01-28-1985 HUCM/ ^
Regular Meeting
January 28, 1985
All Commissioners were in attendance; also present were Mgr. Alexander,
Counsel Peterson and Ruth Hakel.
President Daggett called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
The minutes of December 27, 1984 were reviewed. A motion was made
by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to accept
the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously carried. .
The December payables for both entities were discussed. Motion was
made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to
accept the payables as listed. Motion was unanimously carried.
At this point David Schmidt of Associated Consultants was welcomed
to the meeting. After discussion, Mgr. Alexander was called upon
for his recommendation for a distribution study (refer to letter
dated December 14, 1984). He was in favor of the project and
favored a cost plus basis for billing.
A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner
Beatty to accept the study on a cost plus basis with atop ceiling
of $15,000. Motion was unanimously carried.
Ruth Hakel commented on the year -end financial statements. Motion
was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to
accept both reports. Motion was unanimously carried.
Attached to the face of these minutes is Printers Affidavit regarding
advertisement for bids for an aerial bucket truck for the Hutchinson
Utilities Commission.
The hour of two o'clock having arrived, President Daggett requested
Secretary Lyke to open the bids, Counsel Peterson to check bid
bonds and Supt. Wentworth to read the bids.
Bid Tabulation
Truck Bond Amount
1. Myron Wigen Chevrolet Co. yes 17,821.73
2. Plowmans Inc, yes 16,596.00
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Aerial Device Bond Amount
1. LaHass Mfg. & Sales Inc. yes
(Holan) with trade -in 73,839.00
without trade -in 78,839.00
2. RMS Road Machinery & Supplies Co. yes
(Telelect) with trade -in 53,473.00
without trade -in 58,473.00
3. Truck Utilities & Mfg. Inc. yes
(Pitman) with trade -in 54,612.00
without trade -in 63,112.00
All bids having been opened and tabulated, a motion was made by
Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty directing staff
to evaluate the bids and come forth with a recommendation so that
action could be taken. Motion was unanimously carried.
Mgr. Alexander presented the 1984 year -end budget. President
Daggett commended management and staff on staying within the
guidelines as projected. Mgr. Alexander discussed the projected
1985 budget. President Daggett stated that one could observe that
a good deal of thought and planning had gone into the budget and
that it was serving a good purpose.
A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner
Lyke to accept both the electric and gas proposed budgets for 1985.
Motion was unanimously carried.
New Business:
Mqr. Alexander indicated the need to replace the gas division's
(Digzal) trencher with a new one. After discussion, Mgr. Alexander
was authorized to advertise for bids for a trencher.
At the present time a System's Analyzer has been rented from
General Electric Company at a rental of $432.49 per month.
This piece of equipment has been installed at Pure Culture
Company. The System's Analyzer has the capability of recording
fluctuations in voltage tc within 1 /100th of a cycle. As
important data can be gathered from this piece of equipment;
a request has been made to purchase a unit, the price being
about $5300.
A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner
Beatty to purchase a System's Analyzer. Motion was unanimously
After having evaluated the bids, Supt. Wentworth and Counsel
Peterson made the following recommendations:
Truck Plowmans, Inc. $16,596
Aerial Device RMS Road Machinery & Supplies Co. $53,473
Commissioner Lyke made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Beatty
to purchase the truck for $16,596 from Plowman's (with the
stipulation that 95% of the purchase price be paid upon proof
of the unit arriving at the body company) and the aerial device
at $53,473 from RMS for a total price of $70,069. Motion was
unanimously carried.
Ruth Hakel requested the petty cash fund used for postage be increased
by $200 as the price of postage will increase on February 17.
A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner
Lyke, authorizing the petty cash fund to be increased by $200.
Motion was unanimously carried.
Mgr. Alexander discussed two future meetings regarding Pay
Equity, one on January 30, 1985 at Alexandria and the other
February 6, 1985 at Mankato.
The following are December payables:
Beth Curtis Meter refund & interest 13.09
Ed Wey 20.76
Paul Becker 15.52
Allyson Nundahl 5.41
Arvid Nelson ! 2.55
Rick Brouillette 8.92
Brian Torland Meter refund & int - refund overpay 118.18
Hutchinson Leader Subscription 33.00
Postmaster Presorted mailing fee 40.00
Woodmen Accident & Life Medical insurance 5,160.35
Continental Assurance Co Life insurance 43.36
Continental Assurance Cc Life insurance 190.58
Nat'l Security Insurance Insurance 33,292.00
Petty Cash Meter refunds & interest 499.68
Citizens Bank & Trust Co Federal tax withheld 4,422.26
ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp withheld 909.00
State Treasurer PERA withheld & expenses 3,640.00
State Treasurer FICA withheld & e;- :pease 3,423.75
Putnam Fund Dist Inc Employee deferred comp withheld 50.00
American Payment Centers Rent 64.00
Checkwriter Insurance Insurance 116.40
Citizens Bank & Trust Co Deposit to contribution account 20,900.00
Citizens Bank & Trust Co Deposit to bond & int account 55,570.83
Colonial Accident & Life Accident insurance withheld 132.00
Hutch Utilities Employee utility bills withheld 845.00
IBM Corp Maint service, rental 919.50
Natural Gas Division Due to Natural Gas Division 468,398.92
Accounts receivable
Richard Peterson Legal retainer 400.00
Petty Cash Postage 770.59
James Vanoverbeke Building maint 155.00
Warner's Industrial Supply Office supplies 409.15
MN Electric Supply Co Plant supplies, mdse, inv 241.14
Border States Electric Inv, uniforms 285.21
C & H Distributors Inc Office supplies 174.74
City of Hutchinson Quarterly contribution 62,500.00
MN Environmental Quality Bd Assessment - power plant siting 632.48
Petersen- Wisdorf URD maint 43.62
Zep Manufacturing Co Plant supplies, equipment maint 376.25
Hanson Gravel & Fill Storage tanks 348.00
Westinghouse Electric Corp Station equipment 1,242.97
State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 3,607.67
State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 3,336.33
Commissioner of Revenue State tax withheld 4,739.06
Citizens Bank & Trust Federal tax withheld 4,367.61
Putnam Fund Dist Employee deferred comp withheld 50.00
ICMA Retirement Corp Employee deferred comp withheld 909.00
Ed Davis Business Machines Office supplies 14.07
Minnesota Tile Supply Building maint 14.73
Earl's Welding /Ind Supply Plant supplies 18.58
Simonson Lumber Building maint 147.68
MN Electric Supply Co Mdse 11.37
Burmeister Electric Co Mdse 305.07
John H. Nixon Training - gas turbine control 4,357.08
UPA Station equipment maint 412.91
WESCO Inv, mdse 751.70
Hutch Mfg & Sales Line maint 50.10
Brandon Tire Power operated equipment maint 606.64
Al's Bloomington Vacuum Building maint 189.95
Twin City Testing Lube oil testing 2,655.00
Allen Office Products Office supplies 125.13
UPA Mdse, station equipment maint 3,311.65
Fireman's Fund Ins Employee insurance withheld 98.08
MN Electric Supply Plant supplies 163.17
Graybar Mdse 306.21
LaHass Mfg & Sales Truck maint 75.00
KMart Plant supplies 12.65
Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Mdse, plant supplies & equip maint 188.77
General Trading Eng inv #3, mdse, plant supplies 762.40
Minnkota Electrical Sales Line maint 16.52
Sid Harvey Midwest Inc Mdse 76.00
Border States Electric Inv, mdse 179.74
Team Laboratory Chem Corp Plant supplies 218.06
Dale Sturges Snow removal 180.00
Hutchinson Telephone Co Telephone 1,461.67
MN Benefit Association Employee insurance withheld 10.00
Petty Cash Meter refunds & int, office 267.92
supplies, gas
Marcella Westlund Meter refund & int 21.20
Eric Tryggeseth 42.40
Douglas Sims 42.60
Vernon Erickson 21.20
Jill Carlson ! 21.20
Albrecht Oil Co Gas 113.35
Allen Office Products Office supplies 35.00
American Linen Supply Laundry 49.32
American Welding Supply Plant supplies 15.00
Anderson Chemical Co Chemical inv 43.87
Associated Consultants Engineering fees 2,803.00
Black's Lineman's Supply Line maint 54.10
Brinkman Studio Supplies 6.00
Central Eyewear Safety glasses - Dolezal, Ebert, 113.00
Commissioner of Revenue Sales tax 22,805.17
Continental Safety Equip Uniforms 69.47
Culligan Water Condition Plant supplies 45.00
Ed Davis Business Machines Office supplies 21.30
Dey Appliance Parts Mdse 62.20
Ditch Witch of MN Power operated equipment maint 502.90
Dostal & Oleson Oil Co Plant supplies 112.75
Earl's Welding /Industrial Plant supplies 23.36
Fabricare Cleaners Laundry 129.50
Family Rexall Drug
Farm & Home Dist
Four Seasons Service
Home Bakery
Hutch Farm Service
Hutchinson Leader
Hutch Util - Employee Fund
Hutch Utilities
IBEW Local 949
Ink Spots
Jahnke's Red Owl
Junker Sanitation
Kato Tool & Equipment Co
L & P Supply Co
Lakes Gas Co
Leef Bros Inc
Mankato Business Products
W P& R S Mars Co
MN Electric Supply Co
Northern States Supply
Plaza OK Hardware
Power Process Equip Inc
Robins, Zelle, Larson &
Sharstrom Plumbing
Simonson Lumber
Sorenson Farm Supply
Tippecanoe Press
Uniforms Unlimited
W D Specialties
Warner Industrial Supply
Welders Supply Co
Myron Wigen Chevrolet
Zee Medical Service
Lawson Products, Inc
Coast to Coast
Erickson Oil Products
Medical Insurance
Office supplies
Plant supplies, truck maint, bldg
Cup inserts
Plant supplies
Employee fund withheld
Labor 2,338.12
Engines 304.65
Plant & UC usage 5,201.12
Union dues withheld
Office supplies
Refuse service
Mdse, dist expense
Equipment maint
Office supplies
Plant supplies
Electric manuals
Plant supplies, mdse, tools
Plant supplies, mdse, bldg maint
Plant supplies
Legal expense - Curtiss - Wright
Building maint
Bldg maint, line maint
Plant supplies
Office supplies
Truck maint
Plant supplies
Plant supplies
Truck maint
Purchased Power
Plant supplies
Plant supplies
Apollo Piping Supply Inv, maint 121.09
C & I Repair Power operated equipment maint 849.85
Consolidated Freightways Freight 40.53
Elvin Safety Supply Laboratory equipment 979.63
Colonial Life & Acc Ins Accident insurance withheld 29.50
First State Fed Savings Deposit to C/D account 500.00
Hutch Utilities Employee utility bills withheld 415.00
First National Bank Deposit to inc pricing acct - int 1,416.40
Continental Assurance Cc Life insurance 17.14
Continental Assurance Co Life insurance 75.34
Putnam Fund Dist Employee deferred comp withheld 250.00
ICMA Retirement Employee deferred comp withheld 50.00
State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 918.83
State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 787.97
Citizens Bank & Trust Federal tax withheld 1,036.74
First National Bank Deposit to inc pricing acct - int 9,668.75
Yellow Freight Systems Inventory 96.93
State Treasurer PERA withheld & exp 913.68
State Treasurer FICA withheld & exp 779.45
Commissioner of Revenue State tax withheld 1,142.25
Citizens Bank & Trust Federal tax withheld 1,041.36
Putnam Fund Dist Employee deferred comp withheld 250.00
ICMA Retirement Corp Employee deferred comp withheld 50.00
Hutchinson Iron & Metal Supplies 9.00
General Trading Cc Supplies 24.99
Distran Sales Cc Inventory 214.07
Quast Transfer Freight 34.30
Hutch Wholesale Supplies Truck maint 2.63
Circle Hutch Utility Purchased gas 1,383.06
Petty Cash Supplies 2.30
Albrecht Oil Cc Gas 36.09
American Meter Division Meter inv, meter maint 3,515.81
American Welding Supplies Welding supplies 48.78
Central Eyewear Dist Safety glasses 43.00
Circle Hutch Utility Purchased gas 521,807.97
Continental Safety Equip Uniforms 69.47
Energy Economics Inc Meter maint 27.90
Fitzloff Hardware Meter maint, supplies 31.95
Forbes Auto Store Truck maint 4.47
Heathkit Electronic Center Radio maint 138.55
Hutch Leader Advertising 33.71
Hutch Util - Emp Fund Employee fund withheld 24.00
Hutch Utilities Labor, peak shaving 1,790.89
IBEW - Local 949 Union dues withheld 113.50
KDUZ Advertising 100.00
Lakes Gas Cc Gas 101.75
MMUA Gas manuals 18.00
North Star Waterworks Prod Inv 400.22
Plaza OK Hardware Supplies 3.98
Plowman's Inc Truck maint 30.03
Simonson Lumber Truck maint 25.80
Welders Supply Co Welding supplies 100.81
W D Specialties Truck maint 33.30
Hutch Utilities Due to Municipal Electric Plant 11,196.90
December expenses
Erickson Oil Products
Lawson Products Inc
Coast to Coast
Medical Insurance
There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner
Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty, to adjourn the meeting
at 3:30 p.m.
E. Daggett, PrcUent
homas B. Lyke, Secret/ y