9...wrrt w. ]u.0 Nat r.+w n r✓ ° MINNESOTA r ] OLD PENNINGTON LAW F I R M L L C KELLI GRAHAM CANT EY.ESQUIRE' �l.l.i4dM1 "I i:y(«,f'iiNhl.A11`h 'LICENSED IN SOUTH CAROLii.,, January 3, 2014 VIA OVERNIGHT EXPRESS Mr. John Paulson The City of Hutchinson Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: FRANCHISE AND AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO SITE LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND MIDWEST WIRELESSD /B /A VERIZON WIRELESS (MN07 HUTCHINSON #252632 GENERATOR SECOND AMENDMENT) (PC LAW NO.: 4070 -029) Dear John, I hope you are well. Our office received two (2) executed originals of the Franchise and Amendment No. 2 to Site Lease Agreement ( "Second Amendment ") dated August 13, 2013 from the City of Hutchinson (the "City "). Upon further review of the documents that have been executed by the City, Verizon Wireless would like the following revisions (highlighted in bold) made to Section 5 (E): E. At all times during the term of the franchise, Tenant will, at its own expense, maintain in force general comprehensive liability insurance, with an insurance company approved by the Landlord, and with a $2M combined single limit approved by the policies being for the protection of Landlord and its officers, agents and employees, against liability for loss or damage for bodily injury, death or property damage occasioned by the activities of the Tenant under the franchise. In addition, will the City be amenable to pushing out the commencement date of the rent increase since Verizon Wireless has not yet installed the generator at this location? I propose a commencement date of March 1, 2014. 1501 Main Street, Suite 600 (29201) Post Office Box 2844, Columbia. South Carolina 29202 Telephone: 803-929-1070 Fax: 803-929-1075 www.pennlawfirm cu. Mr. John Paulson January 3, 2014 Page 2of2 Please advise if the City will accept the revisions to the Second Amendment as outlined herein. If acceptable, please execute the enclosed revised original documents and return them to my attention in the enclosed Fed Ex envelope. If you have any questions or comments or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, PENNINGTON LAW FIRM, L.L.C. 1�0. � �� Kelli Graham Cantey Enclosures R %GREAT PLAINS%AMENDMENTSWN67 HUTCHINSOMLTR- TO LL. (1.2.14).docx HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Short -Term Gambling Licenses L� ►� . Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/28/2014 Contact: Jeremy Carter Application Complete Yes Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Jeremy Carter Reviewed by Staff 0 Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency NIA Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The McLeod County Pheasants Forever and Minnesota Deer Hunters Association have both submitted short-term gambling license applications into administration for review and processing. The applications are for events the organizations are holding on March 22, 2014, and April 5, 2014, respectively. Both events are being held at the McLeod County Fairgrounds. The applicants have completed the appropriate applications in full and all pertinent information has been received. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing short-term gambling license to McLeod County Pheasants Forever on March 22, 2014, and Minnesota Deer Hunters Association on April 5, 2014. Fiscal Impact: FTE Impact: Included in current budget: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Remaining Cost: No Funding Source: Budget Change: No Funding Source: S 0 00 Funding Source: C:r of J . k I I Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (3220 587-5 15 1 Fax: (320) 2344240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered Application Type, _ Short Term Date(s) ��ZZ� Fee: $30.00 lY onth/lf /Year — Mon h/Day ear Organization Information Name Phone Number /7X/ -3 S ? Address where regular meeting are held Citt� State zip Day and time o #'meetings? / r �• f ,/ /� f l}',ti Cr-� I i Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of i'flinnesota? Wyes ❑ no How long has the organization been inexistence? How may members in the organization? liM What is the purpose of the organi7ation9 In whose custody will organizati records be kept? Name Phone Number address Cin, state zip_ Duly Authorized Officer of the Organization Information Prue Name Residence address Phone Number City State zip Date of Birth: 0 / n l / /Gyf �S Place of Birth: Month /dory. year Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? If yes, explain: Cit) State ❑ yes On- of Histehmson .application for Gainblrug Dewees License Puge 2 oj'3 Designated Gamb Manager tPualified under tVIinnesota Statute 329j True Name Yaq/r, 94 _ 6-4 /p, a V' Residence Address City effz/- �2� P lone Number /Y &/ G'�_3 State zip Date of Birth: 01 12 –7 / /Y j Place of Birth: ( ld3r- w 'Q Man1h/cla7)'61eor -'City State Have you ever been convicted of an_v crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes no If yes, explain: blow long have you been a member of the organization? 17— 49a Game Information Locatio # ,l Name of location w ere game wdkbe played Phone Number Address of location vhere game will be player! City State zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: through through jp 21 AM T AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From To Maximum number of player: 11} -- Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money ' merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used9 If yes, will a charreb mpde_ foj• such refre�sh� ue t, ? ves ❑ no Game Information _ Location 42 Name of location where gaine will be pkryed Id yes ❑ no -- I Phone Number j address of location where game will be played City State Date(s) and/or days) gambling devices will be used: through AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From pM To Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money ❑ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, will a charge be made for such refreshments? ❑ ves ❑ no Zip AM PM ( •+n• ut Yh(whinaon IPPIwarion fur (ia+utilii7g Devices License Page 3 of 3 Officers of the Or (ifnecessary, list additionAl names_ on separate sheet) Name Title t, 11al Residence Address City State zip - Name - - -- Title Residence Address City State Zip — - — Name— - - Title Residence Address City State Zip Officers or Other Persons Paid for Services Information (if necessary, list additional names on separate sheet) - Name - - -- — Title Residence Address Name Residence Address — Name Residency Address City State Zip Title City State Zip Title — -- -- Ciry — State - — zip Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager b yes ❑ no r/. Authorized Officer yes ❑ no Initial /Il4e Initial I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No, 114,.20 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. . /•:- Signature of authorized officer of organization Date t_` 6 "�Ili ,._ _ �— /_/ ` /'�' Signature oj'gambling manager of organization Date Internal Use Only - City Council ❑ .approved ❑ denied Notes: Ord of I 1 I Hassan Street Southeast HUCchlnsoa, MN 55350 (320) 557 -5151 Fay (320) 2344240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications mast be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered Application Type L' Short Term Date(s) Fee: $30.00 AIonthlDav/Yeur 4lonthiD�lYear- II Organization Information Q126W C1MP -7-- -, Name Phone Number /(G13/,8 Ji -YA/. A iL,Y 2 Z ZITGN'-L-/SL.h AIAl 553.5 -! Address where regular meeting are held 00) Slate ,Zip Day and time of meetings ?�'Wx2�! �" p%G,'C q� ���. f j M4v nv 7, Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? )d yes ❑ no How long has the organization been in existence? 22 How may members in the organization? 3�r} t' What is the purpose of the organization? &F-772�7ait -74 0,- bkZW- st_ 1.v 71A.' C In whose custody will organization records be kept? Name Phone Number - -- address - - Duly Authorized Officer of the Organization Information True Name Residence Address On, J c UI G /�Cc7h� City h7 ,Al -5.535 S Stare Zip Phone Number -Yk-lh( _55 3 State Zip Date of Birth: ?)Cf / Place of Birth; #V- r6J1jA,1 /Vf41 Month /dm/year City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense9 i] yes no If yes, explain: C ay of "Hutcbrmon - tppharmon jor Gambling Devices License Huge 1 q /'3 Desi -nated Gambling Manager (Qualified under Uidnesola Statute X329) True Natne Phone Number 2_ot�,,J2 &0/9 J IAI. 55355 Residence ,Address City State zip Date of Birth. 0,8 Place of Birth: Monthlda)gear City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes X110 If yes, explain: How long have you been a member of the organization? Game Information Location 41 MCz�nD 6C7VN7 V Name of location where game will be played Phone Number 941-9 �'7V'T�� 4 q v;F'. _ %7 V 6Hi1V6__Q.v 1"Ill. Address of location whefegame will be played City State zip Date(s) and /or day(s) gambling devices will be used: 04- O.5 - 2-.'q I -'f- through Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From .3, .3 O PM To %/ ; �} ° -� MPM�. Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money X merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? � yes ❑ noCxl� If yes, wi l l a charge bq made for such refreshments? ❑ yes CI no 0"JW-)[_ AI Lei /c��t� ''}S T � %1� i c i� Game Information _ Location 42 Name of location where game will be played Phone Number .4 delress of location where game will be played City State Date(s) andlor day(s) gambling devices will be used through AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From pM To Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money ❑ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ❑ yes If yes, will a charge be made for such refreshments? ❑ yes ❑ no ❑ no Zip AM PM t my u(t ittrchinson -fppticalion for Gombhug t]etvc•es License Merge 3 of Officers of the Organization (ifnece,vypn), list additional names on separate sheet) _ G� PUZ: / /VZ - PPS -s, 7 Name Title 6-7 Z i Residence .-1 dclress Name AIAI �5-� - City State Zip Ca - .l.v, 2 Title � Residence Address Cin, State Zip J l Name Ti Residence Address _ _^ City State Zip Officers or kA °'-, MO ° id c 'r0& 1aharambon (if necessary, list additional names on separate sheet) Name l , Title Residence Address City State Zip Name - - Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Title Residence Address City _ State - Zip Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota tatutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager � yes ❑ no v� / Authorized Officer I yes ❑ no PO Initial initial I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 114.20 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. Si "lure of authorised officer of'organization Date Signature of gambling manager of organisation Date — Internal Use Only City Council ❑ approved C3 denied Notes: CITY OF HUTCHINSON Check Register - Council Check Register Page: 1 Report Dates: 1/5/2014- 1/18/2014 Jan 22, 2014 11:33AM Report Criteria: Transmittal checks included Pay Period Journal Check Check Date Code Issue Date Number Payee Amount 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 179176 AFLAC 90.85- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 179177 HART 569.86- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 179178 Life Insurance Co. of America 660.48- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 179179 MN Department of Revenue 34.00- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 179180 MNPEA 468.00- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241401 EFTPS 13,144.81- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241401 EFTPS 13,144.81- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241401 EFTPS 3,857.60- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241401 EFTPS 3,857.60- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241401 EFTPS 25,342.06- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241402 ICMA 1,310.00- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241403 ING 975.00- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241404 Minnesota Dept. of Revenue 11,227.63- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241405 MN Child Support System 653.21- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241406 MNDCP 250.00- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241407 PERA 12,629.52- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241407 PERA 12,629.52- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241407 PERA 5,806.66- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241407 PERA 8,710.02- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241407 PERA 36.16- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241407 PERA 36.16- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241407 PERA 20.02- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241407 PERA 2,000.70- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241408 TASC -Flex 200.00- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241408 TASC -Flex 1,514.55- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241409 TASC -HSA 4,354.94- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241409 TASC -HSA 3,338.08- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241409 TASC -HSA 1,039.44- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241409 TASC -HSA 592.24- 01/18/2014 CDPT 01/22/2014 1241409 TASC -HSA 849.22 - Grand Totals: 30 129,343.14- CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 1 Check Dates 1/16- 1/28/14 1/24/2014 Check Number Check Issue Date Amount Vendor Account Description 179165 1/16/2014 23.85 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS Automotive R &M 179166 1/16/2014 8.98 CENTRAL MCGOWAN Operating Supplies 179167 1/16/2014 472.86 HAGER JEWELRY INC. Retiree Gifts 179168 1/16/2014 351.00 HJERPE CONTRACTING Contracted Snow Removal 179169 1/16/2014 14,701.67 HJERPE CONTRACTING Improv other than Buildings 179170 1/16/2014 91.00 HUTCH CAFE Operating Supplies 179171 1/16/2014 16.00 KLOSS, TOM Small Tools & Minor Equipment 179172 1/16/2014 351.00 KOSEK, JEFF Contracted Snow Removal 179173 1/16/2014 62.87 LEVINE, ERIC Reimbursement 179174 1/16/2014 514.00 RUNNING'S SUPPLY Small Tools & Minor Equipment 179175 1/16/2014 148.20 RUNNING'S SUPPLY Sales - Bagged Compost Product 179181 1/28/2014 360.00 AARP Other Professional Services 179182 1/28/2014 203.00 ACCUWEATHER INC Dues & Subscriptions 179183 1/28/2014 564.50 ACE HARDWARE Operating Supplies 179184 1/28/2014 163.34 AEM MECHANICAL SERVICES INC Contractual R &M 179185 1/28/2014 10.00 ALBERTSJR., FRED Animal License Refund 179186 1/28/2014 175.00 ALEXANDRIA TECHNICAL COLLEGE Travel /Conference Expense 179187 1/28/2014 420.00 ALPHA WIRELESS Contractual R &M 179188 1/28/2014 135.28 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 179189 1/28/2014 560.00 AMERICAN TEST CENTER Contractual R &M 179190 1/28/2014 12.09 AMERICAN WELDING & GAS Automotive R &M 179191 1/28/2014 77.78 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES Contractual R &M 179192 1/28/2014 523.43 ANIMAL MEDICAL CENTER ON CROW RIVER Other Professional Services 179193 1/28/2014 162.80 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE INC. Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 179194 1/28/2014 732.00 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO Cost of Sales - Beer 179195 1/28/2014 581.00 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Cost of Sales - Beer 179196 1/28/2014 330.00 ASCAP Dues & Subscriptions 179197 1/28/2014 334.58 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE Shop Supplies 179198 1/28/2014 2,000.00 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO Other Professional Services 179199 1/28/2014 579.54 B & C PLUMBING & HEATING INC Equipment Parts 179200 1/28/2014 5,833.24 B. W. WELDING Contractual R &M 179201 1/28/2014 1,195.94 BELLBOY CORP Cost of Sales - Liquor 179202 1/28/2014 2,663.41 BENNETT MATERIAL HANDLING Equipment Parts 179203 1/28/2014 171.80 BERNICK'S Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 179204 1/28/2014 614.50 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP Other Professional Services 179205 1/28/2014 24,532.10 C & L DISTRIBUTING Cost of Sales - Beer 179206 1/28/2014 38.55 CARDTRONICS Operating Supplies 179207 1/28/2014 319.92 CARLOS CREEK WINERY Cost of Sales - Wine 179208 1/28/2014 569.19 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS Contractual R &M 179209 1/28/2014 123.85 CENTRAL MCGOWAN Shop Supplies 179210 1/28/2014 12,007.00 CIVIC SYSTEMS LLC Software & Licensing 179211 1/28/2014 919.03 COMDATA CORPORATION Operating Supplies 179212 1/28/2014 2,977.50 CREATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS Improv other than Buildings 179213 1/28/2014 109.31 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR Automotive R &M 179214 1/28/2014 92.00 CROW RIVER PRESS INC Printing & Publishing 179216 1/28/2014 530.00 CROW RIVER WINERY Cost of Sales - Wine 179217 1/28/2014 8,549.20 DAY DISTRIBUTING Cost of Sales - Beer 179218 1/28/2014 90.00 DIGITAL ALLY INC Small Tools & Minor Equipment 179219 1/28/2014 5,030.19 DPC INDUSTRIES INC Chemicals & Chemical Products 179220 1/28/2014 1,461.75 DROP -N -GO SHIPPING INC Printing & Publishing 179221 1/28/2014 676.07 E2 ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC Repair & Maintenance Supplies 179222 1/28/2014 250.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTASSN OF MN Dues & Subscriptions 179223 1/28/2014 10.00 EHLERS, JERRY Animal License Refund 179224 1/28/2014 6,200.00 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INST Software & Licensing 179225 1/28/2014 3,205.00 ERICKSON ENGINEERING CO LLC Other Professional Services 179226 1/28/2014 30.00 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 179227 1/28/2014 544.08 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT Shop Supplies 179228 1/28/2014 166.09 FASTENAL COMPANY Repair & Maintenance Supplies 179229 1/28/2014 145.00 FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE SOLUTIONS Operating Supplies 179230 1/28/2014 42.75 FLYER PUBLICATIONS INC Advertising 179231 1/28/2014 604.59 FORMS & SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA Printing & Publishing 179232 1/28/2014 336.82 G & K SERVICES Operating Supplies 179233 1/28/2014 3,200.00 GAVIN WINTERS TWISSTHIEMANN & LONG LTD Other Professional Services 179234 1/28/2014 225.00 GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICES (GTS) Travel /Conference Expense 179235 1/28/2014 1,334.00 HANSEN GRAVEL Contracted Snow Removal 179236 1/28/2014 489.45 HANSEN TRUCK SERVICE Automotive R &M 179237 1/28/2014 234.00 HANSON & VASEK CONSTRUCTION Contracted Snow Removal 179238 1/28/2014 8,926.29 HCVN -TV Cable TV Franchise Fees 179239 1/28/2014 1,000.00 HENNEPIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE Travel /Conference Expense 179240 1/28/2014 2,644.04 HEWLETT - PACKARD CO Small Tools & Minor Equipment 179241 1/28/2014 2,124.00 HIBU INC Advertising 179242 1/28/2014 1,805.98 HILLYARD/ HUTCHINSON Cleaning Supplies 179243 1/28/2014 138.41 HOLT MOTORS INC Automotive R &M 179244 1/28/2014 550.00 HOLT PETERSON CHARTER BUS Senior Trip 179245 1/28/2014 1,682.00 HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE Common Area Maintenance 179246 1/28/2014 15,000.00 HUTCHINSON CENTER FOR THE ARTS Annual Contribution 179247 1/28/2014 4,315.22 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Lodging Tax Reimb 179248 1/28/2014 258.73 HUTCHINSON CO -OP Motor Fuels & Lubricants 179249 1/28/2014 1,013.81 HUTCHINSON LEADER Printing & Publishing 179250 1/28/2014 1,510.00 HUTCHINSON PLUMBING & HEATING CO Contractual R &M 179251 1/28/2014 30.86 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Refund 179252 1/28/2014 375.62 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE Automotive R &M 179253 1/28/2014 5.00 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF Building Permit 179254 1/28/2014 126.04 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF Utilities 179255 1/28/2014 4,000.00 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF ATM Replenishment 179256 1/28/2014 9,497.34 IFCO SYSTEMS NA INC. Inventory - Process Material 179257 1/28/2014 335.52 INDIAN ISLAND WINERY Cost of Sales - Wine 179258 1/28/2014 29.06 INGLE, INGRID Refund 179259 1/28/2014 345.00 INTERNATIONAL ECON DEV COUNCIL Dues & Subscriptions 179260 1/28/2014 5.32 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINNEAPOLIS Shop Supplies 179261 1/28/2014 1,371.10 JJ TAYLOR DIST OF MN Cost of Sales - Liquor 179262 1/28/2014 54,780.07 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Cost of Sales - Wine 179263 1/28/2014 7,063.00 KHC CONSTRUCTION Equipment Parts 179264 1/28/2014 10.00 KIEPER, CLIFF Animal License Refund 179265 1/28/2014 115.68 KLOSS, TOM Small Tools & Minor Equipment 179266 1/28/2014 2,381.43 KOENIG & SONS EQUIPMENT INC Automotive R &M 179267 1/28/2014 235.74 KOSEK, ANDREW Travel /Conference Expense 179268 1/28/2014 234.00 KOSEK, JEFF Contracted Snow Removal 179269 1/28/2014 103.79 L & P SUPPLY CO Automotive R &M 179270 1/28/2014 45,047.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST Worker's Comp Insur Premiums 179271 1/28/2014 28,337.70 LOCHER BROTHERS INC Cost of Sales - Beer 179272 1/28/2014 17,743.25 LOGIS Contractual R &M 179273 1/28/2014 175.00 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP Other Professional Services 179274 1/28/2014 127.26 MARIPOSA PUBLISHING Operating Supplies 179275 1/28/2014 157.41 MATEUS, ALEXANDER Refund 179276 1/28/2014 315.76 MAYTAG LAUNDRY & CAR WASH Other Professional Services 179277 1/28/2014 334.00 MDRA Dues & Subscriptions 179278 1/28/2014 1,827.59 MENARDS HUTCHINSON Repair & Maintenance Supplies 179279 1/28/2014 771.29 MES - MIDAM Repair & Maintenance Supplies 179280 1/28/2014 13,163.28 MICHAEL MURPHY CONSTRUCTION LLC Buildings & Structures 179281 1/28/2014 502.20 MILLNER HERITAGE VINEYARD & WINERY Cost of Sales - Wine 179282 1/28/2014 35.80 MINNESOTA CLE Operating Supplies 179283 1/28/2014 45.00 MINNESOTA CRIME PREVENTION ASSN Dues & Subscriptions 179284 1/28/2014 25.50 MINNESOTA DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLE Machinery & Equipment 179285 1/28/2014 590.00 MINNESOTA ELEVATOR INC Contractual R &M 179286 1/28/2014 238.00 MINNESOTA RECREATION & PARK ASSN Other Professional Services 179287 1/28/2014 321.00 MINNESOTA SPORTS FEDERATION Other Professional Services 179288 1/28/2014 156.00 MINNESOTA STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASSN Dues & Subscriptions 179289 1/28/2014 373.80 MINNESOTA UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE Unemployment Insurance 179290 1/28/2014 555.00 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB Other Professional Services 179291 1/28/2014 160.00 MMFL Other Professional Services 179292 1/28/2014 358.00 MN SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Dues & Subscriptions 179293 1/28/2014 20.00 MN STATE PATROL Operating Supplies 179294 1/28/2014 470.00 MN TRANSPORTATION ALLIANCE Dues & Subscriptions 179295 1/28/2014 80.16 MODERN TOWING Other Professional Services 179296 1/28/2014 566.34 MOTION INDUSTRIES INC Equipment Parts 179297 1/28/2014 529.56 M -R SIGN Sign Repair Materials 179298 1/28/2014 178.00 NADA APPRAISAL GUIDES Dues & Subscriptions 179299 1/28/2014 317.42 NEOPOST USA INC Equipment Rental 179300 1/28/2014 164.00 NEW FRANCE WINE Cost of Sales - Wine 179301 1/28/2014 20.00 NIELAND, ROGER Animal License Refund 179302 1/28/2014 164.85 NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES Chemicals & Chemical Products 179303 1/28/2014 410.00 NORTH SHORE ANALYTICAL INC Other Professional Services 179304 1/28/2014 15.63 NORTHERN SAFETY & INDUSTRIAL Uniforms & Personal Equip 179305 1/28/2014 1,351.52 NUSS TRUCK & EQUIPMENT Equipment Parts 179306 1/28/2014 54.06 OFFICE DEPOT Office Supplies 179307 1/28/2014 138.19 OFFICE OF MN IT SERVICES Phone Services 179308 1/28/2014 794.15 OLD DOMINION BRUSH Automotive R &M 179309 1/28/2014 152.45 OLSON, ROGER Operating Supplies 179310 1/28/2014 205.51 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Shop Supplies 179311 1/28/2014 6,081.75 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Cost of Sales - Beer 179312 1/28/2014 45,013.12 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS Cost of Sales - Liquor 179313 1/28/2014 1,239.70 PLUNKETS PEST CONTROL Operating Supplies 179314 1/28/2014 188.00 POSTMASTER Postage 179315 1/28/2014 686.03 PRO AUTO MN INC. Contractual R &M 179316 1/28/2014 2,124.90 QUADE ELECTRIC Operating Supplies 179317 1/28/2014 39.47 QUILL CORP Operating Supplies 179318 1/28/2014 98.50 R & R SPECIALTIES INC Contractual R &M 179319 1/28/2014 2,248.65 R.J.L. TRANSFER Freight 179320 1/28/2014 200.00 RADKE, ANGIE Holiday Party Reimbursement 179321 1/28/2014 53,983.20 RANGER Machinery & Equipment 179322 1/28/2014 10.00 RANNOW, DEB Animal License Refund 179323 1/28/2014 10.00 RASCO, SHERRY Animal License Refund 179324 1/28/2014 70.86 REFLECTIVE APPAREL FACTORY INC Safety Supplies 179325 1/28/2014 15.00 REGION V EMERGENCY MGMTASSN Dues & Subscriptions 179326 1/28/2014 75.00 REID, ANDY Expense Reimbursement 179327 1/28/2014 1,037.94 SAM'S TIRE SERVICE Equipment Parts 179328 1/28/2014 32.48 SCHLUETER, PAUL Travel /Conference Expense 179329 1/28/2014 56.00 SCHMALZ, MATTHEW Refund 179330 1/28/2014 208.40 SCHMELING OIL CO Motor Fuels & Lubricants 179331 1/28/2014 70.00 SCHWARTZ, ANDREA Travel /Conference Expense 179332 1/28/2014 131.74 SEBORA, MARC Travel /Conference Expense 179333 1/28/2014 1,750.00 SEH Other Professional Services 179334 1/28/2014 300.00 SHAW, KAREN Other Professional Services 179335 1/28/2014 44.40 SHRED -IT USA INC- MINNEAPOLIS Refuse - Recycling 179336 1/28/2014 2,711.97 SIMONSON LUMBER CO Contractual R &M 179337 1/28/2014 208.88 SIMONSON LUMBER HUTCHINSON Repair & Maintenance Supplies 179338 1/28/2014 180.54 SKARPOHL PRESSURE WASHER SALES INC Automotive R &M 179339 1/28/2014 44,744.53 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN Cost of Sales - Wine 179340 1/28/2014 2,390.40 SPARTAN STAFFING Other Professional Services 179341 1/28/2014 1,118.79 SRF CONSULTING GROUP Other Professional Services 179342 1/28/2014 619.87 STANDARD PRINTING Printing & Publishing 179343 1/28/2014 525.18 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Operating Supplies 179344 1/28/2014 25.00 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Licenses & Permits 179345 1/28/2014 485.00 STEARNS COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRATOR Bail 179346 1/28/2014 307.42 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 179347 1/28/2014 1,012.50 STRATEGIC INSIGHTS CO Software & Licensing 179348 1/28/2014 195.74 TARGET Operating Supplies 179349 1/28/2014 203.00 TEETZEL, WILLIAM K Other Professional Services 179350 1/28/2014 3,416.70 THOMSON REUTERS -WEST Other Professional Services 179351 1/28/2014 864.49 TITAN MACHINERY Automotive R &M 179352 1/28/2014 10.00 TOBISON, ARDIS Animal License Refund 179354 1/28/2014 42.00 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION Contractual R &M 179355 1/28/2014 2,020.34 TOWMASTER INC. Automotive R &M 179356 1/28/2014 180.39 TRAF- O -TERIA SYSTEM Office Supplies 179357 1/28/2014 82.00 TRI COUNTY WATER Operating Supplies 179358 1/28/2014 156.36 TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC Phone Services 179359 1/28/2014 33.06 VERIZON WIRELESS Phone Services 179360 1/28/2014 1,370.64 VFW POST 906 Operating Supplies 179361 1/28/2014 10,189.80 VIKING BEER Cost of Sales - Beer 179362 1/28/2014 657.60 VIKING COCA COLA Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 179363 1/28/2014 4,560.25 VINOCOPIA INC Cost of Sales - Wine 179364 1/28/2014 2,131.77 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN Utilities 179365 1/28/2014 49,719.08 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN Refuse - Services 179366 1/28/2014 7,020.00 WEBB PALLET Inventory - Process Material 179367 1/28/2014 60.00 WELCOME NEIGHBOR Advertising 179368 1/28/2014 650.00 WIEWECK, GREG Contractual R &M 179369 1/28/2014 4,364.40 WINE COMPANY, THE Cost of Sales - Wine 179370 1/28/2014 179371 1/28/2014 179372 1/28/2014 179373 1/28/2014 179374 1/28/2014 Grand Totals: 2,134.00 WINE MERCHANTS INC 401.65 WINTER EQUIPMENT CO INC 16,269.92 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 153.00 WOODLAND HILL VINEYARDS LLC 912.33 ZEP MANUFACTURING CO 627,035.57 Cost of Sales - Wine Shop Supplies Cost of Sales - Liquor Cost of Sales - Wine Shop Supplies ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS 1/28/2014 TAX FUND PAYABLE TO FUEL HATS MN DEPT OF REV SALES TAX LIQUOR MN DEPT OF REV SALES TAX PRCE CIVIC ARENA MN DEPT OF REV SALES & USE TAX WATER SEWER CREEKSIDE MN DEPT OF REV AMOUNT $3,313.13 $58,659.00 $346.00 $11,353.00 $73,671.13 heck Number Check Issue Date Amount 179215 1/28/2014 179353 1/28/2014 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2 Check Dates 1/16- 1/28/14 Vendor 446.00 CROW RIVER SIGNS 234.00 TONY FORCIER TRUCKING 680.00 Account Description Uniforms & Personal Equip Contracted Snow Removal 1/24/2014 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL 09-f Request for Board Action 104a� 7AL Agenda Item: Update on Transitioning to Single Sort Recycling Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/28/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Presenter: County Commissioners Reviewed by Staff ❑ Communications, Requests Time Requested (Minutes): 10 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Members of the McLeod County Board of Commissioners will be providing an update to the City Council on the County's progress towards transitioning to single sort recycling. The Commissioners' presentation material is included in the packet. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: No action required. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: MRF.Single-sort Retrofit Oo---------------- PROVIDING A COMMUNITY SERVICE 2013 data enclosed is gathered from documented data to date; and is not finalized data for the year. p�'� '15-J 9 lad 4 ------------------------- - ----- e — -------- ---------------- • Curbside Recycling • Ag Chemical Disposal 0 Paper Drive Fundraising for area • Rural drop -box Recycling ALL Plastic Recycling non - profits • Township shed Recycling Pharmaceutical /OTC Medication ° Aluminum Redemption Program • School Recycling Receptacles • Disposal (Take it to the Box Program) • • School Recycling Service �. Recycling Annual County -wide Collections Event Rec y g @ the County Fair ° Municipal Site Monitoring • School Recycling Rebates Employee HHW Collections @ local • County Department office space businesses Donation Directory Program • MTP /VEC office space 0 Battery Recycling 0 Commercial recycling revenue • Well Water testing around SRRMF • Ink /Laser /Toner Cartridge Recycling 0 Oil Filter Recycling • Business Recycling. Audits • Plastic Bag Recycling 0 VSQG Business Waste Program • fREeUSE Center • Car /Booster Seat Recycling • Small Gas Cylinder Recycling • Household Hazardous Waste (GreenSeats Program -ONLY FREE Disposal program in MN Electronics Recycling • Business Recycling Collection Cooking Oil Recycling 0 Appliance Recycling • Municipal Yard Waste Processing • FLB Recycling Motor Oil Recycling • Y g • CFL Recycling 0 Municipal Yard Waste Hauling 0 Mattress Recycling • Recordable Media Recycling Education for all programs 0 Tire.Recycling • Cork Recycling Annual Host to 3rd Grade y g Environmental Day Aluminum Fundraising for area • Crayon Recycling non- profits y g Annual u Education at 4th Grade Nature Fundraising opportunities to • Water Filter Recycling y • EPS Recycling Non - profits through Event • y g Penny Per Pound community service Recycling • Fishing line Recycling program • Holiday Lights Recycling 0 Ag Bag Recycling • Empty Pesticide Container Recycling • HHW Mobile Collections -------- --------- ICI• - - - - -- — ----------------------- 17 tons ICI: 147 tons City: 166 tons Rural: 20 tons Pdrives: 7 tons Community $'s: $363 Mattresses: 16 tons Haulers: 93 tons -------- --------- ICI• - - - - -- — ----------------------- 17 tons City: 197 tons Rural: 102 tons Pdrives: 39 tons Community $'s: $1,995 ---------------------------------------- - - - - -- To Whom ---------------------- 0 Ell 2 ICI: City: Rural: ___ ___ __ ______ 69 tons ICI: 1,043 tons City: 157 tons Rural: 70 tons Pdrives: 113 tons Community $'s: $6,171 Mattresses: 1 ton Haulers: 93 tons 587 205 tons 168 tons ICI: 69 tons City: 111 tons Rural: 223 tons Pdrives: 112 tons Community $'s: $6,420 Haulers: 120 tons --------- - - - - -- County -wide PM's: 64 tons 2012 Recycling Rate' 42.2% County -wide $'s: $7,511 District totals are representative of the documented portions of 2013 (not the entire year), January- November Regional Reach ------------- -------- ------------------------------------------ Kandiyohi: ICI: 50 tons Meeker: ICI: 97 tons Pdrives: 54 tons Community $'s: $2,938 Renville: ICI: 61 tons Pdrives: 133 tons Community $'s: $5,847 Redwood: ICI: 35 tons Wright: ICI: 484 tons Pdrives: go tons Community $'s: $4,283 Carver: ICI: 99 tons Pdrives: 169 tons Community $'s: $8,866 ------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Sibley: ICI: 39 tons Capital MRF Operating Expenses 2013 X88,135 Revenue I Shipped I Expenses 0 --------------------- On -Site Alum. $ Fibber $ ' $146,050 $55,000 $831,875 $823,611 $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 Expenses do not include collection costs. Revenue does not include Abatement and Tip Fees from the landfill. 9 �� Department Operating Expenses 2013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revenue Expenses 04M90 $1�959J7E $1,750,000 $1,800,000 $1,850,000 $1,900,000 $1,950,000 $21000,000 Expenses include the entire department Revenue includes all revenue sources. 2012 2011 2010 2009 rating Expenses -------------- ---- ---- ----------------------- ------------ 2009 -2012 $127361 - _... . $651,220 $662,34 $243303 O 1 _ $7 4�7 61 $748516 $31,053 W 2012: $112,644 of expenses were paid out locally 2011: $170,089 Of expenses were paid out locally 2010: $122,761 Of expenses were paid out locally $668,196 -- 2009: $70,088 of expenses were $103,18 ` paid out locally $425149 11$627,012 Capital Expenses F- i I I Revenue $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 ■ Operating Expenses Expenses do not include collection costs. Revenue does not include Abatement and Tip Fees from the landfill. Z� 9 tg ) Projected 2013 MRF Tons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- --------- - --------- -- '0 ---------- Tons 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Department Revenue Sources 2013 ----- ----------- -------- 7_07 • MS 115.923: • MS 115A.919: Greater MN Landfill Clean -up Fee $6.66 /ton $1,049,266.88 County Fee Authority $3.5o /ton $ $551416.53 • MS 115A.557: SCORE Funding (population based) $89,400 + 25% match $111J50.00 MN Disposal & Recycling Facilities --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------- NO --- --- -------------------------------- - Disposal Facilities 2011 County Owned MRF's in MN • Construction Demolition 0 Industrial Waste Cass A MSW Landfill Mar-Kit Sanitary.t. C fill 1:3,000,000 Chisago • Cook Goodhue MY Sanitary Landfill Houston St ouls County Regional Landfill ��Cou • 0 Hubbard Kandiyohi Clay County Sanitary Landfill • Olmsted Otter Tail 1 Crow Mric Count' MMSW Landfill Morrison County Sanitary.Landfill Redwood/ Renville East Central'Solid Waste Commission CA11 • Rice Kandiyohi County Sanitary Landfill Elk R-wer Landfill • :> *—O' 9 ) swift A.� eolis ES, Rolling Hills Landfill Inc LM Burnsville Sanitary Landfill Renville County 'If Wilkin Sanitary Landfill - % — I Pine Send Sanitary Land • • Lyon Coun"VSanitary andfill. //�tSruce Ridge Red Wing Land Disposal Facility Winona Resource anagement i �,T Brown County A ,Br i Sal itary Landfl;k FF is �1fffPOnderosa 4 Becker (pending) Cottonwood4ounty' RIce-C6unl Landfill Sanitary Landlit Transfer Stations (Meeker & Sani ry Ciairidfill 011 County% Kalmar Landfill Steele County Sanitary Landfill Carlton) Nobles County Landfill Inc Data Courtesy of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency County Fee 2nd HH 1st unit year round 1st unit seasonal Mobile Home Rural Apartment Fire /Comm. Hall Church Non - Resident Commercial Anoka $ 24.02 $19.22 $23.46 $ 27 92 Big Stone $ 35.00 $ 35.00 � I $35 Blue Earth $ 20.00 $ 20.00 Brown $ 33.00 $ 16.50 Carlton I $ 18.00 1 1 $ 12.00 $ 18.00 1 $80 & ^ Carver 1 $ 25.00 1 1 $ 25.00 Cass 1 $ 66.00 1 $ 66.00 (Chippewa $ 20.00 1 I I $ 5.00 1 $30 Chisago + $ 10.00 $ 10.00 Clay $ 42.00 1 $ 42.00 1 $140 & ^ Clearwater $ 90.00 $ 90.00 Cottonwood $ 26.00 $ 26.00 Crow -Wing $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $15 & ^ Dodge $ 22.00 I $ 22.00 $22 Douglas $48.00 $48.00 1 $48.00 $48.00 $48 IFairbault 1 $ 47.00 $ 47.00 1 1 Freeborn $ 29.00 1 1 $29.00 $ 24.94 $20.88 Houston $ 24.00 I $ 2q,Op I Hubbard I 1 1 $135.00, $96.00 1 $135.00 I $174 & ^ Jackson $ 47.00 1 I $ 25.00 1 $ jKandiyohi I $ 50.00 1 $ 50.00 Fee $100 0 & ^ IKoochiching $ 60.00 1 I $ 60.00 $60.00 Lac Qui Parle $ 25.00 I $ 25.00 $35.00 I1 �LeSueur $ 10.00 $ 10.00 Lincoln $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $40 Lyon $ 30.00 $ 20.00 1 I (Martin $ 47.00 $ 47.00 1 McLeod 1$0.00 1$0.001 $0.00 Mower $ 17.00 $17.001 $14 -$2 (Murry I $ 24.00 I $16.00 + + Scheduled Nicollet $21 $21.001 Nobles $24 $18.001 + 15% tax on MSW Pipestone 1 $36 $36.00 I Sliding Scale Polk 1 $ 100.00 1 $60.001 1 1 $ 100.00 $120 & ^ Pope $ 48.00 I $ 48.00 (Ramsey 28% I I I 28% I 53% Redwood 42 %1 42% Sliding Scale 'Renville 1 $ 35.00 ! $ 35.00 1 � Pro -rated Rice 1 $ 26.00 I � I I & ^ Rock 1$ 42.00 ' $ 42.00 Pro-rated ISt. Louis $ 58.00 1 I I $19.72 $ 58.00 I � $5$ & ^ sc $ 10.00 1 I I I $ 10.00 I Sibley $ 18.00 I $ 18.00 Stearns $ 10.00 I $ 10.00 Steele $ 30.00 $ 22.00 1Swift $ 32.00 $ 32.00 Waseca $ 21.00 $ 21.00 l Washington 37.50% 37.50% IWatonwan $ 27.00 $ 27.00 lWilkin $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $20.00 Winona $ 16.00 $16.001 $ 16.00 1 $16.00 JWLSSD - Fee based on volume & frequency for residental & com. IYllw Medicine 10 I' 101 Average $ 29.98 I $ 60.00 $135.00 $42.571 $21.411 $28.311 $43.89 Mcleod County Solid Waste Plan Section 5.5.1 #3 [Property taxes will be used as a last resort for the funding of waste abatement and disposal operations in the County.] 1 $15.001 $20.00 1 1 $31.50 $20.001 $27.92 10% of Waste $32 .006% of Valuation 37.50% $15&A $10 MRF Single -sort Retrofit O COMMUNITY gathered from documented data to date; and Services Provided .-------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 0 ----------------------------------- • Curbside Recycling 0 Ag Chemical Disposal • Rural drop -box Recycling ALL Plastic Recycling • Township shed Recycling pharmaceutical /OTC Medication • School Recycling Receptacles Disposal (Take it to the Box Program) • School Recycling Service 0 Event Recycling @ the County Fair • School Recycling Rebates 0 Employee HHW Collections @ local • County Department office space businesses • MTP /VEC office space 0 Battery Recycling • Well Water testing around SRRMF 0 Ink /Laser /Toner Cartridge Recycling • Business Recycling Audits 0 Plastic Bag Recycling • fREeUSE Center 0 Car /Booster Seat Recycling • Household Hazardous Waste (GreenSeats Program -ONLY FREE Disposal program in MN • Business Recycling Collection Cooking Oil Recycling • Motor Oil Recycling Municipal Yard Waste Processing • CFL Recycling Municipal Yard Waste Hauling • Recordable Media Recycling 0 Education for all programs • Cork Recycling 0 Annual Host to 3rd Grade Environmental Day • Crayon Recycling • Annual Education at 4th Grade Nature • Water Filter Recycling Day • EPS Recycling 0 "Penny Per Pound" community service • Fishing line Recycling program • Holiday Lights Recycling 0 Ag Bag Recycling • Empty Pesticide Container Recycling 0 HHW Mobile Collections • Paper Drive Fundraising for area non - profits • Aluminum Redemption Program • Annual County -wide Collections • Municipal Site Monitoring • Donation Directory Program • Commercial recycling revenue • Oil Filter Recycling • VSQG Business Waste Program • Small Gas Cylinder Recycling • Electronics Recycling • Appliance Recycling • FLB Recycling • Mattress Recycling • Tire Recycling • Aluminum Fundraising for area non - profits • Fundraising opportunities to Non - profits through Event Recycling ICI: 147 tons City: 166 tons Rural: 20 tons Pdrives: 7 tons Community $'s: $363 Mattresses: 16 tons ICI: 17 tons City: 197 tons Rural: 102 tons Pdrives: 39 tons Community $'s: $1,995 County -wide PM's: 64 tons To Whom ---------- 0 ---------------- 1 + ICI: City: Rural: ICI: ICI: 1,043 tons City: City: 157 tons - Rural: 70 tons Pdrives: Pdrives: 113 tons Community $'s: $6,420 Community $'s: $6,171 Mattresses: 1 ton Haulers: 93 tons 120 tons _ ICI: 69 tons City: 111 tons Rural: 223 tons Pdrives: 112 tons Community $'s: $6,420 Haulers: 120 tons 587tons 205 tons 168 tons County -wide $'s: $7,511 District totals are representative of the documented portions of 2013 (not the entire year), Kandiyohi: ICI: 50 tons i Meeker: ICI: 97 tons Pdrives: 54 tons Community $'s: $2,938 Renville: ICI: 61 tons Pdrives: 133 tons i Community $'s: $5847 1 Redwood: ICI: 35 tons Regional Reach ---------------------- i"QA Wright: ICI: 484 tons Pdrives: 90 tons Community $'s: $4,283 Carver: ICI: 99 tons Pdrives: 169 tons Community $'s: $8,866 — :----------------------3----------------------- - , : Sibley �ICI tons Capital Revenue Expense MRF Operating Expenses 2013 WON $831,875 $823,611 $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 Expenses do not include collection costs. Revenue does not include Abatement and Tip Fees from the landfill. Department Operating Expenses 2013 Revenue Expense O ; IF i . 1 ■ $1,840390 $1,959,176 $1,750,000 $1,800,000 $1,850,000 $1,900,000 $1,950,000 $2,000,000 Expenses include the entire department Revenue includes all revenue sources. 2012 2011 Operating Expenses 2009 -2012 -------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 0 --------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -. $12'],361 '=� $243,303 MW $651,220 $662,345 $704,761 $748,516 $31,053 2010 $501,443 $668,196 Capital Expenses $103,218 Revenue 2009 $425,149 $627,012 •Operating Expenses $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 Expenses do not include collection costs. Revenue does not include Abatement and Tip Fees from the 2013 2012 2011 awe] NEW Projected 2013 MRF Tons ----- - - - - -- -M Tons r� I Rp I It 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Department Revenue Sources ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- MS 115.923: Greater MN Landfill Clean -up Fee $6.66 /ton $970,352.o8 MS 115A.919: County Fee Authority $3.5o /ton $509944.79 • MS 115A.557: SCORE Funding (population based) $89,400 + 25% match $111,750-00 MSW Disposal Facilities �Ppk County $Aldary LWdNI • It • N my San �nry I a�'�I asposal Fatl011ea 2011 • Cdrnbuatbn 0•moNwn Indusbml w•.a r A MSW LAMM I- St mkCanty RepnnY Lrl� • • • C— Wnd C-nty MMSW Landl• Mon — County Sanlrary La ar II • � E.,l ceno-.l sam,,,.,,. camm�,.wn SS- ff.vey LaalntlY • • • IEk Rive• L•ndl• `i • ! r_ —Veal. ES R." Mill. LmENI rrc 4!R—ft BarevNl. $anaery l.rdntl CWmy S., L•ndnl � � Pne aefd $RII(tlry LdnOgl Lyon CwnN S.n.ry L.ndfitl. u:a Rtlp• RN V q Lnnd Dm-.1 F." �Smwn w.11lY r%L' tl,•'�r.6��neM�_ ff Eenigrl' Lentl� l Cabnrodd.000IN• 1 • � a.cr•• *l -L.nms S.ndary L.. ` • A. • y ; .,dar�a j Smimry tardtla _ i Kalmar LalKlntl • ( + Slee4 County S-4l LaMAII ``Hopes County Landlltl Int HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL 09-f Request for Board Action 104a� 7AL Agenda Item: 2014 FACILITIES COMMITTEE UPDATE Department: Planning and Zoning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/28/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum /John Paulson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑ Communications, Requests Time Requested (Minutes): 15 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: UPDATE FROM FACILITIES COMMITTEE Dan Jochum will provide an update of recommended facilities improvement projects for 2014. Please see attached list of facilities projects. City staff will be available to answer any questions that you may have. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: None. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Project Name Facility Name Department Cost CIPP Score Year CA 2014 Project* Civic Arena Parks $2,054,000 345 2014 VMF Backstop VMF Parks $75,000 305 2014 VMF Dugouts VMF Parks $35,000 305 2014 Parks Garage Electrical -HVAC Darks Garage Parks $30,000 300 2014 RD Backboards Recreation Center Parks $12,150 285 2014 2014 Tota 1 $2,206,1511 Dehumidification Units* Civic Arena Parks $500,000 340 2015 CA East Rink Electrical* Civic Arena Parks $200,000 * 2015 2015Tota1 $700,000 RP Lighting Roberts Park Parks $35O,ODO 385 2016 RP Backstops fencing Roberts Park Parks $125,000 365 2016 NP Court Improvements North Park Parks $50,000 335 2016 East Rink Roof Replacement* Civic Arena Parks $300,000 310 2015 East Rink Insulation Reface* Civic Arena Parks $200,000 275 2016 Northwoods Rink Impry Northwoods Park Parks $25,000 265 2016 CA East Tough Flex Flooring* Civic Arena Parks $36,400 240 2015 CA East Rink Locker Rooms* Civic Arena Parks $8O,OD0 2015 CA West Low Emissivity Ceiling* Civic Arena Parks $90,000 2016 CA HVAC* Civic Arena Parks $225,000 * 2015 2016 Total $1,481,400 CA East Dasher Boards* Civic Arena Parks $170,000 240 2017 RC Roof Replacement Recreation Center Parks $250,000 290 2017 New Pool Equipment Recreation Center Parks $75,000 285 2017 Hangar Replacements Airport Public Works $400,000 240 2017 CA RC Parking Lot Civic Arena Parks $640,000 23C 2- 017 2017TotaI $1,535,000 Tip up joint replacement HATS Public Works $10,000 190 - * See info from Stevens Report 2O1STotal $10,000 Enterprise Fund Projects LH Roof Tap Unit Liquor Hutcn Liquor Hutch $15,000 340 Tipping Building Interior Creekside Creekside $25,000 320 Creekside Air Handler WW Solids Building Boiler Controls Building Exterior WTP Garage Roof Creekside Creekside Wastewater Plant Public Works Creekside Creekside Water Plant Public Works $50,000 300 $15,000 280 $2,500 260 $10,000 225 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL 09-f 104a� Request for Board Action WZ 7AL =- Agenda Item: Ordinance No. 14 -0721 Allowing the Harboring of Chickens within the City Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/28/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Presenter: J Carter /M Sebora Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Unfinished Business Time Requested (Minutes): 15 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: At the last Council meeting, the City Council directed staff to continue with drafting an ordinance allowing the harboring of chickens within city limits. Attached is the first draft of the ordinance for the Council to consider as the first reading of the ordinance. Staff will be meeting with interested parties on Monday, January 27, 2014, to review the draft of this ordinance. In keeping with the timeline that was presented at the last Council meeting, the second reading and public hearing on the ordinance may be set for February 11, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. if the Council sees fit. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the first reading of the ordinance and set the public hearing, second reading and adoption for February 11, 2014. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Ordinance No. 14 -0721 Publication No. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING SECTION 93.415 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE - CHICKENS 93.415 Chickens Preamble: Due to the community concerns regarding noise, odor, waste accumulation and other nuisances, chickens are allowed within city limits only under certain circumstances and licensing requirements. Subdivision 1. License Required A. It is unlawful for any person to keep or harbor chickens in the city limits of Hutchinson without first having obtained an annual license therefore from the City. B. An application for a renewal license shall be filed with the City 30 days prior to the expiration of the current license. C. The fee for a license will be established yearly by the City Council. Subdivision 2. Licensing Requirements. A. Applicant(s) - All annual license applications must be completed by the resident of the property where chickens are to be kept or harbored and must be specifically consented to by the landlord of such property if the property is rented. B. Annual licenses will be granted for property in the R -1 residential zone only. C. The property where the chickens are kept shall have a fence around the perimeter which meets current city building code in the circumstances chickens will be outside the confines of the coop. D. There is a maximum of four chickens allowed per parcel, none of which will be roosters. E. All chickens will be kept in a coop which will sufficiently protect the chickens from the elements. The coop shall provide a minimum of four (4) square feet of space with a maximum of ten (10) square feet for each chicken. F. No chicken coop shall be located in the front yard of any home and shall not be closer than 20 feet from any property line. G. Licensees shall provide chickens with sufficient food and water. H. Licensees shall permit city personnel on the licensed premises to ensure compliance with this ordinance. I. The annual license application must be consented to by all owners and occupants of the abutting properties. I Chickens shall be kept in sanitary conditions such that odors are not detectable outside of the confines of the property lines of the licensed premises. K. Chickens shall not be audible outside of the confines of the licensed premises. L. Impounding Chickens. Any chicken at large or in violation of this subdivision may be impounded by the City, and after being impounded for five (5) business days or more without being claimed by the owner, may be humanly euthanized or sold without notice. Failure to claim an impounded chicken may result in the revocation of license. A person reclaiming any impounded chicken shall pay the cost of impounding and housing. Subdivision 3. Licensing Procedures. Upon initial submission of a completed application, and after published notice in the City's designated newspaper, a hearing will be held before the City Council of the City of Hutchinson regarding an application to harbor or achieve chickens. Notice of the hearing will be sent via United States mail to all owners and occupants within one city block or equivalent of all of the proposed licensed location. A. The applicant's license application shall include a diagram or picture of the coop and its location. B. The applicant will also submit in writing a detailed plan of how the applicant will comply with requirements of this ordinance. Subsequent annual licenses will be approved by the City Administrator or his designee. Subdivision 4. License Revocation. A license granted under this chapter may be revoked for violating the provisions of this chapter or for being convicted of any nuisance offense under the Hutchinson city code or Minnesota state law. 1St violation and conviction will include a warning of license revocation 2nd violation and conviction will result in a revocation of license Subdivision 5. Hearing Upon service of a notice of license revocation by the City Administrator or his designee, a license holder under this chapter may request a hearing before the City Administrator or his designee. Request for a hearing by a license holder shall be made within 7 days of service of the notice of license revocation and the hearing itself shall occur within 10 days of the license holder's hearing request. A license holder whose license is revoked for violations of this chapter or other nuisance ordinances or law shall be required to remove all chickens from the property within 14 days of the upheld revocation and be ineligible to reapply for a license under this chapter for a period of two years from the date of revocation. Subdivision 6. Criminal penalty Violations of this chapter constitute a misdemeanor crime. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, THAT Section 93.415 as described above is hereby adopted to be part of the Hutchinson City Code. Adopted by the City Council this day of Attest: Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator Steven W. Cook, Mayor HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL 09-f 104a� Request for Board Action WZ 7AL =- Agenda Item: Consideration of Charter Commission Amendments - Ordinance No. 14 -720 Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/28/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Marc Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc Sebora Reviewed by Staff ❑ Unfinished Business Time Requested (Minutes): 10 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: At the last City Council meeting, the Council discussed amending the Hutchinson City Charter to revise the mayoral term length from four years to two years. As part of the discussion, the Council indicated that they would like to follow the procedure to allow the citizens of Hutchinson to vote on this item at the upcoming November municipal election. To begin the process, the Council must first consider an ordinance with the proposed Charter amendments. Upon adoption of the ordinance, it will be forwarded to the Hutchinson Charter Commission for their review. The initial review period is 60 days, but the Charter Commission may extend that for an additional 90 days if additional time for review of the Council's ordinance is needed. The Charter Commission may revise the amendments or approve or disapprove of them. The Charter Commission will then forward their recommendation to the Council on the proposed amendments. The Council may then decide if they wish to put before the voters the original proposed amendments as they had recommended or a revised version of the Charter Commission. Following that decision, ballot language will be provided to the McLeod County Audtior- Treasurer for the Charter amendment question to be placed on the ballot. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Have first reading and set second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 14 -720, amending Section 2.04 of the Hutchinson City Charter. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Ordinance No. 14 -720 Publication No. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING REVISIONS TO SECTION 2.04 OF HUTCHINSON CITY CHARTER — FORM OF GOVERNMENT The City Council hereby ordains: WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Council met on January 14, 2014, and discussed amending the Hutchinson City Charter to allow for four -year mayoral terms; and, WHEREAS, as part of the discussion, the Hutchinson City Council determined that they would like the proposed amendment to be put forth on the 2014 municipal election ballot; and, WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 410.12, Subd. 5 allows for Charter amendments to be put forth to voters by the City Council by first adopting an ordinance and forwarding to the Hutchinson Charter Commission for review and recommendation; and, WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is attached to this ordinance, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, THAT The proposed amendment to Hutchinson City Charter Section 2.04 attached hereto as Exhibit A allowing for four -year mayoral terms be adopted by ordinance and forwarded to the Hutchinson Charter Commission for review and recommendation. Upon receiving a recommendation from the Charter Commission, the proposed amendment will be placed on the 2014 municipal election ballot. Any Charter amendment annroved increasine the mayoral term to four years shall not take effect until the election for the office of mayor in the year 2016. Adopted by the City Council this day of , 2014. Attest: Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator Steven W. Cook, Mayor Ordinance No. 14 -720 Publication No. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING REVISIONS TO SECTION 2.04 OF HUTCHINSON CITY CHARTER — FORM OF GOVERNMENT The City Council hereby ordains: WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Council met on January 14, 2014, and discussed amending the Hutchinson City Charter to allow for four -year mayoral terms; and, WHEREAS, as part of the discussion, the Hutchinson City Council determined that they would like the proposed amendment to be put forth on the 2014 municipal election ballot; and, WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 410.12, Subd. 5 allows for Charter amendments to be put forth to voters by the City Council by first adopting an ordinance and forwarding to the Hutchinson Charter Commission for review and recommendation; and, WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is attached to this ordinance, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, THAT The proposed amendment to Hutchinson City Charter Section 2.04 attached hereto as Exhibit A allowing for four -year mayoral terms be adopted by ordinance and forwarded to the Hutchinson Charter Commission for review and recommendation. Upon receiving a recommendation from the Charter Commission, the proposed amendment will be placed on the 2014 municipal election ballot. Adopted by the City Council this day of , 2014. Attest: Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator Steven W. Cook, Mayor Exhibit A CHAPTER 2 Form of Government Section 2.04. ELECTIVE OFFICERS. The elective officers of the City shall be registered voters of the City and shall consist of a mayor who shall serve for #tee four years and four council members elected at large who shall serve for four years. The term of office of each elective officer shall begin the first business day of January following the city election and qualification of such elective officer and shall continue until a successor is elected and qualified. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL 09f 104a� Request for Board Action 7AL Agenda Item: Approval of Transportation Alternatives Program Grant Application Department: PW /Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/28/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 10 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As previously mentioned to the City Council, City staff is currently in the process of preparing a final grant application (submittal due by February 1st) for the potential construction of a multi -use pathway along School Road from the bridge to Roberts Road. This funding opportunity is through the Transportation Alternatives Program (formally "Federal Aid Enhancements ") and would be allocated to the City in 2017 or 2018. Please read the attached grant application Letter of Intent (submitted in November 2013) for further details. Please see attached Resolution of Sponsorship and Resolution for Operation and Maintenance as required for this grant application. City staff will provide a copy of the grant application final draft at the upcoming City Council meeting for your review. City staff will be available to answer any questions that you may have. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Grant Application submittal and approve Resolultions Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: RESOLUTION NO. 14238 RESOLUTION OF SPONSORSHIP FOR SCHOOL ROAD MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION "TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES" PROJECT WHEREAS: The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) requires that the City of Hutchinson agree to act as the sponsoring agency for a "Transportation Alternatives" project identified as School Road Multi -Use Pathway Extension. WHEREAS: As the sponsoring agency the City of Hutchinson understands that the sponsorship includes a willingness to secure and guarantee the local share costs associated with this project and responsibility for seeing this project through to its completion, with compliance of all applicable laws, rules and regulations. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA: THAT, the City of Hutchinson agrees to act as sponsoring agency for a "Transportation Alternatives" project identified as School Road Multi -Use Pathway Extension and has reviewed and approved the project as proposed. THAT, The City of Hutchinson agrees to secure and guarantee the local share of costs associated with this project and responsibility for seeing this project through to its completion, with compliance of all applicable laws, rules and regulations. THAT, the City of Hutchinson is hereby authorized to act as agent on behalf of this sponsoring agency. Adopted by the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota this 28th day of January, 2014. Steven W. Cook, Mayor Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator RESOLUTION NO. 14239 RESOLUTION OF AGREEMENT TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN SCHOOL ROAD MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION "TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES" PROJECT WHEREAS: The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requires that states agree to operate and maintain facilities constructed with federal transportation funds for the useful life of the improvement and not change the use of right of way or property ownership acquired without prior approval from the FHWA; and WHEREAS: Transportation Alternatives projects receive federal funding; and WHEREAS: the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has determined that for projects implemented with alternative funds, this requirement should be applied to the project proposer; and WHEREAS: The City of Hutchinson is the sponsoring agency for the Transportation Alternatives project identified as School Road Multi -Use Pathway Extension. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the sponsoring agency hereby agrees to assume full responsibility for the operation and maintenance of property and facilities related to the aforementioned Transportation Alternatives project. Adopted by the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota this 28th day of January, 2014. Steven W. Cook, Mayor Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Solicitation Fall 20 13 Area 7ranspodtallon Parwerehip IB 4no La " clia rIP- -n Mn 0 r rn rn 7v 0 MM Z m Z r O Letter of Intent (LOI) Review Process Interested applicants must first complete a Letter of Intent (LOI) for their project to be eligible to participate in the TAP project solicitation. Program Eligibility Requirements are available here. Upon completion, the LOIs will be distributed to the appropriate Regional Development Organization (RDO), Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) or MnDOT District (see maps /contact information on following pages) for review before an applicant may proceed. The reviewing party will discuss the project with the applicant and either recommend or not recommend that the applicant proceed to the full TAP application. The goal of this initial review is to ensure project eligibility and determine project readiness prior to submittal of the full application. A recommendation to proceed will be received by the applicant on or before December 1, 2013. If you wish to apply, please use this worksheet to prepare all your responses before submitting online by clicking Submit at the end of this form. TAP will only review LOI submitted through its webpage. All requests must be submitted by November 15, 2013. Throughout this LOI please be specific about the work for which you are seeking support and avoid jargon. Name of Applicant Organization: City of Hutchinson Title of Project: School Road Multi -Use Pathway Extension Applicant Information: Name of Contact Kent Exner Address 111 Hassan Street SE City State County Hutchinson MN McLeod Phone Email (320) 234 -4212 kexner @ci. hutch inson.mn� Please provide the following information: 1. One sentence description of the work for which you are seeking support: Postal Code 55350 Construction of approximately 2,200 LF of 10' -wide multi -use pathway along the westerly side of School Road from the School Road bridge (just south of TH 7/22) to the Roberts Road intersection. 2. Amount requested from TAP: $ 103,100 3. Total project budget. Please briefly explain the total estimated amount of financing needed. Include TAP request and other sources of financing, specifically how you will obtain the 20% match (100 words maximum): The 20% match (approx. $25,800) will be potentially funded through existing City cash reserves (Community Improvement or Capital Outlay Funds) and/or the specific construction year's G.O. improvement bonding. 4. Project request type (capital, planning, both): Capital Describe the work you want to do for which you are seeking TAP support. Provide a description of the project development activities for this project to date (250 words maximum): The need for this project has been publicly discussed at City Council and other public meetings. City officials' reasoning for identifying this roadway corridor for the implementation of a multi -use pathway is the limited existing pedestrian facilities (short length of existing sidewalk along one side) with relatively high traffic volumes (2009 ADT's - 7,200 to 10,100). At this point, the proposed project's development has consisted of preliminary design work and detailed cost estimating. Based on the current design efforts, City staff is very confident that the multi -use pathway can be aligned and constructed in a manner that does not require any right -of -way acquisitions. The basic project implementation approach will consist of narrowing the existing roadway approximately 10' on average (44' to 34' width) by revising the westerly curbline, constructing the new pathway (removals, grading, paving, lighting, restoration, etc.) and milling /overlaying the remaining roadway bituminous surface. Please note that the City G. Describe how your project meets a transportation purpose (100 words maximum): The City of Hutchinson recently prepared a revised Transportation Plan that firmly establishes the City's position that multi -use pathways are considered critical transportation infrastructure. This specifically proposed pathway segment will connect the Luce Line State Trail and nearby TH 7/22 pathway underpass to an existing portion of the City's trail system that is adjacent to elementary, middle and high schools. Thus, this multi -use pathway extension has been identified within the City's recently prepared Transportation Plan and has been programmed for construction in 2017 within the adopted Capital Improvement Plan. 7. List any adopted plans that your project has been identified in (statewide, regional, Safe Routes to School, Scenic Byways, etc.): City Capital Improvement Plan (programmed for 2017 construction) City Transportation Plan (Pedestrian & Bicycle Plan drawing) 8. Describe your organization and /or the sponsoring agency's history with delivering Transportation Alternatives -type projects, including background working with federal funding requirements. If not applicable, identify the key steps and strategies that will be used to deliver the project (250 words maximum): The City of Hutchinson (current City Engineer) has fairly recently delivered two Federal Aid projects, School Road Pedestrian Underpass (2007) and School Road NW Improvements (2011). At this point, the City Engineer is confident that this project would be delivered by in -house staff with outside consultant support if necessary. 9. Have you contacted representatives from the sponsoring agency, including elected officials and county engineers? If so, please describe what has resulted from this conversation and if you have written support for the project (50 words maximum): NIA Submit here. You will receive an email message confirming your submittal. If you have any issues submitting the form please email a PDF copy to chris.berrens @state.mn.us -.:&MMLJMMMW"1 li� > Section l: General Information NOTES: If your overall project contains non - eligible or non - transportation related elements, please mention the entire project in the brief project description, but concentrate the application, budget, etc. on the elements that are eligible and transportation related. Sponsoring Agencies, if sponsoring for another project applicant, are advised to have dialog with the project applicant to ascertain the level of commitment by the applicant to follow through on delivery of the project — including the potential use of Eminent Domain. Desired year of construction: 0 Summer 2017 (FY17) ❑ Summer 2018 (FY18) Name of Project: School Road Multi -Use Pathwav Extension Project is located in ATP(s) 8 , In the county(ies) of McLeod Brief Project Description: Construction of aDDroximately 2,200 LF of off - street 10' -wide multi -use Dathwav along the westerly side of School Road from the School Road bridee (iust south of TH 7/22) to the Roberts Road intersection. Sponsoring Agency: Citv of Hutchinson Project Applicant: Citv of Hutchinson Contact Person (from sponsoring agency): Kent Exner Mailing Address: 111 Hassan Street SE City, State, Zip: Hutchinson. MN 55350 County: McLeod (Applicant Signature) (Sponsoring Agency Engineer Signature) (Local Unit of Government Signature) Phone No: (320) 234 -4212 (/f in MPO area, signature of MPO Executive Director) (/f Safe Routes to School project, signature of MnDOT SR TS Coordinator) Fax No: (320) 234 -4240 (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) TAP Application — School Road Multi -Use Pathway Extension/City of Hutchinson Page 1 //�, Section 2: Proiect Budget Please identify what costs will be incurred to carry out the proposed project, using the following budget categories as a guideline. Where appropriate, break down your costs by units purchased. For example: number of acres, cubic yards of fill, etc. (Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary.) Cost Estimates are to be submitted in year on construction dollars *. Eligible Work/Construction Items * *SEE ATTACHED ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE ** Non eligible Items (list) ** Roadwav Construction Costs (see Ene's Estimate) Proiect Eneineerins Proiect Administration Estimated Ouantitv Unit Cost Total Cost $146,933 Line A: Total $146.933 $340.772 $73.155 $29.262 Line B: Total $443.189 1. Total cost of proposed project: (line A plus line B) $590.122 2. Items not eligible for Alternative funding: (line B) $443,189 3. Total eligible costs — * ** (line A) $146,933 4. Applicant's contribution toward the eligible alternative project costs $29,387 5. Funding available from other sources $0 6. Total amount requested in alternative funds (# 3 minus # 4 and #5) $117,546 *Year of construction dollars are used to better estimate the actual dollars required to deliver the project in the proposed construction year. Amounts, including local match, are estimates and may change as the project is delivered. "Includes Right of Way or Land Acquisition (appraisal fees, legal fees, etc.), Administrative Costs (preliminary and construction engineering and contingencies), Others * * * See ATP Project Evaluation section of this document for any additional requirements related to project costs TAP Application — School Road Multi -Use Pathway Extension/City of Hutchinson Page 2 Section 3: Sponsoring Agencv Resolution "Please see attached signed Resolution* Section 4: Resolution Agreeing to Maintain Facilitv "Please see attached signed Resolution* Section 5: Sample Operation and Maintenance Plan "Please see attached Facility Operation and Maintenance Plan* TAP Application — School Road Multi -Use Pathway Extension/City of Hutchinson Page 3 Section 6: ATP Proiect Evaluation SW ATP Full Application Questions (you may use this document directly to provide answers to the questions, no need to start another document. Please use a different font and/or color to easily distinguish answers from the original questions). TAP projects must describe some form of prior planning, serve a transportation purpose and have the ability to be constructed in a four -year timeline. The responses you provide to the items below will help the ATP evaluate and prioritize projects. Project description and overview. a. Describe how your project fits or meets the criteria for at least one of the six eligible activities for TAP funding as outlined on pages three and four. If your project meets the criteria for more than one of the six eligible activities, describe each of them. (Priority may be given to projects that achieve multiple goals of eligible activities). Proposed improvement appears to meets the criteria outlined within two eligible activities by implementing an ADA compliant off -road trail for multiple user groups (pedestrians, bicyclists and other non - motorized forms of transportation) that provides a safe route for non - drivers, including children, older adults and individuals with disabilities. b. Provide a detailed overview of the project. Construction of approximately 2,200 LF of 10' -wide multi -use pathway along the westerly side of School Road from the School Road bridge (just south of TH 7/22) to the Roberts Road intersection. The project consist of narrowing the existing roadway approximately 10' on average (44' to 34' total width) by revising the westerly curbline, installing the new pathway through the construction of pavement/concrete removals, grading, paving, lighting and restoration. Also, the existing roadway surface will be addressed with a mill and overlay pavement preservation measure (new concrete curbing, milling operations, bituminous paving, pavement markings, utility revisions, etc.) at the expense of the City (approximately $340,772 in 2017). Who does the project benefit and how? As shown on the attached project area drawing, this project will result in the implementation of a pathway that connects several existing pathways and sidewalks near or immediately adjacent to many community assets /destinations (three schools, two City parks, Luce Line State Trail, pedestrian underpass beneath TH 7/22, County museum, etc.). Thus, many different user groups (pedestrians, bicyclists, school children, recreationalists, traveling public, etc.) will ultimately benefit from this worthwhile improvement. d. How does the project advance the goals of the Transportation Alternatives Program or sub- programs, specifically related to the physical environment, safety, livability, economic impacts, quality of life, etc.? City policymakers and staff believe that several of the TAP's goals will be realized by delivering this project by providing a safe off - street multi -use pathway facility along a very busy (7,200 — 10,100 ADT) segment of relatively narrow and curvilinear roadway that will immediately improve the livability and quality of life within the adjacent neighborhoods /schools and the entire community. Describe the impacts of the proposed project for the community or region. If there are any negative impacts, explain what you will do to mitigate them. This segment of School Road currently accommodates two lanes of substantial vehicle traffic, on- street parking on one side of the street and bike lanes that narrowly meet width standards. Due to TAP Application — School Road Multi -Use Pathway Extension/City of Hutchinson Page 4 the heavy traffic and curvilinear alignment, the existence of the bike lanes within this corridor has been a significant concern communicated by many citizens, law enforcement personnel and policymakers. Thus, adequately addressing this situation by installing a multi -use pathway and eliminating the bike lanes would definitely impact the entire community in a positive manner. In regards to potential negative impacts, some individuals may perceive that narrowing the existing roadway approximately 10' on average (44' to 34' width) isn't beneficial to vehicular traffic. However, the proposed roadway design width meets MnDOT State Aid standards and will still allow for on- street parking along one side of the roadway. Please note that the City has implemented this roadway width on several recent street reconstruction projects with very favorable results (lower traffic speeds, increased boulevard space, safety improvements, etc.) and public feedback. 2. Planning and community context. The project must be identified in a Plan that has undergone a public process. Examples of plans include: State, Regional, MPO Transportation Plan, Safe Routes to School Plan, ADA Transition Plan, GreenStep City, Active Living Plan, Comprehensive /Land Use Plan, Byway Corridor Management Plan, etc. a. From what planning process did this project emerge? Please describe the goals of the plan and how this project will advance those goals. This project was identified through the recent preparation of the 2012 City of Hutchinson Transportation Plan. During this extensive planning process, which included several community, task force and City Council meetings /reviews, this proposed improvement was thoroughly examined and ultimately shown as a proposed trail on the City Council approved Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan (see attachment). One of the primary goals of the Transportation Plan is to provide adequate corridors for all types of user groups. The implementation of this project will result in satisfactorily addressing a segment of roadway that currently is unsafe for some of the traveling public. If this project was not directly identified in a statewide or regional plan, how does it support or advance the goals of statewide and regional plans? (i.e. a regional trails plan, the Statewide Bicycle System Plan, etc.) As previously noted, this multi -use pathway will provide a direct connection to the Luce Line State Trail that is currently in the process of being improved within and immediately outside of the City of Hutchinson. c. Have there been objections to the project? If so, how were they resolved? No objections or negative feedback have been communicated to date. d. Describe how the project was prioritized and selected through your planning process. As stated above, the Transportation Plan process further prioritized the need for this improvement to be addressed in a timely manner. Also, the City's pavement management program has identified this segment of roadway as a near -term candidate for surface improvements and the proposed milling/overlaying of this section of School Road has been included within the City's adopted Capital Improvement Plan (forecasted for delivery in 2017). e. When do you anticipate construction/implementation of the project to begin? When will construction/implementation be complete? City staff anticipated that the roadway improvement project and multi -use pathway implementation would occur with the 2017 construction season (project completion the same year). f. Is this project part of a larger plan or does it increase the connectivity of transportation facilities that have already been funded or implemented? TAP Application — School Road Multi -Use Pathway Extension/City of Hutchinson Page 5 As shown within the attached documents, this project certainly addresses a connectivity need that currently exists within the City's trail system. * Please include a copy of the portion of the plan(s) that is related to or supports the project described in this application. Please see attachments. Serves a Transportation Purpose. TAP projects must serve a transportation purpose. For the TA Program, "transportation purpose" is defined as primarily serving a commuting purpose and / or that connect two destinations points; a facility may serve both transportation and recreation purposes; a facility that connects people to recreational destinations may be considered to have a transportation purpose. a. Describe how your project serves a transportation purpose. The proposed multi -use pathway definitely serves a significant transportation purpose by safely connecting several destinations (schools, parks, other trails, sidewalks, neighborhoods, businesses, etc.). b. Who will be the primary users of your project once implemented? Multiple user groups, such as pedestrians, bicyclists and other non - motorized forms of transportation, which would include children, traveling public, older adults, recreational ists and individuals with disabilities c. Describe any potential for mode switch after the project is implemented. (i.e. switching from driving to walking or biking). Due to the improved corridor safety dynamics that would result from this project, City staff believes that several different user groups may be more inclined to travel this corridor in a non - vehicular manner. d. Describe any user accommodations that will be available for the facility. As previously mentioned, the multi -use pathway will be ADA compliant, so all potential users should be properly accommodated. e. Describe how the proposed project will address or alleviate safety and accessibility issues or concerns. Due to the current non - existence of public sidewalks or trails along this segment of roadway, pedestrian/bicyclist/non- vehicular users will greatly benefit from the improved corridor safety dynamics by being able to travel on an off - street pathway. Also, accessibility will be improved through the implementation of this ADA compliant facility. 4. Ensure Project Deliverability. Transportation Alternative funds must be used in the federal fiscal year in which they are approved. In previous years, ATPs permitted projects to slide a year if they were not ready for construction. The ATP no lonzer has this flexibility. It is important the applicant describe processes that have been completed/planned and will lead to project timely delivery. a. Describe the project development and deliverability using a timeline with estimated dates. (Refer to the timeline guidance on page eight for project development and consult an engineer if needed.) At this time, City staff has completed the preliminary design of the proposed improvement (see attached Preliminary Design Plans) and detailed project cost estimating (see attached Engineer's Construction Estimate). Upon receiving notice of funding authorization, City staff will work to provide adequate information for inclusion within the State Transportation Improvement Program. Within the following year, City staff will prepare the required environmental documents and submit them accordingly. Approximately two years from project authorization, City staff will prepare final construction plans and specifications and submit them accordingly. Following the receipt of document approvals, the City will administer the bidding process, execute a construction contract and administer the construction activities per all Federal Aid requirements. City staff is certain that all timeframes communicated within the Timeline Guidance for Project Development can be achieved. TAP Application — School Road Multi -Use Pathway Extension/City of Hutchinson Page 6 b. To ensure project delivery as described in the project timeline outlined in the previous question, describe your approach to address the process to get permits and go through the appropriate processes (and your history with these processes, if applicable) if any of the following are applicable to your project: i. Does the project use Section 4(f) Park Lands or properties? N/A ii. Does the project occur within an area that affects properties listed, or that are eligible for listing, on the National Register of Historic Places? N/A iii. Does the project affect species or critical habitat protected by the Endangered Species Act? N/A iv. Does the project require new right of way, temporary easements, minor access changes, relocations or hazardous materials abatement? No v. Does the project involve placement of fill into Waters of the U.S.? No vi. Does the project encroach into a floodplain? No vii. Does the project significantly impact air quality? No viii. Is the project in any way controversial or anticipated to be controversial? At this time, project is not anticipated to be controversial. c. Describe the applicant's or project sponsor's (if different from the applicant) role and support of the project (staff and elected official's roles, knowledge and commitment to on -going maintenance, knowledge and experience with projects using federal dollars, etc.). If the applicant is different from the project sponsor, describe how the responsibilities will be delegated. The City of Hutchinson (current City Engineer) has fairly recently delivered two Federal Aid projects, School Road Pedestrian Underpass (2007) and School Road NW Improvements (2011). At this point, the City Engineer is confident that this project would be delivered by in -house staff with outside consultant support most likely not being necessary. City staff and policymakers are very familiar and knowledgeable of the necessary operational requirements and maintenance needs that are necessary for the proper long -term utilization of multi -use pathways. If the project takes place in a municipality, where the municipality is not the project applicant, nor the project sponsor, describe how all local units of government have come to support and approve the project. Attach resolutions of support from the applicant, the sponsor (if different from the applicant) and any other local unit of government affected by the project. (Affected entities may include townships, tribal governments, school districts, municipalities, counties, byways, etc.). N/A e. Describe how the sponsoring agency or applicant will assure the project will be operated and maintained for the useful life of the improvement and no change in the usage of any right of way or land ownership acquired will be made without the prior approval from the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. (Most physical constructions and total reconstructions are considered by FHWA to have useful lives of 20 years. Bridge construction and total reconstructions have useful lives of SO years) Attach a maintenance agreement from the sponsoring agency. Similar to other trail facilities within the City, this pathway will be properly operated and maintained through the Public Works and Parks /Recreation department budgets and the City's Capital Improvement Plan. Please the attached Resolution Agreeing to Maintain Facility and Facility Operation and Maintenance Plan. TAP Application — School Road Multi -Use Pathway Extension/City of Hutchinson Page 7 f. Describe your project's total budget and where the funds are coming from or are expected to come from —what elements of the project are eligible for TAP funding as well as elements that are not eligible for TAP funding as defined by the Minnesota Department of Transportation and where will the 20% match come from? (Note that projects must have an estimated total eligible cost of at least $50, 000. Applicants may "bundle " projects together to meet this requirement. For example, bundled projects could consist of signing, lighting and intersection improvements to a number of bike trails in several cities. However, there must be a primary sponsor if bundling projects. Communities may want to consider using a joint powers agreement for implementing bundled projects) i. In addition to TAP funds, what other funding sources will be used for this project? The 2017 estimated cost of the TAP eligible construction is $146,933. The City's 20 %- share in the amount of $29,387 will be funded with existing City cash reserves (Community Improvement or Capital Outlay Funds) and /or the specific construction year's G.O. Improvement Bonding. ii. If additional funds, beyond what is listed in your estimate, are needed to complete the project due to unforeseen circumstances, from where will those additional funds come? Existing City cash reserves (Community Improvement or Capital Outlay Funds) and /or the specific construction year's G.O. Improvement Bonding. iii. Is this project part of a larger project? Briefly describe the magnitude and overall budget, if known, of the larger project. The construction of this multi -use pathway with necessary roadway narrowing and lighting would be incorporated into the roadway resurfacing project that is currently programmed within the City's Capital Improvement Plan to occur in 2017. The 2017 estimated cost of the roadway surfacing improvements is $340,772 which will be funded existing City cash reserves (Community Improvement or Capital Outlay Funds), special assessments, and/or the specific construction year's G.O. Improvement Bonding. The total 2017 estimated cost of this entire project is currently $487,705. iv. Describe the budget for operations and maintenance of the project and the source of the funds needed for operations and maintenance. Include actual dollar amounts needed for operations and maintenance for the useful life of the project (20 -50 years). As described within the attached Facility Operation and Maintenance Plan, the annual operations costs of $1,120 will be accounted for within the Public Works and Parks /Recreation budgeting documents to ensure their delivery. The estimated $115,000 for maintenance activities over the next 20 years will be accounted for within the Public Works budget and /or Capital Improvement Plan. g. If applicable, describe your (or the sponsoring agency's) past history of delivering a project that used federal transportation funds. For example, were you able to deliver the project in the year it was programmed? Have you ever had to turn back awarded federal funds? Please explain. If problems were experienced in the past, what will be done on this project to ensure successful completion? The City of Hutchinson (current City Engineer) has fairly recently delivered two Federal Aid projects, School Road Pedestrian Underpass (2007) and School Road NW Improvements (2011). City staff has historically achieved all project delivery expectations when administering Federal/State funded projects and have not had to turn back any allocated funding. At this point, the City Engineer is confident that this project would be delivered by in -house staff with outside consultant support most likely not being necessary. TAP Application – School Road Multi -Use Pathway Extension/City of Hutchinson Page 8 Section 7: Application Checklist SW ATP Full Application Checklist CHECKLIST OF COMPLETION: This checklist is for the convenience of the Applicant to ensure all Transportation Alternative elements have been addressed. Applications must specifically and directly address each criterion to qualify and receive points. Proposals shall identify each criterion by number and then directly respond to it. Pages in each proposal should be numbered, and are limited to ten (10) 8 1/2" x 11" pages excluding other enclosures identified on the checklist below. Proposals must be in typewritten format. Applicant completed the Letter of Intent (LOI) pre - qualifying step _X_ Regional Development Commission reviewed LOI and recommended that the project move forward to full application Regional Development Commission reviewed LOI and suggested applicant wait until project is further developed Application Form Information (Application pages 8 -12) _X_ Eligible Sponsoring Agency X_ Eligible Project Applicant _X_ Name of Project ATP (s) X_ County (ies) / City (ies) X Contact Person /information _X Transportation Alternative Activity X_ Brief Project Description _X Application Signatures _X_ Itemized Project Budget _X_ Minimum total eligible cost of $50,000 _X_ Resolution of Sponsorship from Eligible Agency (sample on pg. 11) _X_ Documentation of 20% or more funding match (list in budget and provide a resolution or other documentation of matching funds.) X_ Resolution to Maintain / Operate Facility (sample on pg. 12) _X_ Itemized Sample Maintenance Plan (sample on pg. 13) Application Evaluation Questions (Application pages 13 - IS) X Responses pertaining to project description and overview • Responses pertaining to planning and community context X_ Attached a copy or portion of all plans that are related to or support the project • Responses pertaining to serving a transportation purpose X_ Responses pertaining to project deliverability X Attached a project timeline with estimated dates N /A_ Attached resolutions of support from applicant (if different from sponsor) and all other affected local units of government, if applicable _X_ Attached an operations and maintenance plan and budget for the project's useful life (20 -50 years) TAP Application — School Road Multi -Use Pathway Extension/City of Hutchinson Page 9 Other Enclosures (where applicable) X_ Project Location Map _X_ Project lay out map with enough detail to show the proposed project in relation to surrounding features X_ Documentation of financial support (letters, agreements, etc.) X_ Documentation of Plans and Public Participation X_ Maps, Graphics, photos X_ Over and above normal transportation project description X_ Letters of support N /A_ Letter of support from byway, if byway project As part of the application process, applicants are required to present their project to ATP 8 TAP Subcommittee on Friday February 14, 2014 in Granite Falls, MN. The TAP subcommittee will contact you with further details. Proposals MUST be sent both electronically and via hard copy. If you use color in the original application and black and white for the copies, please keep in mind what is shown (or not shown) on the copies. Send nine hard copies of your application to the address below and one electronic version of your application to the email address below by 4:30 pm on February 1, 2014. FINAL APPLICATIONS DUE FEBRUARY 1, 2014 by 4:30 om to: Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission Attn: Lindsey Knutson 323 W. Schlieman Ave. Appleton, MN 56208 lindsey.knutson @umvrdc.org TAP Application — School Road Multi -Use Pathway Extension/City of Hutchinson Page 10 Facilitv Operation and Maintenance Plan — School Road Multi -Use Pathway The proposed School Road Multi -Use Pathway (South Fork of the Crow River bridge to Roberts St. SW) will be off - street bituminous surfacing constructed to similar specifications and standards that many other trail facilities have been installed within the City of Hutchinson over the last 20 years. Thus, City staff is very familiar and knowledgeable of the necessary operational requirements and maintenance needs that are necessary for the proper long -term utilization of this type of infrastructure. The below outline describes the planned operations and maintenance activities and their associated estimated costs for this particular implementation: I. Operations Schedule /Costs: a. Annually i. Surface Sweeping — 3 occurrences x $40 /each = $120 ii. Snow & Ice Removal — 12 occurrences x $80 /each = $960 iii. Staff Condition Inspection (surface & lighting) — 1 occurrence x $40 /each = $40 II. Maintenance Schedule /Costs: a. Annually i. Surface Sweeping — 3 occurrences x $40 /each = $120 ii. Snow & Ice Removal — 12 occurrences x $80 /each = $960 iii. Staff Condition Inspection — 1 occurrence x $40 /each = $40 b. Every 3 - 5 Years i. Crack Sealing @ approximately 5 years - $7,000 c. Every 6 - 10 Years i. Surface Seal Coating @ approximately 7 years - $18,000 d. Every 10 - 20 Years i. Spot Repairs @ approximately 12 years - $10,000 ii. Crack Sealing @ approximately 12 years - $8,000 iii. Surface Seal Coating @ approximately 14 years - $20,000 iv. Paint Fiberglass Light Poles @ approximately 15 years - $2,000 v. Thin Overlay @ approximately 20 years - $50,000 1 CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS STREET CENTERLINE — — — PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER AREA MAP EXTG. SANITARY SEWER — PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER EXTG. WATERMAIN I PROPOSED WATERMAIN —I- EXTG. STORM SEWER PROPOSED DRAIN TILE -- - - - - -- STORM SEWER CONST. GAS MAIN —Gas — BURIED TELEPHONE CABLE —T — FIBER OPTIC —F.O.- BURIED ELECTRIC CABLE —E — EXTG. CURB & GUTTER PROPERTY LINE — — — — — RIGHT OF WAY MANHOLE O CATCH BASIN o HYDRANT 3D WATER VALVE BOX TREE O FENCE —X STREET LIGHT EXTG. = EXISTING PROP. = PROPOSED INP. = INPLACE F & I = FURNISH & INSTALL NOTE: THE EXACT LOCATION OF GAS, POWER, TELEPHONE, FIBER OPTIC, CABLE T.V. AND OTHER FACILITIES IS UNKNOWN, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL, INC. AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING EXCAVATION AT 1- 800 - 252 -1166. NOTE: THE SUBSURFACE UTILITY INFORMATION IN THIS PLAN IS UTILITY QUALITY LEVEL D. THIS QUALITY LEVEL WAS DETERMINED ACCORDING TO THE GUIDELINES OF CI /ASCE 38 -02, ENTITLED "STANDARD GUIDELINES FOR THE COLLECTION AND DEPICTION OF EXISTING SUBSURFACE UTILITY DATA." NOTE: EXCAVATION PERMIT MUST BE ISSUED BY CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL PRIOR TO MAKING TEST BORINGS. PROJECT LOCATION COUNTY: MCLEOD MnDOT DISTRICT: 8 SECTION 1- 116 -30 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CITY OF HUTCHINSON PRELIMINARY DESIGN PLANS FOR REMOVALS, CURB AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS SURFACING STREET LIGHTING, TRAFFIC CONTROL, RESTORATION, AND APPURTENANCES SCHOOL ROAD SW MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION DESCRIPTION STREET FROM TO SCHOOL ROAD SW ROBERTS ROAD SW SCHOOL ROAD SW BRIDGE N • 0 250 500 SCALE FEET BEGIN CONSTRUCTION END CONSTRUCTION ROBERTS ROAD SW 3 N z 0 V) o: J GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS THE 2005 EDITION OF THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION" SHALL GOVERN. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO THE MNNUTCD, INCLUDING THE FIELD MANUAL FOR TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL ZONE LAYOUTS, LATEST EDITION. INDEX SHEET NO DESCRIPTION 1 TITLE SHEET 2 AREA MAP 3 -6 MULTI —USE PATHWAY PRELIMINARY DESIGN THIS PLAN CONTAINS 6 SHEETS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA ��-L 1 -27 -2014 KENTON EXNER, PE DATE CITY ENGINEER LIC. NO. 42907 SHEET 1 OF 6 JJJ ROBERTS STREET SW r J In 0 D v m 0 D v WEST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1 HUTCHINSON MIDDLE SCHOOL J - Oq� S �FFT _1 m z 1 J � 1 17��_ LM OTTER LAKE I J PROPOSED MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION - SCHOOL ROAD SW HUTCHINSON HIGH SCHOOL 0 m 1 -m - 0 O D v N V) m 0 0 z v D N j' CITY LIMITS CAMPBELL LAKE u SHADY RIDGE ROAD 'F n :: . .. l u SCHOOL ROAD UNDERPASS SCHOOL ROAD NW \ 1 nil \ DRAWN BY: KM NO. BY DATE REVISIONS I HEAR BY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SURERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED DESIGNED BY: KM PROFESSIONAL ENGIN UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA ca%aw APPROVED BY' KE SIGNATURE: DATE: 1 -27 -2014 �' PRINTED NAME: KENTON EXNER LIC. NO. 42907 ,�\ =--O T=J J� SCHOOL ROAD SW AREA MAP MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION PROPOSED SCHOOL ROAD MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION LUCE LINE STATE TRAIL MULTI -USE PATHWAY SIDEWALK GRAVEL TRAIL PARK NO SCALE SHEET 2 OF 6 1 I� II ' PAVEMENT 1 1 1 1 1 LAKEVIEW LANE 1, 1 _ 1 1111 '�•. _� �� .� 1 1 � • 111 � �.a.- .� �� i ,,.. � Y'ta`• ; � . � 1- �' � �► Il ROBERTS ROAD DRAWN BY: XX NO. BY DATE DESIGNED BY: XX APPROVED BY: KE BEGIN 1 CONSTRUCTION 20.5' ��� °,-,z � _ �, 14.5' 'i .:. ` • _ 'r. 10' BITUMINOUS TRAIL _ ,w REVISIONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR SCHOOL ROAD SW UNDER MY DIRECT SURERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINE R UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA /'il�nwi MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION SIGNATURE: DATE: 1 -27 -2014 PRINTED NAME: KENTON EXNER LIC. NO. 42907 PRELIMINARY DESIGN MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER X CLEAR AND GRUB PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT PROPOSED STREET LIGHT © 4" SOLID LINE WHITE -PAINT 4DY 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW- PAINT SHEET O 20 40 3 —ERA I SCALE FEET OF 6 I DRAWN BY: XX NO. BY DATE DESIGNED BY: XX APPROVED BY: KE ------- - - - - -- BOULDER STREET F /� 10' BITUMINOUS / TRAIL REVISIONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR SCHOOL ROAD SW UNDER MY DIRECT SURERMSION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINE R UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA City MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION SIGNATURE: DATE: 1 -27 -2014 77 J PRINTED NAME: KENTON EXNER UC. NO. 42907 PRELIMINARY DESIGN sl�� MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER X CLEAR AND GRUB PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER 6' CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT PROPOSED STREET LIGHT © 4' SOLID LINE WHITE -PAINT ®Y 4' DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW- PAINT SHEET 9 2 4 �- SCALE FEET OF 6 a ZEBRA CROSSWALK WHITE -PAINT '�. __ yr 2 ^1. VA f MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER X CLEAR AND GRUB PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER 6' CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT PROPOSED STREET LIGHT 0 4' SOLID LINE WHITE -PAINT ®Y 4' DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW- PAINT DRAWN BY: XX NO. BY DATE REVISIONS DESIGNED BY: XX APPROVED BY: KE STONEY POINT ROAD I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR SCHOOL ROAD SW UNDER MY DIRECT SURERASION AND THAT AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA �� MULTI-USE PATHWAY EXTENSION SIGNATURE: DATE: 1- 27 -2014 PRINTED NAME: KENTON EXNER LIC. NO. 42907 PRELIMINARY DESIGN Co rte, i j. LEWIS AVE SHEET 0 20 40 5 Lm -J , OF SCALE FEET 6 - r \ \ A�. �1 41�+ F + r1 \ \ \ C + Ir y, fw I10' BITUMINOUS TRAIL � l >!_ • * r r 14.5' DRAWN BY: XX NO. BY DATE DESIGNED BY: XX APPROVED BY: KE k REVISIONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SURERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY UCENSED SCHOOL ROAD SW PROFESSIONAL ENGINE R UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA (,Yln� MULTI —USE PATHWAY EXTENSION SIGNATURE: DATE: 1 -27- 2014 ''77 PRINTED NAME: KENTON EXNER LIC. NO. 42907 L MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER s 1 a PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER • �: 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT PROPOSED STREET LIGHT © 4" SOLID LINE WHITE -PAINT ®Y 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW- PAINT r SHEET 0 20 40 6 SCALE FEET OF 6 • ,L ` • " `• „� /. r`s...'.'!' .t. t/ U'r . a. r 'i .f r e t_ ; .L )A a .. DRAWN BY: XX NO. BY DATE DESIGNED BY: XX APPROVED BY: KE k REVISIONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SURERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY UCENSED SCHOOL ROAD SW PROFESSIONAL ENGINE R UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA (,Yln� MULTI —USE PATHWAY EXTENSION SIGNATURE: DATE: 1 -27- 2014 ''77 PRINTED NAME: KENTON EXNER LIC. NO. 42907 L MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER s 1 a PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER • �: 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT PROPOSED STREET LIGHT © 4" SOLID LINE WHITE -PAINT ®Y 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW- PAINT r SHEET 0 20 40 6 SCALE FEET OF 6 • '- MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER X CLEAR AND GRUB PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER • �: 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT PROPOSED STREET LIGHT © 4" SOLID LINE WHITE -PAINT ®Y 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW- PAINT PRELIMINARY DESIGN SHEET 0 20 40 6 SCALE FEET OF 6 LINE ITEM NO. NO. 2101.502 2101.507 2104.501 2104.501 2104.503 2104.505 2104.505 2104.509 2104.511 2105.525 2105.604 2211.503 2331.603 2232.501 2357.502 2360.503 2360.503 2360.503 2360.503 2504.602 2506.503 2506.522 2531.501 2531.507 2531.602 2531.608 2545.501 2563.601 2575.505 2582.502 2582.502 2582.502 2582.503 ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE SCHOOL ROAD SW MULTI -USE PATHWAY EXTENSION ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL PROJECT QUANTITIES CLEARING GRUBBING REMOVE STORM SEWER PIPE REMOVE CURB & GUTTER IREMOVE CONCRETE SIDEWALK IREMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT IREMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT IREMOVE CATCH BASIN ISAWING CONCRETE (FULL DEPTH) TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) IGEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 5 (AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 (P) (CV) (JOINT ADHESIVE IMILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (1.25 ") (BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT ITYPE SPWEA240C WEARING COURSE MIXTURE- STREET (1 ' /z ') (TYPE SPWEB230C WEARING COURSE MIXTURE- STREET (2'/z') ITYPE SPNWB230B NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE - STREET (7' /z ") ITYPE SPWEB230B WEARING COURSE MIXTURE -TRAIL (3 ") (ADJUST GATE VALVE IRECONSTRUCT STORM MANHOLE (ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING MANHOLE ICONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B618 16" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT 16" PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP ITRUNCATED DOMES (ELECTRICAL LIGHTING SYSTEM (STANDARD POLE) ITRAFFIC CONTROL (SODDING, TYPE LAWN 14" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW -PAINT 14" SOLID LINE WHITE -PAINT IPAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) PAINT (ZEBRA CROSSWALK WHITE -PAINT ITOTAL 2014 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL 2017 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST (x 1.14 FACTOR) UNIT PRICE EST QTY AMOUNT ROADWAY PATHWAY ESTIMATED AMOUNT ESTIMATED AMOUNT EA $325.00 19 $6,175.00 0 $0.00 19 $6,175.00 EA $325.00 19 $6,175.00 0 $0.00 19 $6,175.00 LF $12.00 90 $1,080.00 90 $1,080.00 0 $0.00 LF $2.85 2500 $7,125.00 0 $0.00 2500 $7,125.00 SF $1.95 3600 $7,020.00 0 30.00 3600 $7,020.00 SY $6.50 195 $1,267.50 0 $0.00 195 $1,267.50 SY $2.85 2945 $8,393.25 0 $0.00 2945 $8,393.25 EA $150.00 6 $900.00 6 $900.00 0 $0.00 LF $6.25 280 $1,750.00 I 280 $1,750.00 I 0 $0.00 CY $22.00 285 $6,270.00 I 0 $0.00 285 $6,270.00 SY $1.95 1825 $3,558.75 I 0 $0.00 I 1825 $3,558.75 CY $26.00 410 $10,660.00 I 0 $0.00 410 $10,660.00 LF $1.60 I 4630 $7,408.00 I 4630 $7,408.00 0 I $0.00 SY $2.25 I 1515 $3,408.75 I 1515 $3,408.75 I 0 I $0.00 GAL I $3.75 I 535 $2,006.25 I 535 $2,006.25 I 0 I $0.00 SY I $7.30 I 8790 I $64,167.00 I 8790 I $64,167.00 I 0 I $0.00 SY I $11.50 I 8790 I $101,085.00 I 8790 I $101,085.00 I 0 I $0.00 SY I $37.00 I 765 I $28,305.00 I 765 I $28,305.00 I 0 I $0.00 SY I $13.90 I 1825 I $25,367.50 I 0 I $0.00 I 1825 I $25,367.50 EA I $125.00 I 9 I $1,125.00 I 9 I $1,125.00 I 0 I $0.00 EA I $1,800.00 3 I $5,400.00 I 3 I $5,400.00 I 0 I $0.00 EA I $700.00 10 I $7,000.00 I 10 I $7,000.00 I 0 I $0.00 LF I $13.50 I 2600 I $35,100.00 I 2600 I $35,100.00 I 0 I $0.00 SY $45.00 I 520 $23,400.00 I 520 $23,400.00 0 I $0.00 SF $6.25 I 435 $2,718.75 I 0 I $0.00 435 I $2,718.75 SF $34.50 I 108 $3,726.00 I 0 I $0.00 108 I $3,726.00 LS $28,000.00 I 1 $28,000.00 I 0 I $0.00 1 I $28,000.00 LS $5,500.00 I 1 $5,500.00 I 1 $5,500.00 I 0 I $0.00 SY $4.80 I 2590 $12,432.00 I 0 $0.00 I 2590 I $12,432.00 LF $5.25 I 1970 $10,342.50 I 1970 $10,342.50 Ii 0 I $0.00 LF $3.25 I 120 $390.00 I 120 $390.00 I 0 I $0.00 EA $150.00 I 1 $150.00 I 1 $150.00 I 0 I $0.00 SF $4.50 I 90 $405.00 li 90 $405.00 I 0 I $0.00 $427,811.25 $298,922.50 I I $128,888.75 $487,704.83 $340,771.65 I , $146,933.18 3 30 17 24 November 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 4 0.24 precip 5 0.30 precip 6j 7j 8 0.04 precip 9 2.00 snow °' Limited plowing Cleanup_ 11 Veteran's Day 12 13 14 15 16 0.06 precip ,.W- 18 19 20 21 0.01 precip 22 23 I' 25 26 27 28 Thanksgiving 29 Holiday 30 December 2013 Snow Emergency t Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 %j 3 %% 4 5 jj 6y 7 0.14 precip 0.48 precip 6.50 snow Full plow, Sanding, '*� Sanding Sanding '1�4* Full plowing Removal Cleanup 8 9 10 11j 12j 13 14 u.ui precip 0.05 precip 0.60 snow * 0.50 snow Cleanup, 0.40 snow *` PW property Limited plowing Cleanup PW property Cleanup "' Removal 15 16 17 18j 19 20 21 7M4 11 -IN 0.01 precip �� �� 0.03 precip 0.06 precip 0.50 snow 0.50 snow 1.00 snow 0.20 snow Limited Limited ` Full plowing Plowing Sanding Cleanup "' plowing 22 23j 24 25 Christmas Day 26j 27 JW 28 0.05 precip 0.05 precip 0.04 precip 0.10 snow 1.50 snow Full plowing, * Cleanup 1W** Full plowing Limited plowing Removal 29 30 31j 0.06 preciF7 2.00 snow ---- *. `" Sanding Limited plowing Personnel Equipment Precip Snow Date Description Operators Equip hours hours (in.) (in.) 11/04/13 0.24 11/05/13 0.30 2.00 11/06/13 Limited plowing 8 8 34.00 34.00 11/07/13 Cleanup 2 2 4.00 4.00 11/08/13 0.04 11/16/13 0.06 11/21/13 0.01 NOVEMBER 38.00 38.00 0.65 2.00 + 12/02/13 Sanding 5 5 9.25 9.25 0.14 Ij 12/03/13 Sanding 4 4 8.00 8.00 12/04/13 Full plowing 16 16 128.00 128.00 0.48 6.50 12/05/13 Full plowing, removal 28 28 185.50 185.50 12/06/13 Sanding, cleanup 12 14 62.00 62.00 12/08/13 Public Works properties 1 1 1.00 1.00 0.05 0.50 12/09/13 Limited plowing 13 12 48.50 48.50 12/10/13 Cleanup 3 3 8.00 8.00 12/11/13 Public Works properties 1 1 3.00 3.00 12/12/13 Cleanup 7 7 38.00 38.00 12/13/13 Cleanup, removal 8 12 43.00 43.00 0.07 0.60 12/14/13 0.40 12/15/13 0.01 0.50 12/16/13 Full plowing 16 16 102.00 102.00 12/17/13 Limited plowing 11 11 I 56.50 56.50 12/18/13 Sanding 7 7 I 40.00 40.00 12/19/13 Cleanup 1 1 I 2.00 2.00 0.03 0.50 12/20/13 Limited plowing 10 10 46.50 46.50 0.06 1.00 12/21/13 I 0.20 12/22/13 I 0.05 0.10 12/23/13 Cleanup 1 1 1.75 1.75 12/24/13 I 0.05 1.50 12/25/13 Full plowing 14 14 67.50 67.50 12/26/13 Limited plowing 10 10 61.50 61.50 12/27/13 Full plowing, removal 24 24 117.75 117.75 12/28/13 0.04 12/30/13 Sanding 6 6 14.00 14.00 0.06 2.00 12/31/13 Limited plowing 11 10 53.00 53.00 DECEMBER 1,096.75 1,096.75 1.04 13.80 Sidewalk Snow Removal Monthly Report December 2013 Monthly Summary of Sidewalk Snow Removal Noncompliance A summary of sidewalk snow removal notices left at properties not in compliance with Chapter 90.01 Ice and Snow on Public Sidewalks, of the Hutchinson City Code of Ordinances can be found below. 24 hours were given to those receiving notice to remove snow deposited onto the public sidewalk. Number of properties that received snow removal notice 13 Number of properties cleared by City order 4 Number of properties pending compliance at month's end 0 Properties that were ordered to be cleared by the City House Street Quadrant Property Owner City PID Federal National Mortgage Association 705 4th Ave SW 14221 Dallas Parkway #1000 01- 116 -30 -07 -0120 Dallas, TX 75254 Linda Cherrington 595 Franklin St SW 57917 Tenquist Rd 06- 116 -29 -11 -0070 Askov, MN 55704 -4226 William Weide 646 Franklin St SW 55203 Co Rd 38 06- 116 -29 -12 -0750 Buffalo Lake, MN 55314 Green Jacket 805 Franklin St SW 2221 Oak Glen Trail 06- 116 -29 -11 -0930 Stillwater, MN 55082 Angela Robertson 745 Franklin St SW 745 Franklin St SW 06- 116 -29 -11 -1080 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Deanna & William Daffner 706 Main St S 706 Main St S 06- 116 -29 -11 -1030 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Robert & Jennifer Grimsley 705 Main St S 705 Main St S 06- 116 -29 -11 -0870 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Stix & Brix 655 Main St S 307 North Holcombe Ave 06- 116 -29 -11 -0620 Litchfield, MN 55355 Gerald Heintz 628 Main St S 12211 590th Ave 06- 116 -29 -11 -0970 Litchfield, MN 55355 142 3rd Ave 532 Jefferson St 425 Adams St 445 Adams St SE SE SE SE Berdette Schoep 10250 Co Rd 34 NW 06- 116 -29 -06 -0170 Alexandria, MN 56308 Optima Realty 16690 705th Ave 06- 116 -29 -06 -0860 Dassel, MN 55325 Stix & Brix 307 North Holcombe Ave 06- 116 -29 -07 -0600 Litchfield, MN 55355 Bank of New York Mellon 400 Countrywide Way 06- 116 -29 -07 -0580 Simi Valley, CA 93065 MINUTES HUTCHINSON PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION Thursday, December 12, 2013 Main Conference Room CALL TO ORDER 3:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schroeder at 3:30 p.m. with the following members present: Lena Mowlem, Audrey Hollatz, Barbara Bowman, Tinea Graham, Jon Otteson, Mary Christensen and Chairman Schroeder. Absent: Dan Jochum and Dolf Moon Also present: Steve Gasser 2. CONSENT AGENDA a) Consideration of Minutes dated November 14, 2013. Mr. Otteson made a motion to approve the minutes of November 14, 2013. Seconded by Ms. Bowman, the motion carried unanimously. 3. NEW BUSINESS a) SMAHC Grant Update Ms. Mowlem stated the grant is close to finished. She reminded the members they cannot begin anything until after February 16, 2014. They can do prep work and get ready to go. The $4,900 grant will not pay for the stipends, hotel, reception, etc. Mr. Gasser reported he will contact Tom Kloss of the City IT department regarding hosting the site. Discussion followed on being self sustaining. There was a motion by Ms. Hollatz to send the grant application February 17, 2014. Second by Ms. Mowlem the motion carried unanimously. b) Meeting Dates 2014 Chairman Schroeder asked for suggestions for meeting dates and reported they now meet the 2nd Thursday of the month. After discussion, it was decided to meet the 2nd Thursday of the month January - June and the 2nd Thursday in August, October and December. Motion by Ms. Christensen to approve the meeting dates, seconded by Mr. Otteson the motion carried unanimously. c) In Kind Donations /Vivid Image Update Mr. Gasser gave an update and reported this would be his donation to the Pubic Arts Commission. Chairman Schroeder made a motion to move forward with the design. Discussion followed on the need for bids or quotes. Ms. Graham seconded the motion to move forward with the Vivid Image design. The motion carried unanimously. d) Call to Artists Chairman Schroeder asked for a motion to approve the documentation. Ms. Graham suggested the document could be simplified. Ms. Mowlem commented on suggested changes. There was Minutes Public Arts Commission — December 12, 2013 Page 2 further discussion on the SST strips. It was suggested to table the item to January when Mr. Moon is present. e) Other Discussion Site map for the Website — Ms. Bowman commented on the site map and stated she would contact Mr. Jochum to discuss the contact information portion. Discussion followed on future funding. There is not a donation function on the web site. There was also discussion on inserting the map on the site. It was the consensus the site must be user friendly and link to the artist and sponsor. Ms. Christensen suggested having a people's choice link. There was further discussion on the potential formation of the site map. 4. OLD BUSINESS a) There was discussion regarding the recent vandalism in the City noting one sculpture was destroyed. b) Mr. Otteson asked if the mural was public arts. Chairman Schroeder explained the mural project began before a Public Arts Commission was formed and the mural was a donation by a private individual. c) There was discussion on donation acceptance. d) The next meeting will be Thursday, January 9, 2014, at 3:30 p.m. 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m. MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, December 3, 2013 Hutchinson City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Christie Hantge at 5:00 p.m. with the following members present: Raymond Norton, Jim Fahey, Dean Kirchoff, Bill Arndt and Chairman Hantge Absent: Dave Johnston and John Lofdahl Also present: Dan Jochum, Planning Director, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA a) Consideration of Minutes dated October 15, 2013. Mr. Kirchoff moved to approve the consent agenda as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. The consent agenda was approved unanimously 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO AMEND THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION AT 1193 OAKWOOD COURT NW WITH ZERO SETBACK TO THE REAR PROPERTY LINE Mr. Jochum explained the request is to amend the planned development district to allow construction of a 4- season porch addition to the house located at 1193 Oakwood Court NW with zero setback to the rear property line. The porch would replace an existing smaller deck. He reported the original plan for this neighborhood was developed and approved in 1999. Five foot setbacks were specified in the Planned Development District plan. Changes to the plan are processed through an amendment to the PDD by Conditional Use Permit. He commented this is a unique development with much of the land being association property. Mr. Jay Scheer found the property lines and measured 10.5 ft to rear property line. The addition will not encroach into the association property. Mr. Jochum commented on the architectural drawings that appear to conform to the association requirements. Discussion followed on the placement of the deck to the trail. Mr. Jochum reported the way the homes are staggered it doesn't appear allowing a zero setback versus five feet will have a significant impact to any of the other properties in this development. He noted there have been two other homes in the development that were approved by Conditional Use Permit to reduce front and rear setbacks to zero feet. Staff would recommend approval of the request with the following conditions: 1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R -1 PD district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. 3. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Minutes Planning Commission — December 3, 2013 Page 2 4. All appropriate permits must be obtained prior to the start of construction. Mr. Jochum reported The Green's Architectural Control Committee met with the Wackers to review their construction proposal for 1193 Oakwood Court NW. They all agreed on the 11 required items to conform to the general standards of the development. He commented on each item. He stated the group would like the City to enforce the items. Mr. Jochum reported the City would approve the request with Staff conditions only. Discussion followed on easements. Mr. Richard Lennes, President of The Greens Association, 1175 Oakwood Court, reported that the association met with the Wackers and there are no issues. He stated they would recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit. Motion by Mr. Fahey to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt, the hearing closed. Mr. Kirchoff made a motion to approve the request with staff recommendations 1 -4. Seconded by Mr. Fahey to approve, the motion carried unanimously. This item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting December 10, 2013. 5. NEW BUSINESS 6. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Jochum stated the draft of the revised Comprehensive Plan is posted on City web site and will be placed on the City Council agenda. 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5.16 p.m. RA Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 7:00 AM Mira utes CALL TO ORDER: Chairman LaVonne Hansen called the meeting to order. Members Present: LouAnn Holmquist, and Steve Jensen. Staff Present: Jean Ward and Judy Flemming. 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON NOVEMBER l9, 2013 Steve Jensen moved to approve the Minutes of the regular board meeting as written. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS a. LouAnn Holmquist moved to approve the City Center General Fund payments of $46,027.75 for checks 8367 to 8382 and the November 30, 2013 City Center Financial Statements. Steve Jensen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. b. Steve Jensen moved to approve the Park Towers operating account payments of $36,645.89 for checks 12613 to 12640 and consideration of Park Towers Security account payment of $0 and consideration of October 2013 Financial Statements. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4. PARK TOWERS UPDATE a. LouAnn Holmquist moved to approve Resolution #2013 -16 to write off uncollectable accounts. Steve Jensen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. b. Steve Jensen moved to approve Resolution #2013 -17 to dispose of items from Depreciation Report. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. c. LouAnn Holmquist moved to execute the LSS Senior Nutrition Program Site Use Agreement — 2014. Steve Jensen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. d. Updates: • Jean Ward reviewed the Bedbug Memo with the Board. One of the big issues is dealing with the residents' personal property, so a large freezer was purchased for them to use to treat /freeze their smaller personal property. Also, Jean talked to the St. Paul HRA and they have a similar bed bug protocol. • Possible study with Ecolab to evaluate "BlackOut" interceptor traps hopefully to start in March. • Boiler Deferred Loan closing was on December 12, 2013 - $79,000 from MHFA. • Nelrod Green PNA inspection/Energy Audit conducted December 11, 2013 with final report expected by March 1, 2014. The auditor went into 11 apartments as well as the commons areas and mechanical rooms. Some preliminary recommendations are to install programmable thermostats throughout the building and to have Wi -Fi for the whole building. One other item that will need to be addressed in the future are the 40 -year old air handlers. • Calculation of 2014 Operating Subsidy Worksheet submitted to HUD - Formula subsidy amount $147,154 compared to 2014 budgeted amount of $132,500 (90% pro- ration of $147,154) • Good, safe results with routine use of turkey grit/sand on Park Towers cement sidewalks. Concrete vendor recommends NACL salt applied rarely on cement sidewalks to avoid deterioration effects of deicing chemicals /salts on concrete matrix December 17, 2013 Minutes Page t of 5. CONSIDERATION OF 445 ADAMS STREET LAND BANK DONATION Twin Cities Community Land Bank, LLC is closing on the property the end of January and will then transfer to the HRA. LouAnn Holmquist moved to enter into a purchase agreement for 445 Adams Street SE. Steve Jensen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION # 2013 -18 ADOPTION OF HUTCHINSON HRA REHAB LOAN PROGRAM WALK -AWAY POLICY The walk -away policy will be instituted when it is determined it is not economically feasible or possible to bring the unit up to MHFA's Single Family Rehab Standards, Lead Based Paint Standards or cannot meet the definition of a "Rehabilitable Building ". Steve Jensen moved to approve Resolution #2013 -18 Adoption of the Hutchinson HRA Rehab Loan Programs Walk -Away Policy. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION TO TARGETED HOME IMPROVEMENT PILOT FOR CFUF DISCOUNT FOR 4.0% HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN COMPARED TO 5.99% REGULAR RATE FOR SECURED LOANS • Targets include SCDP target areas of the city • Code violations, health and safety improvements o Includes roof replacement o Includes cited nuisance houses Steven Jensen moved to approve the submission of the application to the Targeted Home Improvement Pilot program. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 8. CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDED TARGET AREA TO SEND OUT SCDP SURVEYS FOR RENTAL AND OWNER OCCUPIED REHAB WITH FINAL TARGET AREA ESTABLISHED BASED ON RESPONSE Steven Jensen moved to approve the recommended target area with final target area to be established based on the response. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 9. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION #2013 -19 ADOPTING 2014 COMPENSATION PLAN Steven Jensen moved to approve Resolution #2013 -19 Adopting 2014 compensation plan. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 10. CONSIDERATION EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE LOAN/GRANT AGREEMENT WITH MHFA COMMUNITY OWNERSHIP IMPACT FUND FOR CONTRACT ID #11- 2013 -15 Steven Jensen moved to have the Executive Director execute the Loan /Grant Agreement with MHFA for the Community Ownership Impact Fund for Contract ID #11- 2013 -15. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 11. COMMUNICATIONS • Request by AT &T to modify the cell antennas on the roof of Park Towers. Jean will be working with John Paulson, City of Hutchinson Regulatory Specialist. • Effective January I" there will be sales tax relief for local governments including HRA's if included in the audit report of the city. The HRA will now be tax exempt for purchases of materials, office supplies, etc. • Up to $5,000 in term life is available to HRA Board Commissioners with open enrollment through January 2014 • FYI: Approval of 2014 HRA Tax Levy was at the December 10, 2013 City Council Meeting. December 17, 2013 Minutes Page 2 of 3 12. ADJOURNMENT Steve Jensen moved to adjourn and LouAnn Holmquist seconded. There being no other business, Chairman LaVonne Hansen declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director _ . _ dary Forcier, Secretary /Treasurer December 17. 2013 Minutes Page 3 of 3