07-01-1991 HUCMRegular Meeting
July 1, 1991
Commissioners Daggett, Lyke, Richards and Cornell were present;
Commissioner Beatty was absent; also present were Mgr. Kadrmas
and Counsel Prochnow.
President Daggett called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
The minutes of June 3, 1991 regular meeting were reviewed. A
motion was made by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner
Cornell to approve the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously
The May payables were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner
Cornell, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept the May payables
in the amount of $1,252,406.27 (detailed listing in payables book).
Motion was unanimously carried.
The 1991 year -to -date (thru May) financial and budget reports were
reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by
Commissioner Cornell to accept the financial and budget reports.
Motion was unanimously carried.
Pole attachment agreement with Star North American Corporation was
reviewed. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Lyke,
seconded by Commissioner Richards to accept the pole attachment
agreement with Star North American Corporation with the stipulation
of increasing the liability limits for per individual and per
occurrance. Motion was unanimously carried.
Discussed letter of intent with United Power Association in which
some terms and conditions are outlined for a long -term purchase
power agreement.
Manager's Report:
1. Reviewed clothing allowance change for
After discussion, a motion was made by
by Commissioner Cornell to approve the
change with the addition of "three (3)
under Hutchinson Utilities employees s
unanimously carried.
employee policy handbook.
Commissioner Lyke, seconded
clothing allowance policy
shirts each year thereafter"
action. Motion was
2. Updated Commission on MAPP (Mid- Continent Area Power Pool)
managerial meeting.
3. Discussed state law that 1 °0' of gross revenue for electric sales
and .5 °0 of gross revenue for gas sales must be used for energy
conservation or else the money must be returned to the State.
We must submit a plan to the State in 1992.
4. Discussed fairgrounds. 3M is buying the land where the
fairgrounds is currently located. The new location of the
fairgrounds is not in Hutch Utilities service territory but
is in City limits. Mgr. Kadrmas will talk with McLeod Co -op
Power to see if they want Hutch Utilities to service the
C parr -P ode, 5. We currently have $2,000,000 to invest. Commissioner Richards
will purchase a treasury bill.
6. Discussed the 1 °0' interest charge on unpaid balances and the
$15 administration fee that are in Hutch Utilities customer
service policies. Customer service has been receiving complaints
on the $15 administration fee. After discussion, a motion was
made by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner Cornell
to leave the policy as is. Motion was carried.
aye - Commissioners Daggett, Richards, Cornell
nay - Commissioner Lyke
Old Business: None
New Business: None
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
G. P. Cornell, Secretary
E. Daggett, resident