08-06-2013 PCMMINUTES
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Hutchinson City Council Chambers
1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Norton at 5:30 p.m. with the following members
present: Jim Fahey, Dave Johnston, Dean Kirchoff, Bill Arndt and Vice Chairman Norton Absent:
Chairman Hantge, John Lofdahl and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. Also present: Dan Jochum,
Planning Director, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Andrea Schwartz, Permit Technician
a) Consideration of Minutes dated July 16, 2013.
Mr. Kirchoff moved to approve the consent agenda as submitted. Seconded by Mr.Fahey. The
consent agenda was approved unanimously
Vice Chairman Norton opened the hearing at 5:32 p.m. with the reading of publication #8003 as
published in the Hutchinson Leader on July 28, 2013.
Mr. Jochum reported that Pride Solutions is requesting a conditional use permit to allow them to
construct a pole building at 120 Eastgate Dr. S.E. Section 154.123, of the Zoning Ordinance
requires a conditional use permit for buildings of pole type construction. He commented on the
staff recommendations as follows:
1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the
conditions stated.
2. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the 1 -1
district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations.
3. The use must meet all applicable building and fire code regulations. Any remodeling
and /or additions must also meet applicable building and fire code regulations.
4. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by
the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use requires
approval of a new conditional use permit.
5. If the proposed use fails to start operation within one year of the conditional use permit
being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void and a new
conditional use permit must be applied for.
6. The elevation of the catch basin on the west side of proposed building must be
maintained. The proposed building's side slopes must not negatively impact existing
drainage characteristics. If any mitigation measures are needed, such as retaining walls,
they will need to be preapproved by the City Engineer.
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7. The existing stormwater pond capacity must be increased to adequately treat the water
quality and water quantity volume of the additional impervious surface being proposed.
8. The City's "Stormwater Maintenance Agreement" must be executed prior to
Drainage /Erosion Sediment Control Permit approval.
9. Subject to revised site plan approval (two buildings)
Vice Chairman Norton commented on enlarging the pond. Mr. Jochum said this would be
handled by City Staff if needed.
Justin Eggert 73956 205th St., Dassel MN, representing Pride Solutions, told the commissioners
the building they proposed would require sprinkling and that the company was now looking at
constructing two 2500 sq. ft. buildings in exchange. He showed a new site plan that showed no
loading dock, the buildings are farther from the drainage pond and the buildings do meet
setbacks and impervious surface will remain about the same.
Mr. Jochum stated the revised plan does not show concern to him, we are still looking at the
C.U.P. being the "pole type" structure.
Mr. Johnston and Vice Chairman Norton both questioned the size of the building that needs to
be sprinkled. Mr. Jochum explained it is both a matter of size and substance being relevant.
Motion by Mr. Fahey to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt, the hearing closed at 5:45
p.m. Mr. Johnston made a motion to approve the request with staff recommendations.
Seconded by Mr. Arndt to approve, the motion carried unanimously. This item will be placed on
the City Council consent agenda at their meeting August 13, 2013.
Vice Chairman Norton opened the hearing at 5:47p.m. with the reading of publication #8003 as
published in the Hutchinson Leader on July 28, 2013.
Mr. Jochum explained Bear Paw Properties is requesting to rezone property at 1025 Dale St.
S.W. from R -1 (single - family residential) to R -4 (high density residential) to allow for the
development of a 30 unit memory care facility. There are no permitted uses in the R -4 district.
Multiple family buildings containing three or more dwelling units are allowed by conditional use
permit. All proposed multiple family building developments require a site plan review. He noted
the Comprehensive Plan guides this area as Mixed Use Residential. According to the
Comprehensive Plan "the purpose of this category is to identify portions of Hutchinson that
contain higher density housing units. Mixed Use Residential is intended to accommodate
primarily manufactured home parks, town homes, apartments, duplexes, rooming houses and
other multi - family development. The overall density of these areas should generally be
maintained at between 5 -18+ units per acre." The proposed re- zoning is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan. He reported the property abuts R -4 zoning to the South which has been
developed as senior housing (Oaks and Pines). R -4 zoning will allow for the development of a
30 unit facility for memory care as proposed by the developer.
Mr. Jochum noted the interior lot line on the west side at 32 feet isn't meeting the setback as
required. Meeting the 35 foot setback is a proposed condition of approval for the site plan.
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He explained that a landscape plan must be submitted for review. The ordinance states
landscaping shall include one tree per 800 square feet of landscaping area. Regarding parking,
the zoning ordinance requires .5 spaces per dwelling unit, which means 15 spaces are required
plus whatever parking needs staff of the facility have. There are 35 spaces on the site plan
which exceeds the requirement. It would be beneficial from a water quality /runoff and water
quality standpoint to eliminate parking stalls on -site. He reported the Conditional Use Permit
(CUP) is required for all uses in the R -4 District. He commented on the staff recommendations
as follows:
1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions
2. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R -4
district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations.
3. The use must meet all applicable building and fire code regulations. Any remodeling and /or
additions must also meet applicable building and fire code regulations.
4. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the
permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use requires approval
of a new conditional use permit.
5. If the proposed use fails to start operation within one year of the conditional use permit
being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void and a new
conditional use permit must be applied for.
6. Proposed drainage must not impact surrounding properties.
7. Provide sufficient turnaround for fire apparatus on site, including allowing an easement of
Cleveland Ave. SW for a cul -de -sac for the purposes of fire apparatus turn - around.
8. Water main must be looped through the property.
9. Parkland fees are $135.00 per unit and paid with building permit.
10. SAC and WAC fees will be calculated upon building plan submittal and due at the time of
building permit issuance.
11. All signage shall meet the requirements of the R -4 district. Sign permits are required prior to
installation of the signage.
12. Exterior lighting must be shielded and shall not cause glare to adjacent properties.
13. Developer must draft easement agreements for the gas lines going through the subject
property that go to the Oaks and Pines properties.
14. Developer must verify stormwater pond located on Oaks and Pines properties was designed
to handle stormwater runoff for the subject site. Developer must provide drainage
calculations to the City Engineer for review.
15. Developer must enter into a development agreement with the City of Hutchinson for the
infrastructure improvements to site, as well as any needed easements for fire apparatus
turn - around.
16. The building must meet the 35 foot setbacks at time of building permit application. The
building corner on the southwest side is not meeting the setback as the site plan was
Mr. Jochum made note that he received a new site plan with the building being moved 3' to the
East to meet the setback. This is a one story building (residential character) with entrance off of
Dale St SW.
Vice Chairman Norton questioned if there was an intent to subdivide the lot being the building is
positioned so far to the West. Bear Paw said they have no intent at this time.
Mr. Jochum explained that the trees would be planted in the "landscaped" portion of the
property only. Vice Chairman Norton also questioned the parking spaces.
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Mr. Jochum noted they must meet the minimum requirement but can have additional spaces
and then referenced recommendation #7. Some spaces in the Christ the King lot can be
removed for a turnaround. Bear Paw said they should only have about 8 to 9 employees
parking at a time.
Mr. Arndt questioned the lot line on the North side. Mr. Jochum explained that the parking lot on
the Southeast corner of the building was unintentionally placed over the lot line years ago and
an easement was created between the church and the property owner at 1025 Dale St SW. Mr.
Dean Bloemke, 55235 Co Rd. 30, Buffalo Lake, representing Bear Paw Properties, said he has
been visiting with the church and they are working out an agreement about a lease agreement
and the easement.
Mr. Kirchoff questioned the zoning surrounding the area and what was still R -1.
There was discussion on the drainage of the property. Mr. Jochum noted that most of the flow
should go to the South part of the property where there is a catch basin. The pond located
nearby for the Oaks and the Pines was thought to handle the future development of 1025 Dale
St SW and, if not, it will be reviewed and a new pond will be made. Mr. Exner also commented
on the drainage and is waiting to hear back on calculations for what the existing pond can
handle. Mr. Exner does not see any problems with the current grading plan. If a new pond was
needed, it would likely go on the Southeast or Southwest corner of 1025 Dale St SW. Mr.
Jochum stated that if a new pond is constructed it would have to accommodate for any future
construction of the East side of the lot.
Joyce Krcil, 1120 Keith St, Hutchinson expressed concern about the drainage. Also wanting to
see the Northeast corner of 1025 Dale St SW not rezoned to R -4. Mr. Exner will check the
drainage of her property to make sure it is clear and functioning. Mr. Jochum noted that there is
only one lot and it all has to be zoned the same. He also explained that with an R -4 zoning all
uses must be by C.U.P. and will have to go through the process again and can have conditions
put on if needed for drainage issues.
Matt Tauer, 2210 Evergreen Dr, Kasota MN„ said he did the grading at the Oaks and will be
working on this project as well. He made note that all the fill would be hauled away but if any is
needed to remain on site for better drainage they are open to any suggestions to help with the
issue if need be.
Mr. Johnston questioned the timeline of the cul -de -sac on Cleveland Ave. and Mr. Exner stated
that it would be a temporary structure in case of future development.
Jim Pease, 1065 Dale St SW, Hutchinson is concerned about being only 1 of 2 properties
remaining R -1 on that side of Dale St and what this might do for value and resale of the
property. Mr. Fahey questioned the size of the 2 lots.
Motion by Mr. Arndt to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Johnston, the hearing closed at 6:26
There was more discussion about the drainage of the property. Mr. Johnston added to
recommendation # 14 to add that if the drainage is not sufficient it must be handled on site.
The Planning Commission would like to see the Northeast corner of the lot not disturbed with
the exception of the utilities that need to be brought in.
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Mr. Johnston made a motion to approve the request with revised staff recommendations
concerning # 14 and that the grading not negatively impact the Eastern portion of the area.
Seconded by Mr. Kirchoff to approve, the motion carried unanimously. This item will be placed
on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting August 13, 2013.
Mr. Jochum brought up the issue with hoop sheds (tube truss) would you like to continue to
prohibit or make a change to ordinance
There was discussion and decided to leave as is for now.
Mr. Jochum brought up that the comp plan with be coming up and reminded all about the meeting.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m.