08-12-1981 HUCMSpecial Meeting
August 12, 1981
All Commissioners were present, also present were Mgr. Alexander,
Ivan Larson and Jon Geiss of Hutchinson Industrial.
President Filk called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
President Filk opened with remarks about the purpose of the meeting
which was to discuss electrical rates with Mr. Geiss.
Mr. Geiss made a few opening remarks concerning the community
which he felt was well balanced with agriculture and commercial
business. He then continued with graphs on population growth,
general employment, 3M employment, Hutchinson Industrial employee
growth and payroll projection. He noted that Hutchinson has a
limited labor market and that telephone, motel and transportation
were not good. A comparison of rates from Hutchinson, Northern
States Power Company and others were then presented.
President Filk stated that the Utilities had been expanded to
properly care for the needs of the community. He said that the
aim of the Commission thru the years has been to furnish electricity
with three things in mind -- availability, dependability and cost.
Commissioners Daggett and Tracy concurred with those statements. A
general discussion followed.
President Filk thanked Mr. Geiss for his presentation and promised
him full cooperation in all ways. Mr. Geiss thanked the Commission
and Mgr. Alexander for listening to his presentation.
Mgr. Alexander then asked for guidelines on the proposed rates that
he and Ivan Larson are compiling. A general discussion took place
with many suggestions offered. Plans are to have a proposal on
electric rates by the next regular meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at
5:00 p.m. on a motion by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner
Clinton Tracy, Secretary
H. W. Filk, President