05-09-1977 HUCM121 Regular Meeting May 9. 1977 All Commissioners were present, also Mgr. Alexander, Ruth gakel, Counsel Gilmer and Steve Tourek of Oppenheimer et. al. The meeting was called to order at 2 :00 p.m. by President Quade. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 11, 1977, were read and approved as read. The minutes of the Special Meeting of April 26, 1977, were read and approved as read. Mgr. Alexander presented some information on inventory tools and parts that are recommended by Curtiss - Wright to be carried in stock. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and carried to purchase the necessary inventory at a cost of $61,083.90. Mgr. Alexander reported that a representative of the School Board had expressed interest in the 9tility garage. No action was taken. Mgr. Alexander presented a bill from Peterson & Gilmer in the amount of $33+.60. A motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk and carried to allow payment. Mgr. Alexander presented a request brought to him by Willis Miller concerning usage rates of electricity on his farm. Lengthy discussion took place. Mgr. Alexander was instructed to study the matter and contact Willis Miller. Ivan Larson appeared with a report on an oil leak in one of our new 500,000 gallon tanks. He reported that Associated Consultants have informed the supplier, Pittsburgh -Des Moines Steel Company, of the condition. Steve Tourek of Oppenheimer et. al. gave a resume of his plans to compose a letter containing facts and figures to present to representatives of the Worthington Corporation concerning settlement of the pending lawsuit. Mgr. Alexander presented an estimate by the Marley Cooling Tower Company to repair our cooling tower at a cost of $12,996.00. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy and carried to accept the estimate. 122 The Regular Meeting date for June was set for June 6 at 2:00 p.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk to allow the Utilities manager and certain Commissioners to attend the American Public Power Association meeting in Toronto, Canada, during the week of June 12 and the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association meeting during the week of June 19. The following bills were allowed: MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 170 19985.80 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 171 22,652.09 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 172 6,284.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 173 3,568.50 Hutchinson utilities 174 936.15 Hutchinson Telephone Co. 175 627.97 Mrs. Fred Briggs 179 20.00 Burlington Northern Inc. 180 25.00 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 181 3,229.58 Natural Gas Division 182 10,000.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 183 1,249,141.11 Peterson & Gilmer Law Offices 184 200.00 I. B. M. 185 2,927.00 N. A. S. S. U. 186 8.50 Hutch Chamber of Commerce 187 25.00 Geraldine Johnson 188 220.00 Raymond Eberhart 189 220.00 Natural Gas Division 190 185,810.99 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 293 2,021.20 McLeod Cooperative Power Assn. 294 11.39 Hutchinson utilities 296 198.17 Natural Gas Division 297 16,206.79 Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line 298 20.65 Ivan Larson 299 44.50 Hutchinson utilities - Petty cash 301 268.65 Natural Gas Division 302 5,216.65 Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line 304 20.15 Western National Mutual 306 806.18 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 307 2,009.50 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 308 200,000.00 NATURAL GAS DIVISION R. E. Young 28 165.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 29 381.90 First Natl. Bank of Hutchinson 30 4,257.00 Hutchinson utilities 31 246.04 1 1 Fisher Controls Company Citizens Bank & Trust Co. McLeod Cooperative Power Assn. First Natl. Bank of Hutchinson Hutchinson Utilities Citizens Bank & Trust Co. First Natl. Bank of Hutchinson 32 400.00 55 386.10 56 26.10 57 16,7oo.00 58 2,811.80 59 354.30 6o 579000.00 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4.00 P.M. A Clinton Tracy, Secret H. P. Quade, President 123