09-25-2013 HUCMMINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Bordson called the meeting to order. Members present: President Bordson, Secretary Monty Morrow; Commissioner Anthony Hanson; General Manager Michael Kumm; Attorney Marc Sebora. Members absent: Commissioner Craig Lenz. President Bordson proposed the following changes to the agenda: • Strike item #11 • Strike Unfinished Business • Discuss Charter for HUC Commissioner Position as it Relates to Living Outside City Limits for One Position • Discuss Purchasing Strategies for Unit 6 (Tabled at both the July 31, 2013 Regular and August 28 Regular Commission Meetings) • Move agenda item #9 to agenda item #6, #7 to #8, and #8 to #9. 1. Swearing in of New Commissioner - Mark Girard Attorney Sebora swore in the newly elected commissioner, Mark Girard. 2. Commission Reorganization a. Vice President — A motion was made by President Bordson, seconded by Secretary Morrow to appoint Commissioner Hanson as Vice President. Motion was unanimously carried. 3. Approve Minutes of August 28, 2013 Regular Meeting The minutes of the August 28, 2013 regular meeting were reviewed. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Secretary Morrow to approve the August 28, 2013 regular meeting minutes. Motion was unanimously carried. 4. Ratify Payment of Bills for August 2013 The August 2013 payables were discussed. A motion was made by Secretary Morrow, seconded by Vice President Hanson to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $2,564,415.68 (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried. 5. Approve Financial Statements /Budget Year to Date GM Kumm distributed a new cash flow statement and presented the August 2013 financial statements /budget year -to -date. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Girard, seconded by Vice President Hanson to approve the financial statements /budget year -to -date. Motion was unanimously carried. 6. Approve Requisition #5576 — Roof Replacement at 225 Michigan Street SE 1 Jared Martig presented requisition #5576 for roof replacement at 225 Michigan Street SE in the amount of $83,212 for Laraway Roofing. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Secretary Morrow to approve requisition #5576 for roof replacement at 225 Michigan Street SE. Motion unanimously carried. (Requisition attached.) 7. Approve Changes to Sick/Vacation Leave Donation Policy GM Kumm presented the recommended changes to the sick/vacation leave donation policy. The purpose of the changes are for clean -up and to add verbiage to allow the General Manager to authorize more than 16 hours of donated leave to a single fellow employee and the General Manager shall have the right to extend the use of donated leave on an individual basis. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Secretary Morrow to approve changes to the sick/vacation leave donation policy. Motion unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) 8. Review Changes to Policies and Requirements Booklet GM Kumm presented the policies and requirements booklet, sections: • Definition of Your Bill • Errors in Billing • Payment of Your Bill After discussion, GM Kumm recommended this agenda item be tabled until the October regular commission meeting at which time he will present ideas for the verbiage for section definition of your bill to reflect the transfer amount to the City. 9. Review Changes to Exempt and Non - Exempt Handbooks GM Kumm presented changes to the exempt and non - exempt handbooks, sections: • Hours & Conditions of Employment (Exempt Only) • Flextime Program (Exempt Only) • Rest Periods • Meal Periods After discussion, this agenda item was tabled until the October regular commission meeting. 10. Discuss Bylaws of Hutchinson Utilities Commission GM Kumm presented the bylaws of Hutchinson Utilities Commission to discuss section (D) relating to the 2.75% payment in lieu of taxes. Discussion was held regarding adding verbiage to the last paragraph of section (D) reflecting additional funds beyond the 2.75% payment being transferred from HUC to the City in 2014, and then reviewed annually. The Board requested GM Kumm to report back with verbiage recommendations. 11. Committee Discussion This agenda item was struck. 12. Declare HUC Open House on Tuesday, October 8, 2013 as an Open Meeting A motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Secretary Morrow to declare the HUC Open House scheduled for October 8, 2013, as an open meeting. Motion was unanimously carried. 13. Communication from the City Administrator City Administrator Carter was absent. Division Reports Natural Gas — John Webster • Had the last construction meeting with the City of Brownton on September 24. Contractor will be finished this Friday. • Out of about 270 meters, 100 meters have been set as of today; 16 are turned on. • Working with Sue Winter on the City of Brownton billing system setup. • Starting October 7, Great River Energy will be installing 12, 200 -foot vertical wells on HUC pipeline for CapX project. Great River Energy is paying the entire bill to mitigate the AC. Electric — Steve Lancaster • Completed installation of oxidation catalyst on units 3 and 4. • Testing done on nox limits to evaluate if operating hours can be increased for units 3 and 4. • Met MPA and MPCA requirements for RICE ruling. 14. Legal Update Nothing to report. At 3:32 p.m., Brenda Ewing arrived. Unfinished Business • Discuss Separate Business Unit for Wholesale Business Nothing to report • Discuss Pre -Pay for Natural Gas Nothing to report • Discuss Charter for HUC Commissioner Position as it Relates to Living Outside City Limits for One Position This agenda item was struck. • Discuss Purchasing Strategies for Unit 6 (Tabled at both the July 31, 2013 Regular and August 28 Regular Commission Meetings) This agenda item was struck. 3 New Business At 3:34 p.m. President Bordson moved to closed session under Minnesota Statute Section 13D.05 Subd. 2(b) for the purpose of preliminary consideration of allegations of misconduct against someone subject to the Commission's authority. Monty Morrow, Secretary A ATTEST: Dwight Bordson, President 0 CN LJ... 0 LL Z O cn D a Z 'V5 Vc+ GC G U W H J_ H D Z 0 Z LO ti LO LA O O O z c O D O Z O N C) cC G O U O (n Ln W M U J P: F- Z N ti Z -* 'T US 2 U) 00 00 Z 2 Z O O (� = M M C O X =r =aLL 0 Q Z 0 ti Z O W O >Lnc) NO QCZC �N?°o c LO c W O x Lf) JNZa, ti N Q Q VJ 7; 0 O 00 C0 0 N ~ N p E M O w N w 00 0 N M CA ap m a L) 0 U') co co O W w N U 0 O co ao cu d N ai ai a> d N m p C D M co x V(4 ON N O M O M N — U � t!7 N at o0 0 L o0 c4 d O CD 00 v Q rn rn M M Q 0 0 Y F- 0 M M N 47 O N O N 3 � � m d O O O O O U) O p LL L W MQ W ry o2i° Q a D DDp � CO W p p J ry, c N W U ? p Z w o o cn Q — O L Q = F- U W f- Q Q N uJ d J 0 O M W � D Z p 7 L L C 0O)F- — m H w~ Z Ir p Z d UQ< UZ J p = J Q a0U C� wwg w �WLn cr Ow O Y W N ma_ Q O Y Cc O NC7M O N� R of d\ o Cf w O O cW JU) O O C: U) JQ Y CY E N N Y CO O It Cl) 09 p O w N 0 N M CA ap U') co co O cJ N cu d N ai ai a> is m +, m p p o x V(4 N N — U N _N a) L c4 d O d CO U Q C F- w ti m O O U) L a m � T m c o N � = o Q a Q HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION SICK/VACATION LEAVE DONATION POLICY The Hutchinson Utilities Commission (HUC) recognizes that a catastrophic illness and /or serious health condition of an employee or immediate family member (spouse or dependent child) may deplete an employee's available paid leave (sick/vacation/compensatory time). This policy is meant to provide employees with the option of assisting fellow employees at such a time. Policy HUC employees having accrued sick or vacation leave will be allowed to donate a portion of such accrued leave to fellow employees experiencing a catastrophic illness and /or serious health condition suffered by the employee, the employee's spouse, or the employee's dependent child(ren). A catastrophic illness and /or serious health condition includes but is not limited to, heart attack, stroke, organ transplant, or other life threatening illness or debilitating condition as defined by a physician's diagnosis. The donation of leave from one employee to another shall be subject to the following terms and conditions. 1. An employee is only eligible to receive donated leave for time lost from normal work hours due to a life threatening disease or condition as defined above. 2. An employee will be eligible to receive donated leave only after the employee's accrued sick, vacation, and compensatory time have been exhausted. 3. All requests to receive donated leave must be in writing to the General Manager and must be accompanied by supporting medical data. The requests will be reviewed by the General Manager and must be approved to become effective. 4. No full time employee will be allowed to receive more than a total of twenty (20) work days o4 160 hours of donated leave for any single major life threatening disease or condition -. 5. An employee may only use donated leave up to the time of eligibility for a long -term disability benefit (if applicable), or for the maximum number of days allowed to be donated, whichever occurs first. 6. A full time employee may donate no more than sixteen (16) hours of leave per calendar year tol a single fellow employee unless authorized by the General Manager. This shall not be construed to prohibit donating sixteen (16) hours per year to additional employees. Leave donation will be calculated using time and not an equivalent cash amount. 7. An employee who is donating paid leave must do so from the employee's accrued sick and /or vacation leave balance. 8. A written request to donate leave must be made to the Business-Customer/HR Manager on f s designated by HUC for that purpose. The Bu&iness- Customer/HR Manager shall submit all requests to the General Manager for final approval. All donations made will be kept confidential. 9_T ie General Manager shall have the right to deny use of donated leave or limit its use if it is determined to be in the best interests of HUC. 9:10. The General Manager shall have the right to extend use of donated leave on an individual The Ousiness Department (as part of the payroll function) will subtract donated leave from the donor's accumulated balance and credit the donated hours to the requested employee. Donated time will be processed and used by the date of submission until the eligible amount of donated leave is reached. Contributions of leave hours exceeding the eligible amount will be returned to the donating employee, and will not be transferred. Accepted: C�Dwight Bordson, President Hutchinson Utilities Commission