09-05-1961 HUCM(256) 263 September 5, 1961. Yonthl_y Meeti.nr,. Th,e ree,*ular meet ,nt of the Utilities Comm, :assicn was held on Septerlber 5, 1961 at the office of Dr. R1 I. Sheppard. All Cormissi.one : ^s were present. Moticn was made and seconded to increase the salary of Henrj Knacke X10.00 per rr.ortl� . �24C-00 to 25150-00. The f ollowin� bills were a 11 owed Dest er Zi ec ler Salary 104.85 LDon 3roter� Sale :.ry 135.14 Lorer Caskey Salary 121.71 �Nesle- Anderson aakr 120.70. Gorden Ericksor. Garnishment (Pecei..pt in file) 28.20 Cordon Erickson Salary 87.90 Lester Ziegler Salary 128.31 Do, Iroten Salary 142.68 u orlon Erickson Sala r 123.80 VJ'es'_e y hnde -son 3al-:r ; 130.38 Lorun. Caskey Sale ry 12 5 3, 8 RlAtI. Hak el Pet ' , Cash 86.58 EaCle Iron Works C o:!pany 7 34.1 5 734.4 381.75 Walter R. iam.morrct Comparny 734.4 31.51 Popp Drub Inc 730.3 793.4 4.11 Zila Fardiva.re 730.3 21.64 B. M. Stolprran 73().4 14.50 Dowitown Standard 7519.1 78.31 Stearnswocd Inc 771 1.10 Plcwm�an ;rotors 759.2 13.81 ron ;iL -en CheiTrolc t 71,)9.1 75.9.r 4.00 Texaco Inc. 730.2 126.32 Ad dress cCrapr Yulti`;rap 781.4 3.99 .utcr _ns or_ 'JVriole : >a.le Compan�-730.3 34.63 0. A. Bretzi,e 8. Bona 734.4 3.75 :'errr;inal Electric Corpporati.cn Nicise 97.83 Nordber~ Niarrrzf . C om�����.ny 113.1 #1 -2 730.3 734.1 #2 1,074.80 :sterling Electric Company 113.2 730.3 734.4 88.83 The Al-rha 1, o lykot e Corp,. 730.3 52..60 Nalco Chemical, Company 730.17, 66.80 Glencoe Iviunici . pal Electr' c 113.2 149.25 Wallace Crardall 113.2 730.3 734.1 #1, #2 734.4 30.54 tar -lard 0=.1 729 3,259.54 Na11ner Printinj Company 793.4 9.95 Orten Ulrich 402 2.98 Duro - Ter t- C orporG t -.. or 73 i .3 169.79 E -Ju,,0 C . Prieve 734.4 5.00 PC-,,-)its Hutchi sor, Cie �ar�e'r.: 730..:; 13-1.35 Leaf Di.us 402 1.19 'IN atl ?rat Gas D11vIs__son ';,29.1 61084.39 GV (2 7) Heil & Douz lass Dru�-� Store ut chir_s on Telepi: orie C )rr_i_• &n), rra bar Elec tr °.c C ;�orman ., . Jensen, Inc. Sterlin-, Electric Compar.y KE;msxse F��per C ��r.iran T _e rlutchr nson Loader Inc Westin' Ouse Electric riip)_1_- %. Sterner Inca .stri es, Inc. Es t...er I s Fioeis' Inc s i'ire ol� Central re.._.ca1 Corr:p:n� Inc "• L Eer Sons 31-ardard Pr3_ritim Cor _;a.r..VT StLinciurc 01.1 Co- operative L'tiliti.es Cc)mpan.�, An--e, 41.can Linen Supply i , house E re:s , .� , 1ec. trio 51�p ply Lee" B- 'o,c.. Inc. Ter._.i.n,ll Electric Corpbra !,i.on C l�rr.pG n Y 3:. .ndard Oi.l Metal Finishers Inc. Leeds ,�- Eorthr _;p C or;;j,anti7 Kerns ke P.�_2_.er C ompan�7 VikinC Ins tr _,,n:ents Inc. Westin,­.house Electric Supply Standard Oil Skar•srau�. Testin` L�.b li. R • Peterson C oripany E urmel t er E.Iec tr i_c C ompo.n Sterling Electric C omipan -v T a C. lelsc,r: Thompson Products Inc;. Sa?.es Pt:ecil IVar_f Co. .�'exa.c o Inc . Grace -Lee Products Inc. Inc AddressOEraph Multi rapt Fire Extin� ~ui_s her Sales ''r. aybar Electric CompGny Ea-le Iron Works Wallace Crandall Ruth H-akel Standard 01.1 ordberg Manui ac turf. n Company: June Paulson Skarshaug, Testing; Lab. 730.3 7 9 ., 3 113.2 2,08 206 113-2 730-37, 79 .4 n 113.2 734.1 #`1 208 793.4 730.3 759.2 730 730.37 7P i 729 730.3 T r JO +,; 1137 .2. 7v0, e r,as 1 l t 729 734.1 #1. "321:. 4 20IQ 7CI-3 7,4.4 113.2 30 . 7'71 730.3 113.2 #2 #2 734.1 #2 13.2 734.4 771 402 734.4 ?Jl•3 7030 •2 7 3 3 71 3 0.3 17,14 ? .4 781.4 734.4 11- .2 205 206 734.1 V # 5, V 113 .1 1,11") .2 206 Petty Cash. 729 115.1 #'5 #6, 734.1 #2 402 771 2.64. 72 .45 30�33 .66 16.62, 66.82 19.433 5.00 310.78 730.40 45.20 2.46 30.44 89.84 16.55 6.50 1,803.83 19.06 1,5•E7 160.00 126.1C 171.27 #l1 465.05 1,817.01 189 .69 9.01 128.33 15.95 53.75 32.72 4.53 27-13 2,180.58 233.05 6.77 25.50 41.76 120.32 10.15 35.27 5.20 7.50 404 +30 362.75 66.27 63.91 3,627.18 2,395.89 2.75 2.96 1 I I SterlinC: Electric Company Standard Oil CompanAT .1 (256) 265 113.2 77-25 729 31627.70 There Beim no 1 further b-.1iS,il-Au-c- > t',ie meeting; was adjolunned. Secretary. A PP " S T j? ? 74A' I e pp -ar d P r e S 1,j nt October 2, 1961 Monthly Ye et -- n-, The meeting- o P t !ie� -� 1 1-7 1- 1 es s s !on vv as held on Oc Lober 5, - ;L-L --u 1931 at t1rie orfice 04, 'Z. T. 3hcq-)---,ard- ALI ' - o-mmissloners were p-n6Se.-;-A- ,.,rrtime to the office :Notion was -maje &, sec on:je,,11 to P,':',d1- iiirl.n.c- +,J---e of L;ept-em'her and emplo�jeus for extra timf--1,1,1 first. part of Octol,-)er) d;ie to shorta-e of heVi)j Rlutili -I-Ilakel Rea Pollard M ,, ,-,e folloviin,-, bills were ---all-crijed: Lester Ziegler C.) �z 6aii 1-Y 109-05 Donald 3 r ot e ii 6a oy 137 .2 1 Lor--n C s ik e Y S a- D-I -:- y 108.99 113-60 Lester S a la ry 102.80 Donald', �roter: Sa I a t- y 115.77 7` ,y Casl�,--ey -a 112.30 Xe c �le.v Anie-son C. Salary L 111-25 Ruth Lake'l Petty C a s 11 50-73 cra,:-I.-iall 117.2 3.25 'Tray 1 1, � u N 1 bar ElE-(,' i,l c C o mp n y 7 1 17 0 .1) � 0 r, ri "i 110.76 T -.11 e IS at t In o C -, i: i,),-: % Yi y 770.3 2 IF) -,r fY-� e rl- u -Pa,,,-� L ri n,c, G op, �Jrj v 734.1 11527-52 T e i c o C o m i) Ga n y 730.2 189-49 5oula-v-, 0• :,son, 3 795 765.00 Sterner Tndizs ^ieaP Talc 734 .1 2 137-28 Popp,S TT,atCl 1 C. aners. 730.`; 165.85 P,,:,, t ers ozi r e 759. 1 751) .2 115 .35 Standard Oil 750.1 759.2 85.43 1%'atuoal Division 729.1 4.9773.78