05-29-1962 HUCM300
Spec i'al Meeting
May 22, 1962
.A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held
at 8630 A. M. on May 229 1962 at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard.
All commissioners were present; also R. E. Young, Superintendent,
Leon, Winter, Richard Strohmeier., Mr. Farrell, Mr. Hill.
Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner
Furth to accept the mechanical bid of Nordberg Manufacturing Company
in the amount of $131,572.00. Motion was unanimously carried.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
OV, R R. a , ecre ar
Shep- p —arm,— President
Special Meeting
May 29, 1962
A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held
on May 29, 1962 at five o'clock P. M. at the office of Dr. R. I.
All commissioners were present; also R. E. Young, Superintendent.
Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner
Kurth to accept the plans submitted by Buell & Winter Engineering
Company for ,the Electric Service Building, sealed bids to be received
and opened at the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office at five-o'clock
on June 20, 1962. Plans were given to R. E. Young, for distribution to
various contractors.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Q Dahl., ecretary.
I. Sheppards resident.