10-31-1994 HUCMRegular Meeting
October 31, 1994
All Commissioners were present; also present were Mgr. Kadrmas
and Counsel Prochnow.
President Cornell called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
President Cornell appointed Mgr. Kadrmas as acting chairman to
conduct the election of officers.
Nominations were requested for president. Commissioner Ward
nominated Commissioner Cornell for president, nomination was
seconded by Commissioner Beatty. There being no further
nominations, a motion was made by Commissioner Gilmer, seconded
by Commissioner Carls to close nominations. Motion was unanimously
carried. Commissioner Cornell was duly elected and declared
President of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission.
President Cornell dismissed Mgr. Kadrmas as acting chairman and
resumed the chair.
Nominations were requested for vice president. Commissioner Beatty
nominated Commissioner Ward for vice president, nomination was
seconded by Commissioner Carls. There being no further nominations,
a motion was made by Commissioner Gilmer, seconded by Commissioner
Beatty to close nominations. Motion was unanimously carried.
Commissioner Ward was duly elected and declared Vice President of
the Hutchinson Utilities Commission.
President Cornell made the following appointments:
Secretary - Commissioner Gilmer
Legal Counsel - Dan Prochnow of Bradford, Prochnow & Newman
Recording /Assistant Secretary - Sue Winter
Planning Commission - Commissioner Gilmer
Receive Drug Test Reports - Commissioner Cornell and Mgr. Kadrmas
Barry Barton, who is building a laundromat /car wash, was present at
the meeting to discuss gas service installation. Mr. Barton would
like the gas service installed by the end of the second week of
November. After discussion, the Commission told Mr. Barton that
someone from the Utilities would call him later today with a gas
service installation date.
Don Krasen of TEK Service was present at the meeting to discuss
payment to TEK for work done on unit #1. TEK was a sub - contractor
for Jay Brothers. After discussion, the Commission decided to
issue a three -party check (State Bank of Isanti, Jay Brothers, TEK
Service) in the amount of $9,771.35.
Mayor Marlin Torgerson and Gary Plotz were welcomed to the meeting.
Mayor Torgerson requested an additional contribution of $25,000
which would bring Hutch Utilities contribution to the General Fund
to $400,000 and capital improvement would remain at $275,000
(total contribution for 1995 would be $675,000). After discussion,
a motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner
Gilmer to contribute an additional $25,000 to the City of Hutchinson's
general fund for the year 1995 and will be paid in 1995's fourth
quarter payment. Motion was unanimously carried.
The minutes of September 26, 1994 regular meeting were reviewed. A
motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner
Beatty to approve the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously
The September payables were discussed. A motion was made by
Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Carls to accept the
September payables in the amount of $1,490,592.82 (detailed listing
in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried.
The 1994 year -to -date (thru September) financial and budget reports
were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded
by Commissioner Carls to accept the financial and budget reports.
Motion was unanimously carried.
Manager's Report:
1. Presented recommendation on quotations for twelve 25 KVA
single phase transformers. After discussion, a motion was
made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Gilmer
to award the quotation to Border States Electric in the amount
of $11,028. Motion was unanimously carried.
2. Presented recommendation on quotations for 1/0 15 KV wire.
After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Carls,
seconded by Commissioner Gilmer to award the quotation to
Petersen - Wisdorf in the amount of $18,600. Motion was
unanimously carried.
3. Update on unit #1. Discussed gas explosion that occurred on
October 25, 1994.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner
Carls, seconded by Commissioner Gilmer to adjourn the meeting at
3:29 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried.
Roger Gilmer, Secretary
ATTEST -- , P. C 5
G. P. Cornell, President