05-24-1977 HUCM1 L 1 Special Meeting May 24, 1977 Commissioners Filk and Tracy were present, Commissioner Quade was absent, also present were Mgr. Alexander, Ruth Hakel, Wally Jensen and Dave Schmidt from Associated Consultants, Jack Kirk of Gfraybar Electric and Denny Moll of United Electric. The meeting was called to order by Vice - President Filk at 2:00 p.m. The meeting was called to consider bids on furnishingiand delivery of material for an underground duct bank for the Hutchinson utilities. The following bids were opened and read and tabulated: The Judd Company Harold K. Scholz Company Graybar Electric Company, Inc. E. A. Pedersen Company Sterling Electric Company United Electric Corporation 1.25 846,837.00 848,3oo.00 did not include total price 849,477.00 845,245.61 847,370.00 The bids were received by Associated Consultants, Inc. who recommended that we accept the bid of Sterling Electric Company. After discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk and carried to accept the Sterling Electric Company bid subject to further review by Associated Consultants and our counsel. After discussion concerning status lights on the Curtiss- Wright equipment, a motion was made by Commissioner.Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk and carried to install said status lights for the amount of 8929.77 increasing our contract price from 82,843,129.00 to 82,844,058.77. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m. ATTEST Z` Clinton Tracy, Secretary H. W. Filk, Vice- President