03-03-1983 HUCM_ � (i_, C)
Special Meeting
March 3, 1983
All Commissioners were present, also present were Mgr. Alexander,
Counsel Peterson and Ruth Hakel.
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by President Filk.
Mgr. Alexander presented a list of damage and litigation
expenses. After discussion;, it was the consensus of the
Commission to present the data to Lawrence Hofmann for his
A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner
Daggett to enclose the following notice with each utility invoice:
BTU Adjustment Factor
Northern Natural Gas Company, Hutchinson Utilities
Commission's natural gas supplier, has been author-
ized by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to
charge on a BTU factor. In turn it is necessary
for the Hutchinson Utilities Commission to charge
on the same BTU adjustment factor.
Motion was unanimously carried.
A letter from Counsel Peterson will be placed in the Utility
file regarding adjusted BTU factor.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner
Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Daggett to adjourn the meeting at
8:55 a.m.
H. W. Filk, President
Thomas B. Lyke, Secretary