01-08-1979 HUCMRegular Meeting January 8, 1979 All Commissioners were present, also Mgr. Alexander and Ruth Hakel. The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by President Quade. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting dated December 11, 1978 and the minutes of the Special Meeting dated December 28, 1978 as presented. Mgr. Alexander presented a letter he had received from United Minnesota Municipal Power Agency concerning the Hutchinson Utilities joining the Agency. After much discussion, Mgr. Alexander was instructed to notify the Agency by letter that the Commission does not choose to join at this time. Mgr. Alexander was then instructed to consult Curtiss - Wright concerning adding a heat recovery generating system to the turbine now in operation. This information is being compiled in anticipation of additional power which will be needed in the future. Mgr. Alexander discussed the maintenance program at the generating plant and the changes he proposes. The Commission concurred with the proposal. Mgr. Alexander reported that William Bros. were conducting a feasibility study concerning building a fuel oil pipeline into Hutchinson for the benefit of the Hutchinson Utilities. Ron McGraw from the law firm of McGraw Law Office appeared on behalf of the Farmers Elevator Association concerning an overcharge for natural gas in 1974 in the amount of $11,553.82. The charge of $2,027.43 was made for services, leaving a balance of $9,274.39. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to settle the account in full in the amount of $9,274.39 plus interest in the amount of $2,070.83. This constitutes final payment. Mr. McGraw also represented Willis Miller on the matter of rate charges. Mr. Miller feels that the rates are too high. Mgr. Alexander explained the rate structure and the Commission concurred that the rate was reasonable and fair. Mr. McGraw was satisfied with the explanation. E The following bills were allowed: MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT Leonard Miller 7632 15.00 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 7633 163.19 Jerry Buck 7634 21.20 Robert Durfee 7635 44.80 Ira Kenney 7636 42.40 Brian Martinson 7637 21.20 Larry Schanzenback 7638 44.60 Kent Sorenson 7639 40.20 Postmaster 7640 30.00 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Line 7641 342.60 State Treasurer 7642 2,521.03 Plaza OK Hardware 7644 69.59 Ed Cooley 7645 10.66 Jennifer Zirbel 7646 8.41 Suzanne Randolph 7647 15.92 Tom Murphy 7648 8.22 I. B. M. 7649 292.00 A & B Electric 7652 2.33 Westinghouse Electric Corp. 7653 28,976.00 United Power Association 7654 66,177.69 The Hutchinson Leader 7656 20.00 Electric Motor Company 7657 4.90 A. L. Crump & Company, Inc. 7658 127.49 Edwin Dolezal 7659 32.00 Richard Marben 7660 32.00 Walter Hombach 7661 32.00 Randy Blake 7662 32.00 Standard Oil 7663 85,645.82 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Line 7664 23.91 American National Standards 7665 17.10 I. B. M. 7666 357.00 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 7667 3,352.79 Data Systems & Operations 7668 645.00 Texaco, Inc. 7669 267.30 Earl Ondracek 7670 32.00 State Treasurer 7672 2,485.04 Bruce Krueger 7673 32.00 Apollo Piping Supply, Inc. 7674 15,085,88 Polly Bipes 7675 120.00 Bruce Krueger 7676 4.00 Earl Ondracek 7677 4.00 Bev Krueger 7678 119.00 City of Hutchinson 7680 55,000.00 Returned Checks 9999 1,113.39 Albrecht Oil Company 2267 56.66 Allen Office Products, Inc. 2268 3.48 American Linen Supply Company 2269 35.22 American Welding Supplies Inc. 2270 21.50 Anderson Chemical Company 2271 674.15 Apollo Piping Supply, Inc. 2272 4.22 Arrowhead Bearing Inc. 2273 9.68 Associated Consultants, Inc. 2274 21P063.46 Gil Boldt Gravel 2275 315.00 Border States Electric Supply Company 2276 598.50 Mrs. Fred Briggs 2277 20.00 Brock -White Company 2278 158.50 E. J. Brooks Company 2279 117.09 Burlington Northern Inc. 2280 175.00 Business Products Inc. 2281 24.75 Calgon Corporation 2282 3,564.00 Case Power & Equipment 2283 12.52 City of Hutchinson 2286 36.00 Commissioner of Revenue 2287 8,449.51 Commissioner of Revenue 2288 2,634.54 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance 2289 116.50 Culligan Water Conditioning 2290 15.75 Curtiss- Wright Corporation 2291 525.11 Dammann's Construction Company 2292 4,235.00 V. W. Eimicke Associates, Inc. 2293 17.13 Electronic Center, Inc. 2294 10.22 Fabricare Cleaners of Hutch 2295 85.64 Family Rexall Drug 2296 27.94 Floor Care Supply Company 2298 25.76 Forbes' Champion Auto & Sery 2299 21.95 Four Seasons Services, Inc. 2300 23.95 Fresco 2301 85.69 G. T. C. Auto Parts 2302 2.38 General Electric Company 2303 4,427.08 Graham Mfg. Company, Inc. 2304 604.77 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 2305 91.46 H & C Electric Supply 2306 385.04 Baynes Corporation 2307 3,783.78 Home Bakery 2308 296.36 Hutchinson Area Vo -Tec Institute 2309 6.00 Hutchinson Oil Company 2310 10.25 Hutchinson Telephone Company 2311 788.85 Hutchinson Utilities 2312 514.57 Hutchinson Util. Employee Fund 2313 34.00 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 2314 266.22 Hutchinson Util. - utility bills 2315 50,904.19 Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies 2316 86.08 Hydrotex 2317 549.70 I. B. M. 2318 121.44 I B E W Local 949 2319 226.25 Ink Spots, Inc. 2320 118.90 Jahnke's Red Owl 2321 136.33 Jerry's Tire Company 2322 254.36 Junker Sanitation Service 2323 45.00 Juul Contracting Company 2324 2,604.70 Kemske Paper Company 2325 88.00 Kjos Our Own Hardware 2326 22.17 Leef Bros., Inc. 2327 207.65 McMaster -Carr Supply Company 2328 59.36 Dr. L. V. Manther 2329 66.00 W. P. & R. S. Mars Company 2330 15.21 Mel's Fire & Safety 2331 547.83 Mork Communications, Inc. 2332 5,188.26 National Electric Coil 2333 26,786.00 Natural Gas Division 2334 218,149.22 Northern States Supply Inc. 2335 11.14 Northland Electric Supply Company 2336 83.54 Richard A. Peterson 2337 200.00 Plowman's Inc. 2338 360.06 Power Supply Company 2339 328.41 Pumps & Supplies Inc. 2340 84.38 Ritchie Engineering Company 2342 1,800.05 Simonson Lumber 2343 43.56 Standard Oil 2344 83,860.99 State of Minnesota - Social Security 2345 3,297.32 Sterling Electric Company 2346 224.40 Texaco, Inc. 2347 7,790.67 Tippecanoe Press Inc. 2348 107.22 Tri- County Water Conditioning 2350 31.51 Turbine Specialties, Inc. 2351 2,897.02 Wally's Tire Shop 2352 9.00 Welders Supply Company 2353 56.78 W E S C 0 2354 930.31 Williams Steel & Hardware 2355 171.00 Worthington Service Corporation 2356 949.44 Zep Manufacturing Company 2357 346.00 NATURAL GAS DIVISION American Meter Division 458 311.70 American Welding Supplies 459 19.62 Apollo Piping Supply, Inc. 460 9.98 Associated Consultants, Inc. 461 206.66 Commissioner of Revenue 462 506.76 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance 463 33.50 First State Federal Savings 464 500.00 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 465 4.00 Hutch Equipment, Inc. 466 1.14 Hutchinson Utilities 467 180.22 Hutchinson Util. Employee Fund 468 6.00 Hutchinson Util. - utility bills 469 2,220.93 Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies 470 70.66 I B E W Local 949 471 31.25 Ink Spots, Inc. 472 19.85 Jerry's Tire Company 473 95.00 Krasen Hardware Hank 474 .99 L. & P. Supply Company 475 25.83 McLeod Cooperative Power Association 476 13.69 Mel's Fire & Safety 477 273.91 Mueller Sales Corporation 478 102.39 Pennwalt Corporation 479 287.55 State of Minnesota - Social Security 480 536.96 1 L 1 R. E. Young 1839 165.00 State Treasurer 1840 449.37 Plaza OK Hardware 1842 2.06 North Central Public Service Company 1843 21,606.44 Circle -Hutch Utility Board 1844 209,259.97 Circle Pines Utility 1845 60.75 Rufus Alexander 1846 850.00 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Line 1847 19.48 Essex 1848 148.68 State Treasurer 1850 483.27 A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to adjourn the meeting at 4:15 p.m. ATTEST Clinton Tracy, Secretary H. P. Quade, President