10-31-1988 HUCM1 Regular Meeting October 31, 1988 Commissioners Daggett, Lyke, Richards and Cornell were present, Commissioner Beatty was absent; also present were Mgr. Hakel, Clarence Kadrmas and Counsel Peterson. President Daggett called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. The minutes of September 26, 1988 regular meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept the minutes with the noted changes as discussed. (Page 59, eighth paragraph - delete President Daggett appointed Richard Peterson as legal counsel for HutchinsonlUtilities Commission. Page 59, fifth paragraph - change 80 'to 50 years.) Motion was unanimously carried. The Septem'�er payables for both motion wasimade by Commissioner Richards to accept the electric $967,371.99 and gas payables in (detailed listing in payables b carried. entities were discussed. A Lyke, seconded by Commissioner payables in the amount of the amount of $186,463.86 Dok). Motion was unanimously Preliminary 1989 electric and gas budgets were reviewed. The revised 19189 electric and gas budgets will be presented at the November meeting for approval. Dave Schmidt of Associated Consultants was welcomed to the meeting. (Electric system expansion recommendations were discussed (copy attached). A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Cornell authorizing management to contact) 3M to determine future load growth and to discuss the routing of line and placement of transformer. Motion was unanimously carried. Quotations for legal service were reviewed (copy attached). After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Richards to appoint Dan Prochnow of Bradford & Prochnow as legal counsel for Hutchinson UtilitieslCommission from November 1, 1988 to the last Monday of September, 1989. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Naked presented the September financial statements. A motion was made by Commissioner Cornell, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept the financial statements as presented. Motion was unanimously carried. Farm rate (rate code 054) was discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Cornell authorizing management to contact farm rate customers to propose billing on a current rate. Motion was unanimously carried. Commission will be updated at the November meeting. Manager's Report: 1. Hutch Utilities owes United Power Association $68,461.36 for taxes on property involved in the Integrated Transmission Agreement for the year 1987. After discussion, the Commission instructed management to pay United Power Association and continue to work with Wright County on obtaining an abatement. 2. Clarence Kadrmas updated the Commission on the Manitoba project. 3. Discussed installing duct work to cross the river. A motion was made by Commissioner Cornell, seconded by Commissioner Richards authorizing staff to proceed with installing underground duct work to cross river. Motion was unanimously carried. 4. Clarence updated the Commission on WAPA. The Commission authorized Clarence to write two letters. The first letter would be to request WAPA to extend its boundaries to include Hutchinson. The second letter, if the boundaries are extended, would be to ask WAPA to place Hutchinson Utilities on a waiting list for interchange agreement. 5. Will be inserting a questionnaire for the City of Hutchinson with the October billing (mailed in November). 6. Placed an order for new IBM computer. Old Business: Counsel Peterson updated the Commission on the contract for deed title objection. Roger Dummer's attorney will try to obtain title insurance. 1 1 RICHARD A. PETERSON ATTORNtY AT LAW I October �8, 1988 Hutchinson Utilities Commission 225 Mich-igan Street Hutchinson, NIN 55350 RE: Leg 1 Counsel Retainer Gentlemen: I have r viewed my time records use of counsel's time something hours per month should cover the TELEPHONE (612) 587 -4620 116 MAIN STREET SOUTH P.O. BOX 85 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 and feel that with efficient in the neighborhood of seven routine matters. On that basis the following proposal is presented for your consider tion: I Proposal (a)I$400.00 per lyou request. (continue to (b) (c) This pro for unde zation f month retainer for whatever services You may or may not want counsel to attend meetings; An understanding that the monthly retainer anticipates about seven hours per month over the course of a year; and No additional billing except upon authorization of manager or Commission. Any additional authorized billing would be at $80.00 per hour. �osal is similar to existing retainer agreement except standing of average amount of time and for authori- ,r additional billing by manager. I have enjoyed my past association with Hutchinson Utilities Commission and would like to continue to represent it. Ver�y truly yours Richard A. Peterson RAP:cs 0 1 t! C� l CURTIS M. BRADFORD DANK. PROCHNOW Ms. Ruth Hal 525 Bluff S1 Hutchinson, BRADFORD & PROCHNOW ATTORNEYS AT LAW 126 NORTH FRANKLIN STREET - RIVERSIDE PLACE HUTCHINSOT MINNESOTA 55350 F October 5, 1988 .el .reet MN 55350 Dear Ms. Ha]kel: A request has been made to submit a proposal to the Utilities Commission in regard to legal services. Bradford & Prochnow would be pleased to represent the Commission under a retainer agreement on the following basis: FAX NUMBER (612) 587 -7927 TELEPHONE (612) 587 -2720 1. Bradford & Prochnow would provide legal services to the Commission for a fee of $500.00 per month. Services shall include (1) Attending monthly meetings. (2) Advise Commission, Utilities management, and supervisors, on pertinent legal matters. (3) Draft e sements, correspondence and related documents. There w uld be no maximum hours for these services. 2. Services beyond the scope of the retainer agreement will be billed at $75.00 per hour. 3. There will be no charge for additional services under E p ragraph 2 until at least 7.5 hours of services are p ovided pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 in total each m nth. Should you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. DKP:cap Very truly yours, BRA D & PROCHNO (_D Prochnow New Businelss: Commissioner Lyke stated Hutchinson Hospital has a program for health risk assessment. After discussion, it was decided to have Robin Erickson meet with the Commission and union stewards at the November meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. I i Thomas B. Lyke, Secreta ATTEST 1 (�-3 .