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05-01-1978 HUCM
193 Regular Meeting May 19 1978 An Commissioners were present, also Mgr. Alexander, Ruth Hakel, and Counsel Rich Peterson. The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by President Quade. The minutes of the Regular Meeting were read and.accepted as read. A motion was made by Commissioner Wilk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to rescind a motion made on March 27, 1978, it being "a mption was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and carried that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission increase their contribution to the City of Hutchinson by the amount of $60,000.00 for the fiscal year 1978." After a discussion, the motion was put to a roll call vote. Commissioner Filk and Commissioner Tracy voted aye; Commissioner Quade voted nay. The motion was declared carried. President Quade instructed Commissioner Filk to notify the City Council of the action. Counsel Peterson appeared in his behalf explaining that the firm of Peterson & Gilmer was dissolved as of May 1, 1978. He asked that he be retained as legal counsel for the Hutchinson Utilities. A notion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk to pay Pittsburgh -Des Moines $1,705.00 toward the final bill, leaving a balance of $1,109.00, this amount to be negotiated. The motion was carried unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Wilk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to advertise for bids for propane tanks and labor to install same. The bids to be opened May 319 1978, at 2 :00 p.m. The motion was carried unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to authorize Mgr. Alexander to-procure an 8,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tank and pump to service the . needs of the Hutchinson Utilities gasoline powered units. The motion was carried unanimously. Roger Gilmer appeared indicating his dissolvment of the firm Peterson & Gilmer and asked that his services be retained. A:motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Wilk to retain Rich Peterson as legal counsel for the Hutchinson Utilities Commission as of May 1, 1978.- The retainer fee to remain at $200.00 per month. After discussion, the motion was carried unanimously. 194 Mgr. Alexander reported on problems with unit #8. He also reported that a cover is available for the cooling tower to eliminate 95% of the vapor drift. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Coimnissioner Tracy to move employee Gordon Fratzke into a staff position. After discussion, the motion was carried unanimously. Mgr. Alexander was instructed to not up a pay schedule and job classification for Gordon Fratzke. The following bills were.allowed: MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT Leonard Anderson 7281 Glen Rranville 7282 Suzette Deleeuw 7283 Monica Maiere 7284 The Sweet Shoppe - R. Larson 7285 Charles Miller 7287. Jeff Otto 7288 Steven A. Paul 7289 Michael Peter _ 7290 Judy Retzlaff 7291 Plaza OK Hardware 7295 Rufus Alexander 7296 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 7297 H..P. Quad* 7298 United Power Association 7302 United Electric Corp. 7303 State Treasurer 7304 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 7305 Phillips Petroleum Company 7306 Koch Fuels 7307 G L W Enterprises 7308 I. B. M. 7310 Ziegler Inc. 7311 Plaza OK Hardware 7312 Koch Fuels 7313 Barrick Well & Backhoe 7314 Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line 7315 Koch Fuels 7316 Koch Fuels 7317 State of MN - Dept. of Personnel 7318 Nat'l Information Data Center 7319 Koch Fuels 7320 American Public Power Assn. 7321 Raymond Eberhart 7322 Geraldine Johnson 7323 Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line 7324 Burlington Northern Inc. 7326 State Treasurer 7327 Returned Checks 9999 42.40 30.32 21.20 21.20 42.40 42.40 21.20 42.40 21.20 21.20 181.52 46.50 196.51 146.34 75,775.46 36.76 2,104.37 3,388.26 . 8.24 4,972.84 2,582.44 366.50 56.25 17.04 32,329.16 4,321.61 51.80 .2,489.97 7,459.97 544.60 19.95 4,957.23 590.00 220.04 220.00 27.00 165.04 2,196.83 487.51 1 1 1 ?95 Alcon Inc. Allen Office Products, Inc. 1402 1483 284.0A 21.70 American Payment Centers Inc. 1604 116.00 American Welding Supplies Inc. 1405 171.75 Anderson Chemical Company 1406 844.40 Apollo Piping Supply, Inc. 1407 193.78 Bailey Meter Company 1408 198.08 Barrick Well & Backhoe 1409 10.00 Mrs. Fred Briggs 1410 20.00 E. J. Brooks Company 1411 109.49 Burlington Northern Inc. 1412 25.00 Calgon Corporation 1413 49249.30 Commissioner of Revenue 1415 6,998.02 Commissioner of Revenue 1416 39336.99 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance 1417 132.50 gontinental Safety Equip Inc. 1418 6.24 Culligan Water Conditioning 1419 31.50 Curtiss - Wright Corp. 1420 20,398.90 Day Appliance Parts 1421 '23.39 Dostal & Oleson Oil Company 1422 37.71 Fabricare Cleaners of Hutch 1423 119.03 Family Recall Brug 1424 50.33 Farm & Home Distributing 1425 55.03 Fisher Controls Company 1427 99.89 Fresco 1428 774.54 Gamble Store 1429 1.12 General Electric Company 1430 59231.47 Gibson Products 1431 4.62 Graybar Electric Company Inc. 1432 3,323.66 Great Plains Supply Company 1433 23.92 H & C Electric Supply 1434 19628.95 Hanson Pump Service Company 1435 126.29 Harris Machinery Company 1436 240.00 Home Bakery 1437 253.50 Hutch Equipment, Inca 1438 58.04 Hutchinson Auto Parts Inc. 1439 105.38 Hutchinson Telephone Company 1440 569.30 Hutchinson Htil. - Empl. Fund 1441 180.00 Hutchinson Util. petty cash 1442 122.26 Hutchinson Util. - utility bills 1443 61o.00 Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies 1444 108.77 I B E W Local 949 1445 203.25 dahnke's Red Owl 1446 162.54 Judd Company 1447 221.41 Dr. M. J. Juffer 1448 36.60 Junker Sanitation Service 1449 39.00 McLeod County Sanitary Landfill 1450 2,00 -McLeod Optical 1451 86.00 .McMaster-Carr Supply Company 1452 278.22 Marshalltown Instruments 1453 491.77 Mork Communications 1454 149.70 Natural Gas Division 1455 277,815.06 196 Nickles Machine Corp. 1456 Northern States Supply Inc. 1457 Olson Chain & Cable Company 1458 Peterson & Gilmer Law Offices 1459 Power Supply Company 1460 Rockite Silo Inc. 1462 Ross Electric Supply, Inc. 1463 Ruts Plumbing & Heating 1464 Sid Harvey 1465 State of 1N - Dept of Personnel 1466 Sterling Electric Company 1467 Thorsen Campbell Rolando & Lehne 1468 Trails End, Inc. 1470 U..a. Products Company 1471 United Electric Corporation 1472 Fan Dusen 1473 Watabo Industries 1474 West Central Industries Inc. 1475 W` E S C 0 1476 Williams Steel & Hardware 1479 &ep Manufacturing Company 1478 .American Linen Supply Company 1479 Apollo Piping Supply, Inc. 14801 Barco Hearing Company 1481 City of Hutchinson 1483 Coast -To -Coast 1484 Cooper Energy Services 1485 Linda Cserwinski 1486 Dezurik 1487 Felska's Auto Machine Serv. 1488 John Henry Foster Company 1485 Your Seasons Services, Inc. 1490 Frederickson's Inc. 1491 Fresco 1492 General Electric Company 1453 General Electric Supply Company 1494 Gibson Products 1495 Graybar Electric Company Inc. 1496 H & C Electric Supply 1497 Hanson Pump Service Company 1498 Hutchinson Iron & Metal 1499 The Hutchinson Leader 1500 Hutchinson Utilities 1501 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 1502 Hutchinson Util. - utility bills 1503 I. B. M. 1504 Jerry's Tire Company 1505 Judd Company 1506 Brawn Wholesale 1507 Leef Bros., Inc. 1508 Dave McBroom 1509 Marco Business Products 1510 Minnesota Wisconson Truck Line 1511 Paper Service Coma 1512 1,444.85 105,45 393.37 200.00 310.45 93.07 1,758.00 20.00 42.50 4,576.56 201.27 59300-00 1.00 33.32 1304.63 133.33 568.00 65.00 909.19 173.33 440.00 37.29 136.71 354.93 83.76 6.39 276.80 18.84 "31.00 64.615 87.98 23.95 1.65 30.73 763.12 552.00 32.84 287.80 442.57 18.88 84.90 451.70 455.10 110.00 72,820.01 292.00 92.45 510.00 37.70 92.80 16.31 28.00 73.78 25.33 1 [J 1 1.9 7 Patchin Fertiliser Service Pump & Condenser Group 1513 1514 .48.00 1,172.00 Pumps & Supplies Inc. 1515 674.33 River warren Aggregates, Inc. 1516 195.71 .alt. Regis Paper Company 1517 412.50 Schwanke Radiator Shop 1518 40.32 Sterling Electric Corp. 1519 22.11 Union Oil CompwW of California 1520 25.22 Welders Supply Company 1521 8.00 W E S C 0 1522 90000 Williams Steel & Hardware 1523 83.47 Zing Machining 1524 94.60 NATURAL GAS DIVISION R. E. Young 1734 165.00 Krasen Plumbing & Heating 1735 4,75o.©0 State Treasurer 1736 408.31 Circle -Hutch Utility Board 1737 180.00 First National Bank 1738 16,700.00 P & B Constructors Inc. 1739 400.50 Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line 1740 35.58 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Line 1741 51.01 The Tapecoat Company 1742 428.47 Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line 1744 22.45 Hutchinson Utilities 1746 9,249.10 First National Bank 1'47 45,000.00 State Treasurer 1748 394.32 Case Power & Equipment 256 119.89 Commissioner of Revenue 257 630.49 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance 258 21.50 First National Bank 259 4,107.Ci0 First State Federal Savings 260 500.00 Harris Pine Mills 261 61.00 The Hutchinson Leader 262 71.03 Hutchinson Util Empl. Fund 263 15.00 Hutchinson Util. - Utility bill 264 236.00 Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies 265 3.31 I B E W Local 949 266 29.00 Ink Spots, Inc. 267 22.00 Mueller Sales Corp. 268 57.85 Robertshaw Controls Company 269 3,85 Sid Harvey 270 16.96 State of MN - Dept. pf Personnel 271 622.84 Thorsen Campb'+ll Rolando & Lehne 272 29200.00 Circle -Hutch Utility Board 273 189,553.80 Circle Pines Utility 274 48.85 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 275 432.22 198 Fisher Controls Company 276 36.69 Hutchinson Util. - utility bill 277 51.78 MMUA teas Task Force 278 906.00 McLeod Cooperative Power Assn. 279 21.33 Mueller Sales Corp. 280 560.56 There being no further business, the meeting was adjoprned'at 3 :35 p.m. Clinton Tracy, Secretary A'pT�' —�� H. P. Quade, President 1 I 1