04-26-1982 HUCM_5 `> -�- Regular Meeting April 26, 1982 All Commissioners were present, also present were Mgr. Alexander, Ruth Hakel and Counsel Peterson. The meeting was called to order by President Filk at 1:00 p.m. The minutes and payables of March were then considered. A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 30, 1982 as presented. Motion was carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Daggett to accept the gas and electric divisions payable bills for March, 1982. Motion was carried. The financial report was reviewed by Ruth Hakel, who discussed detailed areas. Mgr. Alexander and Ruth Hakel updated the Commissioners on the first quarter of the 1982 budget. Both the gas and electric divisions are less than the projections to date. President Filk commended staff on a job well done. Mgr. Alexander reported on the following items: 1. That Cooper Energy advises that the liners from engine #7 be chromed to solve the wear problem. They indicated that they would like to have one of their technicians supervise the installation of the liners. Mgr. Alexander was instructed to work with Cooper Energy to finalize this matter as soon as possible. 2. That the first estimates of $600,000 for the proposed NSP - CPA interconnection was now estimated to be $1,000,000 because of the length of the two 69 KV lines. Alternate plans are being studied. Up to 90 days would be needed to secure right -of -way easements. President Filk noted that as soon as plans are final, consideration should be given to a bond issue for the project. 3. Presented a letter from Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association concerning the Minnesota Public Commission and their proposed rules. A meeting is scheduled soon and the manager and Commissioners are encouraged to attend. 4. Reported that Dave Jensen, an officer of the Citizens Bank, called and asked Hutchinson Utilities to release the Federal securities pledged for collateral, using instead Municipal Bonds. Considerable discussion took place on the issue. A motion was then made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Tracy that funds belonging to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission shall be secured by U. S. Government obligations as collateral. All obligations to be stated at market value. 5. Reported that the transformer mounting pad at Plant site #2 had settled and would need replacing. 6. Reported that work on unit #8 was progressing and should be on line by May 15, 1982. 7. That estimate to repair unit #1 is $316,000. A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to authorize the Commissioners and manager to attend the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association Summer Convention to be held at Arrowwood Resort in Alexandria, Minnesota on June 27 thru June 30, 1982. Motion was carried. President Filk said he would extend an invitation to Mayor DeMeyer to attend the Regular Meeting on May 17, 1982. The following are March payables: 1 &' l MARCH PAYABLES - ELECTRIC Continental Assurance Co. Life insurance 226.00 New York Life Insurance Medical insurance 7,543.30 Continental Assurance Co. Life insurance 51.70 Redman Travel Meeting expense 29048.00 Gerald Moerner Refund - overpayment 21.63 Joe Scott Meter refund & interest 15.95 Petty Cash Meter refund & interest 271.45 Petty Cash Office supplies, truck maint. 280.09 American Payment Center Rent 45.00 Border States Elec Supply Distribution inventory 143.13 Citizens Bank & Trust Deposit to Bond Payment 23,452.08 account Colonial Life Insurance Accident insurance withheld 41.50 Hutch Utilities UB Utility bills withheld 900.00 I. B. M. Corporation Lease maint. 810.00 Kemske Paper Company Office supplies 113.93 Natural Gas Division Due to Natural Gas Division 665,197.73 Accounts Receivable Richard Peterson Legal retainer 400.00 Premier Fastener Co. Plant supplies 182.57 Richard Peterson Legal fees 9,600.00 ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp. 200.00 withheld Putman Fund Dist. Employee deferred comp. withheld 222.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Employee deferred comp. 50.00 withheld State Street Bank & Trust Employee deferred comp. 50.00 withheld Citizens Bank & Trust Federal tax withheld 5,258.72 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 3,983.45 Petty Cash Postage 719.68 Natural Gas Division Due to Natural Gas Division 800.00 Accounts Receivable Schmeling Oil Company Lubricants 5,259.87 Air Power Equip Corp. Engine maint. #9 94.62 Pauline Bipes Meter reading 315.00 Franklin Boller Minneapolis daily paper 16.80 Central MN Communications Radio repair 131. 75 City of Hutchinson Water bill - applied to elec. 59.75 D. Perrine Country Kitchen Coffee filters 14.50 Kato Tool & Equip. Plant supplies, mdse. 14.15 Robertshaw Controls Engine maint. #3 & #4 74.07 Marge Schiro Meter reading 315.00 Standard Printing Office supplies 42.65 Albrecht Oil Company Gas 56.45 American Linen Supply Laundry 27.44 Brinkman Studio Misc. expense 67.65 Commissioner of Revenue Sales tax 14,891.79 Continental Safety Equip. Plant supplies 64.99 Culligan Water Condition Misc. expense 8.10 Ed Davis Business Machines Office Supplies Fabricare Cleaners Laundry John Henry Foster Co. Engine inventory i #1 Fitzloff - Gambles Mdse. General Electric Supply Distribution inventory, plant supplies inventory Gerry's Vision Center Misc. expense H & C Electric Mdse. Home Bakery Cookies Hutch Iron & Metal Loop Line Hutch Telephone Telephone Hutch Util Employee Fund Employee fund withheld Hutch Util - Utility bills Interdepartmental Labor 2,202.61 Engines 82,343.58 Plant & Utility Center 3,468.07 Hutch Wholesale Truck maint., plant supplies, bldg. maint. I B E W Local 949 Union dues withheld Ink Spots Office supplies Miller, Miller & Mac Misc. expense G. F. Nemitz Plant supplies Oakite Products Plant supplies Price Electric Mdse. Robins, Zelle, Larson & Legal expense Kaplan Rutz Plumbing Sterling Electric United Electric Corp. Welders Supply Joan Bakeberg Phoebe Behringer Susan Lawrence Merle Meece Neal Rannow Marie Richter Carrie Sahr Petty Cash Petty Cash General Trading Co. Abbott Electronics Inc. Allen Office Products American Linen Supply American Welding Supply Apollo - Piping Supply Border States Elec. Supply Brown Boveri Corp. Central - McGowan Inc. City of Hutchinson Coast -To -Coast Country Kitchen Ditch Witch Bldg. maint. Bldg. maint. Bldg. maint. Plant supplies Meter refund & interest Office Supplies Meter refund & interest Tools, Plant supplies, mdse. Radio repair Office supplies, file Laundry Plant supplies Water system maint. Distribution inventory, line maint. Engine inventory #7 Tools Water & Sewer Misc. Coffee Maker Maint. power operated equip. 23.28 152.00 37.39 5.65 5,067.62 47.00 208.18 214.65 48.10 1,252.78 76.00 88,014.26 481.63 95.50 39.00 71.75 123.00 26.02 4,336.36 28.30 16.69 435.70 46.69 21.20 21.20 21.30 21.20 21.30 21.30 21.30 149.04 163.30 796.27 15.15 924.45 26.74 103.83 156.62 342.97 3,963.36 21.80 182.39 13.54 204.75 10.73 I 1 1 Electric Motor Co. Exline Inc. Family Rexall Drug Farm & Home Dist. John Fluke Mfg. Company G. T. C. Auto Parts General Electric Co. Great Plains Supply H & C Electric Heikes Hardware Hank Hickory Insulation Co. Houston Fuel Injection Hutchinson Co -op Industrial Supply Co. Jahnke's Red Owl Junker Sanitation Leef Bros. Mankato Business Products Moorhead Machinery Paper Service Plaza OK Hardware Price Electric Road Machinery & Supplies Schmeling Oil Harold K. Scholz Simonson Lumber Sorenson Farm Supply Tippecanoe Press W. D. Enterprises W E S C 0 Zep Mfg. Company United Power Association Hutchinson Utilities Erickson's Dr. M. J. Juffer Lowell Jensen Hutch Utilities Maint. engine ##8 Engine inventory {#1 Office supplies Plant supplies, truck water system maint. Misc. supplies Truck maint., plant supplies Engine inventory 7'#8 Bldg. maint. Mdse. Plant supplies, tools, misc. Engine maint. t #3 Tools Plant supplies Engine inventory #3 Coffee Refuse service maint. Laundry Office supplies Engine maint. ,'8 Plant supplies Plant supplies, bldg. ma mdse. Mdse. Truck - oil Plant supplies Substation equip. Plant supplies, dispatch misc. Truck maint., fuel oil s maint. Office supplies Loop Line Meter maint. Plant supplies Purchased power Collection expense Gasoline Misc. expense Misc. - dispatch room Interest due Natural Gas Division - Certificate Deposit Dispatch room expense Dispatch room expense Office supplies, misc. Employee deferred comp. Employee deferred comp. Employee deferred comp. Employee deferred comet. Federal tax withheld State tax withheld PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense int., 800.00 3,845.20 49.04 96.23 127.00 81.27 221.00 7.60 24.59 39.27 248.15 296.25 12.50 29.69 119.74 78.00 115.93 45.67 83,200.68 128.75 59.05 32.11 28.50 29.76 376.68 center 276.69 ystem 62.80 12.07 6.30 457.60 255.80 351,072.76 1,037.39 87.40 136.00 100.00 6,740.52 of expense withheld withheld withheld withheld 80.00 62.43 250.45 200.00 222.00 50.00 50.00 5,263.88 4,615.68 3,910.99 7,124.58 Jerome Ide Electronic Center Petty Cash ICMA Retirement Corp. Putnam Fund Dist. Citizens Bank & Trust State Street Bank & Trust Citizens Bank & Trust Commissioner of Revenue State Treasurer State Treasurer Maint. engine ##8 Engine inventory {#1 Office supplies Plant supplies, truck water system maint. Misc. supplies Truck maint., plant supplies Engine inventory 7'#8 Bldg. maint. Mdse. Plant supplies, tools, misc. Engine maint. t #3 Tools Plant supplies Engine inventory #3 Coffee Refuse service maint. Laundry Office supplies Engine maint. ,'8 Plant supplies Plant supplies, bldg. ma mdse. Mdse. Truck - oil Plant supplies Substation equip. Plant supplies, dispatch misc. Truck maint., fuel oil s maint. Office supplies Loop Line Meter maint. Plant supplies Purchased power Collection expense Gasoline Misc. expense Misc. - dispatch room Interest due Natural Gas Division - Certificate Deposit Dispatch room expense Dispatch room expense Office supplies, misc. Employee deferred comp. Employee deferred comp. Employee deferred comp. Employee deferred comet. Federal tax withheld State tax withheld PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense int., 800.00 3,845.20 49.04 96.23 127.00 81.27 221.00 7.60 24.59 39.27 248.15 296.25 12.50 29.69 119.74 78.00 115.93 45.67 83,200.68 128.75 59.05 32.11 28.50 29.76 376.68 center 276.69 ystem 62.80 12.07 6.30 457.60 255.80 351,072.76 1,037.39 87.40 136.00 100.00 6,740.52 of expense withheld withheld withheld withheld 80.00 62.43 250.45 200.00 222.00 50.00 50.00 5,263.88 4,615.68 3,910.99 7,124.58 Citizens Bank & Trust Certificate of Deposit Donald Nelson Dispatch room expense Rufus Alexander Meeting expense Rufus Alexander Meeting expense Precision Castweld Engine inventory #1 Stewart Paint Mfg. Plant supplies Alnor Instrument Engine inventory #3 Anderson Chemical Chemicals Apollo Piping Supply Distribution inventory Burlington Northern Lease Custom Controls Sensors Engine inventory #9 Electro Watchman Misc. expense Four Seasons Services Cup inserts Graybar Electric Plant supplies H. A. Holden Inc. Bldg. maint. J. C. Penney Company Uniforms McGraw Edison Services Engine inventory #3 W. P. & R. S. Mars Co. Mdse., tools Multi -Amp Corp. Plant supplies Petersen - Wisdorf Inc. Loop line Price Electric Misc. Rapidforms Office supplies Sterling Electric Plant supplies Thomas Engineering Engine inventory #3 United Building Center Loop line United Electric Mdse. Woodward Governor Co. Engine maint. #2 MARCH PAYABLES - GAS Colonial Life First National Bank First State Federal Hutch Utilities - UB Premier Fastener Co. Seamon Company Case Power & Equip. City of Hutchinson Sullair North Central First State Federal Putnam Fund Dist. State Treasurer Citizens Bank & Trust Albrecht Oil American Meter Division Arps Division of Chromalloy Brandon Tire Energy Economics Inc. Hutch Area Vocational Hutch Util Employee Elrod Hutch Utilities Accident insurance withheld Deposit to Contribution account Deposit to Contract for Deed account Employee utility bills withheld Misc. supplies Trencher maint. Power operated equip. maint. Contribution to City Power operated equip. maint. Employee deferred comp. withheld Employee deferred comp. withheld PERA withheld & expense Federal tax withheld Gas Meter expense Power operated equip. maint. Truck maint. Meter maint. Schooling expense - S. Sturges Employee fund withheld Interdepartmental labor, electric usage peak shaving, motor oil 120,000.00 80.00 40.00 211.18 1,000.00 1,943.50 120.77 61.81 51.48 25.00 160.73 120.00 33.40 15.13 4.64 43.34 137.58 69.26 127.52 41.19 28.79 101.26 61.93 492.30 5.25 39.04 49.52 12.00 20,900.00 500.00 334.00 60.86 24.46 70.77 62,500.00 502.89 15.00 150.00 868.81 1,213.92 83.78 54.21 16.40 150.53 12.50 15.00 16.00 2,721.03 1 ii There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Daggett to adjourn at 3:25 p.m. Motion was carried. Clin on Tracy, Secretary ATTEST H. W. Filk, President Hutch Wholesale Truck & power operated equip. 101.00 maint. I B E W Local 949 Union dues withheld 93.61 McLeod Coop Power Assn. Electric usage peak shaving 46.00 Main Motor Sales Truck maint. 20.00 G. F. Nemitz Meter maint. 2.50 Rutz Plumbing Meter maint., maint. prod. equip. 94.48 Steve Sturges Schooling expense 60.00 Wetenkamp Utility Sales Misc. expense 17.61 Circle -Hutch Utility Purchased gas 537.51 General Trading Company Truck maint., power operated. 171.12 equip. maint. American ?deter Division Meter maint. 5.07 Apollo Piping Supply Inventory 50.14 Big Bear Power operated equip. maint. 64.95 Case Power & Equip. cower operated equip. maint. 1,528.36 �. _ xrcle- dutch. 715ility : 5 F, 1.00 Coast -To-- roast 1"''E ".'t:::[' expense 4.8F • Farm & F=omc. -Dist. . _ T; �,_c,x ?paint. r. � -:� t� T•iachz�e r i elsxa Power oper�ted equip. maint. 203.62 Fisher Controls Reo lator inventory 577.58 dutch T'tilities Truck maint., raise. 71.29 Mi.nvalco Inc. Misc. 7.48 F1a.za OK Hardware Meter expense, truck maint, 27.16 mist. Sorenson Farm Supply `rrnack maint. 15.66 Su.11air Truck maint. 8.52 Wetenkamp Utility Sales rise. 17.23 Circle -Dutch Utility Purchased_ gas 165.00 Maeller Company Inventory 219.78 Putnam Fund Dist. Employee deferred comp. withheld. 150.00 First State Federal Employee deferred camp. withheld 15.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Federal tax withheld 1,179.52 Commissioner of Revenue State tax withheld 989.88 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 858.53 State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 1,309.70 First National Bank Deposit to maint. account 50,000.00 Hutch Utilities Die to Municipal Electric Plant 12,267.69 March expenses Erickson's Gasoline 148.96 There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Daggett to adjourn at 3:25 p.m. Motion was carried. Clin on Tracy, Secretary ATTEST H. W. Filk, President