03-05-1962 HUCM280 c273) March 5, 1962. Monthly Meeting. The reoilar meeting; of the Utilities Coi:lmission was held on March 5, 1962 at the office of Dr.. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Motion was made by Commissioner Kurth and seconded by Commissioner Thompson to purchase a new Burroaghs dual- printer Utility Billing Machine. Delivery not to be any earlier than Jun =e 1, 1962. Motion was made by Corriissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Kurth to contribute 39,600.00 to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson, this amount bringing the total contribution for the fiscal year to 50,000.00. The motion was made and seconded to grant the following increases in payroll, effective March 1, 1962; Hugo Mahs 5.00 .R. Heilman W5.00 D. Rubedor 10.00 L. Ulrich 10.00 H. Daharsh 5.011) C . Smith 115.00 Wm-Marquardt 10.00 Kenneth Krantz 10.00 E. Boller 10.00 F. Mayer 10.00 R. Hake 1 5.00 3• Pollard 5.00 C. Rippe 10.00 The following bills were allowed; Milton Studeman Mi It on Stud emari Natural Gas Division Popp +s ?iutchinson Cleaners Esther's Hutchinson Oil Company Narrts Pure Oil Nelson +s 66 Station Graybar Elec tr_c Company Burmeister Electric Company Sterling; Electric Company Burroi:, ,hs Corporation Plowman. Motors Hutchinson Telepi-_ one Company Addr es s ograpli -I4,u It i €;raph Carr Flowers Henry Koch 10.00 R. Sninken 10.00 A. Nass 10.00 H. Blackwell 10.00 G. Luthens 10.00 -, The following, have been changed from hourly to monthly employees. W. Anderson 295.00 L. Ziegler 295.00 Don Broten 295.00 L. Caskey 295.00 Y. Studeman 255.00 Salary Salary 729.1 730.3 793.4 759.1 759.1 730.4 113.2 113.2. Mds t 793 .4 759.2 793.3 761.4 412.7 205 734.4 120 .43 100.06 5,943.60 115.70 21.82 3.30 81.21 14.00 197.35 40.85 228.42 64.00 13.31 51.85 2.98 4.00 Hutchins Skarshau Pheoll M Standerd Myron Wi G. F. Ne: Hex tc h i ris Cener.al Lux, cr Li Northern Z i la_ Ha r .s irl"ons CT i B. M. St Ruth flak Acme Fou Cranksha Eagle Ir Nordbert Mi nne s c t 3tea-- nsv.- Ski l C or Lowell. P Da ,le Van Postrrast Mills Ro Hu tc hi.ns Modern D Burn. -ist J. H. La: Rogers NortY wes Quade's Grayt:ar We s t nr :h, LeE:f Bro Sterling American Burrow ^iu Allis Cha Skarshau, Texaco I: Standard Bue11. & 1 Standard W. S. No- Rural Co Minnesct Swa rs c n' Ben Jera Ruth Hak The Satt R. E. To The DeLa Continen Burrcug,h Grinnell Hoffman M ,n Wholesale Supply Test'nF; Lab. nufacturinj_,; Company Oil C cripany en Chevrolet- Company itl' Sons n Manuf. « Sales lectric Supply htinE Prod ,,:cts States Supply Company ware Lun: be.,- C ompany 1p ma. n 1 dry C ompa. y t Supply n Works Company 1pany Manuf . C orrpany Bear inF; Company cd, Inc . oration terson de Ver.e I. Ping Company n Agency, Inc. ui,prient Company r Electric Company son Electrical Co. Airlines ne ;lectric Coipa.ny use Electric Supply . Inc- Electric C ompany Linen Supply Company Corporation liners Pv "f f-. Company Testing; Lab. .c . Oil Company intE:r Engineerint; PrintingrCompany t C ompany p• Power Association Electric Suppl-y Co. Truck ;top ek 1 r l F, e Company Berson & Company al Separator Co. al Safety Equip. Corpor. aticn C orrpa ny lum'1,inF & Heat ink; Co. (274) 2.81 730.3 759.2 771 53.83 771 8.66 734.1 #1 #2 1.9 3 730.3 16.36 759.2 80.00 730.3 15.23 205 22.00 113.2 174.47 730.3 159.35 730.3 8.43 730.3 14.69 771 3.60 730.4 14.50 Pet -;y Cash 62.76 206 211.11 206 137.00 734.1 #'5 93.75 113.1 #1, #2, #'4,#5,#G 293.23 734.4 44.63 20,5 47.12 734.4 12.75 402 5.63 10.30 101 129.22 781.2 300.00 732 3,000.00 114 112.50 734.4 31.20 772 113.35- 7 71 -,B, 25 %13.20 793.4 734.1 #2 30.09 771 5.43 113.2 48.00 1'1.3.2 66.00 730.5 118.74 734.3 5.67 730.5 16.32 781.5 50.00 113-1 #1 #2 77-42 771 12-33 730.2 505.30 729 4,227.67 211 7,200.00 781.3 8175 734.4 23.74 730.8 3,683.93 113.2 234.00 759.1 55.06 206 730.3 734.1 734.4 286.78 Pet t,; Cas }L67.66 734.4 3.13 730.3 730.5 787.2 58.64 734.4 12.22 771 19.38 781.5 27.08 203-2 36.43 734.4 18.90 282 (275) Nordberg Manufacturing Company Williams Hardware Cor,:p any Burmeister Electric Company Graybar Electric Coripany, Inc. Standard Oil Company Sterling; Electric Company H. A. Holden Inc . Graybar Electric Company Wey erhaus er Company R. E. Young Standard Oil Company Western Union Duluth Filter Company C. H. Stocking, Texaco Inc . Anderson MacY.ine Tool Company There being no further business, 113.1 #1 #2, 734.1 #1 366.15 734.4 14.60 113.2 11208.00 Mdse 113.2 734.4 277.61 729 4,219.04 734.4 12.04 734.4 5.80 Mdse 113 .2 630.03 205 19.87 801 22.50 729 20122.56 793.3 2.29 734.4 1.31 771 3.35 730.2 1, 954.75 734.4 2.21 the me-.(- t ink; was adjourned. 1 ti a 4?�pa'6' R. President. March -19, 1262 . Special Meet '_nt. K special meeting; of the FutcY,y.nson Utilities Commission was held on March 9, 1962, at the office of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. All cor.=issioners were present, together. with Ralph Young and Phil Graf. Bids for a coolint; tower were submitted by representatives of the following; companies-. Marley Corrq) ny Basic Bid -__ __.. _ -- _ -- ___ $32,243.00 Field Test - -- - -- - -- - -- 500.00 extra Alternate (A) - -- - -- - -- - -- 28,719.00 Field Test - -- - -- - -- - -- 500.00 J• F . P r,- t cha rd C ornpa ny Basic Bid 33,243.00 Field Test - -- - -- - -- - -- 500.00 extra Alternate (A) - -- - -- - -- - -- 33,910.00 Field Test - -- ___ ___ ___ 500.00 extra Alternate (B) - -- - -- - -- - -- 35,846.00 Field Test - -_ ___ __- ___ 500.00 extra Lilie - Hoffmann Company Basic Bid - -- - -- - -- - -- 35,910.00 Field Test - -- - -- - -- - -- 750.00 extra Alternate (B) - -- - -- - -- - -- 37,275.00 Field Test --- - -- - -- - -- 750.00 extra 1 L Bids taken under consideration ai eeti.ng was adjourned ATTEST• ecr. ttry . • eppar , "° rest er°�: °-