01-20-1982 HUCM1 C Regular Meeting January 20, 1982 Commissioner Filk and Commissioner Daggett were present, also present were Mgr. Alexander, Ruth Hakel, Counsel Peterson and Wally Hombach. The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by President Filk. The December minutes and payables were then considered. , A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Filk to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 23, 1981 as presented. Motion was carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Filk to accept the gas and electric divisions payable bills for December, 1981 as presented. Motion was carried. Correspondence relative to damaged paint on cars at Lynn's Auto Sales was received from Anderson Chemical Company. After discussion, it was decided to authorize Counsel Peterson to proceed with resolving Lynn's Auto Sales claim. Mgr. Alexander presented three quotations for retubing evaporator and superheater on the General Electric stag unit. Bid 1 General Electric Labor with new tubes & headers 121,734.00 Tubes, sleeves & return bends 165,000.00 Evaporator & superheater header 225,000.00 Field Engineer 14,700.00 Alternate General Electric Labor with new tube & old 194,619.00 headers Tubes, sleeves & return bends 165,000.00 Field Engineer 14,700.00 Bid 2 Moorhead Machinery Labor, material for superheater 209,000.00 & evaporator tubes Labor & headers, 2 superheaters 97,140.00 & evaporators, 36 vertical headers Bid 3 Econ -Therm Replacing superheater tubes, evaporator header & tubes, also economizer tubes - labor & material 348,000.00 526,434.00 374,319.00 306,140.00 348,000.00 r - A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Filk to accept the quotation of Moorhead Machinery in an amount not to exceed $30.6,140. A retainage equal to 10% of total bill to be withheld for 60 days. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Alexander presented two quotations for labor to inspect the steam turbine. A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Filk to accept the quotation of Moorhead Machinery in an amount of $22,113.00. The proposed contract with United Power Association was discussed. After revised contract has been received and approved by Don Swanson of Associated Consultants and Counsel Peterson, a special meeting will be called to approve and execute the contract. Mgr. Alexander submitted data regarding the present cost of installing gas service lines. It was decided that management compile additional information for a future meeting. After discussing the Curtiss - Wright litigation, a motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Filk to authorize Counsel Peterson to advise Curtiss-Wright that Hutchinson Utilities Commission withdraws the offer stated in correspondence dated January 5, 1982. Motion was carried. Mgr. Alexander reported that correspondence had been sent to Cooper Energy Sales on January 8, 1982. We have not had a response. A faulty forced air exhaust removed from a customer's residence was shown to the Commissioners. Mgr. Alexander was instructed to find out whether Hutchinson has a plumbing inspector, if so, report back to Commission regarding gas regulations, etc. Counsel Peterson reported: 1. An answer to the LeRoy Christensen summons was due by January 24, 1982. 2. He has not heard from Home Insurance Company regarding litigation on #4 and V. Hutchinson Utilities Commission has offered to settle for $36,000. The following are December payables: 1 .-7- DECEMBER PAYABLES - ELECTRIC H & C Electric Service line 65.60 American Payment Centers Rent 75.00 B & R Growers Plants for office 20.85 Pauline Bipes Meter reading 290.00 Franklin Boller Daily newspaper 16.80 Martin Briggs Rent 20.00 Business Week Subscription 34.95 Citizens Bank & Trust Deposit to Bond Payment Account 55,452.08 City of Hutchinson Insurance 967.00 Colonial Life Insurance Accident insurance withheld 41.50 Hutch Utilities - UB Employee utility bills withheld 869.96 Natural Gas Division Due to Natural Gas Division 512,871.16 Accounts Receivable Richard Peterson Legal retainer 400.00 Marge Schiro Meter reading 290.00 Zah1 Equipment Co. Misc. maint. - distribution 11.86 Continental Assurance Insurance 203.33 Continental Assurance Insurance 48.95 New York Life Insurance Medical insurance 7,543.30 Citizens Bank & Trust Federal tax withheld 5,082.02 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 3,817-35 Margaret Hansen Meter deposit refund & interest 6.82 Strode Brockman Meter deposit refund & interest 3.43 Cooper Energy Services Graybar Electric Engine inventory #7 Transformer inventory 771.02 1012.00 Guy Speaker Company Plant supplies 239.22 H & C Electric Plant supplies, mdse. 165.15 Kato Tool & Equip. Mdse. 15.00 Paper Service Co. Plant supplies 91.95 Petty Cash Postage 706.56 Postmaster Postal permit 40.00 Hutch Iron & Metal Misc. maint. 25.20 I. B. M. Corp. Rental & maint. 810.00 Apollo Piping Supply Maint. water system 8.49 Barco Bearing Co. Maint. engine #8 223.35 Border States Electric Misc. distribution expense 157.50 Coast -To -Coast Plant supplies 26.36 Cooper Energy Services Engine inventory #7 105.12 Dey Appliance Parts Mdse. 31.85 Ditch Witch Maint. trencher 1,436.73 H & C Electric Meter expense 4.20 Hydra Powr Engine inventory #8 584.97 Juul Contracting Equip. rental 45.00 Miller, Miller & Mac Estimate #5 2,764.50 Minvalco Heaters 171.14 Sterling Electric Mdse. 47.52 Transport Clearings Freight 25.47 Wally's Tire Truck maint. 5.00 Internal Auditing Serv. Collection expense 296.25 Erickson Diversified Gas 93.92 Curtiss- Wright Corp. Engine inventory #9 11,802.00 Moorhead Machinery Engine maint. #8 720.00 .-7- Commissioner of Revenue Myron Wigen Chevrolet Citizens Bank & Trust State Treasurer Anderson Chemical Co. Border States Electric Cooper Energy Services Crane Packing Duro Test Corp. General Electric Supply Grinnell ITT Corp. Guy Speaker Company H & C Electric Hutch Utilities Krasen Plumbing MN Electric Supply Bernard J. Mulcahy Petersen- Wisdorf Price Electric Republic Airlines Inc. Sterling Electric United Building Centers Madsen Insurance Agency State Treasurer State Treasurer Commissioner of Revenue Citizens Bank & Trust Amoco Oil Company Brenda Baysinger Lynette Berghuis Melvin Bipes Allen Fuchs Marie Gaulke Mark Guggemos Warren Hoernemann Edna Hutchins Dean Jaeger Karla McCue Rita Mitchell Rosa Linda Salinas Wendy Sellman Pam Smykalski Ray Strasmann Petty Cash Petty Cash General Trading Heikes Hardware Hank Albrecht Oil Allen Office Products American Linen American Welding Supplies State tax withheld Truck maint. Federal tax withheld PERA withheld & expense Chemical inventory Distribution inventory Engine inventory #7 Engine inventory #8 Mdse., Building maint. Distribution inventory Engine inventory #8 Plant supplies Loop, distribution inventory Collection expense Misc. Plant supplies Bldg. maint. Transformer inventory Plant supplies Freight Plant supplies Steel door installed Insurance PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense State tax withheld Federal tax withheld Gasoline Meter refund & interest Meter refund & interest Gas, postage, meeting expense, mist. Mdse., plant supplies, truck maint. Plant supplies Gasoline Office supplies Laundry Plant supplies 4,094.51 246.60 4,722.48 3,704.30 4,261.01 818.08 761.65 283.35 69.40 464.40 35.81 101.76 508.84 28.68 1.11 80.28 128.00 4,450.00 15.43 36.00 91.39 1,850.00 1,651.09 3,862.75 9,472.66 2,177.71 5,310.54 9,914.64 22.50 21.30 42.60 21.30 21.20 21.30 42.60 21.30 22.40 21.30 21.30 21.20 21.30 21.30 21.30 243.05 298.98 429.38 19.41 62.99 25.60 51.06 68.85 u Ll 1 r 1 Anderson Chemical Co. Apollo Piping Supply Associated Consultants Border States Electric Carr Flowers Central- McGowan Inc. City of Hutchinson Commissioner of Revenue Continental Safety Equip. A. L. Crump & Co. Culligan Water Cond. Ditch Witch Dostal & Oleson Oil Fabricare Cleaners Family Rexall Drug Farm & Home Fire Extinguisher Sales Floor Care Supply Four Seasons Service G. T. C. Auto Parts Gamble Store General Electric Co. H & C Electric Home Bakery Hutchinson Co-op Hutch Iron & Metal Hutch Leader Hutch Telephone Co. Hutch Util Employee Fund Hutch Util. - UB Hutch Wholesale I B E W Local 949 Ink Spots Inc. J. C. Penney Jahnke's Red Owl Junker Sanitation K D U 7 Kato Tool & Equip. LaHass Mfg. & Sales Leef Bros. Inc. Machine Shop Chemicals Plant supplies Engineering Fees Mdse., Misc., Loop Line Plant caddies Plant supplies Water bills Sales tax Safety equipment Engine inventory #8 Misc. expense Trencher maint. Plant supplies Laundry Office supplies Plant supplies, truck main. Recharge fire extinguisher Plant supplies Cup inserts Truck maint. Plant supplies, misc. Engine inventory #8, maint. engine #8 Plant supplies, mdse. Cookies Plant supplies Plant supplies Advertising Telephone Employee fund withheld Interdepartmental Labor 1,495.98 Engines 240,293.51 Plant & Utility Center 3,947.46 Plant supplies, truck maint., engine maint. Union dues withheld Office supplies Uniforms Coffee Refuse service Mankato Business Products Minnesota Hallowell MN Valve & Fitting Minvalco Inc. G. F. Nemitz Petersen - Wisdorf Richard Peterson Advertising Misc. distribution Truck maint. Laundry Truck maint., trencher maint., plant supplies, misc. Office supplies Tools Plant supplies Plant supplies Plant supplies Loop line Legal fees 3 7 - 47.00 103.86 4,023.38 599.43 27.00 11.12 181.06 17,165.37 loo.65 20.07 24.30 605.56 25.00 251.00 21.80 58.35 27.40 50.50 33.40 9.78 28.77 4,855.80 264.52 192.60 12.50 4.00 57.60 1,279.86 114.00 245,736.95 280.64 446.01 117.00 735.20 104.26 78.00 215.00 13.33 220.28 145.42 677.25 37.51 269.64 45.56 104.30 12.50 191.00 168.00 Plaza OK Hardware Plowmans Price Electric Quade's Right -O-Way Air Freight Robins, Zelle, Larson Rutz Plumbing Cooper Energy Services Simonson Lumber Sorenson Farm Supply Sterling Electric Stewart Paint & Mfg. Twin City Testing United Power_ Association Vincent Brass & Alin: '✓fielders Supply Cra.-bar Electric Colonial Life First National Bank Plant supplies, truck maint., misc. Truck maint. Tools Plant supplies Freight Legal Fees Bldg. maint. Engine inventory #1 Meter maint., bldg. maint. Misc, engine maint. #3 Meter expense Plant supplies Test oil samples Purchased power Maint. water system Plant supplies r1_ a.nt rr,n7_ies, inventory First National Lank First State Federal Hutch Utilities - U'l3 Moscap & Co. Inc. Citizens Bank & Trust State Treasurer Midwest Gas Assn. Apollo Piping Supply Jungelaus Implement Apollo Piping Supply American Meter Division Erickson Diversifies Citizens Bank & Trust State Treasurer City of Hutchinson State Treasurer State Treasurer Commissioner of Revenue Citizens Bank & Trust Plowmans Inc. Albrecht Oil American Welding Supplies Brandon Tire Circle -Hutch Utility Bd. Energy Economics Farm & Home Hoffman Plumbing Hutch Iron & Metal Accident insarance withhe :Deposit to Incremental Pr Account Deposit to Contribution A. Deposit to Contract for 7, .Account �Inployee utility bills wi Misc. expense Federal Tax withheld PEU withheld & expense Dues Inventory Trencher maint. Misc. expense, meter expe Misc. expense Gas Federal tax withheld PERA withheld & expense Contribution FICA withheld. & expense PERA withheld & expense State tax withheld Federal tax withheld 1/2 ton pickup Gas Misc. expense Truck maint. Natural gas purchased Meter maint. Truck maint. Maint. peak shaving plant Misc. expense ld °icing ccount eed thheld nse 60.87 15.20 8.48 1.29 46.00 12,563.59 10.55 554.17 143.01 45.85 2.12 343.50 320.00 138,929.66 76.85 12.91. 37.17 12.00 4()0, - 68 20,900.00 500.00 364.00 27.08 1,057.43 778.90 713.00 89.30 91.14 63.13 22.60 170.57 1,017.12 765.54 62,500.00 1,767.68 806.90 1,260.84 1,143.51 7,196.00 35.43 19.90 5.50 580,922.50 17.04 55.95 25.57 7.00 Ll 1 1 1 F L� 1 Hutch Utilities Hutch Util Employee Fund Hutch Utilities - UB Hutchinson Wholesale I B E W Local 949 McLeod Coop Power Assn. Machine Shop Plaza OK Hardware Plowman's Quast Transfer Velvet Coach Welders Supply Circle -Hutch Utility Due to Municipal Electric Plant 10,236.75 (prior expense) Employee fund withheld 24.00 Interdepartmental labor, 2,650.06 electric usage Peak Shaving Truck maint, misc. 91.65 Union dues withheld 76.00 Electric usage Peak Shaving 56.60 Maint. mains, truck maint. 64.36 Truck maint. 10.41 Rust proofing 145.00 Freight 32.01 Meeting expense 18.07 Misc. 2.25 Purchased gas 2,563.88 There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by Commissioner Filk to adjourn at 4:35 p.m. r ATTEST H. W. Filk, President ii Ruth Hakel, Assistant Secretary -- FT -