06-18-2013 PCMMINUTES
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Hutchinson City Council Chambers
1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Christie Hantge at 5:30 p.m. with the following
members present: Bill Arndt, Dave Johnston, Dean Kirchoff, John Lofdahl and Chairman Hantge
Absent: Raymond Norton and Jim Fahey Also present: Dan Jochum, Planning Director, Kent
Exner, City Engineer, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator
a) Consideration of Minutes dated May 21, 2013.
Mr. Lofdahl moved to approve the consent agenda as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Johnston.
The consent agenda was approved unanimously
Chairman Hantge opened the hearing at 5:31 p.m. with the reading of publication #7995 as
published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 5, 2013.
Mr. Jochum explained that the C4 (Fringe Commercial District) does allow churches by
conditional use permit and this is a pretty straight forward request. He reported the Hutchinson
Evangelical Free Church plans on holding Sunday morning worship services at this location.
The worship service would be held in the rear building on the lot. Mr. Jochum gave some
historical background explaining that the church has been established in Hutchinson for
approximately 12 years. They have been renters of their church facilities for both offices and
Sunday worship for the 12 years and would be purchasing this property. They currently hold
their worship service at the Hutchinson Event Center. Their 5 year plan is to keep the front
main building for renters, church offices and for Sunday school class rooms. The back building,
with limited remodeling, will be used for the Sunday Worship services. The long -range plans are
to use the whole site for the church. Current parking needs are for approximately 120 people.
There are currently 30+ parking spaces on site which will accommodate the 120 people. He
stated they should work with the building official on the church meeting the building codes.
Parking is the main issue. Staff counted 36 stalls and parking must be accommodated in the
hardsurfaced area. He commented on access circulation on the site staff suggests access
points are off the north Hwy. 7 frontage road. This will eliminate mud tracking on the road. The
church has indicated other areas will be paved as needed as the congregation grows.
Mr. Lofdahl questioned the shoreland coverage issue. Mr. Jochum explained the shoreland
ordinance allows for existing impervious surface to remain. He stated gravel areas are
impervious areas. Discussion followed on fill in the shoreland areas. Mr. Arndt asked about the
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conditional use permit request the church had for the Schaffer property in the Joint Planning
Mr. Jochum commented on the following staff conditions:
1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the
conditions stated.
2. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the
C -4 district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations.
3. The use must meet all applicable building and fire code regulations. Any remodeling
and /or additions must also meet applicable building and fire code regulations.
4. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required
by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or
change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit.
5. If the proposed church use fails to start operation within one year of the conditional
use permit being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void
and a new conditional use permit must be applied for.
6. Access to the site for worship services and other large events shall be off of the
Highway 7 frontage road and not off of Les Kouba Parkway due to the gravel access
points off of Les Kouba Parkway.
7. Parking for worship services and other large events must be on the paved parking lot
areas and not on the gravel. At which time there is no longer adequate parking on
the paved areas additional paved parking must be constructed to meet parking
8. Church shall provide an annual update on the number of parking spaces that are
being utilized to the Planning and Zoning Department on or about July 1St of each
year to determine if more paved parking spaces are needed.
Motion by Mr. Arndt to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Lofdahl, the hearing closed at 5:39
p.m. Mr. Lofdahl made a motion to approve the request with staff recommendations. Seconded
by Mr. Arndt to approve, the motion carried unanimously. This item will be placed on the City
Council consent agenda at their meeting June 25, 2013.
GARAGE REQUIREMENTS SECTIONS 154.026,154.004, 154.056, 154.057 AND 154.058
(Tabled at the May 21St meeting)
Chairman Hantge reopened the hearing at 5:40 p.m.
Mr. Jochum reported the request was tabled from the May meeting after discussion by the
Planning Commissioners. Mr. Jochum commented on 3 options: leave the existing ordinance as
it is written, look at the ordinance as prepared and make changes or approve the recommended
ordinance as is. He explained the amendment will appear on the City Council agenda with the
Planning Commissioner's decision. He reported that at the meeting last month there was no
consensus reached. Discussion followed on the process for amending and revising ordinances.
There was also discussion on the limitation of the garage sizes. Mr. Arndt commented on the
City Council discussion regarding lot sizes within the city. He reported the Council commented
on large garages which in some cases upsets the neighbors. Mr. Jochum explained lot
coverage and limitations on some lots. Discussion followed on the impervious surface
requirements and ways to mitigate with rain gardens. Mr. Jochum commented on the definition
section and the definition of dust free driveways. He reported the change would help staff
administer the ordinance. Discussion followed on rear yard sizes and the issue of dust free
driveways when alleys are not dust free. There was further discussion on regulation of garages
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over 1500 sq. ft. and under 400 sq. ft. Mr. Jochum stated he is not opposed to a cap. He again
explained city staff is requesting an amendment to the zoning ordinance regarding garage
requirements as directed by the City Council. The present ordinance requires a 400 sq. ft.
garage for new construction on residential lots. A conditional use permit can be granted if there
is to be a new home constructed without a garage as the ordinance is written now. The
amendment will require garages of at least 400 square feet with all new residential home
construction. In addition, this ordinance also is suggested to be changed to allow garages
between 1,000 and 1,500 square feet by conditional use permit. Garages larger than 1,500
square feet would not be allowed.
Motion by Mr. Arndt to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Kirchoff, the hearing closed at 6:08
p.m. Mr. Lofdahl made a motion to limit garage size to no more than 1500 sq. ft. anything over
must apply for a variance. Mr. Arndt commented on not eliminating and allowing for a
conditional use permit to allow for under 400 sq. ft. garages and adopting the definition change
of dust free driveways. Seconded by Mr. Johnston, the motion carried unanimously. This item
will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting June 25, 2013.
Mr. Jochum reported on the Depot improvements stated it is on moving along. They have taken
out and remediated the soil.
There being no further business, Mr. Arndt move to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr.
Kirchoff, the meeting adjourned at 6:16 p.m.