Monday, April 29, 2013
5:15 p.m.
City Center
Members present: Newton Potter, Steve Cook (Council)
Members absent: Dale Redetzke, Corey Stearns
Others Present: Mike Bahe, Natural Resource Specialist; John Olson, Public Works Manager
Meeting called to order at 5:15 p.m. There was not a quorum of members present.
1. Annrove Tree Board Minutes
Tree Board minutes of January 28, 2013 were not approved, as there was no quorum of members
2. Tree Board Members
Newton Potter (to 04/13 *, 2nd full -term)
Corey Stearns (to 04/14 *, 2nd full -term)
Steve Cook (Council representative)
John Olson (Public Works representative)
Dale Redetzke (to 04/13 *, 2nd full -term)
* terms assigned at January 28, 2013 meeting
Mike Bahe (Parks representative)
For meeting schedules & interest forms for serving on the Tree Board, see www.ci.hutchinson.mn.us
3. Standine Renorts
a) Presentation by Mike Bahe.
2013 update
a. 650 trees pruned 5 trees removed
20 trees tagged for removal 9 energy tree applications
0 trees planted (delivery of planting stock expected 04/30/2013)
b. Arbor Day programs scheduled with New Discoveries Montessori Academy
3rd grade ( +/- 30 kids - 05/02/13) and Park Elementary ( +/- 300 kids —
c. Intern is coming from University of Iowa. She has been working with Bur
Oak blight (BOB) and will conduct some limited experiments with treatment
of BOB.
ii. Citizen Pruner Program
a. Pilot program sponsored by University of MN
b. Volunteer groups will be contacted by UofM
c. UofM will provide training at a cost. If participants are at 3 of 4 events, they
will be able to keep their tools (to offset training costs).
d. Pruning will be limited to suckers and water sprouts.
e. Pruning events are anticipated for July, August, September and October.
Tree Board
April 29, 2013
Page 2
4. Onerational Issues and Onen Proiects
a) Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Preparedness Plan
Olson outlined the planned response to the presence of Emerald Ash Borer.
a. Once EAB is in a neighboring county, the City would declare EAB a nuisance
and set up a public meeting /public hearing. At the public meeting, a resolution
identifying City staff able to identify EAB would be done.
b. Once EAB was noted in the City, City staff would have the authority to issue a
work order to remove the tree.
c. If the tree is not removed within 20 days, the City would initiate the work at
the property owner's expense, in accordance with the existing ordinance.
b) Tree Disease /Infestation Mitigation
i. Original resolution was initiated in February 2011.
ii. City staff have identified components of the required policy, summarized as:
a. Change title to "Tree Disease /Infestation Mitigation" account.
b. Funding priorities:
1. Surveys and evaluations to ensure data is relevant to management of
the disease /infestation. That data helps the City determine the scope
of the disease /infestation, and that ongoing evaluations of identified
diseased /infested trees is conducted to determine priority for
removal /replacement.
2. Public trees. Prior to EAB: provide for species diversification
projects, to include use of these funds as matching funds for other
available grants. Funding for chemicalibiological treatments when
necessary for preservation of high -value trees. After EAB: provide
for the removal /replacement of public trees (parks, boulevards).
3. Private trees. If funds remain available, they could potentially be
used for cost - sharing removal /replacement of private trees,
including providing a portion of the match required by any available
grant for removal /replacement of trees on private property.
5. Other Discussions/ New Business
a) Quarterly Meeting schedules. 04/29, 07/29, 10/28.
Quarterly schedule for next meeting is July 29, 2013
At 6:30 the meeting was adjourned.
NEXT MEETING: Regularly scheduled meeting: 07/29/2013.