10-11-1989 HUCMF�
Special Meeting
October 11, 1989
Commiss'oners Daggett, Lyke, Cornell and Richards were present,
Commissioner Beatty was absent; also present were Mgr. Kadrmas,
Counsel Prochnow and Tony Rude of United Power Association.
President Daggett called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.
Tony Rude was welcomed to the meeting. He discussed Manitoba
Hydro and the Integrated Transmission Agreement. After
discussion regarding the Integrated Trasmission Agreement,
a motion was made by Commissioner Cornell, seconded by
Commissioner Lyke to complete the equalization, to purchase
property from United Power Association (obtain bill of sale)
approxi ately $4,100,000 and to execute a supplemental
agreeme t to trade property dollar for dollar with United
Power Association when the Bell station is built. Motion
was unanimously carried.
There being
at 2:30 p.m.
no further business, the meeting was adjourned
. Daggett, Ptd ijdent
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G P. Cornell, Secretary
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