09-30-1985 HUCM:.- Monthly Meeting September 30, 1985 Commissioner Daggett and Commissioner Lyke were present, also Mgr. Alexander, Counsel Peterson and Huth Hakel. President Daggett called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. The August 1985 minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Daggett to accept the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously carried. The August payabl.es for both entities were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Daggett to accept the payabl.es as listed. Motion was unanimously carried. At this time Commissioner Beatty arrived. Huth Hakel reported on the August financial. statements. Motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept both statements. Motion was unanimously carried. President Daggett appointed Mgr. Alexander as acting chairman . to conduct the election of officers. Commissioner Lyke nominated Commissioner Daggett for President. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty that; nominations cease. ';here being no further nominations, Commissioner Daggett was duly elected and declared Pres.;.dent of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. :lominations were requested. for Vice President. Commissioner Lvke nominated. Commissioner Beatty for Vice President/ A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Daggett that nomi.natior.s cease. ' here being no further nominations, Commissioner 9eatty was duly elected and declared ;lice President of the Hutchinson utilities Commission. President Daggett dismissed Mgr. Alexander and resumed the chair. The next order of business was to appoint a Secretary. A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to appoint Commissioner Lyke as Secretary of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Motion was unanimously carried. I ,';v�GHIMSLj •\ �i October 1, 1985 FINANCE DOCKET CO. 30721 Verified Statement of My name is Rufus Alexander. I am General Manager of Hutchinson Utilities Commission. My business address is 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. Rail service is very important to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. However, we refrained from opposing Burlington Northern's (BN) application to abandon the Hutchinson line in Docket No. AB -6 (Sub -No. 247) because we were informed that BN was making arrangements to sell the line to a private operator. 'I'he line has now been abandoned by BN and we have been informed that the new operator, Dakota Rail, Inc. (DAKR), has reached agreement with BN regarding sale. However, the sale agreement between BN and the new operator re- quires that the operator obtain from the ICC an exemption from regulation applicable to any future abandonment of the line by the operator. Such an exemption must be obtained prior commencement of operations by DAKR. We understand that if granted, this permit the operator to terminate ra future date without notice, without protest and without approval of the stand that the financial assistance U.S.C. S10905 would be unavailable. exemption would L1 service at a opportunity for ICC. We also under - procedures of 49 Since the Hutchinson line has already been abandoned by BN, we strongly believe the benefit of restored rail service outweigh the nominal benefits of ICC regulation of a subsequent abandonment. Accordingly, we strongly urge the ICC to act promptly to approve the petition of DAKR and thereby permit rail service to be restored. 1 State of Minnesota ) County of McLeod ) VERIFICATION I, Rufus Alexander, being duly sworn, depose and say that I have read the foregoing statement, know the contents thereof, and that the same is true as stated. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of October, 1985. ,Notary RUTH E. HAKEL My Commission expires: June 1, 1990 ! NOTARYPUBLIC- MINNESOTA ` McLEOD COUNTY ,,/ My Commssion Expires June 1, 1990 +as�a,t�ao.rso��a 1 A motion was made b;j Commiss_on.e.r Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to appoint Ruth Hakel Recording Secretary /Assistant Secretary. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to retain the Citizens Bank & Tru. ^t Company as depository bank for the Electric Division and the First National Bank as depository bank for the Gas Division. All financial institutions must meet guidelines as previously outlined for investments. Motion was unanimously carried. one uncollectible account was presented. Motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty authorizing management. to charge off electric in the amount; of $25.79 and gas in the amount of $185.91, totaling $21.1.70, detailed listing on pages 1254E and 502G of the September general journal. Motion was unanimously carried. The delinquent account belonginq to Frank Faye was again discussed. Mgr. Alexander was directed to write letters to mortgagor's and tenants (certified mail). Mgr. Alexander reported that no decision has been handed down from the Court of Appeals in regard to the Curtiss - Wright lawsuit and that possibly no action will.. take place until mid - winter. Doug Dodge of West Central Industries was welcomed to the meeting. He spoke briefly on microfilm - what it is and how it could be incorporated into our system regarding preservation of records (security being priority #1). A reader presentation was shown to the Commission. Motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke authorizing minute books from (day one) 1936 to the present time be microfilmed at an approximate cost of $125.00. Motion was unanimously carried. Mr_. Dodge was asked to work with management to determine microfilm priority needs and also submit a dollar estimate which could be used in preparing the 1986 budget. Ancher Nelsen spoke briefly on restoring railroad service to uutch.inson. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke authorizing the general manager to sign Finance Docket Co. 30721. (Copy attached to the face of these minutes) motion was unanimously carried. 1 S/ q}- , a�o- 5 a A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke instructing management to send correspondence to Gary plotz - granting an easement across the east side of the Utilities property for a five (5) year peYiod ($1.00). Easement to be granted on the following conditions: 1. The easement will terminate should the railroad ever be abandoned. 2. There will be no cost nor any assessments to the Commission for improvements upon the easement. 3. Grantee of easement shall be allowed to remove any improvements upon termination of easement. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty authorizing the Commission and general manager to attend the 1985 Annual Fall Meeting of the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association to be held October 23 -25, 1985. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to contribute approximately, $300,000 to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson for the year of 1986 to be paid in quarterly payments. The motion was unanimously carried. The following are August payables: 1 1 1 1 AUGUST PAYABLES - ELECTRIC Kevin Connor Jim Reid Hutchinson School Dist 423 Highway 7 Homes, Inc. Dan Palmquist Westlund Properties Sandra Petterson Petty Cash Steve Schieffer Charlene C. Dufault Scott Clow Sherry Horvat Steve Krecklau Jerry Horton Lori Skare Lisa Wertz Rett Young APPA Research Fund U.S. Postal Service State Treasurer State Treasurer Citizens Bank & Trust Co. First State Federal Savings First National Bank Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Putnam Fund Dist ICMA Retirement Corp. Continental Assurance Co. Continental Assurance Co. Woodmen Accident & Life American Family Life Ins. Border States Electric Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Colonial Life & Acc Ins Graybar Electric Co. Hutch Utilities IBM Corp. Midwest Gas Assn. Natural Gas Division Richard Peterson Petty Cash Heath /Zenith W E S C O MN Electric Supply Co. Graybar Electric Co. Petersen - Wisdorf, Inc. Petersen - Wisdorf, Inc. Rapidforms, Inc. State Agency Revolving Fund Refund Meter t refund & interest Dues Office supplies PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense Federal tax withheld Payroll deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Life insurance Life insurance Medical insurance Employee insurance withheld Transformers, supplies Deposit to contribution acct. Deposit to bond & int pay't acct Employee insurance withheld Inventory Employee utility bills withheld Lease, maint service Employee insurance withheld Due to Natural Gas Division Accounts receivable Legal retainer Postage Plant supplies Inventory, meter expense Grounds maint. Inventory, mdse Transformers Underground expense Office supplies 22.68 20.04 87.75 50.00 8.29 350.57 12.98 975.87 9.91 6.62 7.88 9.80 12.47 13.41 12.64 13.53 16.59 460.00 469.60 3,862.75 4,011.90 4,659.32 2,585.09 1,802.29 5,469.83 25.00 1,050.00 200.09 47.30 5,455.02 128.40 2,049.60 25,000.00 55,570.83 196.20 769.89 700.00 987.50 69.34 211,211.41 Social Security administering exp. 400.00 823.04 18.25 254.35 63.59 785.49 1,704.00 83.96 67.82 46.43 53 N AUGUST - ELECTRIC (cont) H & C Electric Supply Mdse, transformers 438.32 MN Electric Supply Co. Inventory 148.80 Vermeer Sales & Service Power operated equipment maint 16.15 James Bonine Meter refund & interest 42.40 Carrie Dallmann 21.20 Elsie Hedlof 21.30 Diane Helsinger 42.60 Hennen Furniture 106.00 Joe Heser 21.30 Marvin Holmquist 49.14 Thomas Inglis 42.40 Warren Kaufman 42.60 Gary Lane 21.20 Donna Person 21.30 Norman Ponsford 21.20 Kathy Schenheit 21.30 Troy Stenmark 42.60 Temple Clothing 106.00 Lynne Thieman 42.40 Bar Son's Contracting Co. Equip rental - power plant 592.50 Associated Consultants Engineering fees 490.44 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Federal tax withheld 4,666.47 Commissioner of Revenue State tax withheld 4,030.16 State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 4,003.20 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 3,813.78 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Payroll deposit plan 5,602.31 First State Federal Saving Payroll deposit plan 2,544.06 First National Bank Payroll deposit plan 1,835.70 Putnam Fund Dist Employee deferred comp withheld 25.00 ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp withheld 1,050.00 Sears Building maint 353.07 John Jones Ground maint 1,089.97 MN Safety Council Workshop - registration 50.00 McLeod County Recorder Recording fees 20.00 Harley Albers Building maint, mdse 48.00 Allen Office Products Office supplies 172.70 Allied Electronics Dispatching equip 325.59 American Linen Supplies Laundry 81.84 American Welding Supplies Plant supplies 49.14 Anderson Chemical Co. Supplies 9.82 Associated Consultants Engineering fees 5,129.95 Big Bear, Inc. Equip maint 12.79 Border States Electric Inventory 122.46 Brandon Tire Center Power operated equip maint 80.00 Central Contractors Supply Mdse, tools 78.37 Coast to Coast Plant supplies, truck maint 51.52 Commissioner of Revenue Sales tax 21,135.35 John Crane - Haudaille, Inc. Engine inventory #8 111.54 Crow River Glass Co. Building maint. 34.32 Data Documents Office supplies 715.00 Ed Davis Business Machines Office supplies 37.26 55 AUGUST - ELECTRIC (cont) Denler Truck Service Truck maint 118.28 Ditch Witch of MN Power operated equip maint 1,128.86 V. W. Eimicke Associates Office supplies 57.89 Ekstrom Industries Meter expense 216.41 Fabricare Cleaners Laundry 125.00 Farm & Home Dist Supplies 31.31 Four Seasons Services Cup inserts 39.80 Gas & Grocery Gas 19.00 Home Bakery Cookies 193.75 Hutchinson Co -op Plant supplies 28.70 Hutchinson Fire & Safety Recharge extinguishers 124.30 Hutchinson Mfg. & Sales Mdse 625.00 Hutchinson Plbg. & Htg. Building maint. 38.45 Hutch Town & Country Tire Power operated equip maint 8.50 Hutch Util - Employee Fund Employee fund withheld 65.00 Hutch Utilities Labor 2,839.02 3,930.33 Plant & UC 1,091.31 usage Hutch Wholesale Supply Plant supplies, truck & power oper 170.64 equip maint IBEW Local 949 Union dues withheld 464.75 Ink Spots, Inc. Office supplies 66.50 Jahnke's Red Owl Coffee 57.70 Junker Sanitation Service Refuse service 81.00 L & P Supply Co. Equipment maint 19.65 Lakes Gas Co. Gas 164.33 Leef Bros Inc. Laundry 32.01 McLeod Cty Sntry Landfill Dumping charges 3.00 Mankato Business Products Office supplies 56.48 Midwest Asphalt Corp. Grounds maint. 217.60 Northern States Supply, Inc Tools 106.50 Null's Cargo Control & Sply Power operated equipment maint 21.43 Olsen Chain & Cable Co. Mdse 36.75 Otter Tail Power Co. Line expense 52.83 Paper Service Co. Plant supplies 114.57 Petersen- Wisdorf, Inc. Transformers, inv. 5,897.31 Quade Electric Underground expense 76.50 Quill Corp. Office supplies 91.86 Rockite Silo Building maint 407.60 Rockmount Research & Alloy Plant supplies 242.32 Schmeling Oil Co. Plant supplies 57.65 Simonson Lumber Building maint 14.26 Sorensen Farm Supply Bldg maint, maint water system 73.85 Standard Printing Office supplies 50.45 UPA Station equip maint 163.00 Orvis Wahl Bldg maint, trans 119.50 Welders Supply Plant supplies 29.00 W E S C 0 Inventory 5,163.60 Zee Medical Service Plant supplies 178.20 Zep Manufacturing Co. Plant supplies 119.00 Apollo Piping Supply Maint water system 29.55 56 AUGUST - ELECTRIC (cont) MN Benefit Asso. Fireman's Fund Am. Ins. Petty Cash Olsen Chain & Cable Co. Hutchinson Telephone Cc General Trading Co. Graybar Electric Co. J.C. Penney Co., Inc. UPA Erickson Oil Products L & P Supply Patchin Fertilizer Service Plaza OK Hardware City of Hutchinson Medical Insurance Employee insurance withheld Employee insurance withheld Meter refunds & int, office meeting expense Supplies Telephone 10.00 98.08 supplies 436.39 Plant supplies, mdse, bldg maint, tools, equip maint Inventory, mdse, supplies Uniforms Purchased Power Gas Power operated equip maint Grounds maint Plant supplies, bldg maint, tools Water bill AUGUST PAYABLES - GAS 162.26 1,319.71 671.38 10,185.45 506.98 528,814.09 134.65 14.15 30.00 54.71 188.76 2,028.62 Colorado Mountain Express Meeting expense 55.00 Hutch Utilities Payroll deposit plan 2,793.13 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 939.24 State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 807.98 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Federal tax withheld 1,039.45 Joseph Gimse Painting Mfg. gas maint 750.00 Continental Assurance Co. Life insurance 79.09 Continental Assurance Co. Life insurance 18.70 First National Bank Interest - deposit to Inc. Pricing 473.95 Account Putnam Fund Dist Employee deferred comp withheld 50.00 ICMA Retirement Corp Employee deferred comp withheld 300.00 American Family Life Ins. Employee insurance withheld 50.80 Colonial Life & Acc. Ins. Employee insurance withheld 39.00 First State Fed Savings Deposit to C/D Account 500.00 Hutchinson Utilities Employee utility bills withheld 490.00 Midwest Gas Asso. Employee insurance withheld 21.66 State Treasurer Employee insurance withheld 9.00 First National Bank Deposit to Inc Pricing Acct. - int 6,481.25 Joseph Gimse Painting Propane storage tanks maint 700.00 MN Electric Supply Supplies 41.62 Apollo Piping Supply Inventory 114.80 Ralph's Garage Power operated equipment maint 47.34 ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp withheld 300.00 Putnam Fund Dist Employee deferred comp withheld 50.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Federal tax withheld 1,109.39 Commissioner of Revenue State tax withheld 935.57 State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 854.12 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 966.25 Hutchinson Utilities Payroll deposit plan 2,865.68 1 1 1 Thomas Lyke American Welding Supplies Apollo Piping Supply Brandon Tire Circle Hutch Utility Farm & Home Dist Hutch Util - Employee Fund Hutch Utilities Hutch Wholesale Supply IBEW Local 949 Lakes Gas Co. Welders Supply Co. Petty Cash Hutchinson Utilities J.C. Penney Co., Inc. Erickson Oil Products Apollo Piping Supply Medical Insurance AUGUST - GAS (cont) Meeting expense 163.01 Supplies 56.87 Inventory, supplies 598.97 Truck maint 15.00 Purchased power 179,046.55 Supplies 7.96 Employee fund withheld 16.00 Labor, peak shaving 2,088.35 Truck & power oper equip maint, 78.21 supplies Union dues withheld 117.25 Gas 165.52 Supplies 13.50 Meeting expense supplies 56.88 Due to Municipal Electric Plant 12,438.92 August expenses Uniforms 144.84 Gas 24.85 Supplies 21.00 128.00 There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to adjourn the meeting at 4:00 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST E. Daggett,` r, sident Thomas B. Lyke, Secre Yl 57