08-13-1979 HUCM,1 ,n Regular Meeting August 13, 1979 All Commissioners were present, also present were Mgr. Alexander, Ivan Larson, Carl Wardlow of Associated Consultants, Arthur Hagen of Modern Buildings, Jim McClure of Miller, Miller & Mac, Edward Mlynar of Lesters Inc., Earl Raske of Raske Builders and Bruce Peterson of Hutchinson Builders. The meeting was called to order at 2 :00 p.m. by President Quade . The minutes of the Regular Meeting on July 9, 1979 were accepted as presented. Bids of the warehouse building were opened by Secretary Tracy and read by Carl Wardlow. The bids were as follows: Lesters Inc. $68,482.00 Miller, Miller & Mac $62,900.00 Modern Buildings $69,216.00 Hutchinson Builders $60,128.00 Raske Builders $65,700.00 After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy that the bid from Hutchinson Builders Inc. of Hutchinson, MN in the amount of $60,128.00 be accepted contingent on the action of the Planning Commission and the City Council in allowing a variance to erect the building and also contingent on obtaining a Performance Bond. Mgr. Alexander reported that the Home Insurance Company agreed to a settlement of $240,781.00 to cover fire damage to the 13.8 switchgear building and equipment. Mgr. Alexander discussed in general the vibration indicated by a gauge on #8 was only in the wiring -- that natural gas appeared to be in plentiful supply - that he had an applicant for the position of Electrical Engineer. The following bills were allowed: MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT Hutchinson Utilities 7998 3,000.00 Plaza OK Hardware 7999 112.48 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 8000 35,459.12 State Treasurer 8001 2,829.29 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash. 8002 152.67 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR STORADE WAREHOUSE FOR THE NOTCIRNSON UTILITIES COMMISSION ; C" OF HUTCHI NSON, HUTCNNRi m, hkL' Ni No. 76i39D _ Notice is.hereby given that the Hutch - inson uViities Commission, or the Gty of inafter referred to as the owner, w III rre- ceive sealed bids at the Hutchinson Util- ities Office until 2:00° p.m. on the 13th day of August, 1979 and will publicly Open and read aloud such bids for a Storage Warehouse. .Each bid shall be accompanied by a Bid bond, cashier's check, or a certified check made payable to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the ;City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota in the amount of five per cent (5 %) of the Bid, as a guar- antee that the Bidder will enter into the Proposed contract and provide a Perfor- mance and Maintenance Bond after his bid shall have been accepted. Specifications and Plans are on file at the office of Mr. R. H. Alexander, Manager Of Utilities for the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, and Associated Consultants, Inc., 3131 Fembrook Lane North, Minneapolis, .Minnesota, 55441, where they are available for examination. Copies; thereof may be obtained from Associated Consultants, Inc., upon the Payment of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per set. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ATTESTED BY: H. P. Ouade, President R. H. Alexander Dated: Juty 30,1979 62,63 avit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA( ! Y 'y�;ry : "�? COUNTY OF McLEOq'¢s:' ' L. D. Mills, being duly sworn, on Toth says he is and during all the times herein stated has been the publisher and printer of the newspoper known os The Hutchins on Leader and has full knowledge of the facts herein slated as follows, fl ) Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 500 square Inches- (2) Said newspaper is a semi - weekly and Is distributed at least twice each week. (3) Said newspaper has 25 00 of its news columns devoted to news of local Interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not molly duplicate any other publication and s not made up entirely of patents . plate matter and advertisements- (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the mu- nicipality which t purports -a serve . has at icoal 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75 °n If Its total circulation curremly pold or no more than three -ri In arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local postofflce- (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Hutchinson the County of McLeod and It has I's known office of issue In the c:ty of Hutchinson In said county, established and open during Its regular business hours for the yathering of news sale of advertisements and sole of subscriptions and maintained by managing officer of said newspaper or persons w Its employ and subiec' to hs d action and control during all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such regular business hours to the business of the newspaper and business related thereto f6i Said newspaper files a copy of each Issue Immediately with the State Historiicol Society- (7) Said newspaper is made available at single or subscription p Tres to any person, corporation, partnership or other unincorporated association requesting the news- paper Ind mak;as the applicable payment. 181 Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at feast one year preceding the day ordates of publication mentioned below. f91 Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1. 1966 and each January 1 thereafter on affidavit In the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stat- ing that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. He further states on oath that the printed Advertisemen L_ i bids hereto attached as a part hereof was cu' from the columns of said newspaper . and was printed and published therein in the English language. ooca- oacb�ek,i for two- issues - that it was first so published on — -Fr:Ll the 3rd �u�— 29— - -- -- - - - - -- —day of 19 and was thereafter printed and Wednesday Wednesday I published on e. „ - to Ind in,l,d,nq the ----8th day of � - -Au at I f -79 - -- - and that the following Is a panted copy of the lower case oiphabet from A to Z, both inclusive and Is hereby acknowledged as bemg the size and kind of type used In the composition and publication of obcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz abcdefghiiklrnnopgrstuvwxyz /­t,ce, Subscribed mail sworn to before me thu —- day of �L"r"'"� >�"19 — LOUISE JESSEN NOTARY PUBLIC — MINNESOTA a� Mel COUNTY My Commission Expires Jan. 7, 1981 M AM Linda Squier 8003 17.68 Judy Gunderson 8004 16.81 Kirk Langum 8005 17.01 Marsha Niehoff 8006 10.14 Joanna Mohling 8007 6.64 Brigid Halloran 8008 17.01 Kevin Wolff 8009 8.69 James Gib.is 8010 9.36 David Strom 8011 32.83 Charlene Larkin 8012 36.02 Midwest Power Supply 8013 16.15 Hutchinson Utilities 8014 8,000.00 Barbara Bahr 8015 21.20 James Barrick 8016 21.30 Gerald Ciesla 8017 21.30 Kathy Dahlberg 8018 42.40 Joyce Faber 8019 21.30 Jim Fahey 8020 21.30 Bruce Fix 8021 42.40 Carol Gray 8022 42.60 Mark Hensen 8023 21.30 Albert C. Hoffman 8024 42.40 Mike Kelly 8025 21.20 Michael Rose 8026 24.58 Jim Sunderman 8027 21.20 Helen Wehking 8028 21.20 I.B.M. 8029 357.00 Pauline Bipes 8030 240.00 Marge Schiro 8031 240.00 Linda Squier 8032 14.57 Citizens Bank & Trust Compa r' 8033 3,565.04 State Treasurer 8034 2,983.21 B & S Contracting 8035 100.00 Koch Fuels 8036 9,671.20 Citizens Bank & Trust. Company 8037 100,000.00 Koch Fuels 8038 14,802.90 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 8039 100,000.00 Koch Fuels 8040 9,672.60 Koch. Fuels 8041 4,857.30 Koch Fuels 8042 9,711.80 Rufus Alexander 8043 25,362.44 Hutchinson Utilities 8044 200.00 H. P. Quade 8045 32.77 Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line 8046 605.06 Koch, Fuels 8047 9,672.60 Returned Checks 9999 233.16 A & B Electric 3014 8.27 Albrecht Oil Company 3015 113.10 Allen Office Products, Inc. 3016 596.75 American Linen Supply Company 3017 53.90 American Payment Centers Inc. 3018 30.00 American Public Power Assn. 3019 680.00 American Welding Supplies 3020 74.35 Amoco Oil Company 3021 27.83 Anderson Chemical Company 3022 244.20 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 3023 4,296.77 Franklin A. Boller 3024 14.40 Border States Electric Supply 3025 10,635.17 Mrs. Fred Briggs 3026 20.00 Brinkman Studios, Inc. 3027 4.50 Brown Boveri Corporation 3028 51)238.90 Burmeister Electric Company 3029 715.33 Business Products Inc. 3030 62.52 Calgon Corporation 3031 34.30 Chicago Tube & Iron Company 3032 144.93 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 3033 53,862.43 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 3034 6,284.00 City of Hutchinson 3035 137.53 Clover. Manufacturing Company 3036 167.46 Coast -to -Coast 3037 133.93 Commissioner of Revenue 3038 8,303.37 Commissioner of Revenue 3039 3,355.54 Colonial Life & Accident Ins. 3040 95.00 Continental Safety Equipment Inc. 3041 75.26 Data Documents, Inc. 3042 99.99 Diesel Service Company 3043 27.42 Ditch Witch of Minnesota 3044 32.81 Dover Corporation 3045 2,521.90 Eastern Woolen Company 3046 65.00 Elvin Safety Supply Inc. 3047 74.95 Exline Inc. 3048 8,251.69 Fabricare Cleaners of Hutch 3049 99.85 Family Rexall Drug 3050 73.82 George Field 3051 12.00 H. W. Filk 3052 200.00 Flaherty Equipment Corporation 3053 7,912.08 Floor Care Supply Company 3054 332.75 Four Seasons Services, Inc. 3055 26.65 Fresco 3056 76.94 G. T. C. Auto Parts 3057 229.04 Gas Turbine Corporation 3058 6,022.41 General Electric Company 3059 389.18 Gibson Products 3060 102.60 Golf .3061 ;, 4.97 Grayb ar Electric Company Inc. 3062 589.14 H & C Electric Supply 3063 1,436.29 Haynes Corporation 3064 1,042.30 Home Bakery 3065 330.87 Hutchinson Iron & Metal 3066 5.00 Hutchinson Telephone Company 3067 799.18 Hutchinson Utilities 3068 510.69 Hutchinson Util. Employee Fund ..,,3069 76.00 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 3070 449.30 Hutchinson Util. - utility bills 3071 1401716.16 Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies 3072 236.65 I. B. M. 3073 292.00 I B E W Local 949 3074 253.24 Industrial Supply Company, Inc. 3075 114.19 Inland Supply Company 3076 387.75 J. C. Radiator Service 3077 43.65 Jim's Auto Salvage 3078 5.00 Junker Sanitation Service 3079 45.00 Kearney 3080 125.99 Kemske Paper Company 3081 73.09 Kirby Company 3082 8.95 Krasen Plumbing & Heating 3083 7.31 Leef Bros., Inc. 3084 294.62 Lynn's Auto Sales 3085 230.00 McMaster -Carr Supply Company 3086 214.84 Machine Tool Supply 3087 144.75 Madsen Insurance Agency 3088 3,178.50 Marley Cooling Tower Company 3089 8,902.00 Miller Sales Company 3090 25.70 Minnesota Electric Supply Company 3091 12.72 MN Municipal Utilities Assn. 3092 254.50 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Line 3093 29.60 Mork Communications, Inc. 3094 1,025.45 Multi -Amp Corporation 3095 241.48 Natural Gas Division 3096 257,297.61 S. A. Nies 3097 147.60 Omega Engineering, Inc. 3098 341.01 Paper Service Company 3099 53.30 Richard A. Peterson 3100 753.00 Power Supply Company 3101 937.87 Precision Castweld 3102 2,925.00 H. P. Quade 3103 200.00 Rockite Silo Inc. 3104 61.45 Schlueter Refrigeration 3105 5.95 Harold K. Scholz Company 3106 313.00 Sears, Roebuck & Company 3107 255.98 Sherman & Reilly, Inc. 3108 944.26 Simonson Lumber 3109 84.68 Sorenson Farm Supply 3110 6.6:8 Standard Printing Company 3112 61.45 Standard Oil 3111 2,313.04 State of MN - Social Security 3113 4,597.06 State Treasurer 3114 54.56 Sterling Electric Company 3115 1,133.88 Texaco Inc. 3116 491.70 Thomas Engineering Sales Company 3117 1,028.29 Tippecanoe Press Inc. 3118 30.89 Clinton Tracy 3119 200.00 Trails End, Inc. 3120 90.25 Uniforms Unlimited 3121 1,050.00 United Power Association 3122 106,536.08 Viking Industrial Center 3123 45.03 Warner's Industrial Supplies 3124 193.32 WElders Supply Company 3125 8.74 W E S C 0 3126 420.16 Worthington Compressors, Inc. 3127 110.04 Worthington Service Corporation 3128 6,973.07 Zep Manufacturing Company 3129 92.00 Zins Machining 3130 741.00 NATURAL GAS DIVISION R. E. Young 1942 165.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 1943 846.39 State Treasurer 1944 647.54 American Public Gas Assn. 1945 465.00 Midwest Gas Assn. Inc. 1946 120.00 First National Bank 1947 16,700.00 Orville Kuiken 1948 35.90 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 1949 806.67 State Treasurer 1950 631.91 First National Bank 1951 33,000.00 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Line 1952 39.20 American Meter Division 605 106.32 Case Power & Equipment 606 205.81 Central McGowan Inc. 607 141.25 Circle -Hutch Utility Board 608 198,838.17 Commissioner of Revenue 609 701.51 Colonial Life & Accident Ins. 610 24.00 First State Federal Savings 611 500.00 Harris Pine Mills 612 171.00 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 613 3.14 Hutchinson Co -op 614 3.50 Hutchinson Util. Employee Fund 615 16.00 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 616 53.80 Hutchinson Util. - utility bills 617 25,593.87 Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies 618 36.62 I B E W Local 949 619 47.00 McLeod Cooperative Power Assn. 620 22.50 Madsen Insurance Agency 621 3,178.50 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Line 622 25.53 Martin Narr 623 35.00 National Meter Parts, Inc. 624 15.13 State of Minnesota - Social Security 625 862.58 Winton Products Company I.nc. 626 26.50 On a motion by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy the meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Clinton Tracy, Secretary � n H. P. Quade, President I