08-30-1982 HUCMq'7 +=+ = Regular Meeting August 30, 1982 All Commissioners were present, also present were Mgr. Alexander, Ruth Hakel and Tom Lyke. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by President Filk. The minutes and payables of July were then considered. A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 26, 1982 as presented. Motion was carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting of July 27, 1982 as presented. Motion was carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to accept the minutes of the Special Meetings of August 9, 1982 and August 10, 1982 as presented. Motion was carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to accept the gas and electric payables of July, 1982 as presented. Motion was carried. Ruth Hakel presented the financial statement. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to accept the financial statement as presented. Motion was carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Tracy that approximately $250,000 would be contributed to the City of Hutchinson for the year 1983 to be paid in quarterly payments. After discussion, the motion carried unanimously. Mgr. Alexander reported on a recent meeting with Northern Natural Gas in Omaha, Nebraska. A highlight was Northern's proposing to possibly negotiate prices of gas to stimulate sales - such as 3M. A brief discussion took place on rate structure procedure including a future B.T.U. rate. On a motion by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Tracy the following bankruptcy accounts were placed in the "write -off" account: Donald Stutelberg $152.45 Tom Gordon 198.80 Chalet Supper Club 157.90 $509.15 Motion was carried. I IV C/ Mgr. Alexander suggested a plan to convert old overhead lines to underground. After discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to set this policy. overhead primary lines would be placed underground as determined by staff. Any property owner could then request underground service to their home up to a point at no charge. The owner would need to procure an electrician to hook -up to the meter and bear the cost. Any meter needing to be relocated would also be the responsibility of the owner with the Hutchinson Utility determining the location of the meter. Motion was carried. LJ 1 1 Mgr. Alexander presented a letter from Northern States Power concerning the proposed "tie ". The Commission directed Mgr. Alexander to set up a meeting with representatives of Northern States Power as soon as possible. CO CO By Ruth Hakel N 0 ' N This being Clinton Tracy's last meeting before his appointed CO term expires, Commissioner Daggett introduced the following CO rn resolution: CL T-- Resolution 6 0 0 o Resolved, that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission 0 4-- C: wishes to recognize the contribution of faithful C o and diligent services performed by Clinton Tracy 00 r- o in acting as a member of the Hutchinson Utilities M o Commission during the past eighteen years (1964- 1982). N C: o 0 Q- His sincere attitude and cooperation have been a Q valued asset to the Commission and the City of C: 0 r Hutchinson. 0 N oQ A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner U E L Filk to adopt the above resolution. �QZIL The following are July payables: LJ 1 1 1 1 1 JULY PAYABLES - ELECTRIC American Payment Centers Pauline Bipes Burmeister Electric Co. Colonial Life & Accident I. B. M. Corporation The Kiplinger Wash. Editors Leeds & Northrup Natural Gas Division Richard A. Peterson Marge Schiro United Electric Corp. Continental Assurance Co. New York Life Insurance ICMA Retirement Corp. Putnam Fund Dist. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. State Treasurer Continental Assurance Co. Madsen Insurance Anderson Chemical Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Hutch Utilities Northern States Supply Petersen - Wisdorf Inc. Petty Cash Mark Davis Randy Aspelund Eugene Heil Cindy Bennington Petty Cash Associated Consultants Heetland Electric Inc. State of Minnesota Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Commissioner of Revenue State Treasurer, Social Security Contribution Fireman's Fund American Life Insurance Co. Putnam Fund Dist. ICMA Retirement Corp. MN Dept. of Economic Security Moorhead Machinery Hutchinson Utilities City of Hutchinson Don Hall Company Basler Electric W. P. & R. S. Mars Co. Ren t Meter reading Line maint. Accident insurance withheld Lease, maint. service Subscription Plant supplies Due to Natural Gas Division Accounts Receivable Legal retainer Meter reading Bldg. maint. Life insurance Medical insurance Deferred comp withheld Deferred comp withheld Federal tax withheld PERA withheld & expense Life insurance Insurance Misc. Deposit to Bond Payment Acc Employee utility bills with Tools Distribution inventory Postage Meter refund & interest Meter refund & interest Engineering fees Estimate #4 PERA withheld & expense Federal tax withheld State tax withheld FICA withheld & expense Insurance withheld Deferred comp withheld Deferred Comp withheld Unemployment benefits (Kopp & Jaster) Engine maint. #8 Collection expense Insurance Mdse. Switchgear bldg. maint. Truck maint. 45.00 315.00 12.42 143.00 857.00 42.00 154.61 - 192,949.00 400.00 315.00 18.22 226.00 8,387.56 250.00 272.00 4)743.04 3,844.10 51.70 22,226.50 20.00 t. 552452.08 held 11050.00 3.32 156.95 723.71 7.52 14.89 18.87 5.46 572.38 11,890.18 29,070.00 3,781.74 4,565.70 2,263.27 10,345.28 •1 .1 272.00 250.00 1,412.02 2,000.00 66.23 44,733.49 137.79 2,304.86 10.99 Commissioner of Revenue State tax withheld 4,797.83 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 4,073.96 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Federal tax withheld 4,990.87 ICMA Retirement Corp. Deferred comp withheld 250.00 Putnam Fund Dist. Deferred comp withheld 272.00 Petty Cash Meter refund & interest 145.30 Petty Cash Plant supplies, misc., postage, 189.01 gas Transport Clearings Freight 40.16 Albrecht Oil Gas 80.69 Rufus Alexander Meeting expense 273.19 Allen Office Products Office supplies 156.75 American Linen Supply Laundry 55.19 American Welding Supplies Plant supplies 60.13 Amoco Oil Company Gas 15.00 Apollo Piping Supply Maint fuel oil system 6.29 Aquatrol Corp. Loop line 604.00 Border States Supply Distribution inventory, mdse. 9,245.03 meter inventory, transformer inventory Braun's Plant supplies 3.95 Central MN Communication Radio repair 16.50 Commissioner of Revenue Sales tax 16,772.05 Cooper Energy Services Engine inventory #1 160.67 Crane Packing Engine inventory #8 271.16 Crow River Press Mdse. 11785.60 Culligan Water Condition Misc. expense 9.45 Ed Davis Business Machines Office supplies 75.00 Dostal & Oleson Oil Co. Maint. fuel oil system 24.95 Erickson Oil Gas 126.81 Fabricare Cleaners Laundry 215.50 Family Rexall Drug Office supplies 4.58 Farm & Home Distributing Plant supplies, truck maint. 65.06 Floor Care Supply Misc. expense 97.00 G. T. C. Auto Parts Plant supplies 7.50 General Trading Co. Plant supplies, mdse, truck 869.44 maint. Graybar Electric Plant supplies, line maint., 475.61 distribution inventory Great Plains Supply Plant supplies 37.47 H & C Electric Supply Transformer inventory, distribution 460.87 inventory Home Bakery Cookies 212.55 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Telephone 1,264.10 Hutch Util Employee Fund Employee fund withheld 111.00 Hutch Utilities 39,297.30 Engines 381525.35 Electric & Gas - Plant 57.17 Electric & Gas - Utility Center 714.78 Hutch Wholesale Plant supplies, truck maint. 398.97 miss. IBEW Local 949 Union dues withheld 465.13 Ink Spots Office supplies 89.00 Junker Sanitation Refuse service 80.00 Lakeland Engineering Equip. Maint. ventilating system 12.39 Leeds & Northrup Plant supplies 154.61 Mankato Business Products Office supplies 61.74 W. P. & R. S. Mars Co. Tools, plant supplies 46.48 Newark Electronics Plant supplies 33.90 Northland Material Handling Truck maint. 86.94 Paper Service Plant supplies 238.18 Patchin Fertilizer Grounds maint. 43.50 Petersen - Wisdorf Inc. Distribution inventory 98.29 H. R. Peterson Co. Engine inventory #8 117.39 Rockwell International Maint. accessory plant equip. 26.66 Share Corporation Maint. grounds 79.34 Simonson Lumber Plant supplies, bldg. maint. 26.69 Sorenson Farm Supply Maint. water system 4.65 Standard Printing Office supplies 339.55 Transport Clearings Freight 38.70 Welders Supply Co. Plant supplies 52.61 W E S C 0 Distribution inventory 585.34 Williams Steel & Hardware Misc. tools 127.96 Zee Medical Service First Aid supplies 118.05 Schmeling Oil Company Lube oil inventory 4,504.54 Associated Consultants Engineering fees 3,429.18 Border States Supply Transformer inventory 1,115.00 V. W. Eimicke Assoc. Office supplies 49.49 Farmers Elevator Assn. Misc. distribution expense 9.38 H & C Electric Supply Plant supplies, mdse., 341.18 distribution inventory Hutchinson Co -op Plant supplies 11.40 Hutch Utilities - UB Interdepartmental labor 1,655.58 Jahnke's Red Owl Coffee, misc. supplies 177.25 L & P Supply Company Misc. maint. 63.43 Miller, Miller & Mac Maint. engine #8 33.40 Northern States Supply Tools 79.95 Plaza OK Hardware Plant supplies, tools, bldg. 65.68 maint. Texgas LP gas for trucks 72.22 United Power Association Purchased power 444,498.84 Velvet Coach Inc. Meeting expense 78.35 Zep Mfg. Company Plant supplies 107.00 JULY PAYABLES - GAS Colonial Life & Accident Accident insurance withheld 24.50 Putnam Fund Dist. Deferred comp withheld 150.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Federal tax withheld 928.82 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 776.76 Madsen Insurance Insurance 91527.50 Midwest Gas Assoc. School expense 200.00 National Association of Consumer Owned Gas Sys. First State Federal First National Bank Apollo Piping Hutch Utilities Putnam Fund Dist. City of Hutchinson State Treasurer Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Fireman's Fund American Life Insurance Company Commissioner of Revenue Putnam Fund Dist. State Treasurer - Social Security Contribution Registration Deposit to Contract for Deed account Deposit to Contribution account Inventory Employee utility bills withheld Deferred comp withheld Insurance PERA withheld & expense Federal tax withheld Insurance withheld State tax withheld Deferred comp withheld FICA withheld & expense State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense Citizens Bank & Trust Federal Tax withheld Petty Cash Meeting expense Apollo Piping Supply Inventory Albrecht Oil Gas Rufus Alexander Meeting expense American Meter Division Meter inventory American Welding Supplies Misc. Apollo Piping Supply Inventory Erickson Oil Gas Gerry's Vision Shoppe Lens for Kerry Krueger Hoffman Plumbing Mains Hutch Util Employee Fund Employee Fund withheld Hutch Utilities UB Electric usage - Peak Shaving Plant Hutchinson Wholesale Truck maint. other power IBEW Local 949 Northland Material Redman Travel Hutch Utilities operated equipment maint. Union dues withheld Handling Power operated equipment maint. 20.00 500.00 20,900.00 543.78 407.00 150.00 7,323.51 828.20 983.08 34.00 1,412.94 150.00 1,781.36 856.22 1,056.42 5.00 8,708.45 79.24 182.13 880.74 166.87 43.56 233.82 21.50 3.20 23.00 5.00 36.29 93.61 43.46 Meeting expense - 0. Kuiken 70.00 Due to Municipal Electric Plant- 10,895.06 July expense Circle -Hutch Utility Purchased gas Energy Economics Testing meters Hutchinson Plumbing Maint. of mains Hutch Utilities Interdepartmental labor, gas L & P Supply Maint. power operated equip. McLeod Co -op Power Assn. Electric usage - Peak Shaving Plant Plaza OK Hardware Misc. 175,468.24 1,392.00 25.75 2,395.64 25.90 30,.50 13.30 1 Cl I " Texgas LP gas for-trucks 50.16 Wally's Tire Center Truck maint. 5.00 On a motion by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Tracy the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m. Flint bra Seca' ry ATTEST H. W. Filk, President 1 1