02-08-1983 HUCMSpecial Meeting
February 8, 1983
Commissioner Daggett and Commissioner Lyke were present, also
present were Mgr. Alexander, Counsel Peterson and Ruth Hakel.
Vice President Daggett called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.
He stated that the single purpose of the meeting was to inform
the Commission on current union proceedings.
After discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded
by Commissioner Lyke as follows:
Resolved, that the proposed labor contract between
Hutchinson Utilities Commission and International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers submitted be
accepted and that the President and Secretary be
authorized to execute the contract in the form submitted
to this meeting, provided it is approved by the
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
The motion was carried.
The next consideration was given to salaries of staff and the
general manager.
A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner
Daggett to grant staff the same benefits and monetary increase
(6%) as authorized in the union contract; also to increase the
general manager's salary 8 %. All increases retroactive to
January 1, 1983. Motion was carried.
Mgr. Alexander reported that extra time had been given to the
bidders for the 69 KVA switchgear materials.
There being no further business, Commissioner Lyke made a motion,
seconded by Commissioner Daggett to adjourn the meeting at 12:35 p.m.
Thomas B. Lyke,'Secretary
E. Daggett, Vi e 4resident