07-03-1961 HUCM25$ r251� Lester Ziegler Salary 83.39 Donald Broten Salary 122.42 Loren Caskey Salary 107.66 Gordon Erickson Salary 114.40 Wesley k'riders on Salary 117.95 Cordia Rippe Salary 64.61 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R. Dahl, Secret y. ATf1EST s R. I. 31feppard, President. July 3, 1961. Monthly Meeting. The regular meeting of the Utilities Coranission was held on July 3, 1961 at the office of Dr. R. I . Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to grant the followinC increases in pay- roll, effective July 1, 1961. Old Salary New Salary Increase Leon Ulrich 375.00 385.00 10.00 Cliff Smith 365.00 375.00 10.00 Motion was made by C crnmi s s i oner Thompson and seconded by C orzni s s i oner Kurth to discontinue paying Property Damage and Bodily Injury on the car insurance for employees . The Municipal Electric Plant has ad6quate protection under the blanket policy- carried with Grams Insurance Agency. It was agreed to allow $60.00 per year to Hugo Mahs, DeVJayr.e Rubedor, Harvey Daharsh. and Ross Heilman for the use of their automobiles . The following bills were alloweat Lester Zicgler 3ala.r- 103•.4.5 Donald Broten Sa1,,.ry 144.07 Loren: Caskey Salary 120.20 Gordon Erickson Salary 94.30 Vies le,i rind ers on SalE.r , 126.00 Lester Ziegler Salary 108.28 Donala Broten. Salary 123.01 Loren Caskey Salary 112.80 Gordon Erickson Salary 115.60 Wesley Anderson Salary 117.63 1 1 (252) 259 Melvin J. Peterson 420 2.42 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 119.56 B. M. Stolpman 730.1 14.50 Eagle Iron Works Company 734.1 #4 #5 #6 770.75 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 147.15 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 52-25 Quade's Inc 730.3 771 3.92 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 38.55 Plowman Motors 759.2 12.10 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 205 208 363.87 Westinfiouse Electric Supply 113.2 221.25 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 75.13 Burroughs Corporation 793.4 8.40 Simonson Lumber 771 6.08 Zila Hardware 730.3 23.30 Myron Wi -en Chevrolet Company 734.1 759.1 5.65 Standard Printing Company 733.4 13.90: Commercial Filters Corporation 730.3 142.76 inc Cr' `' 144,00 Hutchinson Leader, Inc .�, Hutchinson Wholesale nSupply 730.4 734.1 #4 734.4 71.34 McLeod Coop. Power Assoc_intion 205 12.98 American Linen Supply- 730.5 19.27 Standard Oil 729 1,817.20 NordberF_ Ya.r.ufacturi.ng Company 618-94 113.2 2,4,6 618.94 Le(-,f' Bros. Inc. 730.5 173.50 Esthers 781.E 2.58 Sterling, Electric Company 11.3.2 75.52 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 661.96 Somody Supply Company 73C.35 77.19 Moehrin €; Motors 759.1 5.00 Stearnswood Inc 734.4 1.20 P1 owrraY: N.ot ors 759.2. 3.53. Snap on Tools Corporation 734.4 48.25 Hoel,'s Inc 75() .1 79.79 Carr Flowers 41 <.7 4.00 W. S. Not t Company 734.1 #1 #2 300.90 Burroughs Corporation 793.4 13.60 C. F. Nerait z Sons 730.3 15.80 Ramburt Implerent Company 2: ,)2.5 7.50 Texaco Inc 730.2 94.74 Nalco Chemical Corrpa.ny 730.3 66.80 Wallace Crandall 730.3 53.08 Rutl-.1. Hake) Petty Cash 81.32 Graybar Electric C ompany 11.3.2 519.15 SterlinE Electric C ompa ny 11;� .2 7'71 71.25 Nordberg ltilanufac turing Company 113-1 #4, #5, #6 734.1 #4 11414.06 P lowrran not ors 759.2 24.37 Standard Oil 730.3 16.36 The Sat t erlee Company 734.4 16.86 Bermes ,.ter Electric C ompar_y 205 771 18.29 260 , (253) Edison Electric Institute 771 2.50 Add ressof,;raph- P.iulti ,raph 781.4 5.05 Northern States Supply 730.3 10.00 Nordberg 1I €a nu fac bur ing C cmpar_y 113.1 #1 #2 206 3,140.86 Richard Polgreen 402 1.49 Standard Oil 759.1 8.02 Ster•lin, Electric Company Mdse 734.4 123.77 Standard Oil 729 11814.80 Ruth Eakel Petty Cash 64.09 Postrr:aster 730.3 734.4 4.80 Nordberg Nanufacturin- Company 113.1 #1 #2 545.47 Gerre -al Electric Supply C::mpany 113.2 133.06 Graybar Electric Compariy 11k;.2 30.03 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 97.05 Twin City Textile Mills Company 730.3 154.98 General Trading, Company 206 254.26 The Satterlee Company 734.4 9.01 Duncan Company 734.1 #1 #'2 13.12 Farnli.am I s 793.4 12.87 Standard Oil 729 11803.56 R. E. Torgerson & Company 730.5 78'/.2 31.35 Artl -, :u r Nelson 402 9.16 Roy Huisinga 402 3.21 Fern Gillespie 402 2.10 John Hooper 402 -1.27 Walla ce Crandall 206 730.3 734.1 101.47 Citizens Insurance kgercy 114 117.44 Hutcliinson Jaycees 787.2 55.00 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 734.1 #4 69.25 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 771 48.00 AddressoEraph- Multi €;rapt:. 781.5 13.25 Terninal Electric Corporation 11.3.2 271.68 General Electric Supply Company 113.2 49.64 Standard Oil 729 1,804.45 R. E. Young 792.2 34.50 Gra- Electric Company 11.3.2 771 8.08 Nordberg b',anufacturing Company 113.1 #5, #6 768.00 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 14.88 Eagle Iron Works Company 734.1 #4 304.25 Walter R. Elanmond Company 734.4 17.44 Burrieister Electric Company 772 16.00 There being, no further business, the r.�eeting was adjourned. ATTEST: (/-?,/ eppard, President. ecretary. 1 1 !J