03-31-1980 HUCM1 1 1 Regular Meeting March. 31, 1980 Commissioner Quade and Commissioner Filk were present, also present were Mgr. Alexander and Ruth. Hakel. At 2:00 p.m. the meeting was called to order by President Quade. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Quade to accept the minutes of February 25, 1980 Regular Meeting and February 27, 1980 Special Meeting as presented in their printed form. Mgr. Alexander discussed the following items: 1. The need for a lunch room and office area at the power plant. A rough sketch was presented and after discussion, Mgr. Alexander was instructed to have detailed plans prepared of the proposed addition, also to obtain a price estimate. 2. A parking area for employee vehicles at power plant - possibly the area south of the dispatchers office. 3. Gas Division need for an additional truck - Mgr. Alexander instructed to obtain quotes on a 1/2 ton 1979 truck. The following bills were allowed: MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT L inda Squier Citizens Bank & Trust Company State Treasurer Hutchinson Utilities Rita Tangenan Judy Ruskamp Dalenb ach Betsy Ruskamp Sing Bruce Ericson Robert E. Griffith Florence Kempfert Robert Jensen Patricia Mott Gregory A. Oleszko Ronald Paehlke Bart Rasmussen Daniel Salas Tim Schloeder Cheryl Schlueter Laurel Vasko Bob Warnke Julian Yerbick Hutchinson Util. - petty cash Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 8914 8915 8916 8917 8920 8921 8922 8923 8924 8925 8926 8927 8928 8929 8930 8931 8932 8933 8934 8935 8936 8937 8938 9.95 4,133.90 3,288.61 46.01 20.60 15.25 14.90 42.80 42.40 21.30 42.60 21.30 20.20 21.40 21.30 21.30 40.40 42.60 21.40 21.20 20.10 123.53 39.13 State of Minnesota 8939 2.00 J & M Welding Service 8940 1,350.00 Machine Shop 8941 809.79 Kopy Kat Printing 8942 675.00 Koch Fuels 8943 17,494.86 Hutchinson Utilities 8944 158.22 Wayne Transports, Inc. 8945 174.04 Plaza OK Hardware 8946 119.13 Frank Campa 8947 9.81 Emmaline Zingler 8948 18.78 Robert Loomis 8949 5.23 John Schillo 8950 1.10 Linda M. Kirtz 8951 7.71 Tom Kasper 8952 5.47 J & M Welding Service 8954 1,350.00 MN Municipal Utilities Assn. 8955 100.00 J & M Welding Service 8956 300.00 Linda Squier 8957 13.33 Citizens Hank & Trust Company 8958 4,130.86 State Treasurer 8959 3,259.93 H. P. Quade 8960 300.00 MN State Board of Electricity 8961 21.25 Commissioner of Revenue 8962 11,281.95 Hutchinson Utilities 8963 7,032.50 Anderson Chemical Company 8964 225.00 Office of County Recorder 8965 7.00 Fenton Chevrolet Cadillac Inc. 8966 1,303.80 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 8967 284.57 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 8968 209.85 Bonnie Benson 8969 21.20 Lori Clapp 8970 21.20 Galen Houk 8971 21.20 Ken Nichols 8972 42.40 Dennis Schaefer 8973 42.40 Randy Watkins 8974 42.60 Sears, Roebuck & Company 8975 103.42 Paper Service Company 8976 169.30 Precision Castweld 8977 10,000.00 Plowman's Inc. 8978 4.20 Linda Squier 8979 10.57 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 8980 4,531.49 State Treasurer 8981 3,442.85 Electro Watchman, Inc. 8982 250.47 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 8983 45,000.00 Returned Checks 9999 1,056.28 A & B Electric 3857 63.00 AG Systems Inc. 3858 15.97 Albrecht Oil Company 3859 161.30 Allen Office Products, Inc. 3860 137.56 American Linen Supply Company 3861 45.12 American Public Power Assn. 3862 175.00 American Welding Supplies Inc. 3863 220.95 Anderson Chemical Company 3864 25.00 Apollo Piping Supply, Inc. 3865 637.72 Associated Consultants, Inc. 3866 5,271.06 Big Bear, Inc. 3867 30.17 Pauline Bipes 3868 265.00 Randy Blake 3869 12.00 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 3870 6,030.93 Border States Electric Supply 3871 1,161.13 Mrs. Fred Briggs 3872 20.00 Bruss Upholstering 3873 84.75 Burmeister Electric Company 3874 1,256.43 Business Products Inc. 3875 24.17 Calgon Corporation 3876 113.26 Central Minn. Communications 3877 118.15 Central Petroleum Company 3878 270.13 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 3879 54,525.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 3880 26,284.00 City of Hutchinson 3881 1,672.00 Coast -To -Coast 3882 59.59 Commissioner of Revenue 3883 3,487.66 Colonial Life & Accident Ins. 3884 87.00 Continental Safety Equip. Inc. 3885 50.51 Cooper Energy Services 3886 248.57 Crane Packing Company 3887 345.12 B. Dalton Bookseller 3888 69.85 Ed Davis Business Machines 3889 3,672.15 Dostal & Oleson Oil Company 3890 172.00 Electronic Center, Inc. 3891 184.65 Elvin Safety Supply Inc. 3892 70.13 Fabricare Cleaners of Hutch 3893 92.35 Family Rexall Drug 3894 83.06 Farm & Home Distributing 3895 65.72 H. W. Filk 3896 300.00 Floor Care Supply Company 3897 69.15 John Henry Foster Company 3898 105.91 G. M. W. Inc. 3899 41.00 G. T. C. Auto Parts 3900 13.58 General Electric Supply Company 3901 858.50 Gibson Products 3902 6.64 Graybar Electric Company Inc. 3903 273.79 H & C Electric Supply 3904 407.64 Hanson Pump Service Company 3905 248.00 Haynes Corporation 3906 308.75 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 3907 11.20 Home Bakery 3908 366.96 Hutchinson Co -op 3909 12.00 Hutchinson Iron & Metal 3910 16.40 Hutchinson Plumbing & Heating 3911 33.96 Hutchinson Telephone Company 3912 700.17 Hutchinson Utilities 3913 524.11 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 3915 289.81 Hutchinson Util. Employee Fund 3914 108.00 Hutchinson Util. - utility bills 3916 156,863.57 Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies 3917 393.88 I. B. M. 3918 779.76 I B E W Local 949 3919 376.36 Inland Supply Company 3920 336.88 Jahnke's Red Owl 3921 330.98 Junker Sanitation Service 3922 65.00 Juul Contracting Company 3923 165.66 � � r Kato Tool & Equipment Company 3924 181.86 Kemske Paper Company 3925 28.71 K.rasen Hardware Hank 3926 26.59 Krasen Plumbing & Heating 3927 94.20 L & P Supply Company 3928 25.20 Leef Bros., Inc. 3929 238.16 McLeod County Sanitary Landfill 3930 7.00 McMaster -Carr Supply Company 3931 278.57 Miller, Miller & Mac, Inc. 3932 12.00 Miller Sales Company 3933 76.72 Minnesota Hallowell 3934 4,265.34 MN Municipal Utilities Assn. 3935 2,060.00 Moorhead Machinery & Boiler 3937 503.28 MN Valley Testing Laboratory 3936 396.00 Natural Gas Division 3938 447,986.67 Northern States Supply Inc. 3939 118.26 Northland Electric Supply Co. 3940 185.97 Chas. Olson & Sons, Inc. 3941 309.51 Parker Hannifin Corporation 3942 1,351.89 Richard A. Peterson 3943 358.00 Precision Castweld 3944 1,600.00 Quast Transfer, Inc. 3945 35.63 Quest Engineering Inc. 3946 45.97 Robert Shaw Controls Company 3947 48.68 Max Rotenberg Attorney at Law 3948 406.37 Rutz Plumbing & Heating 3949 50.65 Marge Schiro 3950 265.00 Sears, Roebuck & Company 3951 76.43 Simonson Lumber 3952 33.08 Snap -On Tools 3953 370.70 Standard Printing Company 3954 65.30 State of MN - Social Security 3955 5,310.58 Sterling Electric Company 3956 412.12 Texaco, Inc. 3957 80.00 Texgas Corporation 3958 17.32 Tippecanoe Press Inc. 3959 125.97 Clinton Tracy 3960 300.00 Twin City Testing 3961 158.00 Twin City Trane Service Company 3962 71.94 United Power Association 3963 110,767.12 Vaughn's, Inc. 3964 69.15 Welders Supply Company 3965 9.55 Western Lighting Standards 3966 1,968.00 W E S C 0 3967 800.46 Wigen Chevrolet Company 3968 4.95 Williams Steel & Hardware 3969 97.79 Worthington Service Corporation 3970 1,709.45 Zep Manufacturing Company 3971 328.50 Natural Gas Division Citizens Bank & Trust Company 2037 966.13 State Treasurer 2038 674.32 R. E. Young 2039 165.00 Robert Batchelor 2043 33.23 William Driscoll 2044 27.30 Jerome Hoikka 2045 27.35 1 1 :1 Darol Wylie 2046 31.99 Midwest Gas Association Inc. 2047 125.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 2048 963.94 State Treasurer 2049 668.20 First National Bank 2050 7,032.50 First National Bank 2051 20,900.00 Midwest Gas Association Inc. 2052 200.00 Circle - Hutch. Utility Board 2053 1,767.08 Circle -Hutch Utility Board 2054 320.40 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 2055 919.82 State Treasurer 2056 656.38 First National Bank 2057 20,000.00 American Chain & Cable Company 770 1,075.00 American Meter Division 771 6,074.84 Circle - Hutch Utility Board 772 392,972.38 Circle Pines Utility 773 161.96 Commissioner of Revenue 774 624.58 Colonial Life & Accident Ins. 775 12.00 Energy Economics 776 11.85 First State Federal Savings 777 500.00 John Henry Foster Company 778 17.99 Gamble Store 779 55.43 Hutchinson Util. Employee Fund 780 21.00 Hutchinson Util. - utility bills 781 2,761.96 Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies 782 86.89 I B E W Local 949 783 66.00 Jim's Auto Salvage 784 4.00 McLeod Cooperative Power Assn. 785 60.60 Midwest Gas Association Inc. 786 566.00 Minvalco Inc. 788 55.91 Reef Industries, Inc. 789 192.23 State of MN - Social Security 790 775.68 Wally's Tire Shop 791 9.50 The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m. Ruth kakel, Assistant Secretary H. P. Quade, President