02-22-1988 HUCM/ y6 Special Meeting February 22, 1988 A special meeting was held February 22, 1988 at 6:00 p.m. Those attending were Commissioner Beatty, Commissioner Lyke, Commissioner Cornell, Counsel Peterson, Mgr. Hakel, Ivan Larson, "Butch" Wentworth and Dick Kirkham, executive director of Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association. Mr. Kirkham discussed the purpose of the Association. The Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association (MMUA) represents municipally owned and operated electric and gas utilities in the state of Minnesota. MMUA is a non - profit, tax exempt corporation formed in 1931. The purpose of MMUA is: To protect and assist municipally owned utilities in the state of Minnesota. To collect and disseminate information regarding municipally owned utilities. To aid members with publicity, engineering, accounting, and other advice and service. To promote legislation for the protection and promotion of the general welfare of municipally owned utilities in the state of Minnesota. To do all things necessary and proper toward the achievement of the specific purposes stated above, all in light of the goals to provide for the ultimate benefit of the consumers of energy from municipally owned utilities. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. ATTEST it' Theodore Beatty, Vice President