02-27-1989 HUCMRegular Meeting
February 27, 1989
Commissioners Beatty, Lyke and Cornell were present, Commissioners
Daggett and Richards were absent; also present were Mgr. Kadrmas
and Counsel �rochnow.
Vice President Beatty called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
The minutes of January 30, 1989 regular meeting were reviewed.
A motion wasimade by Commissioner Cornell, seconded by Commissioner
Lyke to accept the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously
The January payables for both entities were discussed. A motion
was made by Commissioner Cornell, seconded by Commissioner Lyke
to accept the electric payables in the amount of $1,210,557.80
and gas payables in the amount of $487,601.89 (detailed listing
in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried.
Mgr. Kadrmaslpresented recommendation on quotations for
distribution',transformers (copy attached). After discussion,
a motion waslmade by Commissioner Cornell, seconded by Commissioner
Lyke to award the quotation for 14 25KVA transformers to Minnesota
Electric Supply in the amount of $13,314. Motion was unanimously
Mgr. Kadrmaslpresented recommendation on bids for trencher /backhoe
(copy attached). A motion was made by Commissioner Cornell,
seconded by Commissioner Lyke to award the bid for trencher /backhoe
to Ditch With in the amount of $34,694. Motion was unanimously
Department g als for 1989 were reviewed.
Mgr. Kadrmaslpresented 15 KV switchgear - 3M substation
specifications. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner
Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Cornell to accept the specifications,
to advertise for bids on March 7, 1989 and March 14, 1989, to
open bids on March 22, 1989 and to award the bid on March 27, 1989.
Motion was u animously carried.
January financial and budget reports were reviewed.
ROY 97?
Manager's Report:
1. Updated Commission on Integrated Transmission Agreement.
Closing date for rescinsion of sales agreement will be in
March, 1989. The Commission instructed Mgr. Kadrmas to
continue to work with United Power Association.
2. Has received about 50 applications for the administrative
director position.
3. Commissioner Beatty signed a letter to ITA committee naming
Clarence Kadrmas as Hutchinson Utilities' voting member.
4. Updated Commission on wellness committee progress.
5. 1988 year end audit will be presented at the March meeting.
6. Reviewed proposals for Commissioners' table. Mgr. Kadrmas
will present samples of material at March's meeting.
Old Business: None
New Business:
In regard to destroying records, Mgr. Kadrmas will amend
resolution 11 and present it to the Commission for approval.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner
Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Cornell to adjourn the meeting at
3:50 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried.
Theodore Beatty, Vice President