05-06-1986 HUCM1 1 J Special Meeting May 6, 1986 All Commissioners were present; also present were Mgr. Alexander, Counsel Peterson, Jane Hodgins, staff writer for the Hutchinson Leader and Ruth Hakel. President Daggett called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Shirley Kitzmann of the Hay Management reported on phase I, which included: Interviewing all Commissioners Reviewing existing job descriptions Reviewing organization charts Reviewing payroll records President Daggett thanked Shirley Kitzmann for the presentation. A special meeting to discuss data processing equipment will be scheduled for May 14 or May 21. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. ATTEST L= E. Daggett, Pry 3, ent Thomas B. Lyke, Secre /y H" Management Consultants [1 Minneapolis ' Minnesota kc 1 his report is confidcnnal anal Intended solely for those desig- nated by the client to whom it is Al addressed. HU`l'CHINSON UTILITIES 011 (;ANI ZATION REVIEW KEY ISSUES AND PROJECT WORK PLAN Prepared By: Shirley D. Kitzmann Atlxns A1laI a Auckland �- Rarcclona RrnnulKham i, »ton i russcls Itucnos Aucs C_alKary Cafc• T, n Cara, as Cl arkxte C: h Il dl;l] Crncrnnau Columbus Cor iihagen Dallas Duhhn I)urhin I)u�sa•Idorf F.ast laindon F.d.nhutgh Frenklurt (icncsa Ila6fax Hrlank H ng F :,fig ILivaton Johan nesburg K., IN Gtr. London I,an tlnt;clas I.l„n \ Lrdnd Li ni hcsta•r \h•If>`iurnc \IC. IcJ Cuy Vbland :` \ Lnna•altrLs 6 V hmtcr rcy 1+111, ra•aI \a�a fork 1laris I'hdadcl{1h1a Phsw•nix 1'.ttsburgh Port Fkh t th Rcg.na AE Rio do Janciro G. L ]uls \in Franrnto Sr I Jul,] \•attic s Rumford Svdncy lok yo T,lonto Utrciht \ta ncou- WaInut Creek VPashingron• D.C. V:elhnRrun Zurich [1 Minneapolis ' Minnesota kc 1 his report is confidcnnal anal Intended solely for those desig- nated by the client to whom it is Al addressed. HU`l'CHINSON UTILITIES 011 (;ANI ZATION REVIEW KEY ISSUES AND PROJECT WORK PLAN Prepared By: Shirley D. Kitzmann HAYANAGEMENT MCONSULTANTS AGENDA I. INTRODUCTION ................................... 1 II. IDENTIFICATION OF KEY ISSUES ................... III. WORK PJ,Z'sN IFOF P]-l'MAlNDFR OF PROJECT ............. A I t� LLJ W,77 ■ 6 HAYCONSULTAMANAGEMENT NTS I. INTRODUCTION flay retained to: 0 Revi(?,,,, organization structure • Review deployment of human resources ® Review uti!4-,,:ation Of human resources To ensure that the ifutchinson Utilities organization is operating effectively and efficiently. - 1 - t� I F�l L L u n W--7 L-1 D 11 HAYMANAGFMfNI CONSUL T AN I, Phase I of Pro�ect Steps taken • lllt--ei viewed all Commissioners Revie,.aed (,xist-iny job descriptions o Reviewed orqaniz.,-.itiori charts • Reviewed payroll records - 2 - HAYCMANAGMFNT- ONSULTAN1S What is an effective and efficient organization? Organizational Clarity - clear court ;es of action conveyed by well- defined, effoctive.ly communicated goals and plans Decision - Making systeinati.c formulciti_on, implementation and review of L informati_or;- k>ascd decisions Communication effective conununication throughout the organization in an environment that fosters cooperative, productive interactions as well as clearly defined accountabil- ities of the Commission and the General Manager Administrative Style ' mm encouragement and support for individual initiative and openness Performance Orientati011 extent of emphasis placed upon individual accountabil- ity for clearly defined results and high levels of performance Organization .:,tructure clear lines of authority and a structure that supports achievement of organizational goals Staffing adequate quality and quantity of employees to carry -out ,k organizational goals 1' ■ 1 Y 1 Primary Accountabilities of the C;OITuilission and General Manager o EstalAish policic� • Set goals • Review results • Carry out daily operations within policies • Provide day -to -day direction • Evaluate daily oper- ations Utilities Commission Represent citizens and charged with ensuring quality utilities ser- vice to Hutchinson. General Manager A professional utilities manager knowledgeable about all aspects of utilities operation. I HAYCONSULT AEN T; 1 I 11)I:I�']'])'7CTITIC)N OF KEY ISSUES Organizational t : Seems to 1.)t, a:; evidenced by the very successful operatin , Dec is ion -Mak i_ncl Utilities cio n, -t hl-ve a systematic decision- making process as evidenced by thc, number o` exception issues reviewed by the Commission, regarding structure and staffing decisions. Policies nc"eded to clarify decision- making. Examples art-, hiring policies, pay increase policies, per- formance appriii!Icil , etc- Communication Lack of accountabilities of the Commission and the General Manager as evidenced by Commission involve- ment in day- to -diay operating decisions. Verbal communication of policies and goals is not effective. - 4 - HAY COANAGMENT NSUE ANTS - 5 - Assignment of Accountabilities (Examples) Accountability General Commission Manager Hiring Policies Develop /Formulate X Approve X implement X Review X Expense Policies Develop /Formulate X Approve X Implement X Review X Develop Overall Organization Goals Develop /Formulate X Approve X Implement X Review X Develop Performance Measures Develop /Formulate X Approve X Implement X Review X Organization Strategy Develop /Formulate X Approve X Implement X Review X - 5 - a% HAYMANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ti Performance Orzt'n t,I t on Appears to he lack pei. formance orientation. Lack of clearly uei:ined accountabilities for each position. No formal performance, appraisal system. Annual performance goals and measures not set. Consequently, it is difficult to define "good employee perform- ance" at the Hutchinson Utilities. - 6 - I I I V) V) '11 1z" I :4 U co ca E-4 :4 U w U (D 94 CD U z cn CD O a. C4 PL4 > V) V) r- '11 1z" :4 U co ca E-4 :4 U w U (D 94 CD U r- 1-4 U) w Cl) ca E-4 U 94 z r- Q. U) w Cl) 94 z Q. i `0 MANAGEMENT HAY CONSULTANTS 1 Organization >tru� turd In -depth aii�ilysis t -iot vet conducted, but a preliminary review rais(c ,� the following questions. Given the pending retirement (2 -3 years) of the General Manager, is it appropriate to provide for a "General Manager in Training" position? Are their overlapping accountabilities among the Superin- tendent, Gas and Electric; Superintendent, Collection and Metering; ajid' Superintendent, Service and Engineering? Are there any positions without a full -time work load? Are duties well- ci!;sicjned in the power plant? 1� - 7 - xi HAYMANA CONSUL TAN GLMIN TI `; 0 j Staffing Four staffing issil,--s have bf2en identified • Staffing_St rat-(�y - Among the Electric and Gas Crews, the has maintained a year-round staff geared to P(2.1k suium,-,i: work demands. Is this a strategy that Should continue or are, their alternatives that are more cost effuctive? • Enlploye( Skills There, is concern that specific skills arc not reps -,sented among Utilities' employees, in particular pi.ofessional engineering. Should a profes- sional engineer be on staff? • Filling Job openij-,(IF Is the best qualified person being hi red for job openings? • Utilization of the Work Force - Is the work force being used as (-,ff(--,�c-t—i-v ly-as—possible? [1-1- 11 W-7 1� I - 8 - �{ u ■ ■AY CONSU TAN T; H r:^ 0 L"'A 0 d bY. EI 1' r 1 .i 1 , PLAN FOR REl`I,r1INDEIl Or PP,OJECT Probe deeper. into th issues to develop solid recommendations. Project Teem Hay Consultant_ Utilit.ies' Coord;;;allor Interviews General Manag<r Superinten(lent, Ga , and Electric Superintendent, �'��l.lection and Metering Superintendent , ",t�rvic e and I:rigineering Purchasing Mjmac,cr Of f ice Manag��l_ Production Superintendent -r - 9 - AMANAGEMENI HAY CONSULTANTS El E1 E j] 1" 1' 4 - 10 - Interview topics: • The Manager's interpretation of the role of the unit for which he /she is responsible • A descript:i.on of the key accountabilities which the unit i_:, expected to achieve • The services which the unit provides to other functions within the Utilities • The services which the unit receives from other func- tions • A bri,�i timo analysis of the work demands of +' suboz-di_natto ;, outlining activities carried out and their pri.orl ties El E1 E j] 1" 1' 4 - 10 - HAYCMANAGMENT ONSUE ANTS -a a - 11 - Remaining Project Steps Step Action Appoint Hutchinson Utilities' coordinator 2, if,-1y coiisultant meets with coordinator to define ro1c, and accountabilities 3. Communication sent to those individuals to be =a j.nterviewed 4. :schedule established i S. 1;lt:.eTV.lc".JS conducted 6. Con > uLl -int and coordinator meet to review inter - V.1ew `inclin,js 7. Consultant develops recommendations 8. Corriission review of recommendations 9. plan developed for implementing recommenda- t. onr; { f - 11 -