06-30-1986 HUCMMonthly Meeting June 30, 1986 Commissioner Daggett and Commissioner Lyke were present; also present were Mgr. Alexander, Counsel Peterson, Jane Hodgins, Hutch Leader staff writer and Ruth Hakel. President Daggett called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. The minutes of May 21, 1986; May 27, 1986; June 3, 1986 and June 10, 1986 were reviewed. Motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Daggett to accept the minutes as presented. Motion was unanimously carried. The May payables for both entities were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Daggett to accept the payables as presented. Motion was unanimously carried. At this point in the meeting, Commissioner Beatty arrived. A list of uncollectible accounts was reviewed. Motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke authorizing management to charge -off electric in the amount of $466.98 and gas in the amount of $399.76, totaling $866.74, detailed listing on pages 1293E and 528G of the June general journal. Motion was unanimously carried. Manager's Report: 1. Spoke briefly on financing any potential expansion thru the League of Minnesota Cities. At present the League is making a survey to determine interest in this manner of financing. More information will be available for the July meeting. 2. The Gas Division nominated to purchase gas for each of the following days: Ruth Hakel presented the electric and gas financial statements. 800 A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner June Lyke to accept the financial statements. Motion was unanimously MCF carried. June June 29, 30, Mgr. Alexander reviewed with the Commission a revised kilowatt MCF MCF cost report. A list of uncollectible accounts was reviewed. Motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke authorizing management to charge -off electric in the amount of $466.98 and gas in the amount of $399.76, totaling $866.74, detailed listing on pages 1293E and 528G of the June general journal. Motion was unanimously carried. Manager's Report: 1. Spoke briefly on financing any potential expansion thru the League of Minnesota Cities. At present the League is making a survey to determine interest in this manner of financing. More information will be available for the July meeting. 2. The Gas Division nominated to purchase gas for each of the following days: June 27, 1986 800 MCF June 28, 1986 800 MCF June June 29, 30, 1986 1986 800 400 MCF MCF from Peoples Gas. Northern Natural Gas Company would deliver or transport the gas to our border station. By this action, at this time, Hutchinson. Utilities Commission qualifies for "grandfather" transportation services. 3. Spoke briefly on Integrated Transmission Agreement. Questioned Counsel Peterson if the Utilities could own property out of the state. Counsel Peterson will have a report prepared for July meeting. 4. Discussed his attendance at the summer Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association's meeting. 5. On June 27, 1986 Utilities hit all time peak of 36,500 KW. 6. 50,000 gallons of #2 oil has been ordered to be placed in the west tank (generating site 2). Old Business: Contribution by the Utility Commission to Heritage Center. Counsel Peterson referred to the City Charter and stated that basically the Utility Commission cannot make contributions for charitable causes. Mgr. Alexander was instructed to call Carol Haukos regarding the decision. New Business: 1. Utility Commission to meet with Charter Commission committee at 7:00 on August 13. 2. Commissioner Lyke inquired if Mgr. Alexander was aware of a gas purchasing group representing Iowa, Nebraska and Minnesota. Mgr. Alexander had a slight knowledge of the group and would make further inquiries. Commissioner Lyke urged active participation in such a program. 3. Commissioner Lyke gave a brief report on a computer seminar which he had attended in Toronto, Canada: The American Public Power Association offers a complete software package for utilities (for cities up to 10,000 meters) for an amount of $2,250.00. The following are May payables: 1 MAY PAYABLES - ELECTRIC Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Life insurance Life insurance Medical insurance Office supplies PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense Federal tax withheld Payroll deposit plan Pay: coil deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Registration Meter Refund & interest Overpayment Office supplies Meter refund & interest 1-59 _] 9 1,034.00 25.00 37.35 211.49 5,491.25 110.00 3,785.60 3,926.74 4,619.31 3,296.84 1,121.37 4,897.95 255.00 - overpyrtt 354.27 Meeting expense Employee insurance withheld Registration Deposit to Contribution Acct. Deposit to Bond Payment Acct. Employee insurance withheld Cup inserts Dist. inv., mdse. Employee utility bills withheld Employee insurance withheld Due to Natural Gas Division Accounts Receivable Interest payment on bonds Le &a' retainer Dist. inv. Payroll deposit plan. Payr.ol.l deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Post�:,.ge Dist. inv., mdse, supplies Power operated equip. maint. PFRA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense State tax withheld Federal tax withheld Employee deferred cone withheld Employee deferred comp withheld 3.58 7.45 160.60 469.60 96.30 90.96 4.22 21.83 48.69 8.18 400.67 938.22 128.40 1,110.00 25,000.00 23,671.58 180.90 39.80 287.92 760.00 26.00 328,911.18 31,586.75 400.00 200.40 1,345.09 5,376.67 3,361.23 839.28 41.30 98.25 3,880.52 3,952.16 4,086.37 4,684.93 25.00 1,059.00 ICMA Retirement Corp. Putnam Fund Dist. Continental Assurance Co. Continental Assurance Co. Woodmen Accident & Life U. S. Postal Service PERA D.O.E.R. SS Ret. Div. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Firstate Federal Savings First National Bank Citizens Bank & Trust Co. MN Municipal Utilities Assn. Karen Curtiss Beth Wendelboe Peterson & Paulsen Alvin Jensen U. S. Postal Service David Goos Nancy Ness Raymond Williams Dale Stara Gary Dahlquist Jeff Westlund Petty Cash Redman Travel American Family Life American Public Power Assn. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Colonial Life & Accident Four Seasons Services Graybar Electric Co. Hutch Utilities Midwest Gas Assn. Natural Gas Division Norwest Bank - Mpls. Richard Peterson WESCO First National Bank Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Firstate Federal Savings Petty Cash MN Electric Supply Vermeer Sales & Services PERA D.O.E.R. SS Ret. Div Commissioner of Revenue Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Putnam Fund Dist., Inc. ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Life insurance Life insurance Medical insurance Office supplies PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense Federal tax withheld Payroll deposit plan Pay: coil deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Registration Meter Refund & interest Overpayment Office supplies Meter refund & interest 1-59 _] 9 1,034.00 25.00 37.35 211.49 5,491.25 110.00 3,785.60 3,926.74 4,619.31 3,296.84 1,121.37 4,897.95 255.00 - overpyrtt 354.27 Meeting expense Employee insurance withheld Registration Deposit to Contribution Acct. Deposit to Bond Payment Acct. Employee insurance withheld Cup inserts Dist. inv., mdse. Employee utility bills withheld Employee insurance withheld Due to Natural Gas Division Accounts Receivable Interest payment on bonds Le &a' retainer Dist. inv. Payroll deposit plan. Payr.ol.l deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Post�:,.ge Dist. inv., mdse, supplies Power operated equip. maint. PFRA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense State tax withheld Federal tax withheld Employee deferred cone withheld Employee deferred comp withheld 3.58 7.45 160.60 469.60 96.30 90.96 4.22 21.83 48.69 8.18 400.67 938.22 128.40 1,110.00 25,000.00 23,671.58 180.90 39.80 287.92 760.00 26.00 328,911.18 31,586.75 400.00 200.40 1,345.09 5,376.67 3,361.23 839.28 41.30 98.25 3,880.52 3,952.16 4,086.37 4,684.93 25.00 1,059.00 � MAY - ELECTRIC (cont) Anderson Chemical Co. Border States Electric C & H Distributors, Inc. Floor Care Supply Graybar Electric Co. Hutch Computer Industries IBM Corp. Multi -Amp Corp. Otter Tail Power Co. Petersen - Wisdorf Inc. Quast Transfer Rockmount Research & Alloys Scientific Columbus Sterling Electric Co. WESCO Marco Business Products City of Hutchinson PERA D.O.E.R. SS Ret. Div. Commissioner of Revenue Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Firstate Federal Savings Citizens Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank ICMA Retirement Corp. Putnam Fund Dist., Inc. Ron Wambeke Joe Rook Kevin Piehl Ray Otte Beverly Olsen Allen Lendt Valerie Koelln Dwight Bordson Harley Baumeister UPA J. C. Penney Co. Erickson Oil Products Jaycees Water Carnival Paper Service Co. American Air Filter Central Eyewear Dist. Associated Consultants Roilgard, Inc. Scientific Columbus, Inc. Petersen - Wisdorf Burmeister Electric Co. Border States Electric Allen Office Products American Linen Supply American Welding Supply Brandon Tire Plant inv. Dist. inv. Bldg. maint. Coffee filters Meter expense Cassette recorder Lease & maint. Transformer Testing Equip. Dist. inv. Freight Charges Plant supplies Meter inv. Plant supplies Dist. inv. Copier Insurance premiums PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense State tax withheld Federal Tax withheld Payroll deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Meter refund & interest Maint. station equip. Uniforms Gas Parade float Plant supplies Engine inv. #9 Safety glasses Engineering fees Plant inv. Meter inv. Dist. inv., URD maint. Dist. inv. Dist. inv., bldg. maint. Office supplies Laundry Plant supplies Truck maint. 653.00 11,694.60 283.16 15.95 456.70 39.95 987.50 535.24 65.20 713.20 57.29 75.90 10,414.13 67.00 52.25 5,339.22 49,651.89 3,769.41 3,900.20 2,013.35 4,569.08 3,184.36 5,092.46 1,325.24 1,059.00 25.00 42.40 42.40 21.20 42.60 21.30 21.30 21.20 21.20 21.20 326.00 457.21 24.56 180.00 151.07 732.80 66.00 925.00 1,950.00 2,098.31 1,635.94 357.18 1,348.79 101.19 50.01 15.00 78.29 MAY - ELECTRIC (ccnt) E. J. Brooks Co. C -T Engineering Co. Carburetion & Turbo Systems Central MN Communications Coast to Coast Commissioner of Revenue Control Data Bus. Adv. Ed Davis Business Machires Earl's Welding /Industri.al Electronic Center, Inc. Fabricare Cleaners Farm & Home Distributing John Henry Foster Co. Great Plains Supply H & C Electric Supply Jim Hatch Sales Co. Home Bakery Hutch Graphics Hutch Fire & Safety Hutchinson Snyder Drug Hutch Util - Emp. Fund Hutch Utilities Hutch Wholesale Supply Me.;.. :er expense Tools Egtlin. maint. Radio maint. Pia.uL supplies, equip. maint.; bldg. maint., tools Sales Tax Consulting services Office supplies Plant supplies Engine maint. #9 Laundry Supplies, grounds maint. Equip. maint. Brig. maint. URD expense, mdse. Uni -corms Cookies P;ioto I.D. tags Extinguisher maint. Office supplies, film Em,)loyee fund withheld Engines 60,569.96 Labor 4,101.48 Ele usage Plant & UC 1,124.54 Plant supplies, truck maint. equip. maint., mdse. Urior_ dues withheld Office supplies Coffee Refuse service Dist. supplies Mdse. Equip. maint. Gas Laundry Dist. supplies Office supplies, services Bldg. maint. Mdse. URD paint. Annual fees URD expense Truck maint. URD service expense Power operated equip. maint. Station equip. Dist. inv. / & / -1-71 135.40 135.92 48.45 81.00 67.67 21,035.34 120.00 45.50 11.22 591.38 72.50 22.81 15.58 16.89 646.07 142.75 180.36 195.00 18.00 46.87 148.50 65,795.98 URD expense, supplies, bldg. maint. Uniforms Meeti:.Zg expense Plant supplies Mdse., street light maint. Dist. inv. 145.44 439.75 58.00 159.83 81.00 130.60 63.40 41.57 154.78 34.07 11.92 301.95 22.00 1,025.00 49.59 175.00 250.00 141.10 14.15 23.61 731.12 675.00 266.32 557.64 25.56 20.00 517.71 1,032.73 IBEW Local 949 Ink Spots, Inc. Johnson's Super Valu Junker Sanitation Service Juul Contracting Co. Kato Tool & Equipment Co. L & P Supply Co. Lakes Gas Co. Leef Bros., Inc. Lystads, Inc. Marco Business Products Marty's Roofing Co. Millerbernd Mfg. Co. MN Electric Supply Co. MN Pollution Control Agency Willard Pellinen Plowman's, Inc. Quade Electric Schlauderaff Implement Harold K. Scholz Co. KVA Electric, Inc. Simonson Lumber Uniforms Unlimited Velvet Coach Inn Welders Supply Co. WESCO Graybar Electric Co. Me.;.. :er expense Tools Egtlin. maint. Radio maint. Pia.uL supplies, equip. maint.; bldg. maint., tools Sales Tax Consulting services Office supplies Plant supplies Engine maint. #9 Laundry Supplies, grounds maint. Equip. maint. Brig. maint. URD expense, mdse. Uni -corms Cookies P;ioto I.D. tags Extinguisher maint. Office supplies, film Em,)loyee fund withheld Engines 60,569.96 Labor 4,101.48 Ele usage Plant & UC 1,124.54 Plant supplies, truck maint. equip. maint., mdse. Urior_ dues withheld Office supplies Coffee Refuse service Dist. supplies Mdse. Equip. maint. Gas Laundry Dist. supplies Office supplies, services Bldg. maint. Mdse. URD paint. Annual fees URD expense Truck maint. URD service expense Power operated equip. maint. Station equip. Dist. inv. / & / -1-71 135.40 135.92 48.45 81.00 67.67 21,035.34 120.00 45.50 11.22 591.38 72.50 22.81 15.58 16.89 646.07 142.75 180.36 195.00 18.00 46.87 148.50 65,795.98 URD expense, supplies, bldg. maint. Uniforms Meeti:.Zg expense Plant supplies Mdse., street light maint. Dist. inv. 145.44 439.75 58.00 159.83 81.00 130.60 63.40 41.57 154.78 34.07 11.92 301.95 22.00 1,025.00 49.59 175.00 250.00 141.10 14.15 23.61 731.12 675.00 266.32 557.64 25.56 20.00 517.71 1,032.73 � / /� MAY - ELECTRIC (cont) H & C Electric Supply MN Electric Supply Co. H & C Electric Supply Graybar Electric Co. Farmers Elevator Assn. General Trading Co. MN Electric Supply Co. Total Tool Rockite Silo GTC Auto Parts Team Laboratory Chemical Hutchinson Telephone Co. Shopko Stores Petty Cash Petty Cash MN Benefit Assn. Sterling Electric Co. Fireman's Fund Am. Life UPA Schmeling Oil Co. Hutchinson Co -op Franklin Boller Hansen Gravel, Inc. Central Eyewear Dist. Hay Group, Inc. Kerry Krueger Mankato Business Products Plaza Hardware & Gifts City of Hutchinson Medical Insurance Dist. inv., mdse. Dist. inv., mdse. Dist. inv. Dist. inv. Grounds maint. Plant suplies, tools, mdse. Dist. supplies, mdse. Tools URD expense, mdse. Equip. maint. Dist. supplies Telephone Grounds maint. Meter refunds & interest Office supplies, gas, supplies Employee insurance withheld URD service expense Employee insurance withheld Purchased power Plant supplies Plant supplies Morning newspaper Grounds maint. Safety glasses Consulting fees School expense Office supplies Dist. supplies Water & Sewer MAY PAYABLES - GAS Hutchinson Utilities PERA D.O.E.R. SS Ret. Div Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Putnam Fund Dist., Inc. ICMA Retirement Corp. Continental Assurance Co. Continental Assurance Co. American Family Life Colonial Life & Accident Firstate Federal Savings Hutchinson Utilities Midwest Gas Assn. State Treasurer Putnam Fund Dist., Inc. ICMA Retirement Corp. Payroll deposit plan PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense Federal tax withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Life insurance Life insurance Employee insurance withheld Employee insurance withheld Deposit to C/D Account Employee utility bills withheld Employee insurance withheld Employee insurance withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld 1,567.41 924.95 190.86 3,079.54 33.38 211.79 251.03, 89.99 835.01 84.05 30.04 1,383.00 59.97 348.70 58.98 10.00 88.84 98.08 462,624.86 22.80 13.00 25.60 136.00 35.00 1,057.55 28.50 62.88 15.43 211.02 2,508.76 2,683.25 824.21 1,013.02 1,051.81 100.00 75.00 12.15 68.82 22.10 39.00 500.00 500.00 21.66 9.00 100.00 75.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 MAY - GAS (coat) Hutch Utilities PERA D.O.E.R. SS Ret. Div. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Apollo Piping Supply American Meter Co. Border States Electric Plexco Power Supply & Engineering Rockmount Research & Alloys Hutch Jaycees Water Carnival Hutch Utilities PERA D.O.E.R. SS Ret. Div. Commissioner of Revenue Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Putnam Fund Dist., Inc. ICMA Retirement Corp. J. C. Penney Co. American Welding Supplies E. J. Brooks Co. Coast to Coast Energy Economics Family Rexall Drug Forbes Auto Store Hutch Util - Emp. Fund Hutch Utilities Hutchinson Wholesale Supply IBEW Local 949 Juul Contracting Lakes Gas Co. Minnegasco, Inc. Ralph's Garage Rockwell International Schlauderaff Implement Co. Simonson Lumber Uniforms Unlimited Apollo Piping Supply United Electric Company Team Laboratory Chemical Co. Petty Cash Payroll deposit plan PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense Federal tax withheld URD services expense Inv. Inv. Inv. Maint. M & R equip. Supplies Parade Float Payroll deposit plan PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense State tax withheld Federal tax withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Uniforms Supplies Meter expense Supplies Supplies Office supplies Power operated equip. maint. Employee fund withheld Labor, peak shaving elec. usage Truck & power operated equip. maint., supplies Union dues withheld Supplies Gas Supplies Truck maint. Mains & service expense Power operated equip. maint. Supplies Uniforms Supplies Mains & service expense Supplies Office supplies, supplies 163 _173 3,018.59 837.76 1,036.50 1,117.92 29.32 26.17 860.70 10,509.55 44.57 37.97 120.00 2,807.17 819.71 1,005.22 1,479.43 1,057.35 100.00 75.00 207.90 47.85 135.40 12.91 40.37 8.50 65.00 31.50 4,364.68 75.52 138.25 130.60 122.72 538.60 90.82 48.28 70.84 67.15 159.36 37.14 34.90 30.05 4.49 -1 r7A- MAY - GAS (cont) Hutch Utilities Expenses for May 23,199.35 due to Municipal Electric Plant Associated Consultants Engineering fees 1,391.50 Circle Hutch Utility Board Purchased gas 223,894.34 Medical Insurance 512.90 There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to adjourn at 2:15 p.m. ATTEST % x E. Daggett,,P. sident Thomas B. Lyke, Se' etary 1