01-02-1962 HUCM(268) EIKJKL January 2, 1962 Month ly Mee i.ing. The re-ular meeting of the Utilities Commission was held on January 2, 1962 at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Motion was made by Com=issioner Kurth and seconded by Commissioner Thompson to issue a check in the amount of $88.13 to the Central Nat...L Bank and Trust Company of DesMoines, Iowa for services of Paying Agent for period of 6 -2 -61 through 12 -8 -61. The following bills were all Dwed'. .Alpha Molykote Corpoi °ation 730.3 52.63 Ad dress ograp'ri- 11,1111t igr. aph 781.4 4.11 The Satterlee Company 734.4 1.74 Texaco Inc 730.2 203.84 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 460.63 B. M. Stolpman 730.4 14.50 Standard d Oi 1 Company 729 31814.12 Poppts Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 167.65 Pheoll. Manufacturing C ompany 730.3 1°, .24 Hutchinson Telep'°ione Company 793.3 55.50 Standard Oil Company 759.1 759.2 73.34 Heil & Douglass Drug Store 730.3 5.63 Simonson Lumber Company 771 1.80 Moehring Motors 759.2 17.55 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3, 734.4 759.1 71.34 Great Stuff Products Inc 730.3 54.45 Albrecht Oil C ompa ny 759.1 50.15 Z i la Hard vv.i re 730.3 5.13 Addressograph -Multi fraph 781.5 13.25 Myron Wien Chevrolet Company 759.2 2.00 Barbeau Chemical Corporation 730.3 216.71 Hugo C. Prieve 801 30.00 Graybar Electric Company 113.2, 730.3, 734.4 471.56 Esther's 793.4 1.00 G. F. Nemitz +s Sons 730.3 10.40 Postmaster 781.2 781.3 139.20 Ruti Hakel Petty Cash 48.40 Nordberg Manu.factrzr in g 113.1 #5 #6, #1,2 1,703.29 Sterling; Electric Company Mdse 205 113.2 25.76 Graybar Electric Company 412.7 113.2 205 69.97 The Satterlee Company 734.4 6.24 Standard Oil 729 1,904.05 Standard 01.1 730.3 16.36 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 15.97 Texaco Inc 730.2, 11873.08 Alin Pattern Company 206 262.00 Pink Supply Company 730.3 60.00 Geor ~,a E. Krue er 402 8.66 Hiatchl.nson Drug 801 1.35 Johnson Super Value 730.3 1.74 Mine Safety Appliance Company 730.3 13.67 (269) 76 Milton Studeme n Salary 115.13 Milton St ud eman Salary 116.45 Rochester Germicide Company 730.3 4.38 R. E. Tor, erson &- Company 730.5. 787.2 48.60 Quade's Inc. 730.3 734.1 734.4 11.39 Texaco Inc 730.2 27.22 The Hut cr, ins on Leader Inc 787.2 801 103.25 Snap on Tools Corporation 734.4 5.45 Lee f Bros. Inc. 730.5 133.70 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 377.444r Gordon Frank 402, 5.63 40.92 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 33.31 Chicago &. N. W. Railway Company 778 65.00 Arnold Hepner 113.1 113.2 25.06 Nor. dberg ,,ianufac turi ng Company 113.1 #. #2 600.00 Grayklar Electric Company 113.2 771 775 92.71 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 771 38.48 Farnham's Mdse 18.18 Simonson Lunber 730.3 771 13.25 Standard Oil 729 1,902.74 Westinghouse Electric 13.3.2 71.00 Miller-Davis Com�oany 793.4 22.27 C . E - St oc king 734 .,t 7.00 A. J. Masien Comp.sny 730.3 24.25 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Secretory. nT T ES T R•I• henpard, President. l.+ebr,3ar? 1, 1962 Spebi -d :�eeting. PaTIVUTES OF SPEC AL MEETING OF EUTCi'INSON. ?TILITIE COiy ,'iISSI�' L iE1 D ON FE9R ;ARY 1, 1962, at '17P-Y. AT THE OW 'ICE 0? DR• R. I - SEEPPARD, PRE"S IDE11T2 . The meeting was called to order o, the President, and the Secretary reported that all members were prescnL person and participating- in the The President, stated tha , cons deratiori had been given to the purcLasc: of tf'e' First, Natl_nnal 7"anr, building; in Eutchinscn, Mirinc,soi.a, as an office for tr:.e F'iutc ?,i.r�:.aon Ltilities Coll "i.ssion, and further stated teat the real es'- te, tog -1her with certain items o-' fixtures and personal property could be purcl.ased from said ba .1c for 9,45,000.00, v iti- possession by Deeeniber 1, 1962, provided that if said bare; did not have its neva builuin- complete by said date tl -_e bank would pay rent to the Conin ssicn at the rate of to X300.00 per 7ionth, wi tY_ possession tc be delivered by said bark the