01-04-1960 HUCM1 Welders Supply Company .730.3 Minnesota Western Railway Co. 113.2 Sterling Electric Company 206 R. E. Burmeister Electric Co. 113.2 Duluth Filter Company 203.2 Minnesota Wisc. Truck Line 113.1 1, #2 The Satterlee Company 730.3 Boulay, Anderson, Waldo & Co. 795 Sanp -on Tools Corporation 730.3 Westinghouse Electric 113.2 R. E. Burmeister Electric 113.2 Donald Teskey 205 Miller & Miller 205 Ray Kamrath 205 Soc ony Mobil Oil Company 730.2 Harold A. Grams 114 Lester Ziegler Salary Frank Wittmann Salary Howard Blackwell Salary Bea Pollard Salary 734.1 #1 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: ' • R. I. heppard, President. (202) 205 9.50 52.40 26.90 1,328.00 1,360.30 30.59 8.86 675.00 14.42 10.40 20.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 6.74 66.60 80.70 95.28 104.74 61.42 C��(�, _� XL-� R. W. Dahl, ecfetary *. January 4, 1960. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Utilities Commission was held on January 4, 1960 at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to increase the following wages; DeWayne Rubedor 375.00 to 386.00 Arnold Nass 270.00 280.00 George Luthens 255.00 265.00 Motion was made and seconded to order the following mater4lls from the Duluth Filter Company for the conversion of the filter system on Unit #2 to a full -flow system= 206 (203) Item #1 Pump and motor unit, plus freight, ------- - - - - -- $545.30 Base Plate and 8 Posts ---------- - - - - -- - - - - -- 90.00 24 0 -P Repack Cartridges, Model 818, $30.00 each 720.00 Total ------------- 1,360.30 Pump and Motor details t Worthington Model 2GRM, Herringbone Gear type, mechanical seal, relief valve, Lovejoy coupling, 90 - 95 GPM Capacity, mounted on base plate, and directly coupled to 72 HP Motor, 1800 RPM, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 220 - 440V, open and drip proof, frame 254 -II. Delivery in about two weeks or possibly less. We under- stand that the cartridges are the most urgent in order to fill out a complete spare set for units #1 and 20 and we will therefore rush this all possible. The Pump and Motor unit will be shipped from the factory direct to you, with freight added. Item #2 By referring to our original proposal dated 11/21/58 you will note that item #2 of our present proposal is identical, with the exception of the Pump and Motor unit for which we charged you at that time $244.40, and we have accordingly subtracted this amount to arrive at the quoted price. Our proposal will therefore look like this, Two Cylindrical Filters, Model DFRC -818- 216 -2, containing 16 O*P Repack Cartridges, Model 818, each. One Instrument Panel, fitted with a 32" Dial Thermometer and Pressure Gauge to match. 3 only 12" brass gate valves. 1 only 1" " " " Price --------------- 2,705.60 24 only O -P Repack Cartridges at $30.00 ea.-- - - - - -- 720.00 Total PVice,Item2 3,425.60 Brought forward from Item #1------------ - - - - -- 1,360.30 Total, Items l and2 - -- - - - -- 4,785.90 Less return of Mpmp & Motor, $244.40 4,541.50 Less 5% as agreed on original order, $227.08 Net Total price. 4,314.42 Terms: 1`0 10 days Net 30. 1 1 n (204) 207 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 34.72 Luxor Lighting Products Inc Mdse 86.97 K STP , Inc. 113.2 10050.00 Citizens Ins. Agency 114 61.24 Jack Powers 205 4.00 Sterling Electric Company 203.2 730.3 111.00 Minn. -Wisc. Truck Line 113.1 #1 #2 3.57 Nordberg Manf. Company 113.1 #1 #2 302.40 The Satterlee Company 206 179611 American Linen Supply Co. 730.5 5.32 Carr-Flowers 412.7 9016 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 102.70 Hutchinson Telephone 793.3 66.95 Hutchinson Telephone Mdse 205 17.35 B. M. Stolpman 730.4 7.25 Larry Hammond Company 730.3 17.59 Terminal Electric- Company 113.2 15010 Zila Hardware 730.3 101.48 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 56.65 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 206 730.3 65.69 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 5,646019 Nordberg Maf Company 113.1 #1 #2 764.74 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 40.92 Larson's Inc 759.2 38089 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 730.3 734.4 101.36 Frank Motor Company 759.2 6.50 R. E. Burmeister Electric 113.2 205 284.47 Standard Printing 781.3 108.45 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 4.61 Minn Bearing Company 113.1 #1 #2 4.47 The Typewriter Shop 781.5 15.00 Hutchinson Leader Inc 787.2 86.75 Standard Oil Company 759.1 759.2 19.73 Ed Berger 402 5.60 Quade t s Inc. 730.3 27.76 Am. Linen Supply Ass1n 730.5 8.00 Socony Mobil Oil Co 729 4,273.66 Lester Ziegler Salary 94.80 Frank Wittmann Salary 104.13 Howard Blackwell Salary 125.88 Bea Pollard Salary 73.51 Socony Mobil Oil Co. Inc 729 12,378.84 Sterling Electric Company 734.4 37.43 Minn. - 'disc. Truck Line 113.2 203.2 5.50 The Texas Company 730.2 52.27 Ben Jerabek Machine Shop 205 732 771 50.76 Westinghouse Electric 113.2 96.00 Harold A. Grams Agency 114 64.94 Juul Contracting Company 205 46.50 Leef Bros. Inc. 730.5 110.74 bes$ ®1�- ��eg1eP �i$� &P3i Nordberg Manufacturing 113.1 #1 #2 127.31 Snap on Tools Corp 730.3 23989 Grinnell Company 203.2 113.82 Sterling Electric Company Mdse 32.19 0 8 c 205, Socony Mobil Oil Company Vag 730.3 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash The. Texas Company 730.2 Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minn 781.2 Lester Ziegler Salary Frank Wittmann Salary Howard Blackwell Salary Bea,Pollard Salary Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 Pheoll Manf. . Company 7303 Schneider Electric & Equip. 113.2 Nordberg Manf Company 113.1 #5 #6 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 771 The Texas Company 730.2 Hermetic Materials Ltd 730.3 Simonson Lumber 771 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 205 Thoml*s on Yards 771 R. E. Burmeister Electric Co. 11392 Minn. - Wisconsin Truck Lines 113.2 734.1 Addressogbaph- Multigraph 781.5 C. H. Stocking 730.3 730.,3 #1 #2 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest, R. T. Sheppard, President. 6.74 57.05 315.81 300.00 95.90 110.13 114.89 74.03 8,962.85 26.89 500.00 328.38 29.50 1,837.69 7.35 9.11 68.15 3.92 20.57 11.62 13.25 2.75 ci_/�Oj R. W. Dahl., eeretary January 23, 1960. Special,Meeting. Motion was made and seconded to accept the resignation of Frank Wittmann, effective January 31, 1960. Motion was made and seconded to hire Ralph Hakel, lineman, effective as of January 25p 1960, $390.00 per month, vacation time, etc. being the same as on October 15, 1959. Therebeing no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 4 V a , Secretary. ATTEST% 10 tV R. S. eppar , Fresidento 1