09-30-1986 HUCM1 137 - 2- Regular Meeting September 30, 1986 All Commissioners were present; also present were Interim Mgr. Hakel, Counsel Peterson and Jane Hodgins, Hutchinson Leader staff writer. President Daggett called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and appointed Mgr. Hakel as acting chairman to conduct the election of officers. Nominations were requested for President. Commissioner Lyke nominated Commissioner Daggett for President. There being no further nominations, Commissioner Daggett was duly elected and declared President of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Nominations were requested for Vice President. Commissioner Lyke nominated Commissioner Beatty for Vice President. There being no further nominations, Commissioner Beatty was duly elected and declared Vice President of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. President Daggett dismissed Mgr. Hakel an6 resumed the chair. The next order of business was to appoint a Secretary. A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to appoint Commissioner Lyke as Secretary of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to appoint Sue Winter Recording Secretary /Assistant Secretary. Motion was unanimously carried. The next order of business was to appoint legal counsel. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to appoint Richard Peterson legal counsel for the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Motion was unanimously carried. It being the time for union negotiations, a motion_ was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke requesting President Daggett to work with Counsel Peterson. Motion was unanimously carried. .208 j ? :- "Butch" Wentworth, along with Nate Smutka and Ivan Larson, discussed the power factor percent in the Electric Large General Service rate (copy attached). After considerable discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to reduce the power factor percent to 94 percent. Implementation of this change to take place after favorable council action and for the October usage (November billing). Motion was unanimously carried. The Commission asked that a report be submitted at the next meeting regarding the dollar adjustment resulting from this change. Ivan Larson reviewed the present Circle -Hutch Utility Board status, reduction in demand and possible termination of agreement. The Commission instructed staff to negotiate agreement termination of the Circle -Hutch Board. Attached is original correspondence from Hydropool in which they propose a power purchase agreement. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty not to pursue the letter from Hydropool. Motion was unanimously carried. Gary Plotz was welcomed to the meeting. He and "Butch" Wentworth outlined the initial steps taken to form the Community Energy Council. A grant has been received from DEED. These funds to be used for commercial business audits. 'Butch" Wentworth, chairman of council, stated they were working on an energy co- ordinator job description. Interviews to begin November 1. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to work with the proposal as outlined by Gary Plotz. Motion was unanimously carried. Gary Plotz presented proposals from two firms for insurance consulting services. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept the proposal of American Risk Services, providing the City accepts the same proposal. Motion was unanimously carried. Penalty charges were discussed. The City Council suggested Gary Plotz and Utility staff work together on drafting a notice clearly stating late payment policy. 1 1 1 u HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION ELG -1 -85 ELECTRIC LARGE GENERAL SERVICE CODE 040 CODE 041 APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any customer for combined power and lighting with a minimum demand of 50 kilowatts for single or three phase electric service supplied through one meter at the secondary voltage at that location. Demand Charge: $3.65 per kilowatt of demand per month. Energy Charge: First 2000 KWH per month - -- 6.08G per KWH Next 2000 KWH per month - -- 5.02 per KWH Excess KWH per month - -- 4.49 per KWH MINIMUM MONTHLY CHARGE: 75% of the maximum demand charge. SERVICE AT PRIMARY VOLTAGE: If service is taken at the primary voltage available at the customer's location and the customer assumes all cost of owner- ship, maintenance and replacement of connection facilities except metering, a discount nr 5% will be allowed. This adjustment includes the discount for primary metering. METERING AT PRIMARY VOLTAGE: If, at the discretion of the utility, service is metered at primary voltage, a 2% discount will be allowed on energy charge. The above rates are based on an assumed average monthly power factor of 98% lagging. Under no conditions shall the power factor be allowed to go leading. The power factor may be determined by permanently installed metering equipment or by periodic tests under normal operating conditions. The Commission reserves the right to measure such power factor at any time. If the power factor is below 980 lagging, the demand for billing purposes shall be the metered demand multiplied by 98 %, and the product thereof divided by the monitored power factor in percent. No adjustment shall be made if the power factor is 98% lagging. This rate is subject to Power Cost Adjustment. HYDROPOOL 2539 LARKIN STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109 (415) 885 -0343 TELEX 755030 San Francisco September 22, 1986 Hutchinson Utility Commission 225 Michigan Street Hutchinson, MN 55353 Attn: Ruth Hakel, Interim Manager Dear Commissioners: 70 SUMNER ROAD GREENWICH, CT 06830 (203) 629 -4606 TELEX 643518 HydroPool, Inc. ( "HydroPool ") is negotiating the purchase of a 12 megawatt hydroelectric facility (the "Facility ") which will produce approximately 90,000,000 kilowatt hours per year (the "Output ") . We have discussed with Rufus Alexander and Don Swanson the possibility of selling the Output to the Hutchinson Utility Commission ( "Hutchinson ") on a long -term basis. We now propose that HydroPool and Hutchinson conclude a power purchase agreement on the following terms and condition: 1. HydroPool will sell the Output to Hutchinson over a 17 -year term beginning in 1987 and ending with the expiration in 2003 of the FERC license for the Facility. Hutchinson will apply jointly to relicense the Facility, and will share the cost pro rata. If a 2. HydroPool will own, operate and maintain the Facility. HydroPool will deliver the Output at its expense to the 69 KV terminals of the Hutchinson Substation. 3. Hutchinson will pay HydroPool four and one -half (4.5) cents per kilowatt hour of Output delivered for years 1987 through 1996 and five and one -half (5.5) cents per kilowatt hour for years 1997 through 2003. 4. Upon expiration of the FERC license, HydroPool and Hutchinson will apply jointly to relicense the Facility, and will share the cost pro rata. If a new license is obtained, Hutchinson will own a 33.3 percent interest in the Facility and the Output, and HydroPool will retain a 66.6 percent interest. We expect the cost to produce the Output in 2003 will be two cents per kilowatt hour, exclusive of debt service. HYDROPOOL 1 Hutchinson Utility Commission September 22, 1986 Page Two 5. HydroPool will negotiate in good faith with Hutchinson for the sale of HydroPool's interest in the Output at a fair and reasonable price beginning in 2004 and for the term of the new license. If these terms are acceptable to Hutchinson, please sign the letter in the space provided below. This letter then will be a binding agreement between HydroPool and Hutchinson. The letter will not bind HydroPool and Hutchinson to conclude a power purchase agreement, but it will bind the parties to do the following: 1. Following execution of this letter agreement by Hutchinson, HydroPool will disclose to Hutchinson the identity and operating history of the Facility so that Hutchinson can evaluate the Facility and the Output. 2. HydroPool will endeavor to conclude promptly a purchase agreement for the Facility. Hutchinson will keep confidential the identity of the Facility until such time as HydroPool has concluded the purchase agreement. 3. Hutchinson and HydroPool in good faith will seek to negotiate a power purchase agreement on the basis of the terms and conditions listed in this letter. 4. For one year from the date of this letter, Hutchinson will not negotiate or conclude an agreement with any party other than HydroPool for the purchase of the Output. 5. This agreement will be interpreted and enforced in accordance with California law as applied to agreements made and performed in California. In the event of any- legal action to enforce this agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to attorneys fees and costs. I[- 1 1 HYDROPOOL Hutchinson Utility Commission September 22, 1986 Page Three This proposal will benefit Hutchinson. It provides a long- term supply of power at a fixed price from a reliable source without the risk of a take or pay contract. As part of the proposed rate, Hutchinson receives a substantial future equity interest in the Facility and an opportunity to secure the Output for the future at a reasonable rate. We have requested this relatively formal statement of intent because this will influence our negotiation of the purchase agreement for the Facility. For the same reason, we ask that you respond as promptly as convenient. This proposal will , terminate October 17, 1986, if Hutchinson has not accepted before that date. We appreciate your cooperation and your timely consideration of our proposal. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship. Very truly your , Ivan Lewis Gold President ILG:ba Accepted by the Hutchinson Utility Commission: By: Title: Date: cc: Don Swanson T0: HUTC21NS0« FILE 84971 REF: Hydropool i,'nolesale Power Proposal A meeting was held at the offices of Associated Consultants on Wednesday, September 10, 1986 with the following in attendance: COPT T Rufus Alexander - Gen. Mgr. Hutchinson Utilities Ivan Gold - Hydropool, San Francisco, CA. Craig Lind - 11 It 11 " Don Swanson - Associated Consultants Ivan Gold said Hydropool has been negotiating on the purchase of a 10 -12 MW Minn. Dam with access to the transmission system of Northern States.Power. They are trying to find a market for the power and at the suggestion of MMUA attorney Andy Shea contacted the Hutchinson Utilities to see if they might have interest in a long term hydro power purchase agreement. We outlined Hutchinson's power situation including transmission, availability, generation capabilities, demands, wholesaia power agree- ments,.and local governing arrangement. After learning of Hutch's situation Mr. Gold said tney could offer HUC power delivered to Hutchinson at a levelized rate of 4 - 4.5c per KWH for ten.years with some increase for the following 7 years. After 17 years they would request for an extension of their operating permit or perhaps negotiate a sale for a portion of the facilit;' to Hutchinson. Mr. Gold then, asked if HUC might be interested in such an arrange- ment, and Mr. Alexander said that would be up to the Co,;;ission, but if Hydropool wished they could send HUC a letter of intent outlining the proposal in writing. He also told Mr. Gold to either contact him or Associated Consultants if they required further background in- formation to make up their letter. Don Swanson said to sweeten their proposal they should offer HUC a favorable ownership option as part of their proposal. Upon parting we were advised a letter of intent would be forth- coming from Hydropool to HUC within 7 - 10 days. Don Swanson L 9 -17 -86 T0: Hutchinson File #84971 Wholesale Power REF: Hydropool Hydro Power Received a call from Hydropool in San Francisco inquiring further into HUC's present wholesale power arrangement. They exclaimed as to what a good deal the Hutchinson Utilities has in regard to the contract with UPA, especially the' recently negotiated 10 MW plus Economy Energy for the balance. They wondered how they might possibly sell levelized 40 - 45 mill /KWH hydro power to HUC. I again said Hutchinson;�Commission might consider a very low cost capacity ownership by HUC at the end of the Contract. This could in effect make for an unofficial lease purchase arrangement similar to an auto lease with a low cost purchase option at the end of the lease. Unlike an auto an electrical dam if maintained should have more value at end of the lease then beginning, assuming inflation increases other sources of electrical power. The Hydropool people were amazed at the weak 69KV interconnection of Hutchinson, but when I told them of plans to connect Vj,NSP's higher voltage line, they said that makes real sense. Donald E. Swanson It 1 n > 7 > n n m m x N cn m n (n I 1 1 1 T W m Z m i m 1 1 11 1 O U C —- 1 1 1 1 1 + + + + 1 1 1 1 1 'b `O Y O R= — D T a n F _ F O O O O O O O O I O G O O O O O O O O O O C O O G I o G o G o 0 o G o 0 o p o 0 0 1 p O O T F O V i N N N U _ O I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. . O O O. ✓• G O O C O 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O G O O i O t `D � •J `D V� � W �D � w a 1 �p O V O O a O •� J J d O I O O O O o 0 `^. o l o c o 0 0 o p 5 o 0 o p c o 0 0 0 0 N N U N N N N N N N x X X X X x X x X X k x x X k X X 1 n 1 F ; N 1 < 1 m 1 `O �D O `N N `D . m T . (D W ➢ 1 � O �D OJ V� N F W � O `D � V a\ n o * < Z ti m m D < m n m m m > m A n 1 m 1 < 1 m A 1 z S Z ti ti 1 m A m � N ~ 1 A 1 i D i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s � D\ V a N n 1• r A n n r n � T p m -a n m O O Z A m m n > A n D O D A P V o mo m D v+ Ln Z Z N m H m > o ci - - ti N P y :A N 31 N T � O O m n F 1 1 F — s y s ry 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 II O I g 0 0 0 0 0 z O Z O m f C 0 _o O O n 1 it I 1 1 W F fl T n G a a n I I n i s n m n �+ n W 1 N V W I n I 1 n I i n I a n �0 I N a a In O e N 1 W N 6 F N II 1 �P V W 1 n 1 1 N O I 0 0 0 0 1 F fl I n V' •D N ':A O V� fl O I O O O O O I n 0 1 0 0 0^ O I W n 1 1 n 1 1 n 1 1 ry F P O w O •D 1 F m O N F l n O l 0 0 0 0 0 1 n o l o 0 o p 0 1 N e I n 1 1 1 V+ DJ 1 n N I Ic I 1 F O F m Do 1 n ➢- n F l w a.- e I i ➢< n m o � o •• r m m -1 > D n v m m a '• "� „�I r m 0 D m •• f A 0 m • T T • ti D .• m m n � c O ;n � z D ti O I 1 1 1 T W m Z m i m 1 1 11 1 O U C —- 1 1 1 1 1 + + + + 1 1 1 1 1 'b `O Y O R= — D T a n F _ F O O O O O O O O I O G O O O O O O O O O O C O O G I o G o G o 0 o G o 0 o p o 0 0 1 p O O T F O V i N N N U _ O I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. . O O O. ✓• G O O C O 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O G O O i O t `D � •J `D V� � W �D � w a 1 �p O V O O a O •� J J d O I O O O O o 0 `^. o l o c o 0 0 o p 5 o 0 o p c o 0 0 0 0 N N U N N N N N N N x X X X X x X x X X k x x X k X X 1 n 1 F ; N 1 < 1 m 1 `O �D O `N N `D . m T . (D W ➢ 1 � O �D OJ V� N F W � O `D � V a\ n o * < Z ti m m D < m n m m m > m A n 1 m 1 < 1 m A 1 z S Z ti ti 1 m A m � N ~ 1 A 1 i D i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s � D\ V a N n 1• r A n n r n � T p m -a n m O O Z A m m n > A n D O D A P V o mo m D v+ Ln Z Z N m H m > o ci - - ti N P y :A N 31 N T � O O m n F 1 1 F — s y s ry 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 II O I g 0 0 0 0 0 z O Z O m f C 0 _o O O /Qy.. Brad Farnham and Tom Ricker, financial consultants, were welcomed to the meeting. Brad reviewed with the Commission a cash flow bond analysis in the amount of $4,000,000 (copy attached). A resolution authorizing exercise of the powers of a municipal power agency under Minnesota statutes, sections 453.51 to 453.62 was presented for discussion and, as a result, a meeting with Counsel Peterson, Juran & Moody representatives and Peter Seed will. be scheduled in the very near future. Investment in the Franklin U.S. Government Fund was again brought to the attention of the Commission. It was decided that a special meeting be scheduled. The minutes of August 25, 1986 regular meeting and August 25, 1986, September 3, 1986 and September 22, 1986 special meetings were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to accept the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously carried. The August payables for both entities were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept the payables as presented. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Hakel reported on financial statements. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept both statements. Motion was unanimously carried. A list of uncollectible accounts was reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke authorizing management to charge -off electric in the amount of $343.93 and gas in the amount of $773.03, totaling $1,116.96, detailed listing on pages 1312E and 543G of the October general journal. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty authorizing the attendance of the Commissioners and general manager to the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association Fall Meeting to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota on October 22 -24, 1986. Motion was unanimously carried. Ivan Larson was instructed to contact the Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota Gas Task Force in reference to purchasing gas. Mgr. Hakel updated the Commission on the electrical burns Gordon Fratzke suffered on September 25, 1986. '210 G' Mgr. Hakel reported on condition of 1980 Chevrolet station wagon. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to try to sell the vehicle ourselves by placing an ad in the paper; if not successful in selling it, ask Wigen Chevrolet to place it on their lot. Motion was unanimously carried. The Employees Fund Committee requested funds to pay for retirement parties. No action was taken until a policy has been adopted and placed in an employees handbook. The following are August payables: 1 1 l q / --1-W AUGUST PAYABLES - ELECTRIC Chris Schwegler Meter deposit & interest 38.23 George Helget 11.28 John Fluhrer 25.96 Ida Messerschmidt 12.65 Ken Maranell 71.20 Kenneth Pfarr 1.75 Robert Zumwalt 113.32 Gary Bosma 1.43 Julie Mueller 95.81 Gale Henthrone 75.19 Donald Juaire 98.83 Tim Brandt 80.26 Jana Schiro 52.20 Jerome Rauch Refund - overpayment 11.87 Mrs. Walter Rippe 45.12 Jon Holmgren 15.47 Walter Thatcher 41.37 Michael Jaster 29.83 PERA PERA withheld & expense 3,838.05 D.O.E.R. SS Ret. Div. FICA withheld & expense 11.16 D.O.E.R. SS Ret. Div. FICA withheld & expense 3,828.30 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Federal tax withheld 4,579.80 First National Bank Payroll deposit plan 1,121.21 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Payroll deposit plan 6,331.76 Firstate Federal & Savings Payroll deposit plan 4,082.67 Putnam Fund Dist. Employee deferred comp withheld 25.00 ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp withheld 1,089.00 American Family Life Ins. Employee insurance withheld 128.40 Continental Assurance Co. Life insurance 211.49 Continental Assurance Co. Life insurance 45.65 Woodmen Accident & Life Medical insurance 5,515.47 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Deposit to Bond Payment Acct_ 55,258.33 Colonial Life & Accident Employee insurance withheld 188.60 Hutch Utilities Employee utility bills withheld 705.00 IBM Corp. Lease 425.60 Natural Gas Division Due to Natural Gas Division 175,601.73 Accounts Receivable Richard Peterson Legal retainer 400.00 Petty Cash Meter deposits & interest 1,242.14 U.S. Postal Service Office supplies 110.00 IBM Corp. Maintenance service 542.00 Metro Area Management Assn Registration - seminar 215.00 MMUA Registration - workshop 150.00 Ditch Witch of MN Power operated equipment maint. 993.61 W E S C O Dist. inventory 32.40 Petersen - Wisdorf Dist. inventory 2,304.92 MN Electric Supply Mdse. 22.05 Border States Electric Dist. inventory, mdse. 86.70 Zep Mfg. Co. Plant supplies 388.00 Environmental. Products Building maint. 14.97 Petty Cash Postage 836.20 `/' :Q AUGUST - ELECTRIC (cont) Koepp Commercial Insulation Electronic Center Insurance Planners First National Bank Firstate Federal Savings Citizens Bank & Trust PERA D. O. E. R. SS Ret. Div. D. O. E. R. SS Ret. Div. Commissioner of Revenue Citizens Bank & Trust Central MN Communication Midwest Gas Assn. R. L. Polk & Co. Zee Medical Service Central Eyewear Dist. ICMA Retirement Corp. Putnam Fund Dist, IBM Corp. Duro -Test Corp. Hutch Utilities Lawson Products Graybar Flectric Co. MN Benefit Assn. Hutch Telephone Co. H & C Electric Supply General Trading Co. AMEX Life Assurance Co. Petty Cash McDowell Attorney's LeRoy Becker Gerald Bos William Everett George Gewerth Larry Haas Patty Hartmann Craig D. Johnson Brian Lenz Wanda Leske Frank J. Mack Leslie Wendorff Brad McGrand Gregory J. Meier Louis Mersch Randy Otto Rick Peterson Janis M. Rea Bernie J. Schlueter Power operated equipment ma Plant supplies Public Official Liability Payroll deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Payroll deposit plan PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense State tax withheld Federal tax withheld Radio maint. Employee insurance withheld Office supplies Plant supplies Safety glasses Employee deferred comp with Employee deferred comp with Purchased machines Building maint., mdse. Due to Natural Gas Division labor for August Office supplies, supplies Dist. inventory Employee insurance withheld Telephone Dist. inventory Plant supplies, tools, bldg mdse. Employee insurance withheld Meter deposit & interest, o supplies, gas supplies Meter deposit & interest int. held held 2,550.00 16.72 1,500.00 1,300.24 4,079.64 6,369.47 3,757.66 11.38 3,824.74 4,017.02 4,546.31 29.00 26.00 96.00 122.75 35.00 1,089.00 25.00 21,040.00 490.73 2,767.54 204.83 1,462.77 10.00 1,292.93 371.42 maint., 149.10 98.08 ffice 536.16 106.00 106.00 42.40 42.60 21.30 21.20 21.30 42.60 42.40 21.30 42.40 42.60 21.30 21.30 42.60 159.00 42.60 42.60 42.40 1 1 1 161-3- 201 AUGUST Paul Schwing - ELECTRIC (cont) Meter deposit & interest 42.40 Kolleen Todnem Meter deposit & interest 21.20 Paul Wright Meter deposit & interest 21.20 Border States Electric Dist. inventory, meter maint., URD 1,656.31 maint. Allen Office Products Office supplies 48.49 American Linen Supply Laundry 82.30 Anderson Chemical Co. Chemicals 148.60 Associated Consultants Engineering fees 315.00 Black's Linemen's Supply Mdse. 3.50 E. J. Brooks Co. Meter expense 136.71 Burmeister Electric Co. Mdse. 23.81 Central MN Communications Radio maint., supplies 71.66 Commissioner of Revenue Sales tax 23,080.36 Data Carriers Building maint. 94.75 Ditch Witch of MN Power operated equipment maint. 370.84 Employee Data Forms Office supplies 19.50 Family Rexall Drug Office supplies 80.10 Forbes Auto & Service Power operated equipment maint. 14.45 John Henry Foster MN Plant supplies 27.72 G N B Inc. Maint. sub - station equipment 3,154.20 H & C Electric Supply Dist. inventory, mdse_, line maint. 273.40 Halling Bros. Power operated equipment maint. 10.35 Hance Cable Testing URD maint. 208.20 Hillyard Floor Care Supply Building maint. 96.47 Home Bakery Cookies 180.36 Hutch Util - Emp. Fund Employee fund withheld 96.00 Hutch Utilities Usage - plant & utility center 1,163.93 Hutch Wholesale Supply Plant supplies, truck & power 180.22 operated equipment maint. IBM Corp. Purchase agreement 6,621.00 IBEW Local 949 Union dues withheld 439.75 Ink Spots, Inc. Office supplies 26.00 Junker Sanitation Refuse service 84.40 L & P Supply Co. Power operated equipment maint. 30.15 Lakes Gas Co. Gas 191.68 MN Lift Truck Corp. Power operated equipment maint. 18.83 MMUA Safety instruction 213.70 Paper Service Plant supplies 140.96 Petersen - Wisdorf Dist. inventory 2,501.40 Plowman's Truck maint. 23.36 Power Supply & Eng. Engine maint. #8, equip. maint. 136.27 Rutz Plumbing & Heating Building maint_ 318.34 Schmeling Oil Plant supplies 22.80 Scientific Columbus Dist. inventory 4,195.24 The Sheep Shedde Meeting expense 23.91 Standard Printing Office supplies 48.00 Tippecanoe Press Office supplies 15.88 UPA Station equipment maint. 628.14 Western Sensor Supplies 197.50 Wigen Chevrolet Co. Truck maint. 31.75 AUGUST - ELECTRIC (cont) American Welding Supply Associated Consultants Carburetion & Turbo Systems City of Hutchinson Coast to Coast Culligan Water Condition Ed Davis Business Machine Erickson Oil Fabricare Cleaners Farm & Home Dist. Farm Plan Corp. Hay Group Hutchinson Co -op IBM Corp. Johnson's Super Valu Leef Bros. Miller, Miller & Mac MN Electric Supply Plaza Hardware & Gifts Rockite Silo UPA Upper Midwest Sales Co Welders Supply Co. Medical Insurance Plant supplies Engineering fees Truck maint. Water bill Plant supplies Plant supplies Office supplies Gas Laundry Plant supplies, power operated equipment maint. Equipment maint. Consulting fees Supplies Purchase agreement Coffee Laundry Water system maint. Dist. inventory, plant supplies Supplies URD main Purchased power Building main Plant supplies AUGUST PAYABLES - GAS Dresser Mfg. Division Colonial Life & Accident First National Bank Firstate Federal & Savings Hutch Utilities Jeff's Auto Repair State Treasurer Melvin Wentworth Apollo Piping Supply Vermeer Sales & Service American Family Life Apollo Piping Hutch Utilities PERA D. O. E. R. SS Ret. Div. Citizens Bank & Trust Putnam Fund Dist. ICMA Retirement Corp. Continental Assurance Co. Continental Assurance Co. Apollo Piping Supply Hutch Utilities Inventory Employee insurance withheld Deposit to Contribution Account Deposit to C/D Account Employee utility bills withheld Truck maint. Employee insurance withheld Expenses - school Supplies Power operated equipment maint. Employee insurance withheld Maint. M & R Station Equipment Payroll deposit plan PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense Federal tax withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Life insurance Life insurance Mains & services expense Payroll deposit plan 21.00 83.50 63.54 214.52 22.95 48.60 228.00 46.32 54.00 67.93 42.01 3,183.85 7.50 7,040.00 189.00 71.46 64.35 75.47 16.43 83.21 533,060.16 25.50 15.50 2,277.50 1,151.57 54.00 25,000.00 500.00 540.00 240.50 9.00 199.10 122.34 36.45 22.10 82.23 2,628.34 854.82 1,066.10 1,071.47 100.00 75.00 14.85 68.82 12.48 2,895.59 1 1 1 1 AUGUST - GAS (cont) PERA D. O. E. R. SS Ret. Div. Commissioner of Revenue Citizens Bank & Trust Putnam Fund Dist. ICMA Retirement Corp. Dresser Mfg. Div. Hutch Wholesale Supplies Midwest Gas Assn. Central Eyewear Dist. Central MN Communications Graphic Controls Corp. Groebner & Associates Hutch Util - Emp. Fund Hutch Utilities Hutch Wholesale supply IBEW Local 949 Lakes Gas M. V. Markin & Company MMUA North Star Gas Products Plexco - Fairfield Rockwell International State of Minnesota State Fire Marshall Div. Vermeer Sales & Service Water Products Wayne Mfg. Western Sensor Lawson Products E. W. Wylie Corp. Hutchinson Utilities Apollo Piping Supply American Welding Supply Brandon Tire Circle Hutch Utility Board Coast to Coast Plaza Hardware & Gifts Ralph's Garage Welders Supply Co. Hutchinson Utilities Northern Natural Gas Co Medical Insurance PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense State tax withheld Federal tax withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Maint. mains & services Truck & power operated equip. maint Employee insurance withheld Safety glasses Radio maint., supplies Supplies Supplies Employee fund withheld Usage - peak shaving plant Truck & power operated equip. maint Union dues withheld Gas Mains - expense Safety instruction Inventory Inventory, supplies Inventory, mains & service exp. Safety inspection Power operated equipment maint. Mains & services expense Inventory Supplies Supplies Inventory Due to Municipal August labor Supplies Supplies Truck expense Electric Plant Purchased gas Supplies, meter expense Supplies Truck maint. Supplies Due to Municipal August expenses Purchased gas Electric Plant 870.54 1,093.32 1,005.09 1,115.44 100.00 75.00 127.35 71.75 21.66 42.50 95.69 22.75 64.24 21.00 31.96 96.25 138.25 114.02 41.20 76.30 107.82 4,995.79 526.30 866.28 111.50 38.84 46.04 197.50 152.75 486.20 4,824.30 10.37 32.90 38.00 115,047.86 20.62 13.41 47.27 4.50 13,035.27 521.07 67.00 There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner / 9lJ Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to adjourn the meeting at 12:19 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST E. Daggett,-�resident Thomas B. Lyke, 1