08-04-1983 HUCMi C) Special Meeting August 4, 1983 Commissioner Filk and Commissioner Lyke were present, also present were Mgr. Alexander and Ruth Hakel. President Filk called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting was to review the evaluations prepared by Associated Consultants for the following two projects: 1. Construction of a 69KV Switchyard, Control House and Associated Transmission Line 2. Roofing and Roof Insulation for the Utility Center Motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Filk to award the bid for Construction of a 69KV Switchyard, Control House and Associated Transmission Line to Emblom Brothers Construction, Sauk Centre, Minnesota (includes Item A - $260,785 - 122 days, Item B - $115,490 - 122 days and Item C - $35,000). Motion was unanimously carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Filk to award the bid for the Roofing and Roof Insulation for the Utility Center to West Central Roofing Contractors in the amount of $41,513.00. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:25 p.m. ATTEST yr H.' W. Filk, President Thomas B. Lyke, secretary DATE: AUGUST 1, 1983 BID TABULATION NUTCHINSON MINNESOTA A 3 198 ASSOCUnTED aoNSULTANfS INC. � A Y NN 'EAPOL� � N� $ s ! TIME: 1:00 PM PROJECT Na 82807 DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCTION OF A 69KV SWITCHYARD, CONTROL HOUSE A ASSOCIATED 1983 TRANSMISSION LINE BIDDERS NAME AND ADDRESS BID SECURITY BID ITEM A 69XV SWITCHYARD SID ITEM S ASSOCIATED TRANSMISSION LINE SID ITEM C CONTROL HOUSE REMARKS: COMPLETION TIME COMPLETION TIME COMPLETION T IME Hooper Construction Madison, WI Bid Bond $339,500 $170,911 Crushed rock for $65 /pole $4,650 WRC - ACK. Addendum 1,2,3 E.A. Pedersen Omaha, FIE Bid Rnnd $313,600 210 days $117,200 _ 210 dales_ Ack. Addendum 1,2,3 N.K. Scholz Co. Ralston NE Bid Bond $299,500 180 days $129,000 180 days No Item B without A Ack. Addendum 1,2,3 Heetland Electric Laurens, IA Bid Bond $245,600 150 days $133,000 150 days $45,575 150 days Bid Item B and A A+ B+ C- Ack. Addendum l 2 3 Midland Constructors Dodge Center Bid Bond $119,658 90 days Ack. Addendum 1,2,3 Kratochvil Construction New Prague MN Bid Bond $44,400 90 days Ack. Addendum 1,2,3 Schatz Construction Glencoe, MN Bid Bond $45,864 90 days Ack. Addendum 1,2,3 Emblom Brothers Construction Sauk Centre MN Bid B n $260,785 122 days $115,490 122 days $35,200 Alternate - Concrete Pole - $95,925 - Ack Addendum 1.2.3