05-01-1961 HUCM252 (244) Monthly" Meeting. May 1, 1961. The regular meeting_ n- • of the utilities Cor..ssion was held on May 1, 1961 at th.e office of Dr. R. I. Shepard. All Commissioners were present. Minutes of t"Lie last m:~nthly meetinr were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to sponsor a. bowling teary_ for 1961 -62 season. Moticn was m<.de and seconded to enceurag e en plcyees to purchase a standa.-d color uniform -- green_. Motion was made by Commissioner Thomason and seconded by Commissioner Kurth to transfer• x,19,000.00 from. the Municipal Electric Plant funds to the Natural Gas Div-1s ion funds. This amcunt to be replaced on June 30, 1961. The follcwini, bills were allowed; Ru t lr. llak e l 403 53.80 KDUZ 403 33.00 Fate hinscr: Sheet Pieta:: Works'_ 40 15.00 Esther I s 4C3 27.54 Franzents hardware 403 1.96 G. F. Nemit z' Sons 403 20.00 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply, 4C3 18.43 Z"ila Hardware 403 34.26 B. P. Stolpman 403 14.50 Schneider Electric & Equip- 403 144.00 Eagle Iron Works Cor,^ptnniy 403 110.00 Vincent Brass & ADu.irinum Co. 403 10.04 Autor otive ;.�r_;pply Inc 403 7.20 Natural Gas Division 403 5,994.30 Americar, Linen Supply Company 403 16 .93 Ste:rrier Industries 403 1C3.95 Minnesota Fearing Company 403 30.20 Woo6wart'4 (governor C omipar-.y 403 8.12 Simonson Lumber 403 2.03 Nor dber�7 IManu fac t1_Ari ng Company ��03 936.00 Sterlin(, Electric Cortp €ir-y 403 168.39 Westinghouse Electric upply 403 6.99 Gray7ba-r Electric Coir y pan 403 106.75 Poppts fiutcr,ins ors Cleaners 403 174.45 Hutc'r1 -inson Telephone 403 56.35 d Pila ni.c ipa 1 Water Depa rtrr;e -t 403 20.62 Nortl�.ern States- uppl; )- Co 403 14.80 Leer: i3ros . , Inc . 403 103.62 Alrick' s 403 60.66 Twin City Testin , & Ens;. La . 40" 64.50 Burnr:e i,ster Elec'uri_c Ccinpany 772 5.00 Carr Flowers 403 4.00 Sterling Electric Company 771 14.45 Piinr:esora Wei_ding Supply 734.4 27.50 Pheoll Vianufactir:I.n� Co! °:+ur�y; A. Y. YcEom.lr Cor:pa.y Nord 1r, 4arl)fac t iiri n£ Corr pLr.y Graybar Ele;c I is C orrlpar!y Wallace Crandall NoruberE, It °r.t 'Ex 'I-ur'.nc Corp .ry Var_ Der Hor..t Corporate cn Stan a.rd 011 Yinresota Supply Ea €'le Iron Works Conpany Grinnell Company Walter R. Harrumonu Company Lu x..or LiChtink; Products Teco Division Anti.cny Compa:.nz Philip E :'raf Staid and Oil W. Jchn `i'upa iTordterf; Mantactu,r -ny- Co;: iy Stc:rlini- Electr_..c Compa ny% The 4a t t erle e. C or::pany rrayt;ar Ele=ctric Coo Inc . Burmei.Ster Electric Corpar,y- wade f s Inc. Power Supply Comq)any 'Nes "t,inghouse Electric Compan-v Du nc ar C ompan y Tuthill Pump Company Texaco C orr;pany Hutc,- -inson Bowl Ruth HakEl Graybar Ele c l.- rlc C ornpary I'exkc o C ompa r_yr Inc. Nordberg Manufacturing omp.,r_y Industrial Li.`rtiri; Supply Co. Sterlirf, Electric Company C. H. Stocking Burmeister Elec i -ic Compan-_ Vies t inghouse Electric Supply Sterling Electric Compary (;racy -bar Electric Company Nutt,..n- Truck - C:t}st(r Cij:/rr :uar :y Weyer; aeuser - kddresso Taph- IGulti.` h Th' e Sat t0,21 e:e C r;r:lpal, J Du nc a r: Company Lester Zief;ler Dona -I-, Brot en Gordon, Erickson. Wesley nd ers oT: Cordia Rippe Lore.- Caske ri'7 3 �c:.� 734.4 403 n%i; i s e 403 730-3) 734.4 403 11`,.1 #1, #2 4(-`3 729 734.4 734.1 734.1 734.4 MI:; s e 759 .2 781.3 729 730.4 113.1 734.1 730.3 7.4.4 113.2 772 "'Z r 4 .4 730.' 006 730.3 734.4 730.2 787.2 Petty 11,3 2 73G.2 llu .1 73G.3 734 .4 113.2 113.2 113.2 113.2 r r v4• 777 781.4 734.1 734.4 Sam r 'N7 Salary S a lcl Z'Y J Sal ry lab ry a r- � Salary ar,� #5, #6 #1 #'2 #1 #2 1 #'2 n 20<s Cash 734.4- "4 734.4 2 08 #1 #2 ( 2460 253 5.73 20.30 10,424.70 1,125.00 190.74 171.20 87.00 1,917.97 3.50 494.20 184.24 27.83 55.38 108.92 12.00 3,769.90 7.00 99-53 14:.951 1.91 1,156.2.1 462-00 5.2`} 16.2 5 170.36 26.43 29.50 1, 810.4 -6 35.00 40.30 498.64 174.76 392.70 289.44 11.35 1.15 1,280.00 217.25 66.33 47.85 14.36 7.13 3.49 41.98 56.29 112. 45 36.7„ 127.32 98.14 67.90 116.75 254 (2` 7) Lester Ziec ler SaI2 r- 102.82 Donald ?.rater; Sa]a rf 124.23 Loren Cas key Salary 1C4.76 Gordon Erickson Sa1ary 104.32 Wesley Anderson Sala ry 111.60 Cordia Rippe Sal, -,1- 59.00 There being no further business, the meeting; was adjourned. K. llal ±�, :ieci °et :ary: R. I. Sheppard, Pres,.Uert. • 1 I