08-01-1983 HUCMC
August 1, 1983
Rufus Alexander, Ivan Larson and Ruth Hakel were present for
the opening of bids for Construction of a 69KV Switchyard,
Control House and Associated Transmission Line, also present
were Bob Puls of Midland Construction, John Kratochvil of
Kratochvil Construction, Joe Grunenwald of Emblom Brothers
Construction, Ed Heetland of Heetland Electric, Gail Schatz
of Schatz Construction and David Schmidt and Martin Kane
of Associated Consultants.
Bidder's name and address:
Hooper Construction
Madison, WI
H. K. Scholz Company
Ralston, NE
Midland Constructors
Dodge Center, MN
Schatz Construction
Glencoe, MN
E. A. Pedersen
Omaha, NE
Heetland Electric
Laurens, IA
Kratochvil Construction
New Prague, MN
Emblom Brothers Construction
Sauk Centre, MN
The bids were opened by Ruth Hakel, Attorney Peterson verified
all securities, Dave Schmidt of Associated Consultants read
the bids with Martin Kane recording data.
Attached is the bid tabulation. All bids were turned over to
Associated Consultants for evaluation.
Ruth ,Hake1