03-17-1981 HUCMSpecial Meeting March 17, 1981 Commissioner Filk and Commissioner Daggett were present. Commissioner Tracy being absent, President Filk appointed Ruth Hakel as recording secretary. President Filk called the meeting at 9 :40 a.m, for the purpose of adopting a Resolution. A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by -n Z D ,-U Commissioner Filk, to numerically number all Resolutions. I o Motion was unanimously carried. cD o- CD ) = A motion was made by Commissioner Daggett, seconded by 3 U) � Commissioner Filk to adopt Resolution #1, "Rules for -a Compliance with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission n (n o -4 Order No. 69, Cogeneration and Small Power Production." o - :3 (It authorizes and directs a public notice be published c`�p o to advise of the availability of rules and advise that a o comments will be accepted on the rules in writing by o cn �, o 9:30 a.m. on March 18, 1981 or at the public hearing, `� o etc.) 3 CL o A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by o C Commissioner Daggett to adjourn at 10:05 a.m. Motion ; was unanimously carried. N ►v o C) ;D rn O 0 ATTEST H. W. Filk, President 1 Ruth akel, Assistant Secretary R P . SO L U T I U f The Hutchinson Utilitica Conmiission: HEREBY adopts the "Rules for i omhliancc with it l;nergy Regulatory Commission Order No. 69, Cogeneration and Small "(1wer "rc�cliic tit)"" (Rules) for the purpose of soliciting public comment in writing, hc!iore or cli ring a public: hearing to be conducted at 9:30 a.m. on March 18, 1961 at Lhc Hutchinson UtLlities Commission office. HET�LBY authorizes and d1 rects a public not I 11) tis1ied to advise the. availability of the rules and advise that comments will be accepted on the rules in writing by 9:00 a.m. on March 18, 1981 or It Lh:- public hearing. HEREBY authorizes that R. H. Alexander as General :I;inager can appro,,e the final rules for the Hutchinson, !?tilities Commission it there are not any significant comments taken before or during the public hearing,. If there are significant comments, R. H. Alexander as General Manager shall incorporate those comments into the rules and bring them to the Hutchinson UtiliU -s Commission for final approval. 1 1 ll 1 NOTICE OF HEARIN(; Notice is hereby given that the Hutchinson Utiliti(�!, Commnission will conduct a public hearing to take written comments on its rule:; to ijnplement the Federal Energy Regulatory Commis >_;i -on (FERC) Ord.,r No. 69, (: )generation a a Uaall Pc;wer Production. The proposed rules follow th(! FI ?RC gui,_lelines to encourage cogeneration and small power production. The Hutchinson Utilities Conunission encourages the public to attend the meeting r.:nd provide their input. Any person, group, or govl,rntaental entity which desires to make its comments, questions and /or recommendati,)ris in writing may do so either at the meeting or by writing to: The lutchinson IJtflities Commission, 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota, 55350. Ural stmimaries of written comments will be limited to ten (10) minutes. Written comments must be received at the offices of the Hut�:hinson Utilities Commission 1 >y 9:00 a.m. on March 18, 1981. The public hearing will be field at 9:30 a.m. on Mari h 18, 1981. Any questions prior to the meeting concerning; the n,iture of the proposed rules or for a copy of the proposed rules should be directed to Mr. Rufus Alexander, General Manager of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission at the address given above or by calling 612/587 -4746.