02-05-1962 HUCM278 w (2�1 Februa:?y 5, 1962. Monthly Meetinr,. The regular rreetinF, of the Utilities Coranission was held on February 5, 1962 at the o`'fice of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Corrarissioners were present. The followln.,- bills were allowed; Rutl'. Hakel Pet, U.) Cash 41.71 3e:� Jerabek 205 771 775 111.77 Ste:rlint Electric Company 734.x' 30.01 Star dulrd Print i_r. C oxr.pany 781.3 48.65 KI:UZ 76 7.2 50.75 Frank Motor Company '759,.1 61.02 ,raybar Ele:c tr .o Company 113.2 67 .48 Minnesota Bearing; Company 113.1 #5 �j' "6 353.27 West_nchnuse EleCtl'i.c Company 113.2 222.50 Nordber' Naniafac tur inI7 Company 734.1 #1 #6 732.34 Popp @s i`uter_inson Cleaners 730.5 122,.70 Shurway Buildi n4> Center 759.2 2.28 R':ur-licipal Water Department 730.1 - 23.37 The Sat t:erlee C ompary 734.4 15.83 HutcIiinsori Wholesale Supply 730.3 734.4 32.43 Jack Powers 205 21.60 Texaco Inc 730.2 94.74 Standard Oil 729 4,013.16 Ken,ske Paper C empany 793.4 3.43 Luxor Li.�;htinj; Products Mdse 55.38 BoijD;y, +'nde'son, Waldo x Co. 795 725.00 Estte.r's 412.7 730.3 17.15 Haiur,er l s hardware 771 12-40 Sterner Industries Inc 730.3 734.1 #1, #2 411.18 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 13.01 The Hutchinson Leader 793.4 2.50 Address 781.4 3.49 G. F. Nenitz Sons 730.3 8.05 m Hoelts Inc. 730.3 2.26 Zila hardware 730.3 45.40 Eutc?-inson Teleprlone Company 793.3 41.70 B. M. Stolpmar 730.4 14.50 Burrou {;hs u orporat ion 781.5 31.50 Kem.ske Paper Ccrapany 793.4 6.70 Craybar Electric Company 113.2 15.30 SterlinE -' Electric Company 113.2 1,182.25 Leef Bros., Inc. 730.5 125.90 State of Minnesota, Boiler ins.730.4 1C.00 Durc -Test Corporal -ion 730.3 93.39 A. L. Hepner 734.1 #5 #6 30.46, Westinghouse Appliance Sales 734.4 10.00 Eaj7le Tr en Works 206 195.00 Nordber€ Ylanufac turin7_; C orrpany 113.1 #2 Air 5 #6 965.52 Standard Oil 729 4,003.C6 S,ter•lin- Electric Conipary 730.3 834.1 # 1 #72 35.36 (272) 279 - L Graybar Electric Company Mdse 113.2 227.10 B,.:rmlelster Electric Company 113.2 34.66 Edward Stoeckrnan Reg, of Deeds 771 2.00 Plowm,sm Y otolls 759.2 5.00 IrIperi.al Supply Company 793.4 10.84 Vincent Pras.s Co 734.1 #1 3.45 Tex2,c e Inc 730.2 94.74 Duncan Company 734.1 #1 #`2 16.27 1?ark- -eau Chemical Company 730.3 52.42 Shell Oil C or: pant- 759.1 78.60 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash, 71.54 Snap -bn Tools Corporation 734.4 12.85 Nordberc I ar u"ac ttiri nt Co. 113.1 #1 IT 912.80 Industrial Li.' irtng Supply base. 262.38 Arnold Hepner 113.2 730.3 16.74 Rochester vermicide Comrpary 730.3 39.00 'Iles tincliouse Electric ')uuply 113.2 160.00 jersen Optical Company 402 5.63 10.73 Carl Ta.ppe 402 .41 EaC16 Iron Works Conlpan�; 206 734.1 #6 227.30 Standard Oil 729 30989.99 Twin City Textile Mills 730.3 85.86 quad e ' s Inc- 730.3 771 30.55 Burmeis ..(.r Electric C ornpan. , 11.3.2 93.60 Sterling; Electric Company 11`.2 210.50 Ross Heilman 734.1 #2 44.66 Texaco Inc. 730.2 11.88 Na lc o C.)emical Company 730 -3 133.60 Dr. W L. Li.ppmenn 801 40.00 Standard Oil 729 4�, 218.41 Standard Oil 730.3 12-48 Automotive Sup ,l -,7 0o,mpany 730.3 3.04 Texaco Inc 730.2 77.52 Power Supply Cor " "pany 734.1 #1. # "2 734.4- 342.86 `tar-_darc3 Oil 729 2,111.65 Don's T. 11. Servlc e 802.3 9.90 Farnham I s 793.4 6,82 Burmesiter Electric (.�ompE;ny 11.2 205 657.04 Westinghouse Eleci_ri.c Supp117 113.2 66.00 Mobil Oil Company 730.2 2,152.41 Nordberg Man. Company,- 113.7.. #1 #2 82.05 First National Bank 206 35.85 Ruth 'akel Petty Cash 48.43 There being_,, no further business t'ne meetin£ ad Icurned. Attest �2� �"L R. W. Dahl, Secretary.